A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 584 Reflecting the Sky Water Emperor Mirror

"No matter what, Dongtian still has its limits. Even if the power is endless, there is an upper limit. This Tiangan Dongtian cannot understand the restoration of damage."

"Tear it apart!"

Ni Xinguang finally took action in person, and the colorful rays of light flashed past, like a sword that split the sky, directly splitting the cave sky into two, and the gap was filled with chaos.

This scene made many monks horrified. It was just a quasi-imperial cultivation. With the help of Taoism, he could actually exert power beyond the imperial way?

what is this?

Is this the foundation of the Immortal Clan?


Yun Ye was also caught off guard. He was so shocked that he vomited blood and was injured for the first time.

Things are not that simple anymore. This power is indeed powerful. Yun Ye uses the Ten Heavenly Stem Techniques to erase the power transmitted by the colorful rays of light and recover from his injuries. He is the body of the Heavenly Stems and can be called a holy body. He should have been avoided by all means, even if Injuries can also heal on their own.

Ni Xinguang's inheritance method is still quite complicated, so Yun Ye must actively use the method to eliminate the injury, and it cannot be erased automatically.

"The fighting power of the Immortal Clan was not shown in the Heavenly Road, and the outcome of the battle between the Water Emperor and the Emperor was never revealed. It was only said what the future Tao Lord did in the end, causing the winner to become him, and he became an immortal immediately. ”

"In this case, it seems that the Water Emperor relied entirely on the Dao Code and did not show any world-shattering power. He was far inferior to the Kamimie clan who rose up with the method of the cave. But is this really the case? Is it possible that it is just because of the Emperor? Too strong?"


This name is not one that can be accepted casually. It has a very special meaning. Even among the true immortals, only three have the name of Heaven.

Faced with this kind of opponent, the Water Emperor relied on the Dao Canon and many forces to help him become the emperor, and fought for countless years. Too much of the weight was erased by the power of a Dao Canon.

The reason why the immortal clan dominates the world is not just relying on the Taoist Code. Some immortal clans have simply lost the Taoist Code, but they can still suppress the world.

The power of Taoism cannot be ignored.

The Taoist methods recorded in the Infinite Taoist Code can allow the infinite superposition of divine methods. It may seem troublesome, but in fact, only the superposition of the power of two imperial ways is enough to sweep the entire world. Even if the emperor is resurrected, it will be useless.

If the power is a little bit different, it is a world of difference, and it is even more so at the imperial level. Why is the method of Dongtian the peak when it is born, and it can be the strongest in the past and present?

Of course, because all kinds of roads have already been reached to the end, any improvement will be earth-shaking, and the Cave Heaven Method is the end of this end.

The most powerful method!

After you have completed the cultivation, you will be invincible in just two words!

"I'll split your hole, let's see how you continue!"

The Ni Xinguang fingers were brought together, like a sword slashing down, and the colorful rays of light came out of the sheath from behind like seven swords, intertwining in the air and turning into a fairy sword that could cut everything.

She swept the sword again, almost cutting Tiangan Cave into four pieces, and suffered unprecedented heavy damage.

The masters of many imperial forces saw the opportunity and took action one after another. Their huge power suppressed the cracks, like big hands, further tearing apart the Tiangan Cave.

At this point, the situation of the war has gradually become clear. The monks from all over the place are heartbroken when they see the burning spiritual veins being frantically extracted spiritual energy. They all hope that the war will end as soon as possible and that the Lord of Tiangan Cave will be killed as soon as possible!

Covering it for three days is so terrifying. They never want their lives to be controlled!

I don’t want my spiritual veins to be burned out!

"Trouble, is the inheritance of the true immortals of the Ni tribe so strong? This is still the stage where the Taoist scriptures have not been produced... It seems that it makes sense for the Shen Mie clan to become the emperor. If the immortal tribe participates in advance, that is to reduce the dimension. It hit."

