A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 658 Become an Immortal or Become a Saint

"World exploration qualifications?"

"After the assassination, you immediately gave me the exploration qualification. Do you want to assassinate again?"

All the members of the society looked at each other and thought of something.

The board of directors of Zixue High School either has a big problem, or they want Qing Liusheng to be used as a bait. This is something that offends people.

Will Qing Liusheng accept the move?


Yun Yeling's suit vibrated, and a notification appeared.

"Hello, President Qing Liusheng, your qualifications and strength have been reviewed and unanimously recognized by the council. We believe that campus study has been far behind your growth, and we hereby send out an invitation to multiverse exploration qualifications in advance. Based on the principle of voluntariness, President Qing Liusheng can decide on his own whether to explore the multiverse. Special statement: This qualification is valid for 1 year unless special circumstances occur. 』

"Finally, I wish you success in your studies and a smooth path to immortality." ——Zixue Council. 』

Multiverse exploration qualifications.

Valid for one year.

I can't wait for him to leave the Red Sky Realm.

In fact, it can be seen from the assassination initiated by King Yu after Zhang Jutan was arrested that Shenting has considerable power in Zixue.

Moreover, they have decided to abandon this part of the power.

When Zhang Jutan was in trouble, the Immortal Dynasty had already noticed that there was a problem with Zixue High School. Now that King Yu is in trouble again, there is a legitimate reason for the review.

Yun Ye also used his authority to check the progress of the review. He let Zhang Jutan be arrested just to bring out more mashed radish. If someone hindered the review of Zixue University, there might be a problem.

But unfortunately, no one took action to stop the review process initiated by the Divine Army and Tianmu.

With the failure of King Yu's assassination, it was completely confirmed that there was a big problem within Zixue University, and the speed of the review process increased again.

What follows is a vigorous cleaning operation, and anyone who can find problems will be eliminated.

I have to say that it is a little difficult to hide darkness in the Red Sky Realm.

In this era when there are Taoist weapons flying across the sky and the God Queen is sitting in the Heavenly Universe and suppressing diversity, no matter how many methods are available, at least in the Red Sky Realm there is no way to deceive the God Queen.

Before the senior officials of the Zixue Council were cleared, they gave Yunye the qualification to explore the multiverse in advance, which was considered as a last resort.

The follow-up depends on Yun Ye's own thoughts, whether he should use himself as bait to trap the assassin again, or whether he should play it safe and remain silent.

Zi Xuexin stared at Yun Ye.

Can the Wanling Group and the forces behind the Wanling Group have the courage to fight against Shenting again?

In response, Yun Ye raised his head, a pair of blue sky eyes without any emotion, just smiled softly at the corner of his mouth and said to Zixue: "I didn't expect that I was valued so much. Thank you to the school for giving me this opportunity. I am actually very happy." Looking forward to exploring the multiverse and witnessing all kinds of scenery.”

"Let me go explore the multiverse. I believe that the ubiquitous sky will clear away those who are interested."


Not a word was spoken.

Zixue fell into thinking, this young man...

Is he really confident, or is he just being suspicious?

Although Shenting is not well-known among the public, that is because it is difficult to intervene in the Red Sky World.

Most of their forces are in the outer world, in the major top parallel universes.

The foundation is so deep that even if the Queen of Gods personally takes action, it may be difficult to clear it away.

Facing such an opponent, one should be cautious.

Qing Liusheng chose to enter the multiverse so easily. Wouldn't this be a formal declaration of war on the Divine Court?

What kind of force wants to be the enemy of Shenting?

The Immortal Dynasty itself?

Or... the fairy clan forces?

At Zixuexin's level, she still knows many secrets. The entire multiverse interference range is basically divided into three major forces.

They are the New Celestial Dynasty, the strongest force represented by the Queen of Gods.

Interest group forces represented by Shenting.

The invading forces represented by the fairy clan.

The purpose of the New Heavenly Immortal Dynasty is to implement the Way of Tomorrow, make wishes again, and create a world in which everyone is like a dragon and diversity is unified.

Interest groups such as Shenting hope to pool resources to practice immortality, and eventually become immortals and live forever, high above the world.

