A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 650 Assassination of the Rookie King, Red Sky... Arrives!

The power of the Queen of Gods has reached its limit, and her management of the heavens has become increasingly lax. Over the past millennium, many groups have seen the hope of turning the clouds over.

They have accumulated enough strength, secretly formed interest groups, covered the sky with one hand, and sucked blood in their respective fields.

Top five universities.

Pharmaceutical Lingzhi Group.

Big Mac’s full industrial chain power.

Qiling Development Research Institute.

as well as……

Beyond the red sky, there are countless legions of beacons occupying countless worlds, squeezing the heavens.

Somewhere in the chaos where time and space are unknown, a few voices project out, talking across the world.

"Zhang Jutan can't stand up. The evidence is too strong. It has directly alarmed the Queen of God and even implicated many people. This matter cannot be settled like this."

Someone said lightly.

There was no anger or fear in his words, just a rational and calm judgment.

"Perhaps some people overestimate themselves. This is destroying the order. An order that no one has been able to shake for thousands of years. Is this what they can bear? Some forces in Hongtian are too old and don't seem to understand that today is different. In the past, what stood at the top at this moment was no longer the Red Heaven Realm!"

"Whoever did it will bear the price of this blood!"

Someone spoke coldly and condescendingly.

"Wan Ling provided evidence. It is said that he received it suddenly, and for unknown reasons chose to target Zhang Jutan. It is very abnormal."

"Wanling, the giant of the Three Palaces City, is too outdated and can no longer keep up with the times. It once barely dominated one continent, but now it can only be regarded as second-rate at best. No one knows them outside Tengzhou. If you don’t have the guts to take action against Zixue’s director, someone must be instigating it.”

"Indeed, this is obviously not Wan Ling's idea, and their family has given birth to a 'genius' who exceeds ten ranks... Can Wan Ling cultivate such a talent? It is almost impossible."

"The forces behind him showed up blatantly and sent Zhang Jutan in with great fanfare. It's hard to say that they weren't trying to lure us into action."

"It's just a Wanling, so what if there's a hidden hand behind it? We should let it know its true identity, or simply destroy it."

"Indeed, the first to be exposed will become the target of public criticism. Since the Wanling Group is recognized as our enemy, it should be destroyed at any cost. Without nutrients from the outside, Wanling in the Red Sky World will not be able to maintain it."

"That Qing Liusheng has also arrived in the Bicui Realm. Send a few people to kill him, otherwise it will be a troublesome thing when he grows up."

"Yes, there should be someone at Zixue High School who can do it. They know exactly what to do."

In a few words, an attack and killing that could shock the red sky was decided.

Assassinating the new king will arouse massive public opinion in the Red Sky Realm at any time. If left unchecked and left to ferment, it can even alarm the Queen of Gods.

But they have nothing to fear.

There is a God Queen in the Red Sky Realm to suppress everything, and there is a Heavenly Mian Taoist weapon to restrain all evil. Even if the government is passive and sabotage, such trivial things as asking for cards will be sanctioned, let alone naked physical eradication, they have to work with Wanwan. Like a spirit, act according to the rules.

But outside the red sky, there are no such worries.

To put it bluntly, even if the God Queen personally investigates, it will end in vain. There are too many ways to bury the traces of the action.

The most direct one is "Chaos Void", which is an unknown that humans cannot understand yet. They only know that it is the source of everything.

Anything swallowed by the Chaos Void is equivalent to never being created, and its existence and traces will directly disappear from the entire multiverse.

This disappearance was so complete that even the person who controlled the power of creation could not trace it.

For a being who has mastered countless resources, there are too many people who can be killed, and erasing traces is just a matter of moving a finger.

Even if the Queen of Gods is invincible, it doesn't matter. If we can't find the root cause, we can't massacre wantonly. Tomorrow's Taoist tools will not allow this kind of thing.

After the order was issued, people from all over the place went to the green world.

Same time, same place.

A total of three people gathered.

"King Yu."

A young man whose appearance is unclear due to the dense aurora.

"Chi Feiqiao."

