A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 670 Nine Lives Taoism

Zixuexin and many venerables have asked a question.

Why are you so obsessed with killing Qing Liusheng?

Because of his immortal status?

His talent?

Its future?

At this moment the truth was completely revealed.

It's fate!

"The Nine Lives Taoism and the Presupposition of Heavenly Principles!"

"Future Taoism·Future Deduction!"

"Infinite Taoism, all hidden in the divine heaven!"

Vast information flashed before Yun Ye's eyes. Even though the Chaos Holy Body had achieved some achievements, it was still too weak compared to the vast multiverse.

He is like a swimming fish, jumping up from the sea and making no splash when he falls.

After Yun Ye's vortex Taoism achieved the Dharma realm, the conventional distinction between realms was actually meaningless. At this time, he had reached the limit of the true realm in terms of nature and strength alone. Even weak lords could be killed, so This swimming fish cannot be said to be too weak, it can only be understood that the multiverse is too vast.

Fortunately, he was not alone. In the hazy moment, Yun Ye's vision was pulled across the infinite void and reached the red sky realm that was as dazzling as the red sun in the void.

Immediately afterwards, he descended into the Red Sky Realm, passed through the outer world, and arrived at the Tiangan Cave Heaven surrounding the Red Sky Nine Continents.

The Tiangan Cave has become a vast universe, and it is difficult to observe with sight. He just keeps falling.

Finally, he came to a space similar to an auditorium.

It is just like the auditorium used for the opening ceremony of ordinary schools. There is nothing special about it, except for the differences in the podium, seats and some facilities.

There have been no large events using the auditorium recently, but the lights are on and a podium stands alone.

The light shines evenly on the platform, covering the podium and forming a clear dividing line with the seats under the stage.

In the darkness, many venerables were sitting in various places under the stage. They were either closing their eyes to meditate, or reading, or practicing, or deducing.

But beneath the surface, their spiritual consciousness has been thinking about an ordinary book on the podium, which looks like a dictionary.

The heavenly artifact known as the New Heaven Sacred Scripture is placed on the podium, blending with the light and dust, and does not reveal any magic.

Yun Ye naturally recognized his creation. He took steps toward the book and stretched out his hand.

"What are you going to do this time?"

A voice suddenly sounded.

Yun Ye looked sideways.

A woman with perfect manners and long black hair that almost reached the ground came forward, her long silky hair swaying slightly as she moved, as if she was celebrating.

She wore a blue divine dress that showed the elegance of a divine queen without looking old-fashioned. She also wore a gorgeous ornament on her forehead as a substitute for a phoenix crown.

Due to the influence of Yun Ye, modern clothing has indeed changed dramatically, but most of the weapons built by the top monks are still in ancient costumes.

In the East King City, when the spiritual clothing was just beginning, there was a situation where after the spiritual clothing was completely liberated, the armor turned into Taoist clothing. This situation has been maintained in this era. The strongest initial form of spiritual clothing is ancient clothing, accessories.

There is nothing ordinary about Shui Wuge. It is not only infected with the power of the cave, but also the crystallization of the highest achievement of the Immortal Dynasty's technology.

"The stage that set off a storm and let the true immortals perform for millions of years ends here."

Yun Ye stretched out his hand, "I'll rely on my sister for a while, is that okay?"

Shui Wuge's dark eyes were slightly divergent, flashing through a large number of memories from the past. It was a very short period, but a period that was nostalgic.

East King City...

The World God came and became stronger through killing. At that time, they were all the East King's prey and were destined to die.

However, a change like his brother ushered in, which gave the weak and helpless them a glimmer of hope, and later created an incredible miracle. Without the help of the Cave Heaven Method, they successfully created the world and wiped out in one fell swoop the evil that left them completely unable to resist. Dong Wang led them to the top in a very short period of time and restored order.

This process did not require the participation of weaklings like them at all. They were protected and directly obtained the final fruits and became the rulers of the Immortal Dynasty.

For thousands of years, she has been thinking about the meaning of her existence and why she is alive.

In the end, she gradually understood in life that just living a stable life was the greatest happiness for many people. She accompanied her brother to the top and almost never worried about this. Surrounded by happiness, it can be seen that her Happiness will last until death, holding the Heavenly Stem and the Heaven in her hand, no existence can resist her, and no one can disturb the peace.

Not even a true immortal can do it. At this time, she is the real master of the Red Heaven Realm.

Then, she awakened the Taoist Instrument of Tomorrow.

Although she can't do much, at least she can decide the order of the Red Sky Realm.