Finally, the forces represented by the immortal clan hope to break the seal of the God Emperor, return to the Red Sky Realm from the void, and participate in this new world.

Each of the three parties has its own advantages and disadvantages, attracting the services of different groups. Currently, the New Celestial Immortal Dynasty is indeed more powerful, but the God Queen will fall in at most a thousand years. By then, will the New Celestial Immortal Dynasty be able to transition smoothly under the interference of the two camps? In the third generation, there will be a dividing line that will determine the future order.

Although it is still far away from the millennium now, there are still undercurrents surging, and all major forces have a tendency to rise.

Among them, the influence of the immortal clan is the most obvious. Because they master Taoism and have connections with true immortals, Shenting may not be comparable. If Qing Liusheng's backing is the influence of the immortal clan, there is a reason to take action against Shenting.

Shenting is a local force. Although it is hostile to the Immortal Dynasty, it is impossible to give up the position of the leader of the Immortal Dynasty to the Immortal Clan. Compared with the God Queen who will fall in a thousand years, now we are beginning to understand the opponent Shenting, maybe a good choice.

"Yes, with the protection of the sky, no force can act rashly. President Qing Liusheng, after you start to officially explore the multiverse, please inform the entire society. Exploring the multiverse is different from entering the approximate universe. You need to transfer to the Tianqian Universe. By then, I will personally lead you to take the first step in exploring the multiverse."

"Okay, Liusheng thanks the chief first!"

The conversation ends there.

Yun Ye led Ha Qie out of the academy building and returned to his dormitory.

Despite the fact that the battle between He Yuwang and the three of them was an overwhelming victory, in fact, it took a lot of energy from him, and he would probably be tired in a short time.

Zhao Seeing the Future is to summon his future self. Although his power is huge, it is also overdrawing his own possibilities. Whether it is the vortex life force, divine consciousness, or the four elements, they are all extremely consumed. Even if the identity of the president makes He received a lot of resources and it will take time to recover.

Long Linglong had been waiting for a long time. She said, "Young Master, I was notified by a code just now that the chairman has "important matters" to discuss with the young master."

"Is it important? Did you tell me the time?" Yun Ye said.

"It's too sudden to return to Longyue Garden suddenly. The young master can continue to act as usual and have another conversation on Saturday." Long Linglong didn't know what to discuss, but she was just passing on information, so she took her time.

"Okay." Yun Ye nodded. This call should be related to the death of King Yu, and he also felt Qingkong's call to him.

The person he wanted to talk to when he returned to Longyue Garden was not Chairman Wanling, but Qingkong.

"Master, I have prepared dinner."

Long Linglong didn't ask any questions and just acted as her tool maid so as not to get involved in any trouble.

Yun Ye smiled and ate while connecting to Tianmu's internal network. Since he was trying to kill Shenting, he still had to do the whole thing and really call Tianmu up.

Hazy Moon Garden.

A ray of dawn entered the room.

The young man with green hair and blue eyes opened his eyes, and the ripples in the twenty-five-layer blue sky gradually dispersed.


Yun Ye's understanding of the Whirlpool Taoist method became deeper and deeper, and he gradually realized the power of this Taoist method. Although it was not the ultimate physical method, it still stood at the top in the world.

Due to the concept of rules, this method has no limits at all. Like all methods throughout the ages, it can be infinitely improved.

As long as there are resources, it can be infinitely improved, completely overlapping with the infinite Tao method, and it can be obtained by Yun Ye at the same time.

"Both sides of yin and yang are complete, now the next step is to see how far I can improve?"

Yun Ye naturally knew that both methods required the consumption of countless resources. If he wanted to meet his requirements, he would need an astronomical number of resources. What's more, he also practiced the four-element cave method, so he would inevitably embark on the path of creating a new world, and another one. There is a bottomless pit of resources everywhere.

Judging from the current situation, if he does not enter the multiverse, he has no chance to gather this massive resource. And even if he enters the multiverse, these important resources are still controlled by major forces. If he wants to seize food from the tiger's mouth, he can only open up new ones. world.

to be honest……

How can pioneering be faster than robbing?

Without even thinking about it, Shui Wuge was as sinister as him and must have been waiting for this day.