In the extremely cold energy body, there is only one human-shaped projection, whether it is a clone or something else.


A brown-haired woman with a black left eye and a large number of snake heads at the end of her hair, resembling Medusa.

The Red Sky Realm actually has different styles of language, so different styles of surnames have appeared. After exploring diversity, this phenomenon has become more and more obvious.

For monks who use the official characters of Xintianxian Dynasty as their names, the meaning can basically be seen in their names, while the surnames transliterated using informal characters cannot tell what they mean at all. Even if the pronunciation of such surnames is the same, because of the different languages , the meanings are also very different.

King Yu and Chi Feiqiao glanced at her and recognized that this woman was not human.

In today's era, all alien races, no matter how similar they are to humans, are "true spirits" and are rejected by the Red Sky World.

This rejection is not just rejection by the human race, but rejection by the world itself, because they are not a native species of the Red Sky Realm and do not adapt to the rules of the Red Sky.

Only after the world in which it is located is completely swallowed up and becomes a world affiliated with the Red Sky Realm, this rejection will weaken, but it is still there, so the difference can often be distinguished at a glance.

Before arriving at the Bicui World, the three of them had no contact with each other and did not know each other. But after arriving at the Bicui World, the three of them became the closest comrades. Whether they are true spirits or not is not important. What is important is that they all obey orders. The same interest group must complete the task before dying even if they die, and there is no room for any small thoughts.

"Target Qing Liusheng, kill him and erase all traces."

King Yu, shrouded in the aurora, said.

The other two nodded.

next moment.

The aura belonging to the true realm suddenly spread like a storm.

You must kill when you take action. Qing Liusheng is a genius beyond imagination. Even if there is no one to protect him in the judgment, he may still have a trump card in his hand.

There are countless ways to improve combat effectiveness, such as talismans, formations, and spiritual equipment. This risk must be noted. Therefore, even if those who take action are peerless geniuses who can be invincible at the same level, the group does not choose the Dharma Realm Xuan Realm, but Directly dispatched to the real realm.

"Take action!"

"Suppress the three realms directly, no matter how against the sky, you can't make waves!"

"The most honorable funeral for you!"

The power of the three people was so dazzling. The moment it broke out, it was like breaking the sky. The world simply could not bear such a powerful force.

But this brilliance only lasted for a short time, and their expressions changed after they exploded with all their strength: "It can't be broken! This place has already been enveloped in some kind of realm!"

As soon as they appeared, they noticed a kind of power shrouding the area, but they didn't think it was a killing array aimed at them, and they didn't realize the danger.

It wasn't until they exploded with all their strength, resonating with the world, and crushing it, that they discovered that the power that enveloped this area was extraordinary. The world was shaking unbearably, but this area remained motionless!

This is obviously not the power that Bicui World should have!

"We are isolated and separated from the normal time and space of the green world. It is incredible that this power... actually comes from Qing Liusheng!"

Chi Feiqiao said in astonishment.

He suspected that his perception was wrong and he was just a monk in the spiritual realm. Why?

Is he a genius?

Having reached this stage and being entrusted with important tasks by the top management, who is not an unparalleled genius?

It's strange that Qing Liusheng can resist their aura.

"Perhaps with the help of the power of formations, some formations can kill people across two or three realms. We are not yet at the supreme level, so we can kill them!"

"Let's do it. Just intercepting the breath is nothing. Being able to perform a few moves in our hands is the key. If the situation goes wrong, I will directly sacrifice the two of you!"

King Yu said calmly.

"Killing him wouldn't be a blood sacrifice."

Chi Feiqiao's expression changed, and his murderous intent suddenly boiled over.

They are abandoned sons and will undoubtedly die, but he also has dignity, and he can reach the three realms of Dharma, Xuan, and Zhen. So he needs a blood sacrifice to complete the mission?

Then what kind of rubbish did he practice?

The spiritual thought swept across and locked onto the young man looking up from the city. Chi Feiqiao opened his mouth, and a cold light flashed through, freezing everything.