Yun Ye frowned.

The Shenmie clan was a figure from ten thousand years ago. At that time, the immortal clan probably suffered a big loss because they believed they were invincible and did not pay attention.

Now this cause and effect has been fed back to him. He was noticed just after he was born and immediately surrounded and killed. Next, I don’t know whether it is a Dao Code or a Tianmian Dao Artifact...

Yun Ye's thoughts moved slightly, and the figure of the woman in the red dress flickered, standing aside, but it was tomorrow.

"Let's unblock it for a limited time. If you activate the power of two cuts within the Tiangan universe, you can use the power of the universe to cover it up." Tomorrow said.

"These four Taoist tools are handed over to you." Yun Ye was noncommittal and took out the four Taoist tools that had previously beheaded the Venerable, turning them into echoes and disappearing into Tomorrow's body.

After completely swallowing up these echoes, a black smoky makeup appeared in the corner of tomorrow's eyes. This attracted Yun Ye's attention: "Is this?"

"The road is deflected. The Devoured Ruler Path reverberates too much, and if it continues, it will deflect into a Ruler Ruler." Tomorrow said with a slight frown.

"What..." Yun Ye thought of something and his expression changed a little.

Emperor Jue once said that it is meaningless to use the Dao Tool to achieve enlightenment, no matter how strong the original belief is. It is just a shell. It may be able to compete at first, but it will definitely be distorted into the original appearance of the Dao Tool.

No way, no way, this won't happen if other roads swallow up the ruling road and echo, right?

He thought of many, some true immortals in history, which seemed to corroborate all of this!

"You are still confident, but it seems that you are not thorough enough. You are truly worthy of being the Lord of the Cave Heaven. He is only in the Mysterious Realm, yet he is so difficult to deal with..."

Ni Xinguang let out a gentle breath, and the Tao method in his body circulated for three days. This was the last blow.

Although Yun Ye's thoughts were fleeting, her aura could not deceive these top monks, so she understood that Yun Ye still had some strength left.

Either the power explodes now and severely damages it, or it fails and can only resort to a more ruthless killing move.

"The Taoism recorded in the Caixia Dao Canon starts from the mortal realm and ends with the imperial realm. There are seven realms in total. Therefore, one can master the seven-color rays of light. Each realm is the same as the spiritual fusion. The power increases geometrically. When reaching the seventh realm, one has The pinnacle of power in the world is the full body of colorful rays of light."

"Although I have never cultivated the Seven Lights of the Imperial Path, someone in my clan has cultivated it and made it into a treasure. Its name..."

"Reflecting Sky Water Emperor Mirror!"

An illusory shadow of a water mirror appeared in Ni Xinguang's pupils at some point. The phantom rotated in his pupils and gradually appeared in the material world.

The power of the emperor's way sweeps across the sky, and the radiant power of heaven shakes ancient and modern times!

All the venerables present were forced back by this terrifying force. All the emperor's ultimate soldiers and heavenly weapons contended, and the power of the emperor spread to protect the holders.

However, the Yingtian Water Emperor Mirror stands alone in the sky, arrogantly looking down on all the imperial weapons and heavenly artifacts, and has a vaguely unique aura.

Only then did all the venerables understand that Ni Xinguang had not used all his strength even just now.

She just used her own colorful rays of light to burst out with the power to cut through the cave sky. Now she uses this imperial weapon from the same source that she doesn't know where to come from. Naturally, she is even more invincible. It's like the emperor of the fairy clan coming to this world, forming an unrivaled force. The massacre!

This person is dead!

Everyone looked at Yun Ye as if they were looking at a dead person!

In fact, it wasn't just them. Yun Ye was also horrified when the Reflecting Sky Water Emperor Mirror appeared. This was the pinnacle artifact at a completely different level from ordinary imperial weapons and heavenly artifacts. It came from...

Water Emperor, your heart shines brightly!

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