A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 641 Tian Xiaoxiao of the True Spirit Clan

"Really, you troublemaker... Haili has just gone to the teacher's side. As a sixth-grade student, we can just proceed with the authority authentication. Then the Chaoyi Memory Library will automatically be opened to the first graders. Let's get started!"

Yu Hua Xique didn’t pursue it either.


Yun Ye activated the spiritual device, and the authorization interface quickly connected everyone, entering the same screen view, and they could see each other's authority authentication status.

This is a permission that can only be opened by the president and requires the certification of all members before it can be activated.

Soon, the icons lit up one by one, and finally Gong Haili's logo also lit up, and the authorization interface faded away, completing the authentication startup.

"Start the Super Memory Library at 12:00:00 on the 30th, and the setting is complete."

"Done, it's easy!"

Bian Yanglei raised his hands and cheered, then jumped out of the window and left.

There is almost no daily work in the whole society. This kind of important time can only be authorized, and the resources are earned completely by lying down.

Therefore, people like Bian Yanglei who have other things to do will basically not stay in the whole society.

"Going to practice."

Chixueluo left the office and went to his practice room on the same floor for retreat.

There are also types like Chi Xueluo, who spend most of their time in the whole society, but are completely practicing.

"It's really strange. The Super Memory Library hasn't been opened yet. How much can be achieved through practice? Is he going to the practice room?"

In the corner, Xie Jinglun suddenly asked.

"Although it is indeed a training room, what Red Blood Luo practices is the Red Blood Spiritual Technique. This is a method that has been studied for thousands of years. There is no room for optimization."

Long Linglong leaned against the wall and answered this question.

"I see. Were you fully adapted before you entered school? President, Yu Hua, are you the same?"

Xie Jinglun asked.

"Yes, there is no room for modification in the method of my practice. When I entered school, I had already completed the mortal realm and was practicing the spiritual realm."

Yun Ye nodded.

"Same as above, those who can get full marks are basically our type. If you practice hard to perfection like this, you still need to relax when the Super Memory Library is opened. It is better not to compete for this limelight and challenge the ten seats later."

Yu Hua Xique also said.

"Without the resources of Ten Seats, will the challenge be successful? In short, it seems that I have to work hard, otherwise I will be too far behind you..."

Xie Jinglun said silently.

His background is not bad, but he is definitely not as good as Wanling and Chixue, so there are flaws in his skills and need to be corrected with the Super Memory Library.

Before this, spiritual practice is completely meaningless. As soon as the Super Memory Library is opened, you have to break away and re-cultivate. This is actually quite dangerous. The transposition battle is not a practical test, and it is completely impossible to limit your cultivation and the like. In actual combat, if his cultivation level is too low, he may be crushed directly.

"Don't just relax in the first few days. Anyway, it only takes a few days to return to the mortal realm with your talent."

Tian Xiaoxiao appeared again, this time she squatted by the window, ready to imitate Bian Yang Lei and jumped down.

"There's no time to waste, I won't be able to keep up with you."

Xie Jinglun shrugged.

"Then you wish yourself well, I'll jump!"

Tian Xiaoxiao also disappeared silently. He has very superb body skills, possessing both speed and stealth, but this is also the characteristic of divine magic.

"Speaking of which, does anyone know about the freshman competition?"

Yun Ye suddenly remembered the freshman competition that Zixue Xin mentioned, and asked casually.

"What's wrong? The freshman competition is only held at the end of the year. It's basically a three-subject competition. There are practical exercises and some interesting events. Anyway, it's quite interesting. It can also be regarded as one of the repertoires of Zixue University every year."

Yu Hua Xique pushed up his glasses.

"Is the Freshman Competition a program?"

Yun Ye looked at Long Linglong.

"The fun projects are programs that can show the approachable side of Zixue University students. As for the actual competition, that is another matter. Due to the rich rewards, most students will do their best to fight, but this part of the video may not be made public."

(Those who perform well in the freshman competition can get a place to explore the multiverse. Young masters only need to know about this. There is no need to tell them. This is not information that everyone knows. Maybe they will treat it as a joke and not use their strength.)

Long Linglong said.

She spoke very calmly, showing no psychological pressure.

She was taught to do everything possible to increase her own chances of winning, and there was no such thing as shame.

"That's for December. Let's think about how to deal with the monthly exam."

Someone hit Hatche and got up and left.

Everyone nodded.


The monthly exam will also be included in the results. In the end, the average score of the main course and the secondary course will reach B or C level. This should not be taken lightly.

The next few days were still quiet, studying or practicing.

Zixue University brings together the resources of the entire Tengzhou, so even if there are 3,000 students every year, the overall treatment is excellent, and the higher the ranking, the more outrageous the treatment.

Ten people in the entire society can occupy an entire floor to themselves, and are supplied with a large amount of spiritual energy. They can eat all kinds of spiritual food as they like, and even spiritual pills have a lot of quotas.