In response to this move, Yun Ye did not dodge or dodge, and allowed the cold light to hit him. He saw the green light on the Yuguang Taoist robe in the blue sky shook, and the cold light was immediately dissipated.

Below the level of honor, Qingtian Daoyi can be almost completely neutralized. Instead of wasting precious energy to avoid it, it is better to let Dao Yi resolve it.

"It is a defensive treasure that can even offset the cold energy contained in the true essence. Is it at least a true treasure level? Maybe even an artifact level?"

Chi Feiqiao narrowed his eyes. Things in the Red Heaven Realm can basically be passed through all realms, especially in the Bicui World, which has been brought under control.

Facing the vast multiverse, no amount of treasure is enough. It can be said to be extremely precious and has the effect of changing the situation of the battle.

Treasures of this level are often in the hands of top experts, but the forces behind the Wanling Group actually left them to a new generation of children who have not yet grown up?

How much importance is attached to this!

"The treasure that leaves the Red Sky Realm is the sourceless water. The stronger the defensive ability, the shorter the duration! Since ordinary moves cannot break through its power, just use all your strength. Heli, as a physical practitioner, you have an advantage in this aspect. , we help you!”


Heli nodded, raised her head, and her long hair suddenly extended from behind her, turning into dozens or hundreds of giant snakes biting Yun Ye.

Chi Feiqiao and King Yu took action at the same time, blessing the divine magic and increasing its power!


Yun Ye walked out of the place, leaving a clone to continue the game, while the main body walked towards the three of them step by step.

He smiled, looking forward to how many surprises the three of them could bring him.

The water and fire ribbons wrapped around his arms were untied.

The intertwining of water and fire formed a method of mutual transformation of energy, forming a sky curtain in front of hundreds of giant snakes, canceling out the attacks of the giant snakes in the roar.

He was well prepared and responded naturally. This behavior made King Yu ask with great interest: "Qing Liusheng, did you already know that we were coming?"

"Yes, senior, I am very sorry that you have become a part of the darkness." Yun Ye said.

"Darkness? The world is not just black and white. Sometimes the situation is forced by the situation. If you don't face it realistically, it is probably incomprehensible. Junior Qing Liusheng, since you knew we were coming, why didn't you escape?" King Yu smiled faintly. .

"Is it necessary? Knowing that you are coming, I naturally set up a dragnet." Yun Ye said.

"I didn't see any hidden monks, oh... there is one, but she doesn't seem to want to help." King Yu glanced at the girl with vertical pupils in the distance, but since he didn't take action, he didn't care about it. Anyway, in the end He will be cast into the Void of Chaos, and no one will be able to remember him.

"It's a struggle between people. Why does the true spirit want to help? It's good if it doesn't add fuel to the flames -" Yun Ye waved his hand, and the power of the fusion of water and fire covered the battlefield and swallowed up all power.

"King Yu, this is a spell that can absorb true energy. If it cannot reach the upper limit of absorption, the power will turn into his assistance!" Heli reminded.

"The water and fire in the earth, wind, water and fire can control the liquid and plasma states. The rumors are true. He has the spiritual roots of the four elements. He is really extraordinary." King Yu nodded. The power of water and fire was isolated by the aurora that enveloped him, and he did not seem to be in the four states. within.

"The liquid state controls the flow direction, and the plasma state controls the energy. Is the energy absorption completed by the fusion of the two? It seems that it needs to be completely materialized!" Chi Feiqiao said.

Heli heard this and sacrificed one hundred and eight beads to merge with the snakes.

The group of snakes originally composed of true essence temporarily gained a physical body. All the true essence blessed the body and was not exposed to the outside. With a rumble, the sky was shattered, and the energy absorption was indeed ineffective.

"What other tricks do you have? Use them as soon as possible. You can't escape this funeral. You should struggle while you still have the strength, Junior Qing Liusheng."

King Yu suddenly took action while he was speaking, and the aurora fell all over the sky, instantly piercing into every part of Yun Ye's body, but it was all shaken away by Qingtian Taoist Yi.

