A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 645 The Flash Fairy Tribe

Zuo Ming was a very peaceful man with a good attitude. He talked and laughed along the way, which did not make Yun Ye and others feel at a loss about the new world.

After entering the institute, everyone gradually saw the large number of unintelligent true spirits captured by the institute.

"The Queen of Gods renamed the intelligent demons that humans can communicate with to true spirits, and allowed them to join the Immortal Dynasty and even the Heavenly Court. However, there are many demons that have no intelligence and only have murderous desires. It is difficult for humans to communicate with them, but they have extraordinary abilities. Therefore, research institutes have been set up in some worlds to study these uncontrollable monsters, hoping that one day they can be transformed into true spirits.”

"We have made some achievements over the years. Some demon races do not conflict with humans, nor are they born with killing genes. They can become trustworthy helpers as long as they are cultivated from an early age. Others need to remove evil spirits and add spirituality to improve wisdom. Genes, there are some results, but not much.”

"There is no way, why is the value of true spirits not that great? At this time, major groups are more willing to develop some spiritual equipment..."

Zuo Ming shrugged self-deprecatingly.

"This is indeed true. Spiritual equipment can increase a monk's strength out of thin air. The more advanced the spiritual equipment, the more terrifying the increase. This is the strongest combat weapon for monks. A true spirit that cannot be integrated with a monk is indeed incomparable. superior."

Xie Jinglun does not deny the powerlessness of the true spirit, but in any case, he still trusts individuals who are completely controllable. It is better to be unable to help than to be unhelpful.

"No, true spirits can be integrated with monks. It's just very troublesome and far less convenient than spiritual equipment. The evil spirit evolution method created by the legendary leader of the Tomorrow Society is to revive the sleeping genes of the body and return to the body. The strongest state in history, this is tantamount to reorganizing the body. If the true spirit is added to this process, the true spirit can bear this part of the consumption instead of the monk, greatly increasing the maintenance time of the evolution method, and obtaining a large number of unique features belonging to the true spirit. strength."

"The most important thing is that it can be used in conjunction with spiritual equipment. If you can really master this secret technique, you can surpass others in combat power."

Zuo Ming laughed.

"Is there such a thing? Is it really so?"

Xie Jinglun was stunned.

Naturally, he was not questioning a Level 6 researcher, it was just a normal reaction of surprise.

"There is no way, why are there so few people who are willing to learn about imperial skills? It is normal that the information of this secret technique has not been circulated. Teacher Nanxi once was a user of this secret technique, and he was invincible and powerful... Of course, The result is not good, the enemy who cannot be defeated is still unbeatable even if he uses secret techniques."

Zuo Mingruo pointed out something.

"It's been so many years, and I still cling to this matter. I was already embarrassed enough back then. Do I still have to be a negative teaching material now?"

Nan Xi rolled her eyes.

"I'm young and frivolous. I don't understand those of you who like to fight. If you can't beat me, don't fight. This is my idea. But maybe it's because of this idea that I am the researcher. How can people who dare not take risks turn the tide? ?”

Zuo Ming laughed.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Yun Ye and the others ate a lot. Could it be that Nan Xi's soul injury came from this?

Moreover, it seems that the true spirit of Nanxi Contract has not been seen...

"Teacher, what are we going to do? If we can see the true spirit, wouldn't these be enough?"

Tian Xiaoxiao didn't care at all. She looked around and saw imprisoned demons one after another. They were generally first and second level, but third level appeared from time to time. As for the fourth level and above, none appeared. It should be Seal it in a tighter area, otherwise it will be a big trouble if you break free.

"These are all unintelligent true spirits, and their cultivation value is close to zero. What you want to see is the true spirit family."

Nan Xi didn't even look back.

"It turns out to be the True Spirit Clan? Teacher, aren't you just practicing demon evolution this time? Why are you suddenly related to the True Spirit Clan?"

Xie Jinglun asked.

"You are all members of the entire academy, and your talents are at the top of this class. What's the point of taking out all that garbage? Will it hinder your progress? The situation of imperial skills is already very bad. If I cut corners for you, I'm afraid there will be another problem on the Internet. We’re going to launch a denunciation!”

Nan Xi looked puzzled.

"Uh? What are you condemning?"

Yun Ye raised his head.

"It's a waste of talent, don't you know, President? Royal Skills are criticized every year, and are considered to be a complete waste of resources. Except for the Queen of Gods and other senior officials of the Immortal Dynasty, most people are opposed to continuing to invest in Royal Skills, and even more There are a large number of monks who do not recognize the status of true spirits.”

"If an extremely talented person like you, the president, were to learn the imperial skills and be miserable, the calls would naturally become louder and louder. As the saying goes, people who are not from my race must have different minds. Why do you let the demon live so well?"

Tian Xiaoxiao answered the questions seamlessly.

"That's about it."

Nan Xi had an expression like 'I didn't expect a little cutie like you to understand so much'.


