A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 654 The Taoist Envoy will arrive tomorrow

Everyone watched for a long time and returned at sunset.

On the way, Yun Ye was thinking about something.

The development history of any world, because of its different starting points, presents various possibilities and can create fierce sparks with the Red Sky Civilization.

Although the level of Bicui Realm is very low, there are still many things that can be learned from.

One of them is the power that exists in many worlds, "the protection of gods".

In order to survive, the gods need to have a huge impact on all major races, and nothing is more in line with the instinct of life than the bundling of interests.

To this end, they developed means of conferring knowledge and power through the Godhead, which they called divine protection.

Only those favored by the gods can receive blessings. Those with blessings should respect the gods more than themselves. ——This is what the believers of the gods say.

In this special world context, people are all proud to have protection.

As long as they receive the protection of the corresponding gods, they will often believe in the gods who have given them the protection and will spontaneously maintain the majesty of the gods.

This is how many divine battles begin, which is quite dramatic.

Let’s not mention these stories for now.

The Red Sky Realm attaches great importance to protective technology.

In the Red Heaven Realm, where great power can control one person, protection is useless, and the position does not require faith at all, so there is no reason to share power.

But in the age of the multiverse, things have changed.

The Lord of Cave Heaven needs this ability very much!

After the cave is opened, its position is basically fixed and it is difficult to move. If the master of the cave moves too far away, his power will continue to decrease.

In this case, the Lord of the Cave Heaven obviously cannot leave the Cave Heaven at will, so the expansion of territory must be assisted by others.

This is a very realistic thing. The Lord of Cave Heaven can only distribute his power to ordinary monks, allowing them to adapt to the rules of other universes and complete the world invasion.

Godhead is very suitable for this. As a system for bestowing power on subordinates, it only needs slight modifications to perfectly solve the problem.

After Yun Ye and others entered the Bicui Realm, they were marked by the power that created the world, which was actually giving them protection.

The difference is that the protection of the gods is only useful in the current world, while the protection of the Lord of the Cave is universal.

But these are not the key.

What really caught Yun Ye's attention was another thing.

This godhead system actually gave rise to a brand-new divine law system, which became the top divine law direction as soon as it was born.

Since this system records people's fantasies and interferes with reality with substantive fantasies, it was directly named "Fantasy Divine Law".

In King Yu's memory, Shenting is an extremely mysterious force that has mastered the top fantasy crystallized artifacts. Even the name of the force is the "god" of fantasy crystallized artifacts, not the god of the world, the immortal god, or the god of heavenly artifacts.

This made Yun Ye very concerned.

Because he had never heard of fantasy magic in school.

"Xie Jinglun, Tian Xiaoxiao, do you know the magic of fantasy?" Yun Ye suddenly asked.

"Fantasy magic? Never heard of it." Tian Xiaoxiao pondered for a moment and said.

Yun Ye looked at Xie Jinglun and spread his hands, "Even the Divine Law cultivators don't know, and I can't possibly know either."

Even the native Hongtian people have never heard of it.

In other words, is this a technology unique to the Divine Court?

"What happened to this fantasy magic?"

Tian Xiaoxiao asked.

When asked suddenly, she knew but couldn't say anything. There was Xie Jinglun next to her.

"I am planning a great operation to destroy the darkness buried in the Immortal Dynasty. Fantasy magic is the signature technology of this dark organization."

Yun Ye said.

"President, are you going to write a story? It sounds very cliché."

Xie Jinglun pondered.

Although Yun Ye is often off-kilter and immoral, his perfect temperament and Taoist robes still make him extremely convincing.

Even if it was just a joke, Xie Jinglun would still think that Yun Ye had ulterior motives.

"Well, Xie Jinglun, he is obviously joking!"

Tian Xiaoxiao showed a speechless expression.

"Is it really a joke?"

Xie Jinglun looked at Yun Ye.

"somebody is coming!"

Yun Ye didn't answer, but suddenly pointed at the castle of Bicui City.

I saw a beam of light falling, and a deep aura flashed past, causing Tian Xiaoxiao and both of them to feel their hearts throb for a moment.

"O rotten wood that is reborn in the midst of burning, how radiant you are and how many children you have given birth to~~~"

The melodious singing disappeared and appeared at the moment when the light beam fell.

Yun Ye sounded extremely clear.

Tian Xiaoxiao and Xie Jinglun were not so clear, but it only took them a moment to understand the situation. They looked at each other in shock. This song was so familiar. They would hear it every year at the Immortal Dynasty Ceremony. This is... …

"Song of the Holy Path of Tomorrow!"

"A Taoist weapon actually came to the Bicui Realm, what happened!"

The two said in unison.

