A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 612 Daozi, Qing Liusheng

"My child, come out soon..."

The long-haired beauty leaned against the fairy egg, listening to the heartbeat with her ear close to her, looking like an ordinary mother. It was hard to tell that she was the ancestor of the clan.

A thousand years had passed in a flash, and the long-haired beauty was sleeping beside her. Time seemed to have stopped, and there had been no change in the past thousand years.

This was a supreme secret method, a reward for assisting the Nixian clan. It could delay aging, and life would hardly be consumed during the sleep period.

The longer you live, the stronger the effect of the Tianshou rule. On the contrary, if you don't live as long as you think, the effect of the Tianshou rule will not increase.

Stopping your own time is the best way to circumvent the Tianshou rule.

The glow of the Nixian clan originally involves part of the power of time, so it is not surprising that they have a secret method to circumvent the Tianshou rule.


After a thousand years of waiting, the fairy egg finally developed to the final stage, and the heartbeat became more and more obvious, but gradually returned to calm.

However, the fairy egg itself began to vibrate, and this vibration attracted endless power, and the earth, wind, water and fire surged together, evolving into supreme power.

The huge power spread, which could destroy the world, but the chain of order vibrated and locked everything.

"It is indeed born to control the earth, wind, water and fire!"

Qingkong was awakened, and the supreme Taoism spontaneously protected himself, wiping out the earth, wind, water and fire, which meant that he was not affected by anything.

She saw the earth, wind, water and fire, and looked at the fairy egg with surprise, full of expectations.

It took six thousand years to come out. If it continues, the resources of the clan will be completely exhausted. She had already planned to sacrifice some monks.


There are fine cracks on the fairy egg, which is indeed a sign of coming out. The creatures inside need to break free from this fairy egg containing endless magic, which is not easy. This is a terrible fairy egg that is invulnerable to water and fire and is protected by the earth, wind, water and fire. Ordinary real people can't do anything about it.


The three invincibles in the clan were alarmed and came to the Fairy Mountain across a long distance. They were all moved: "It's really the earth, wind, water and fire? You control the earth, wind, water and fire as soon as you are born. Dao Zun Qingkong, you succeeded..."

"Yes, it succeeded! It took six thousand years to be born. If it hadn't stolen the highest secrets of the Immortal Dynasty, it would probably be impossible to succeed in another 100,000 years. It's too difficult to control the earth, wind, water and fire. I really should thank those betrayers!" Qingkong smiled happily.


The three invincibles felt the same way. They looked at the earth, wind, water and fire wrapped around the fairy egg, and their eyes were full of greed and fear.

The earth, wind, water and fire can be said to be the ultimate truth of cultivation. It can create the world and gain invincible power. In this era, once the cave is completed, it is almost 100% to achieve true immortality and gain eternal life.

It is a terrible thing to be born to control the earth, wind, water and fire. If it weren't for the spontaneous protection of the earth, wind, water and fire, they really wanted to take over the body directly!


Under the gaze of the fairy egg, the cracks spread rapidly and exploded directly, emitting dazzling light, and the entire three-meter-high fairy egg turned into pieces.

These fragments did not fly away, but instead continued to rotate around the center, gradually melting during the rotation process, forming shapes one by one.

A child who looked about ten years old appeared after the light dimmed. His body was exquisite and crystal clear. He had a pair of blue eyes that were exactly the same as those of the direct descendants of the Qingxian clan. His long blue hair fell to his waist, thick and elegant, and his face was difficult to distinguish between male and female, with amazing charm.

Before the child could do anything, the fairy egg fragments turned into four ribbons, wrapped around the child's hands and legs, covering his body.

The child looked up and looked at the four invincible people present. He had no expression, but the world moved automatically, his feet stepped on the earth and the wind, his hands were wrapped in water and fire, and he looked like a true fairy descended to the world, born sacred.

Before the four invincible people said anything, the blue color spread between heaven and earth, and the Supreme Dao Sutra was shaking, resonating with the child.

"Born with knowledge, born sacred!"

"No doubt, he will be the invincible Daozi of my Qingxian clan, destined to sweep the world and break this abominable blockade, even the Dao Dian has already recognized it!"

The four invincibles all laughed.

It has been almost ten thousand years, and the Lord of the Red Sky should be replaced. It coincides with the great era when the echo is about to accumulate. This is a sign given to them by God.

"Child, come to your mother."

Qingkong said with a smile.

The child couldn't help but take a step when he heard it, flew into the air, and threw himself into Qingkong's arms, and all kinds of power converged.

He was full of surprise...

This was naturally not his initiative. The words of the woman in front of him had a kind of commanding power, which went straight to his blood and formed an instinctive dominance.

Obviously, the immortal clan would not allow the successors to be out of control when cultivating them, especially the successors whose strength was likely to surpass theirs in a short time.

Yun Ye was calm and composed. He didn't care about this kind of control method. Not to mention blood control, there would probably be countless ways to strengthen control in the future. But he was also a peak existence. He would fight back and there would always be a solution. Seeing Yun Ye so obedient, without any resistance, as if he had no emotions, Qingkong smiled happier. This was exactly the kind of child she needed. It was completely in line with the original idea. It was worth her spending a lot of time and resources to nurture it. "My child, even among the immortals, your birth is extraordinary. You grow up in one stage every thousand years, and you are born after six thousand years. It is unprecedented. From now on, let's call you Liusheng." "Qing Liusheng, how is it, not bad?" Qingkong said in a negotiating tone.

Although he is born knowing, he does not know everything, but he has inherited the bloodline memory of the immortal monks of all generations and cannot be treated as a child.


Yun Ye had no objection to the name and nodded silently.

Aozora smiled again.

She looked at the three invincibles, and the three of them immediately saluted Yun Ye respectfully: "I have seen Liusheng Daozi, congratulations on the birth of Daozi!"

Yun Ye was indifferent to this scene and just nodded indifferently, as if he didn't know what Daozi's title meant.

Among the immortals.

The levels are too clear.

He has a soul that is born with knowledge. To a certain extent, he has inherited the memory of his predecessors in the immortal clan. He actually knows Taozi, but there is no need to show it.

Daozi refers to a very small number of beings who are recognized by the Dao Code and can use the Dao Code. Often, no one is born for many years.

There is only one reason why it is difficult to be born, and that is that it is too invincible. It can be invincible even in the Immortal Clan, let alone the Red Heaven Realm.

Even the invincibles of the immortal clan in the past dynasties would like to worship Daozi. There is no such thing as seniority.

The only exception is Tao Zun.

That is, the Lord of the Immortal Clan.

"Liu Sheng, the clan has exhausted all resources to welcome you. You were born with a mission. Becoming the strongest in the Red Sky Realm is a mission that you should do everything you can to complete..."

"You should defeat all enemies and let the world usher in the era of the Qing tribe!"

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