This made the three of them frown. This kind of defensive treasure is too troublesome. If there is no treasure of the same level, it will take a long time to fight to exhaust its power.

Even if the Bicui Realm has been sealed off when arriving, it is almost impossible for outsiders to get in, and there are still risks.

After all, Qing Liusheng said that he had made arrangements in advance. There were no hidden strong men in the Bicui Realm, and there might not be any hidden ones outside the Bicui Realm.

Once an accident occurs and the mission fails, it will be more terrifying than death.

"Refining the Earth Feng Shui Fire!"

Seeing that water and fire were ineffective, Yun Ye no longer hid his strength. He stepped on the earth and entangled himself in the whirlwind. His hands met and water and fire surged together.

The true energy he "borrowed" played a huge role at this moment, serving as an energy source to drive this move, allowing the power of creation to sweep through Bicui City and shatter everything.

However, this is another dimension, but it does not interfere with the real Bicui City. Only the three of King Yu can understand this overwhelming power.

The three of them were stunned, seeing their own strength being destroyed and annihilated, completely unable to show the power of the true state.

Although this is related to the fact that they did not use all their strength, is it too outrageous that the spirit realm has the power to fight against the real realm?

Is this young man in front of me just one step away from the Lord of the Cave?

"You really deserve to die. It seems like the higher-ups have seen a lot about your future."

The three of them understood why the superiors sent the three of them to kill him.

This kind of character grows up to be a God-Emperor again!

There is an essential difference between opening the sky in the Xuan Realm and opening the sky in the True Realm and the Exalted Realm. The power is not at the same level at all, and this young man has the signs of opening the sky in the spiritual realm. Even if he cannot open the sky in the Dharma Realm, it is still possible to open the sky in the Xuan Realm.

They know very well that any character who shows such signs will be regarded as a target that must be eradicated, and all unrelated factions will die.

Mastering the Mysterious Realm Cave Heaven means mastering the power to reverse everything. Even the masters of the major forces who have opened up the Cave Heaven cannot suppress it.

And unlike the Queen of Gods, such existences are not restricted to the Red Heaven Realm and cannot leave!

Even if it is difficult to move after the cave is opened and the land can only be designated as king, that will directly take away the glory and authority that belongs to them. How can they allow it?

"Zhentian spiritual clothing...unlimited clothing!"

The three of them used all their strength, adding armor and various clothes, and their aura began to increase hundreds or thousands of times.

The monks practiced for three days and observed the world from a high-latitude perspective, thus gaining various invincible powers.

This is a perspective that is still valid when leaving the Red Sky Realm, but it is just more difficult.


The three days of self are opened in the red sky world. Once they leave the red sky, the power of the three days of self will also weaken.

In the Red Sky Realm, I can store a huge amount of mana for three days, which makes the monk's battery life extremely terrifying. But once I leave the Red Sky Realm, all these advantages disappear, and even the mysterious and true methods are difficult to use. Only the power of the throne will not be affected. Too big an impact.

To this, the Red Sky Realm’s solution is to develop tools to the extreme.

The spiritual equipment combines the four major technologies of formation, elixir, magic weapon, and talisman. It can store a large amount of mana in place of three days and load a large number of abilities.

The Wan Ling Zhen Shi held by Yun Ye has six armament slots and ten spell slots. Magic weapons, weapons, and spells can be placed freely. It can assist with calculations during battle, and instantly change weapons and activate spells.

This six-frame armament actually refers to armament modules with different functions, which can be loaded when needed to cope with different situations.

The more grids there are, the higher the stability required, and six grids is already quite impressive.

But the three people in front of me...

All are nine-frame, and all use over-the-limit clothing that uses all weapon modules!

Over-the-limit clothing, at the expense of a significant increase in energy consumption and tremendous pressure on the body, can gain strength far beyond that of normal clothing.

In the state of spiritual clothing, a monk is a complete body.

Just like the monks of the past who could never live without their magic weapons, in this era, the combat effectiveness of those without spiritual equipment cannot be compared to those of monks with spiritual equipment.

The three of them took action at the same time to suppress the Earth Feng Shui Fire.