"What happened? Of course someone violated the rules of heaven. Have you forgotten that the director Zixue not long ago...I remember his name was Zhang Jutan, right?"

Yun Ye slid his fingers, and the door to space opened, and he could clearly see that the opposite side of the door was the entrance to the institute.

Xie Jinglun's expression relaxed. This matter should have nothing to do with them.

"Zhang Jutan, this name is quite familiar. He is a legendary figure. Unfortunately, he was directly detained by the Taoist envoy. There is a man named Zhang Xinwang in the class who seems to be related to this director. It is said that he has been implicated and has banned the multiverse. If you explore, you can only move within the known universe for the rest of your life.”

Tian Xiaoxiao was impressed by this. It was too shocking for such a big shot to be pushed into hell. The higher the level, the more terrifying it was.

"After all, this so-called director betrayed the Immortal Dynasty and committed countless serious crimes. People related to him have enjoyed too many blessings. It is impossible not to liquidate him."

Xie Jinglun said, following Yun Ye and Tian Xiaoxiao through the door of space.

As soon as they arrived at the institute, everyone turned their heads in surprise.

They saw a black-haired young man standing behind them with an expressionless face, watching them silently, with pure black eyes without whites, which looked very penetrating.


Xie Jinglun shouted.

The black-haired young man did not answer, but moved his eyes slightly to look inside the institute. A large number of footsteps sounded one after another, and a large number of people poured out of the institute.

Among them were Nan Xi and Zuo Ming. When they saw Yun Ye and the others, they just nodded hastily, and then they all gathered around the black-haired young man.

"I've met the Taoist envoy. I'm glad to meet you. I've heard about his name for a long time. Could it be that something went wrong in the Bicui Realm this time?"

Zuo Ming was the highest-ranking researcher present, and he was the first to speak as a representative.

As the person in power here, when the Taoist envoy arrives, basic information will still be notified to Zuo Ming and others, so everyone knows who is coming.

This title surprised Xie Jinglun. Is this young man a Taoist weapon?

It's so low-key that you can't tell at all!


The Taoist envoy Yan Feng watched without saying a word, but the song of the Holy Way of Tomorrow was still ringing, echoing around the world, and he dug three feet into the ground to search for information.

Taoist tools are the power of rules from the Red Sky Realm. Even if they only exist in other worlds, they will still play hymns. This is a sign of conflict with the world. It is inevitable and can only be weakened as much as possible. The more Taoist tools are used, the more holy songs will be played. The song will reverberate more intensely, and if you want to weaken it, just do the opposite.

However, it will not disappear no matter how weakened it is, and the priority of Dao tools is higher than that of the general world, universe, and plane, and the hymn will cover other phenomena.

If it is a top-level world, the arrival of the Taoist artifact will not only be a hymn, but also various other visions, forming a fierce confrontation.

Now this Taoist weapon makes the winding chant more intense, indicating that he has been activating the rules and true name of the Taoist tool.

The atmosphere at the entire scene was completely frozen.

Zuo Ming received no reply after one sentence, but no one dared to ask the second sentence...

This is the Taoist envoy of the Immortal Dynasty, and the Lord of the Cave Heaven will kill him as soon as he says it. His power and importance are the highest in the entire Xintian Immortal Dynasty. Even if the Tao of Tomorrow is not the ruling Tao, this weight still makes them involuntarily divide them. High and low.


The Taoist weapon fell.

It was a golden divine sword, which made everyone's hearts tremble when they saw it.

Most of the sword-shaped Taoist tools of Tomorrow's Way can directly kill people. With such a Taoist tool user who is considered a famous person, is he planning to kill the Lord of the Cave Heaven?

"The eighth seat of the Zixue University Society, King Yu, died not long ago. After investigation, it was found that he died here, serial number 60547, in the middle plane world - Bicui Realm."

"There were two other True Realm monks who died with him. This is not something that could happen in the Bicui Realm. You have ten minutes to explain all this."

Whenever the Taoist envoy spoke.

Of course, he didn't mean that if he couldn't explain it in ten minutes, he would be charged. These ten minutes were just supplementary, allowing the people at the scene to speak directly to him.

Ten minutes later, everything that I wanted to say had been said, and it was time to use the Taoist weapon. There was no room for the person involved to interfere.

"Impossible. Why is there no abnormality in the fall of the true realm? Nothing happened today. How can I meet the Taoist envoy? Is there anything wrong?"

Zuo Ming's expression changed drastically and he spoke quickly.

They indeed did not sense any abnormality. Even about the "game", they knew nothing about it. They were completely cut off by Yun Ye and did not affect these researchers.

"It is not certain that a monk will have a strange phenomenon when he falls. If someone completely wipes out the power that comes out, it will not cause any disturbance."

"You have to know, this is not the Red Heaven Realm."

