Yeah, totally ineffective.

Although Long Linglong didn't expect He Shiguang's attack to be so fast that she couldn't even react, it was the fact.

He Shiguang's quick punch was blocked by Ripple, preventing him from making any progress. Even if He Shiguang's hair stood on end and he deliberately exploded with power, it was ineffective.

The whole audience.

There was an uproar.

How invincible He Shiguang is was deeply reflected in the test battle just now.

He Shiguang, who defeated all powerful enemies and reached the top ten seats, was still unable to resist them even if his abilities were restricted.

The top-ranked student in the physical law department just received a few more moves. Essentially, there was no difference between them. They were all crushed.

A player of this caliber couldn't even shake a freshman even though he had significantly improved his output?

"We have encountered a great monster. The new king of this term is really amazing. Just because he can resist this attack, he will definitely have one of the ten seats in the future!"

Among a group of teachers, a young man who looked like he was in his teens held his head, leaned his whole body back, and tilted his chair.

This scene is so amazing that I can’t even grasp it.

"Haha, it's true. The achievements are limitless. I don't think he will be the next 'beacon'..."

There was a fat teacher who spoke volumes.


The expressions of many teachers changed.

The so-called beacon is the core of the plans of the five major universities. One is to make the Red Sky World a beacon for the entire multiverse, and the other is to make Zixue University a beacon to gather the destiny of the human race. This representative executor can also be called As a road sign, if one loses, both will lose, and if one is prosperous, both will be prosperous.

This is obviously an extremely core position, and each generation requires extremely careful consideration. After multiple games and competitions, ten seats have died due to this in every generation.

Obviously, as a super genius who may become a competitor, it is very likely that he will be given special attention, which is not a good thing.

The possibility of Qing Liusheng's premature death was directly ignored by the young teacher.

For him, it makes no sense to consider these. No one can grow absolutely smoothly. Breaking through these obstacles and becoming invincible is the only way for a genius.

However, in reality, we obviously have to consider that this generation of road signs is getting old, and a new generation of road signs must be selected in advance.

The Wanling Group dispatched super geniuses at this time point, naturally to compete for the position of Beacon.

To be honest, many teachers are not optimistic about the sixth grade students.

If there is a level playing field, and the talent is high and the strength is terrifying, then the success rate of Qing Liusheng will not be low.

But Zixue High School is not as peaceful and clean as imagined. Qing Liusheng, who was born in Wanling Group, has been branded early and is destined to be unable to avoid this turbulent undercurrent.

If you are too sharp, you may suddenly encounter an accident one day and disappear from the public eye.

Immortal Chao held accountable?

In the Red Sky Realm, indeed no one knows what to do and no one dares to do anything.

But the rules of Taoist weapons can only restrict the Red Sky Realm. What about those beyond the scope of this realm?

The meaning of Zixue High School is to explore the multiverse. Leaving the Red Sky Realm is inevitable and cannot be avoided. Among forces like Zixue High School, Wanling Group's influence is limited and it is unable to deploy any manpower for protection.

For a genius who has not grown up, no matter how invincible he is in the future, it is only the future. At the moment, big guys like them only need to press a button and everything will be over.

"Knew it……"

He Shiguang punched out, and all the power was dissipated without any impact. He smiled wantonly and spoke every word.

"Physical body method, the power of all methods to protect the body!"

As a super genius who practices physical training.

He Shiguang punched him and immediately discovered the full power that even his sharp eyes couldn't see through.

The true form of the blocking power is the body-protecting power cultivated by the Physique Technique.

This is the power that allows physical magic monks to not be harmed by all methods before their power is exhausted.

Regardless of whether it is a divine method or a spiritual method, as long as the power of the physical method cultivator is not exhausted, it will not be able to affect the physical method practitioner, which is the ultimate level of defense.

If you want to break through the body-protecting power of a physical monk, you can only exhaust his life force one blow at a time, or you can absolutely crush and evaporate all his life force in an instant.

Of course, this is not completely absolute. When the difference in the essence of power is too great, the power of body protection will be ineffective, such as the bound to hit in the Xuan realm, the only truth in the true realm...


The stormy wind blows, and the long-lasting clouds and mist wrap around the night, highlighting its sacredness.

He didn't make a move, he just stood there and stared at He Shiguang.

Although he didn't say a word.

However, He Shiguang's blood boiled suddenly. He knew that the young man in Taoist robes in front of him wanted to know his limit and see his full strength!

Because of this, he did not take the initiative, but waited for him to launch an attack.

He Shiguang suddenly jumped out of his place and took the initiative to distance himself.

"That He Shiguang actually took the initiative to distance himself?"

This move.

Even the ten seats in the office of the whole society were shocked.

It is unheard of that He Shiguang, a fighting maniac and fighting artist, would choose to retreat without any warning and did not launch a second attack?

"Before the exciting battle, you still have to complete your duties as a combat tester..."

He Shiguang said this to Yun Ye, but Qi Ji locked Long Linglong.

It's a form of contempt.

"Treat me like a nobody and let me be manipulated?"

As soon as Long Linglong's thoughts arose, her whole body exploded in the next moment. When her magic was automatically activated and she reorganized in a daze, He Shiguang appeared horrifyingly in front of her again. With a punch, her head exploded -

If she died, how could she see her head exploding?

This is just an illusion, a revolving door before death!

Long Linglong suddenly woke up. She was really a super genius, a monster that Wanling Group tried its best to cultivate, and she finally came to her senses.

The field of divine magic blurred her, and the power of protection was pushed to the extreme, nullifying He Shiguang's power...


Seeing the fist punching through the illusion, Long Linglong had countless strategies flashing through her mind and wanted to implement them, but even with her mind speeding up infinitely, she could only watch the fist enlarge, but her body could not move at all.

She was locked by the frontal killing punch, and her ability to escape several times in a row was already her limit. This time, He Shiguang's energy completely blocked her escape route.


Long Linglong was hit in the chest. His bones were shattered and his muscles were necrotic. His whole body was shaken and disintegrated from the source. He almost died on the spot.

At this time, the Taoist rules intervened and forced the state to be reversed. Long Linglong was not on the verge of death, but was seriously injured.

"96 points!"

This is Long Linglong’s final score display.

The corner of her mouth twitched, she was very unwilling to do so. He Shiguang used his true strength, which prevented her from using many methods, otherwise she would not have only 96 points.

And the source of everything...

"Linglong, are you okay? Do you need me to treat you?"

The young man in Taoist robe said.

"Don't worry about me, it's just a minor injury."

"Young Master Liusheng, you'd better not hold anything back in the next battle, otherwise you won't get full marks if you're not careful."

Long Linglong silently opened the activated spiritual equipment. Inside, a recovery talisman burned and pure vitality emerged.

His injuries recovered quickly and were indeed minor injuries.

Two updates today.

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