Who among the major forces today is not full of evil?

There is only one problem for Shui Wuge now, and that is whether it can solve these forces.

Today, when the major forces are extremely fat, to be honest, in a full-scale war, only the Red Heaven Realm battlefield has the advantage. How many Cave Heaven Lords are on the side of the Immortal Dynasty in other areas?

And, what can ordinary monks do to start a war with the Lord of the Cave?

"So, even if the Immortal Dynasty has collected the Dao canon, it cannot be spread freely, otherwise..."

Yun Ye shook his head.

If the method of creating the world is leaked, it will be leaked. This is the necessary method to open up the multiverse.

But Taoism doesn’t work!

The training difficulty and resource consumption of Taoist methods are much lower than those of Dongtian method, and most Taoist methods are self-cultivation. Unlike Dongtian, which cannot be moved, there is no shortcoming that the strength will be greatly reduced if you are away from Dongtian, and you can exert considerable combat power in any location. .

Even Taoist methods can coexist with Dongtian methods, greatly increasing the probability of advancement.

For contemporary monks, even the granting of incomplete Taoism is extremely attractive. It is a method that is more serious than the blockade of Dongtian Dharma.

To be honest, it is no wonder that the fairy clan has accumulated into a large camp in the past nine thousand years even if only a small number of clan members have entered the Red Sky Realm.

This is a benefit visible to the naked eye and a shortcut to the highest!

Compared to the Dongtian method, which has a very low success rate and means death if you fail, no matter how demanding the Tao method is, at least you will not die directly if you fail in practice!

Yun Ye stood up, opened the door of space with both hands, and walked into the passageless basement of Longyue Garden. A large number of precision instruments were placed underground. As Yun Ye arrived, they lit up one after another, and the particles gathered together and transformed into a green-haired woman. figure.

"Liu Sheng, mom misses you so much!"

Qingkong jumped up and hugged Yun Ye, and kept rubbing Yun Ye's face, as if Yun Ye was some kind of fluffy kitten. She was enjoying the rubbing, but Yun Ye could only sigh. The leader of the fairy clan was also a freak, and his performance What came out was indeed his true nature, which made Yun Ye wonder whether Qingkong had been isolated from the world for a long time and his mind had not grown.

"Hey, hey, don't you miss mom?"

Seeing that Yun Ye was indifferent, Qing Kong was a little dissatisfied and stretched out his hand to shake Yun Ye.

"Um...don't want to."

Yun Ye told the truth.

"Hey, it seems that my child still needs to grow up and is unable to understand such things as feelings."

Qingkong smiled and continued, "You have done very well this month. Your luck has become much stronger than before. I have also heard that you defeated ten people in the same realm. You are worthy of it." He is a Taoist trained by me, even the most talented person in the Red Sky Realm is vulnerable to a single blow!"

"The so-called ten seats are too weak." Yun Ye said.

"Haha, indeed, they are too weak compared to you, but they are only ten seats. What if you are the chief? What if you are the champion of the five schools? This is just Tengzhou, there is also the Red Sky Realm, and even the outer world, There are countless opponents you need to defeat. If you lose carelessly, how do you think I will punish you?" Qingkong's finger was already on Yun Ye's forehead.

"Mother should believe in my strength. In front of me, any invincible person is as fragile as a bubble, and they are all weak." Yun Ye said.

"Haha, it's good to have this kind of confidence. It just so happens that Wanling Group has completed a layout and attracted some uninteresting things. You can use the power of Tianmu and Wanling to kill them all. This is your next step. The universe we need to go to." Qingkong smiled and sent a message to Yun Ye, forming a cosmic array.

In the universe, only the areas where multi-gate towers have been established can be teleported to any fixed point. If you are exploring the universe, you can only rely on the cosmic array, which is a special information array that can not get lost in the void. Through the traction of the array, Fixed locations can be reached in random teleports.

"Yes, mother." Yun Ye nodded.

Qingkong did not fully grasp the information about the Red Sky Realm. Wanling Group sent Zhang Jutan there. In her opinion, it was an action against Shenting. She did not think of Yun Ye. However, Yun Ye was qualified to explore the multiverse. Instead, she played a part in it.