Yan met the Taoist envoy and said calmly.


Zuo Ming and Nan Xi looked at each other and were speechless for a moment.

The three days of self are the source of the vision of falling!

It takes countless energy to solidify the outer wall to build the self for three days. This energy does not disappear out of thin air. Once the monk dies, the three days of self will collapse, causing huge energy to gush out in an instant and feed back to the world. This forms the phenomenon of death.

In this jade world, I am so far away for three days that even if there is a vision of falling, it is not obvious. It is not unimaginable to erase the vision.

In the end, Zuo Ming and the others could only smile bitterly: "As we just said, we have no idea what happened, so we can only let Yan Peng Dao Qi ask you to investigate on your own. I hope it will end soon, otherwise... "

Tomorrow's Taoist envoy must not stay outside the red sky for a long time, otherwise there will be great disaster. Naturally, Zuo Ming and the others are not worried about their own problems. They are just afraid that they are too unlucky and will die in confusion if they are really attacked by a true immortal.

"Finished? What about you?"

The Taoist envoy Yan Feng looked at Yun Ye and the others.

"Xun, what happened?"

The three of them looked confused.


Two out of three are playing dumb.

"The rules of heaven stipulate that no one is allowed to use offensive or mind-reading spells on others without permission, except when permission is obtained."

"There are many permission conditions: first, voluntary permission during competition and combat. Second, compulsory permission when the evidence is conclusive. Third, unlimited permission when self-defense and counterattack. Fourth, when you are not a Hongtian citizen..."

The Taoist envoy Yan met said one sentence after another.

The faces of many researchers present changed slightly. At their level, it was difficult to say that there would be no problem. Could it be that they were trying to read their memories?

The old god Yun Ye is here.

He has never read memories in this life. At most, he can feel emotions, which does not violate the rules of heaven.

Over the past 20,000 years, Hongtian's laws have been gradually improving.

Many things that we took for granted in the past are no longer allowed in this era and are infringing on the rights of others.

In this era, Yun Ye was a serious criminal and could read memories at every turn.

However, Yun Ye's attitude towards reforming is good.

The previous Zhang Jutan, Yun Ye was the "history" observed with divine methods of the past, present and future, not Zhang Jutan personally.

I didn’t pry into Zhang Jutan’s privacy, nor did I read his memory. I just went through history and went to various public areas where Zhang Jutan once stayed.

Peeping into other people's memories and looking into other people's houses are against the law, but there is no problem in observing streets and various public areas in the wild.

Zhang Jutan violated countless laws and regulations, but the evidence left in the public area was enough to prevent him from turning over forever. No one could do anything but admit that Yun Ye was right.

But having said that, as Zixue's director, Zhang Jutan's strength is not weak.

Yun Ye was not in a perfect spiritual state when he entered school. Unless he couldn't think about it, it would be impossible to read the memory of a venerable person.

Even if his talent is astonishing, it is impossible for him to hide it from the outside world and ignore the will and power of a venerable person to read his memory.

"When I came, the Heavenly Court had already granted me permission. There were monks who had committed numerous crimes, and the evidence was conclusive, so I was given compulsory permission to read their memories."

"Zuo Ming, Class C crime..."


Xie Jinglun had already lost his voice before he finished listening.

Class C felony?

Zixue director Zhang Jutan is only a Class C criminal. Are you kidding me? Although they have only been in contact for a few hours, he thinks that this man is definitely a good person. Is there any mistake? How could this happen?

The first time he came out of the Red Heaven Realm, was he deceived in such a gorgeous way?

Xie Jinglun was so shocked that he lost his words, but he could not affect the result.

When Yan Feng Taoist Master read out the words "Class C Major Crime", Zuo Ming was already surrounded by chains of rules even before the subsequent substantive charges were read out.

All power is blocked, all possibilities are reduced to zero, and all we can do is wait for the trial.

"Selling glitter fairies, illegally transforming true spirits, refining immortality substances, conducting experiments on the fusion of true spirits and human souls and bodies, anti-humanity, anti-immortal dynasty, anti-world, preparing to transform the world's will to create war weapons, colluding with illegal organizations, and Collusion between external forces..."

Yan met the Taoist envoy and read it for a long time.

Zuo Ming's expression was indifferent.

Everyone around them dispersed for fear of being implicated, leaving only Nan Xi and Zuo Ming.

Just when Xie Jinglun wanted Nanxi to stay away from Zuo Ming, the Taoist envoy Yanfen finished reciting the charges, then seemed to remember something, and said again: "Oh, Nanxi, the helper, is guilty of the same crime as Zuo Ming."

Xie Jinglun stood stunned on the spot.



Yun Ye couldn't help but laugh. Being young was so novel. Everything he encountered was so unexpected.

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