Yun Ye thought about English. He, an English loser, firmly supported the abolition of the status of English as the main subject, and then he, the New Heaven God Emperor, firmly supported the development of royal skills.

An old double standard person.

"There are three top-level True Spirit Races and ten top-level True Spirit Races in the Bicui World. Since they live in different areas, you can only see a small number of cubs, and their talents are very low."

Zuo Ming finally took everyone to the back garden, which was very spacious with all kinds of strange creatures and even children with human appearance running around.

"Human children... It seems not. This kind of purity is definitely not a human child!"

Xie Jinglun's eyes flashed with enthusiasm.

I saw a child running happily, with butterfly wings like light particles suddenly emerging from behind, flying into the sky with a whooshing sound, and racing with the flying swallow, so fast that it was almost an afterimage.

"The Glitter Fairy Tribe is a very powerful race. They were once the rulers of this world. The queen of the tribe is called the Spiritual God. She is the only native race among the highest-ranking races. It is said that individuals with the blood of the gods can reach the fifth level ( True Realm/Destroy the Country).”

"This is a very outstanding clan. Every individual is pure and kind, but they are also extremely united and will absolutely execute the orders of the superiors. Therefore, even though they are kind-hearted, they still form an unstoppable force and eventually develop into the ruling race of this world. "

Zuo Ming introduced.

"The bloodline of gods can reach the fifth level, so isn't the so-called spiritual god equivalent to a respected monk?"

Yun Ye said in surprise, no matter how dense the energy in this world is, it is impossible for him to have a prestigious position.

"That's not the case. This so-called fifth level only has fifth level characteristics, but its strength is too weak. Even the so-called spiritual god is vulnerable. Although it has rules and authority, its real strength is even one billionth of the rank. None, it can be understood as the difference between ordinary people getting the nuclear bomb blueprints and being controllable nuclear reactors themselves.”

"Although their world is very special and there is such a thing as godhead, it is too weak to control the authority of the world. It is not at the same level as the authority of the monks to create the world by themselves. Generally speaking, even the weakest monks , you can also kill the so-called gods here with your breath."

Zuo Ming waved his hand.

Aren't there ordinary people in many stories who have mastered the ability to travel back in time? Although he clearly possesses such great power, he can be stabbed to death with a knife. The gods here are almost the same. Although they have mastered the rules, they are just ordinary people in comparison and can be killed easily.

"I see. In other words, are you a monk of the holy way who first cultivated the Red Sky? He is only at the level of the Xuan Realm. He can be very strong in the Xuan Realm, but he absolutely cannot compare with the True Realm and the Honored One."

Yun Ye gave the exact concept of the practice system.

"Yes, that's it, but it's probably a bit bleaker than the Xuanjing monks you understand. This is just a medium world. Fortunately, the aura of the Red Sky Realm is very versatile. As long as they are supplemented, they can also show great potential. ”


Zuo Ming waved, and a little girl from the Glitter Fairy Tribe flew over curiously, "Professor, what are you calling Efina for?"

"They are Zixue's spirit masters. You may become partners and travel to various worlds in the future. Do you want to show your abilities?" Zuo Ming said.

"Zixue's spirit master is here again, okay! Big brother, do you know Edona who left before?!" The little girl's eyes were shining, floating in front of the three of them, small and cute.

Tian Xiaoxiao jumped over to grab the little girl and lifted her up high, making the little girl laugh.

"Professor Zuo, who is Edona?" Yun Ye asked.

"The glittering fairy that was taken away by the students last year, but..." Zuo Ming said halfway, shook his head and stopped talking, not knowing what he meant.

Yun Ye frowned.

He just saw the memory of this incident, and the result was not as simple as a regular student dying in battle with the true spirit.

This student seems to be very indifferent to real spirits and only uses them as tools. The shining fairy named Edona died in a bait operation.

There is no way, who makes the abilities of the glittering fairies so special, they can play a huge role even when their strength is very low.

"Flash - Goblin Garden!"

Aifeina and Tian Xiaoxiao played for a while, touched their heads sheepishly, and then flew into the air to show off their abilities.

In the blink of an eye, the surface of the world was covered, and fairy flowers bloomed, creating a unique independent space.

There is a world tree growing in this space. It is absorbing the power of the earth and bearing fruits. It emits an extremely tempting aura before it is mature. Even top geniuses such as Tian Xiaoxiao and Xie Jinglun are affected and can't help but Taking a few steps towards the World Tree——

This is exactly the racial ability of the Flash Fairy, the Flash Fairy Garden.

As the top race in the world, they are born with abilities similar to visions, which can cover the world formation field, and a world tree will be born in the field to continuously draw the power of the earth to bear fruit. The breath of the fruit can dissolve the rationality of all life. .

At the same time, if you eat unripe fruits, you will be poisoned, and if you eat ripe fruits, you will gain great power.

As the highest true spirit race, the glittering fairies are indeed extraordinary.

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