A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 598: Breaking into the Venerable Position, 2,000 Years Old

The thunder of chaos struck down.

Three days were penetrated by divine light.

A world-famous breakthrough began, just like hundreds of years ago, it appeared in three days, with countless visions, but no one disturbed it anymore.

All the visions were the afterglow caused by Yun Ye's power, but there was no such thing as thunder tribulation. He felt vaguely that perhaps there was a missing thunder tribulation rule in the world, which could make those with boundless karma feel like they were coming from a divine power. Directly annihilated by flying ashes under the thunder.

He quickly shook his head again.

True immortals are not allowed to interfere with the Red Heaven Realm. This is the most important rule.


A bell rang across the red sky.

Golden lotuses swelled from the ground, flowers fell from the sky, and the boundless glow of the Milky Way covered the Red Heaven. A chaotic figure stood up. The entire Red Heaven was extremely small in front of it. Its figure covered the entire sky. It looked like a giant from outside the universe. He held the Red Heaven with one hand. skyline.

Enlightenment arose in the hearts of countless monks.

Heavenly God Lord.

He was promoted to that position.

His name is: Venerable Tianqian.

"The three-day realm is complete!"

Yun Ye's breakthrough was quite difficult, but at the same time it seemed as plain as water, without any twists and turns.

In terms of difficulty, breaking into the throne is indeed far beyond the real realm, but he has experienced it many times in the future divine method, and the result is already determined.

Everything will fall into place.

After the Tiangan Cave broke through, it spread to many continents without any hindrance, and the continents that were completely covered reached seven continents.

This is an unprecedented and unprecedented record. Having mastered seven of the eleven continents in the Red Sky Realm, it can be said that one's own possibilities have reached their peak.

Luck is inexhaustible and inexhaustible. You don't need a treasure to suppress it to accumulate a huge amount of it. Everything is like divine help.

Another thousand years passed like this, Yun Ye reached two thousand years old, and almost the entire secret realm of the Red Sky had been swallowed up by the Tiangan Cave.

Many of these caves are the ultimate foundation of big forces, and there are many people who are unwilling to do so, but Yun Ye does not need to be conceited, and all those who stand in the way will be suppressed.

For more than a thousand years, Dongtian has completed covering nine continents, but even if it swallows up the entire Red Sky secret realm, it still cannot allow Tiangan Dongtian to reach its peak.

In the end, Yun Ye had no choice but to start devouring spiritual veins and spiritual energy. The bottomless pit-like Tiangan Cave almost caused Hong Tian's energy level to drop a notch.

This is still a controlled devouring. If there is no control, Yun Ye can bring the Red Sky Realm into the Age of End of Law in a short period of time.

This is the foresight of many imperial forces. This god is too terrifying. Born in this era, the world cannot support its growth.

In the past, there was the Shen Mie clan who was also a member of the Cave Heaven, and he consumed a huge amount of resources to cultivate to the imperial path. Later, there was the Lingqiao Emperor who became a Taoist a thousand years ago, but the massive amount of spiritual energy he consumed has not yet had time to recover.

It can be said that the Red Sky Realm has already been greatly weakened. It is worse than the era of the Shenmie clan. It is almost impossible to support another Cave Heaven Lord who consumes more resources. If Yun Ye can not swallow the secret realm, his life span will probably reach It is extremely difficult to advance to the highest level, let alone move forward on the road to the highest level.

"Venerable Divine Deer has reached his end and has passed away."

"The peerless venerable possessing the winter spirit body broke through and wanted to go one step further. A ray of light spread for thirty thousand miles with great momentum, but it attracted the erosion of unknown energy and turned into dust in an instant. In the end, he chose to give up his power to seek live."

"In the dynasty, many venerables are approaching their end. They have offered their authority in order to extend their lifespan, and will be removed from the third-level forces from now on."

Time is like a knife.

In just a thousand years, many venerables have reached their end, either passing away or joining the Xintian Dynasty, and none of them choose to proclaim themselves.

The vast majority of sages will not proclaim themselves. Firstly, self-proclaiming requires a lot of resources, which ordinary forces may not be able to support. Secondly, once self-proclaimed, there is a high probability that they will not be able to make any progress and will still die of old age. Moreover, self-proclaimed time does not flow. Just slower.

If the sealing time is too long, the lifespan will still be exhausted.

Only the imperial power with the longest inheritance has a perfect self-sealing method, which can minimize the loss and can be sealed for more than 100,000 years.

In such a long time, even the Lord of Cave Heaven will die of old age.

"It is simply unimaginable that someone who is two thousand years old and can live for such a long time is simply unimaginable."

Urban agglomerations spread across the land.

There are many high-rise buildings.

Modern cities that resemble the Eastern King's City have sprung up on Bianzhou.

Two thousand years, which is an unimaginable span of time, the Kingdom of Tomorrow has completely ruled Bianzhou, countless technologies have developed explosively, and spiritual technology has reached a point where the entire Red Heaven Realm monks are stunned, completely changing the world order.

The Kingdom of Tomorrow has now produced weapons that can actually kill real monks, and the final weapon can even destroy high-ranking monks.

This is an unprecedented power. The Kingdom of Tomorrow has begun to prepare for a cross-continental conquest. No one can suppress it except the imperial forces on the ceiling.

But it is a pity that when it comes to the level of the Imperial Army, there will be no progress in the Kingdom of Tomorrow. Even the weapons used to fight against the throne must have powerful entities. It is difficult to rely solely on the level of accumulated spiritual energy technology without pioneering technology. Threatening the throne.

Yun Ye still has time to wait. He has at least 30,000 years of life and should be able to see more development.

It's a pity that neither the Lord of the Cave Heaven nor the Emperor can declare himself, otherwise he will continue to protect and protect the Kingdom of Tomorrow for hundreds of thousands of years, allowing the Kingdom of Tomorrow to reach its potential limit.

It's such a pity... Their only mistake was that the power was too powerful and there was no way to seal it in the world.

Even if he cuts himself off and falls to the realm, it won't work.

The human race's advancement to the imperial realm relies on the fate of the entire human race to unite the three days. Once it kills itself, it will be cut off along with the three-day realm.

Not only can you never go back, but the rules of Tianshou will not show any mercy. The number of years you live will be calculated according to the number of years of strength.

The body and soul will wither on the spot, and the person will die without a burial place.

The Lord of the Cave Heaven is similar. The Cave Heaven is the entire foundation. Without direct destruction, no self-proclaimed means can completely seal the entire world.

And destroying the cave sky is no different from cutting off one's own soul with a knife. It is impossible to advance to the profound realm, it is also a death.

"The invincible suppresses everything, hey..."

"What a desperate time, with no hope of enlightenment!"

"I want to declare myself and fight again in the next era!"

Too many peerless geniuses have revived in this era, but as Yun Ye emerged without warning, their light was completely obscured.

Some peerless geniuses no longer sleep and choose to practice in this era and inherit the inheritance.

Some are unwilling to give up and once again declare themselves, waiting for the next era.

This Lord of the Cave Heaven is so invincible and defiant that it would be impossible for him to fight unless they were both Lords of the Cave Heaven.

The age of great strife has finally ended prematurely, and no top force will waste this precious time by awakening their own super geniuses.

But is the world silent?

Not really.

There are still countless stories in the eleven continents.

However, all the light was covered up by the Uncrowned Emperor.

Even if this invincible man almost disappeared, the Tiangan Cave that shrouded him for three days always told the monks that the world was already under his rule.

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