A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 600 Original Spiritual Grass, New Era

"Succeeded! We succeeded! The elixir that fully fulfills the responsibility of producing spiritual energy is finally born, hahahahaha!"

"This is the greatest achievement in the history of the Kingdom of Tomorrow. It will completely change the red sky. All generations will remember this moment forever!"

Tomorrow, laughter burst out from the Border Continent Spiritual Vein Research Institute, and then turned into cheers from the entire institute.

The greatest achievement ever.

This is no lie.

No achievement can be as meaningful as this little elixir!

The Bianzhou Spiritual Vein Research Institute immediately reported the matter to the top management of the Kingdom of Tomorrow, who in turn notified Tian Jialun, and then the news was directly transmitted to Shuiwu Singer, the actual decision-maker of the Xintian Dynasty.

She was alarmed, and an incarnation immediately came to Bianzhou to check the results. This was a project that Yun Ye had asked many times. Once successful, it would involve a big operation.

A group of researchers followed Shui Wuge to the laboratory and took out the experimental results.

This is an extremely common elixir that looks like a weed. It is cultivated on the spiritual veins. Various instruments detect this elixir, and extremely detailed data can be seen.

"Venerable Supreme Water, it usually takes five hundred years for the elixir to reach its limit, produce spiritual energy, and support the living beings in the world. This is really too long, and the elixir is often taken before the time is up, causing the spiritual energy in the world to depend entirely on the spiritual veins. , If the spiritual veins are strong, the monks will be strong, and if the spiritual veins are weak, the monks will be weak.”

"But this 'original spiritual grass' is different. It has been completely improved and can grow to its limit in just sixty years. Even mortal monks can afford to wait! And the most important thing is that the original spiritual grass has no trace of the original spiritual grass. Without storing spiritual energy, and without any beneficial spiritual substances, it cannot be used to make elixirs!"

"This directly eliminates the possibility of monks harvesting it to make elixirs. As long as there are no natural disasters or anything like that, the original spiritual grass can grow to its limit without any worries, and then produce a large amount of spiritual energy!"

"This primitive spiritual herb can be said to be the ultimate elixir. It is a elixir created purely for the purpose of producing spiritual energy. It has perfectly met His Majesty's requirements!"

One dean was so excited that his whole body trembled as he explained.

After thousands of years of research, if old people like them were not protected by the heavenly universe and their lifespans far exceeded their own realm, there would be no hope at all.

But after completing such a difficult task, the sense of accomplishment is so great that it brings tears to my eyes.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

After Shui Wuge's inspection, he found that just as the dean said, there was nothing false about it.

She said three good words in a row and was overjoyed!

The birth of the original spiritual grass means that from now on, the speed at which the Red Heaven Realm increases its spiritual energy concentration will increase significantly!

In the same ten thousand years, the difference in the increase rate of spiritual energy concentration may be more than ten times, which can be called a qualitative leap. This is exactly the result Yun Ye wants!

The plan can begin!

Shui Wuge waved her hand and took away the original spiritual grass. She said cautiously: "Your contribution is too great. Your Majesty will personally commend you and wait for a period of time until we have solved the problem!"

"Problem, what problem?" The old dean was surprised for a moment, and then thanked him. He was not anxious about any reward. Being able to produce research results was the greatest joy and reward for him.

Shui Wuge didn't stay long and immediately returned to Dizhou Tiangong to meet Yun Ye.

When she found Yun Ye, Yun Ye was seriously playing the latest game... Yes, with the development of science and technology, the world has ushered in peace, and various entertainment facilities have been developed. This was already in prototype during the East King City period. In this era, there are even holographic simulation games, which are immersive real games.

However, this kind of real game is far from the real reality. Except for playing some games that are completely different from cultivating immortals and have other world views, Yun Yehui is more willing to sit in front of the computer, operate with the mouse and keyboard, and play some A very old game compared to this era.

There is really no participation in Yun Ye's practice, he just keeps devouring spiritual energy, so he has spent most of the thousands of years relying on this.

As a result, he came into contact with all kinds of players and experienced all kinds of life.

Although it sounds strange to say, even if you play a game and extend the time scale to a hundred or a thousand years, there are too many stories happening...

Yun Ye got to know many people and had countless laughs, but he also kept watching them grow old and die, and part ways.

Wonderful stories have continued to happen over these thousands of years. Although Yun Ye's feelings are gradually numbing and his emotions are becoming calmer and deadlier, his faith has expanded like never before. He must maintain this peaceful and prosperous age...


"Shui Changdong!"

Shui Wuge called several times in succession, but received no response. She twitched the corner of her mouth, kicked open the door and walked in.

A black-haired young man dressed in pajamas is wearing headphones and playing games in a bright room. His attire is extremely ancient.

Even immersive technology has been developed. When you hear sounds and see pictures, there is no need for a headset display at all.

This is too much trouble.

"Brother, the research on the original elixir has been completed, why don't you get up?"

Shui Wuge crossed his arms and spoke in a cold voice.

"The fight just happened to be over. It comes at the right time. Wu Ge... let's start mobilizing the divine army. It's time for the old forces to withdraw."

Yun Ye took off his earphones and stretched. His pajamas were reorganized and turned into a blue robe. The young man in the abandoned house instantly entered the state.

"Already ready."

Shui Wuge replied.


Divine armies descended from the sky on all ten continents.

All existing three-level and imperial-level forces were targeted and a general cleanup began.

Even if the Tiangan Cave covers the entire Red Sky Realm, many forces only surrender on the surface. No one knows what they are planning secretly, which is a huge hidden danger.

Yun Ye is willing to learn a lesson. Qin Shihuang did not cleanse the remnants of the six kingdoms, allowing them to accumulate strength, which was one of the huge reasons for the death of Qin II. Although for Yun Ye, these remnants can really be wiped out with a wave of his hand. It's not worth mentioning, but Qin Shihuang thought so at the beginning, but Qin still perished due to the superposition of multiple factors.

Since you can easily solve a hidden danger, why not do it?

Yun Ye gave the order to take action.

The divine army with divine status and power comparable to the Venerable descended on ten continents, wiping out all resistance in its path. Some deeply hidden forces were also uprooted by Yun Ye, and their blood flowed like rivers.

The divine order organization Yun Ye was very concerned and specially used divine magic to conduct deductions. However, unexpectedly, it was not found completely and only some branches were destroyed. It seems that the headquarters is not in the Red Sky Realm. Like many self-proclaimed imperial forces, It has extremely high concealment.

But it didn't matter, Yun Ye began to set up formations throughout the Red Sky Realm to fundamentally prevent the return of these forces.

It is really impossible to escape safely in front of him!

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