"Be careful yourself. You won't be afraid of people like King Yu with the help of Qingtian Daoyi, but some venerables, even the Lord of Cave Heaven, are not easy to deal with, and the problem cannot be solved so easily."

"Now that the Immortal Dynasty and Shenting have known that you have real-level strength, the possibility of sending powerful monks to each other will be greatly increased. If you are really defeated, you can inspire Qingtian Taoist Yi to return to Hongtian. The power of this Taoist Yi is powerful. , it’s more than enough to escort you back with the cooperation of the beacon.”

"I will, mother."

Yun Ye nodded again.

The heavenly universe, the new heaven.

The Qing Palace where the Queen of Gods lived.


The clouds and mist were lingering, and the sound of water continued. A graceful woman with long black hair was bathing in the spiritual pool. She looked unspeakably tired and seemed to have accumulated endless pressure.

After a moment, the woman with long black hair walked out of the spiritual pool, her perfect body automatically gathered spiritual light and formed into a light blue dress.

As she walked, there was a faint strong force fighting against her, and the chains of order were constantly fighting against each other in the void.

Time and space shattered, and dense silver lightning spread all over the body, slightly invisible but still there.

"If it were an era when Taoist weapons disappeared, I'm afraid there would be a saying that God abandoned the human race..."

"The cave will protect you for ten thousand years, and the cave will protect you for another ten thousand years."

"If I collapse the parallel world and sublimate all the Tiangan universe, I'm afraid I can live for another ten thousand years and reach the height of my brother. But that's it. Thirty thousand years is the limit, and any more will swallow thousands of universes. It’s useless, the law of longevity is an absolute rule after all.”

Shui Wuge looked at the Tianmian Taoist Artifact suspended in the sky of Tiangan Universe, with no emotion on his face.

If the Heavenly Cave Technique appears before Taoist artifacts, it may become a method of immortality and transcendence, creating invincible human beings who can suppress all races.

But it is a pity that there is no if. The Taoist tools were born first and became true immortals. They themselves are not comparable to the heaven and earth. After rewriting the law of Tianshou, the power of creating the world cannot resist aging.

Some people may say, in this case, why not escape from the Red Heaven Realm? The Lord of the Cave Heaven should be able to live forever if he escapes from the Red Heaven Realm. If he continues to grow, it may not be impossible to surpass the True Immortal.

If you can keep moving outward and reach the edge beyond the reach of the rules of the Red Sky Realm, then it is indeed possible.

But it is a pity that even if the emperor has infinite power and can reach the outer world and even rush out of the Red Sky Realm, their power is spiritual energy after all, and it comes from the Red Sky Realm. After leaving the Red Sky Realm, even if the emperor stores a huge amount of imperial power, How far can you go?

It can't go very far, not even one or two universes away. It is a complete fantasy to want to escape the interference scope of the Law of Tianshou.

What about the Lord of the Cave?

The Lord of the Cave can draw power from the void without fear of loss, and should be able to stay away indefinitely.

Not really.

The Cave Heaven of the Cave Heaven Lord is fixed somewhere in the outer sky. When it is far away, its power will weaken rapidly. The amplitude is much greater than that of the Cave Heaven Lord of the Red Sky. It is impossible to escape from the interference range of the rules of the Red Sky Realm.

Even the top Tiangan Cave Heaven cannot escape this range, let alone maintain invincible power across large cosmic distances.

Shuiwuge can shock the Red Sky Universe Group because the Tiangan Universe continues to swallow up the major universes and turn these universes into its own tentacles. This first-mover advantage is simply unmatched by the Lord of the Cave Sky.

But even so, there are still things that cannot be taken into account. Not all worlds are registered, and not all worlds are swallowed up by the Tiangan Universe. There are too many things hidden under the surface.

Because of this, even if she knew that there was a problem with the monks who came to attend the Immortal Dynasty's grand gathering, Shui Wuge would not take action at will, and would only deal with a very small number of them each time.

The Cave Heaven Dharma is only an invincible method in the mortal world. If you want to live forever, there is only one way in this era -

Taoist weapon!