Shui Wuge held Yun Ye's outstretched hand. Her black eyes saw through the tiredness of Yun Ye's thoughts. She said, "Brother... rely on me as much as you like!"

The eyes are rising, and the perspective is controlling everything.

The three laws merged into one, fate was in hand, and interference across the multiverse began.

With Shui Wuge's help, the impossible came true silently, and the tentacles of the Tiangan Universe covered the entire Immortal Dynasty Universe Group.

All darkness is covered, prompting destiny to develop towards Yun Ye's own expectations.

Hongmeng Realm.

Standing in the purple air, Yun Ye opened his eyes and walked towards the depths with Zixue Xin beside him. The originally perfect Hongmeng Realm suddenly fluctuated and cracked a gap. This was a very coincidence. It was during the Great Destruction. The gap torn out by the twisting of the sword was originally invisible and impenetrable.

But it was such a coincidence that they appeared in front of Yun Ye. The two of them were not weaklings. They completely penetrated and passed through this gap.

Walking into this gap does not mean reaching the chaotic void directly, but there is a process of crossing the world barrier, which is completely different from the teleportation from the multi-gate tower.

As the two people shuttled, the world barrier twisted backwards, but there was no gravitational pull. It just shrank to a singular point and turned into a part of the dim void, without any trace left.

"The Hongmeng Realm has collapsed. The Lord of Cave Heaven and those venerables seem to have perished together. Everything is really arranged clearly."

Zixue Xin had never seen the collapse of the universe, let alone experienced it personally. She sighed and looked back, trying to remember this moment.

But unfortunately, as she left the Hongmeng Realm, the position, time, and space became ambiguous. Her eyes could not penetrate the dark void, and she could not see the Hongmeng Realm that had lost its light.


The interference range of Qingtian Daoyi's power was rapidly shrinking. Although it was light, there was a shattering sound.

"Leave as soon as possible!"

Zixue Xin soon realized that the void was not a place for them to roam, and a great terror was coming!

Only relying on the sacred artifact is far from being able to resist this great terror.

If they continue, they will be erased from existence and disappear from everyone's memory.


The two of them worked together to initiate forced teleportation, turning into a beam of light that traveled through the void and shined into the world with the closest coordinates.

The teleportation technology of the multi-dimensional gate tower relies on the power of the cave. Both of them have mastered the method of creating heaven and earth. Even if the formation diagram is not prepared in advance, they can still rely on beacons to forcibly teleport, which will only consume a lot of resources.

This kind of shuttle is similar to the shuttle in the early stage of the world invasion. It consumes a lot of resources and is really unbearable for individuals. Fortunately, the two of them are not ordinary, and they are not troubled by these problems. In a blink of an eye, the two of them landed in a nearby universe.

This is a world of extraordinary spirits, and the forced teleportation was a heavy burden for the two of them. They waited there for a moment, but still no attacker appeared.

It seems that this is an unplanned world.

"My mission is completed. I have to say that it was really thrilling. I hope that the next time I meet you, it will be a good thing and not a sword-to-sword confrontation, Qing Liusheng."

Zixue Xin's mission was completed, and she left through the multi-gate tower and headed for a certain cosmic battlefield.

Yun Ye watched him leave, turning the pages of the Nine Life Taoist Book in his hand, showing each scene.

"I paid such a high price, but I'm still alive. The next step is to re-evaluate the power behind me and use a real killer weapon?"

The reason why it is a question is mainly because he doesn't know whether it can be realized, so he can only push it as much as possible.

Is Shenting still willing to eradicate the threat at all costs?

If this is a possibility, then Yunye Layout can realize it if it lasts long enough.

But if Shenting itself does not have this possibility, or the possibility is extremely low, then with his current strength, even with the help of Shui Wuge, he cannot promote such a huge possibility.

The Nine Lives Divine Law is a method that interferes with destiny and cause and effect. The biggest difference from the Divine Law of the Future is that you can choose the "future" independently. This is the essence of the presupposition of heavenly principles.

Speaking of which, the Nine Lives True Immortal obviously possesses the power of Tianli Presupposition, but the title of Tianli True Immortal was instead obtained by the future Tao Lord.

Of course, this is a joke. This law of heaven is not the law of heaven. One is to determine the law of heaven, and the other is to implement the law of heaven. It can be said that they are completely different.

However, these true immortals seem to have some bad fate. The spiritual immortals who opened up the Five Elements did not get the title of Five Elements, but they were later obtained by Xuantian.

Hong Tian opened up the Taoist system, but did not obtain the title related to divine magic...