Spanning three realms and not truly groundbreaking, could it be that these unparalleled geniuses couldn't match them?

Even if they don't use spiritual equipment, they still have the strength to fight, but it is too slow. They must penetrate the defensive treasure as soon as possible and kill it!

"The difficulty is different..."

Yun Ye was also lamenting this fact. If it was the past era, would the three true realms want to fight against him who has the power to create the world?

That's simply impossible!

But today is different from the past. Geniuses in this era can. This is an era in which everyone can learn the most spiritual method, the only method, and the evolutionary method.

Every child who embarks on the path of spiritual practice is ranked in the top five thousand of his age in a continent, and the vast continent has hundreds of millions of newborns every year...

Not even just one continent, but children born in the multiverse also have geniuses who enter the Red Sky Realm after selection.

The kids who enter the top five universities are all too strong.

Those who can reach the true state must at least master the third level of spiritual magic or the same level of divine and physical magic, and the three people facing Yun Ye are all above the fourth level.

Using the fourth-level spiritual method to reach the true state, the power is really not inferior to the low-level Dongtian spiritual method. They all involve various perverted concepts and are of extremely high quality.

"Wan Ling Zhen Shi - dress up!"

"Evil Spirit God Evolution Method!"

Yun Ye also borrowed the power of spiritual equipment. He had also learned how to use spiritual equipment these days. Although the school completely prohibited the use of spiritual equipment in combat, Yun Ye was a person who had seen the future after all and made some preparations in advance.

This fight was expected.

When sending Zhang Jutan to hell, Yun Ye got a glimpse of this scene.

Just like the Taoist clothes of Qingtian have not failed in the green world, the ancient, modern and future divine methods have also not failed, and the green world can be observed.

In fact, the effect of ancient, modern and future divine magic is far greater than that of Qingtian Daoyi. This is a true immortal magic after all. Even if the green world does not fall under the control of the Red Sky Realm, the ancient, modern and future divine magic will still be effective. At most, its power will be weakened and it will not be able to See too clearly.

The rules established by the Red Sky Realm are constantly interfering with the multiverse. They are not only effective in the Red Sky Realm. The most obvious manifestation of this is the True Immortals. The moment they obtain the rules, they directly transcend. Even if they leave the Red Sky Realm, they will not be trapped in the Chaos Void. engulf.

There is no doubt that true immortals are also at the level of giants in the multiverse, and they are born to stand at the top. The true immortal method accompanying this existence naturally also has extraordinary power.

Yun Ye masters a variety of true immortal arts, and countless true immortal spells will bless future true immortal spells. There is nothing to miss.


The forces of the two sides collided with each other, and Yun Ye was ultimately defeated. He only had borrowed true energy and was far from being able to exert this power.

However, the attacks of the three people could not hurt Yun Ye at all, and they were all resolved by Qingtian Daoyi.

"You're at your wits' end, junior."


"The weakness of this defensive treasure is divine magic, right?"

King Yu spoke.

His vision was too vicious and he got accurate results during the test.

"Do you have any magic that is enough to break through?"

Yun Ye said in surprise.

Qingtian Dao Yi can invalidate the power of Zunzui, and only the Zunzi divine method can break through.

The only way a true monk can reach the height of honor is with the help of external force. Once this power is used, unless the source directly commits suicide, it will inevitably be discovered, pull out the carrot and bring out the mud, resulting in a large number of people being exposed.


King Yu replied.

Heli and Chi Feiqiao looked half desperate and half calm.

Blood lines appeared on the two people's bodies, and runes appeared through their bodies, forming a strange ritual.

"Blood sacrifice, giving everything to borrow power, is generally used for curses in the Red Sky Realm, it's just a small way."

"But it's different in the multiverse. The souls and bodies of the strong are absolute delicacies. As long as they offer blood sacrifices, all major worlds are willing to grant divine power."

"Even if it's only temporary, that's enough. We monks in the true realm will either open up the world or create our own authority."

"No matter which path you take, you have considerable experience in using authority."

"So, Hongtian..."

"Come down!"

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