The Tomorrow Taixin Bell Taoist Equipment awakened in her hand in her hand, as the current symbol of the Tomorrow Tao of the Immortal Dynasty, has already become the crown of heaven.

In other words, she can already directly make a wish and become an immortal, or...

Make a wish to become a saint!

Of course, the price is that all Taoist principles disappear. The Red Sky Realm loses the supervision of Tianmian Taoist tools, and only some realm Taoist tools remain.

Tomorrow's Taoist tools have not been lost, and theoretically the echoes can be 100% integrated. However, once she makes a wish to change the rules, she will be directly annihilated by the ashes of the Taoist oppression like Shui Changdong who made a wish to change the rules for the second time.

Today is different from the past. It seems that the Red Sky Realm has entered the Age of Ending Law, but in fact its power has been greatly improved compared to thousands of years ago. All the Lords of Cave Heaven who created the world and all parallel worlds are regarded as members of the Red Sky Realm. strength.

Once she makes a wish, the radiation range of the rule modification will be far larger than before, and the burden will be more terrifying. She is already on the verge of the limit, and there is no way she can survive even for just one day after making the wish, and there is no way to gather the second artifact.

"Whether you want to become an immortal or become a saint is really a difficult question to decide."

Shui Wuge sat on the jade throne, holding her face up and thinking.

Although she did awaken the Tomorrow Way, people outside seemed to have the illusion that Tomorrow Way could only sacrifice herself to achieve others.

All forces assumed that she would either die directly or make a wish to become a saint, and did not consider the possibility of her becoming an immortal at all.


Although the school teaches about a harmonious world and the pursuit of ideals, neither her brother nor the previous chiefs reject the idea that achieving the right goal is the most important, and there is no limit to the means.

The weak have no choice. The so-called rules are the restrictions set by the strong for the weak.

Her Tomorrow Way weapon is taken from the "real part", and she only regards Tomorrow Way as a means of ruling to achieve her ideals.

As a more realistic Tomorrow Road, Shui Wuge will not be heartbroken over trivial matters, nor will he casually sacrifice himself to achieve success for others.

What she wanted to do was get the best of both worlds.

Work for 20,000 years.

Who should she ask for her salary?

"You? Qing Liusheng..."

The screen in front of Shui Wuge presented Yun Ye's life in detail. Every move was completely monitored. This surveillance was not interrupted until Yun Ye entered the secret room to talk to Qing Kong.

Before King Yu's death, she naturally didn't notice this sudden genius.

However, King Yu died and Tianmu's highest authority was used by Yun Ye. She immediately understood in a daze that her brother might be reincarnated and returned.

However, as a woman who had worked patiently for 20,000 years, Shui Wuge was not impatient and kept observing the young man who was suspected of being the reincarnation of her brother.

Then she confirmed her thoughts. Although her appearance was different, her speaking habits, movements, and demeanor remained the same, exactly the same as Shui Changdong.

Now she completely understood why the Tao of Tomorrow could miraculously rise in just a thousand years and overthrow the ruling Tao.

A peerless genius who has ideals and is not afraid of death does have this potential.

"Yang Shi, Dao, Xiangying, Ming Weiyang..."

"Then Shui Changdong."

"Well, if you guessed it right, my brother's real name should be 'Yun Ye', right? In the first life, he was an ordinary farmer, but he mastered knowledge that was not his own. He was a stowaway from other universes. In the end, The brother who killed his wife fell into silence, but his whole family and the whole village were slaughtered, and he came back with endless hatred."

"...Although the Shui Changdong I know cannot feel any hatred or emotion at all, he is so bland no matter what he faces."

The controller of the Tiangan Universe can freely use all kinds of divine magic. Shui Wuge is naturally curious about the origin of Tomorrow's Way and goes back to history to investigate.

As a result, she discovered many unusual people and unusual things. Although these people's souls and auras were completely different, their actions and beliefs were so consistent that in just a few hundred years, it made Tomorrow Dao Complete the feat of disintegrating the Luo Dynasty.

Then the World God came and created Shui Changdong, a figure who directly established the new Celestial Dynasty and made a second wish to change the rules.

These miracles are too many and too coincidental.

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