Although there was no concept of divine law at all at that time.

"Is Nine Lives Really Immortal..."

Yun Ye whispered in his heart that he was a little afraid of this true immortal. There seemed to be many things related to him, and his power was equally terrifying.

When he revised the rules, the Nine Lives True Immortal had fought against the future Dao Lord, and ended up losing ground. He was no match for him and was at a huge legal disadvantage.

It seems that the Nine Lives True Immortal is not a threat, has no cards, and its power of the True Immortal is not worth mentioning.

But in fact, this is not a legal suppression, but a suppression of personal strength.

In the future, the Dao Lord will be the latest to become an immortal. He defeated the two great emperors and became an immortal. His strength is unprecedented and unprecedented, but he will definitely be the emperor who crushed the Nine Lives True Immortal. Therefore, the power of the two true immortals will be against each other. When they collide, Future Dao Lord will have an absolute advantage.

There is no level difference in the power of true immortals, they are all absolute rules.

Although Yun Ye didn't know the difference between the power of the rules of the Nine Lives Dao Code and the power of the True Immortal of the Nine Lives True Immortal, as far as he concluded from using the two divine methods, there was no difference between the two methods. They are all the culmination of a path and have an irreplaceable role.

The future divine method is a method that deduces the future. It requires the ability to reach the deduced future. It cannot cover the impossible future into reality out of thin air.

The Law of Nine Lives God determines the future, destiny, and cause and effect.

Even if there is only a 0.001% probability of an event, it can be expanded to 100%. This is the Nine Life Divine Method after being upgraded to the Dao Method.

Yun Ye gathered the three great divine consciousness and true immortal skills, and he really reached the pinnacle of controlling the future and destiny.

The flaw of the nine-life divine method is that it forcibly controls destiny and consumes a lot of power, but now the other two divine methods have filled in the shortcomings.

Take the incident "let the dynamite explode" as an example.

The Nine-Life Divine Law will control the law of cause and effect, causing a bag of unstable explosives to explode directly.

Skip the process and go straight to the result. This is the power of possibility. Even if the atom is suddenly fissioned, it can be achieved. No matter how small the probability is, it is not zero, so it can be achieved after infinite amplification.

It's just that this kind of control is extremely inefficient and requires a massive amount of power to achieve. It's okay in the Red Sky Realm, but it's too unrealistic to cross multiple dimensions.

The power of Taoism may be endless, but there is an "upper limit". This mode can interfere with a few surrounding worlds at most.

But it is different when there is a future divine law.

In the future, divine magic can be deduced to know that the fuse needs to be ignited to explode the explosive. However, part of the explosive is damaged, which will hinder the explosion and needs to be removed.

Knowing this, the steps of the Nine Lives Divine Method can be replaced by dealing with damage, igniting, and then "boom"!

Finally, if the power is not enough, the infinite divine magic that can superimpose the power of divine magic should come into play.

The three methods were combined into one. If Yun Ye was not just over a year old now and had incomplete power, he would really be able to control a large number of independent universes at will.

There are almost no people who can detect it, only true immortals can detect it.

And this is why Yun Ye is a little afraid of the Nine Lives True Immortal.

As long as the power of rules is related to the possibility of manipulation, the Nine Lives True Immortal will have the most advantage in the outer world and may become the ultimate winner in the era of pluralism.

In the future, Dao Lord will indeed be able to easily defeat Jiu Ming and Wu Liang in the outer world. Together, the power of the True Immortal has exerted an astonishing effect.

But that is a battle between true immortals. In this multiverse era, the key to everything lies in people. Whoever can control people will have the last laugh.

Tongming Qiong, who only predicts the future and needs to complete various plans by himself, is obviously not as good as the Nine Lives True Immortal who directly determines the results.

When Yun Ye saw the principles of fantasy magic from the Infinite Taoist Code, he couldn't help but connect it to the Nine Lives True Immortal.

Perhaps, Shenting is the layout of the Nine Lives True Immortal in this era, and it is the sickle for him to take over the Red Heaven Realm.

Nine thousand years is not a long time for true immortals. There is no passage of time in the void. Thousands of years may pass by the divine red heaven in a blink of an eye. The heaven they created also means to gain the sense of time. For true immortals, as long as They think that they can jump a long time in an instant, and they don't mind waiting if waiting can solve the problem.

Now that the New Heavenly Immortal Dynasty is devastated, and the outer world is full of loopholes, those true immortals should have stepped in to do something. He needs a ray of wind to blow away the fog, and the Divine Court is just the first step.

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