This position is coveted by many people, so even if the ten people in the academy are all invincible in talent, they do not look down on the candidates who take the exams. After all, one may accidentally be surpassed by the ones behind.

Real-time ranking also affects resource allocation. This is the only chance to break the first-mover advantage. Everyone is working hard to learn.

Talisman skills class.

The teacher explains the basic knowledge of runes, and records spells and energy with runes. This is the essence of runes.

All learning revolves around the essence, so the form of the "rune" is not important.

The runes in each world are different, but no matter which world, the operating logic is common.

It requires suitable materials, energy, and compliance with the rules of heaven and earth. By gathering these three parts, you can make talisman seals.

Yun Ye, Gong Haili and Long Linglong all took the Talisman Skills class. The three of them sat at a table studying runes, writing and drawing, and the class time flew by.

"Although the rules of different worlds are different, the methods for making talismans are still similar. There is no cosmic world that overwhelms spiritual energy..."

After listening to it for more than half a month, Yun Ye became more and more curious about the multiverse.

The teacher mentioned the world of Jueling in his example.

The so-called spiritual world is a world where the spirit cannot shake matter. The energy level has completely dropped to the bottom, and energy cannot be separated from matter.

In other words, most extraordinary energies such as spiritual energy, magic power, and fighting spirit do not exist, and they prefer material energy such as electrical energy, thermal energy, nuclear energy, and light energy.

This division is very vague and is measured based on the Red Sky Realm.

The world with similar powers to the Red Sky World is the spiritual world.

On the contrary, it is a masterpiece.

In the Jueling World, spiritual energy can also play a role, but it cannot be replenished after it is used up, so the Talisman is needed.

Using a trace of aura as a guide, and using the current world's rules for using materials and energy as a basis, you can make talisman seals. Most of the talisman seals that can be made in the Jueling World are thunder talismans, which are quite shocking.

Watching the video of a professional senior who connected various circuit board wires together and then made it into a talisman, Yun Ye simply couldn't laugh or cry.

"The Super Memory library will be opened tomorrow. There should be more detailed content in the official courses. There may be many descriptions of strange worlds. A world that does not overwhelm spiritual energy may not have an equivalent world."

Long Linglong said.

"It doesn't have to be so scary. If it's equal... wouldn't it be possible to invade the Red Sky Realm in turn?"

Gong Haili held her chest, feeling a little nervous.

The multiverse represents infinite possibilities, and infinity represents almost certainty.

"Infinity also requires basic rules. The universe is a circle, which frames all possibilities. It is meaningless to be omniscient and omnipotent within the circle. Only when it can function outside this circle can it be considered the ultimate reality. So what you said Totally possible."

Long Linglong said.


As soon as Gong Haili felt relieved, her heart was in her throat again, and her eyes were full of confusion.

"Multiple universes form a group, just like cells form a person, which is probably equivalent to the Red Sky Realm, so it is possible..."

Yun Ye said.

Maybe they haven't encountered it yet, but they will encounter it sooner or later, because the World God is constantly approaching the Red Sky Realm.

The arrival of many true immortals last time brought these ultimate beings a big step closer. Among them, there must be an existence that can swallow up the universe in one mouthful. After countless thousands of years, it can swallow countless universes and have an infinite size.

Xuantian didn't dare to stay in the Red Sky Realm for even a second. It was these ancient ultimate beings that gave him a huge shock.

The Red Sky Realm is very special, but how long has it developed?

no one knows.

The Cave Heaven Method can accelerate the growth of the Red Heaven Realm, but its total history is only a few hundred thousand years, and most of that time was lost and destroyed by Xuantian.

How much has this made the Red Sky Realm grow?

No one knows either.

There are too many unknowns in the outer world that cannot be calculated, so it is best not to encounter them. If you are going to encounter them, make plans in advance.

The Multiverse Beacon Project is also a plan to light up the multiverse. If the invincible existence is really close, abandoning the Red Sky Realm will be the only choice for mankind.

"It will be March after tomorrow, and the Royal Skills Class will officially begin. Can you be sure, sir?"

"It's an obvious feeling that can be recognized at a glance. Do you think I'm sure about it?"

"...This subordinate has overstepped his bounds."

"Retreat, I know it in my heart. The Queen of Gods may have promised to allow me to find my destiny and bring great prosperity to my family."


The shadow disappears.

Only the pink-haired girl was left trapped in the big bed, with the gauze hanging down, dimly blocking her sight. The girl slapped Ha Qie: "It's really troublesome..."

"Driving skills, controlling true spirits, demons are really miserable. They are classified as ignorant by humans and can only be used by humans."

She was like a cat, stretching, and something that shouldn't exist on her head popped up, showing off her charm.

She is Tian Xiaoxiao, who won the most beautiful crown in her grade as soon as she entered school.

The demon clan has integrated into humans and can be admitted to the school. Tian Xiaoxiao is a demon of unknown race who attends the school hiding his identity.

Of course, it is now called a true spirit, abandoning the once insulting words.

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