A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 674 Difficult World Invasion

World invasion is a rather unfamiliar term in the Red Heaven Realm era, but it does exist.

In the era dominated by the King of the Manifestation Realm, there was also the concept of world invasion, but the invasion was of the Manifestation Realm, which was a necessary step to kill the King of the Manifestation Realm.

In the era of the multiverse, world invasion has become a true sense of crossing the world, rather than a domain constructed by the King of the Manifestation Realm.

Generally speaking, only invading the "opposing universe" can be considered an invasion, even the "edge universe" does not count.

The edge universe has been incorporated into the rule of its own universe, and the difficulty of invasion is greatly reduced, but the power will be suppressed, and there is no worry about life.

Yun Ye set out from the Hongmeng Realm and crossed the void, heading towards a world that no one has ever been to, and finally descended into the "opposing universe", which is the behavior that best fits the description of world invasion.

A beam of light fell on the boundless black ocean without causing any waves.

"Cough cough cough..."

Yun Ye stood on the water and kept coughing.

This is the opposing universe, no Lord of the Cave Heaven has ever invaded, and the rules are completely incompatible with the Red Heaven Realm.

In this case, what will the invader be like?

Everything he saw was distorted and dark.

Everything he breathed was poisonous.

All he felt was chaos and nothingness.

In this kind of environment, ordinary people would be killed in a blink of an eye. At least they would have to reach the position of honor and obtain the authority of a world before they could barely survive.

Yun Ye did not reach this level, but he was born with the power of earth, wind, water and fire, possessed the power of the cave, and was protected by the Qingtian Yuguang Taoist robe, so even if he traveled a long distance, his power was only weakened, and he was not directly swallowed by the world.

While coughing, Yun Ye's physique was adapting to the new environment. Although the strange and distorted scenery could not be erased, it could be restored to what he wanted to see through calculation.

It didn't matter if the air was poisonous. He didn't need to breathe, so he didn't have to waste the power of the cave to adjust.

Yun Ye examined himself and found that even if he was protected by the artifact, his own strength was still greatly consumed.

His body flickered, his sense of existence was missing, and his strength was greatly downgraded. If he stayed in this state for a long time, his blood and strength would most likely be permanently downgraded and swallowed by this world.

"Is it the amplification of the sequelae of teleportation?" Yun Ye muttered to himself, pressed his forehead, closed his eyes and activated the ancient, present and future magic. The past and future of the whole world were reflected in his eyes. In his eyes, the past was blurry, and the future was relatively clear. There was no "past Taoism" in the ancient, present and future magic. There was only the past magic deduced by the heavenly stem universe. The reason why the magic could be seen at will was mainly because of the infinite amplification of the magic by the "infinite Taoism". In the Red Sky Universe Group, the ancient, present and future magic was still invincible, but it was not as good as it was in the opposing universe, and it became blurred. However, the difference was not big, and the future was often more important than the past. "We must find this special person as soon as possible, otherwise..." He took a step and headed for his destination. In fact, even teleportation between parallel worlds is a burden for cultivators, not to mention the opposing universe. Ignoring the burden and continuously teleporting, the body will be unable to reorganize, and the soul and body will be severely damaged. This is a Tao injury, that is, damage at the rule level, which is difficult to heal by ordinary means. Yun Ye crossed a long distance and teleported continuously. After falling into this world, his body was illusory and his strength was only one tenth of it. However, this kind of Dao injury is not rare in the contemporary world. Even if you are not a venerable, you will have this kind of injury. For example, monks who are imprisoned in hell often die and resurrect repeatedly. After hundreds of years of accumulation, their souls and bodies are riddled with holes.

This market has spawned various technologies, which have continuously lowered the threshold for the treatment of Dao injuries. Yun Ye has also mastered some repair methods, and can barely maintain the injury. As long as he finds a lucky person in this world and signs a contract with him, he can borrow his luck to gradually recover.

But this is Yun Ye.

Like Nanxi, she has no big background and no invincible talent. She still can't afford the cost of recovering Dao injuries. If she doesn't work for a force of the level of Tianming Shenting, even if she has money, she doesn't have the technology to solve it.

"Woo! Woo! Woo!"

Birds like seagulls chirped and flew across the blue sky. From this point on, the distorted world was being restored.

The flowing liquid was restored to the ocean, the distorted sky creatures were restored to flying birds, and the same was true for various underwater lives.

Although it was a cover-up, Yun Ye could finally look directly at this world. Maintaining a distorted state was a kind of destruction to the monk's spirit.

Only the world can resist the pollution of the world. Willpower alone is useless, so it is best to deceive yourself with illusions to avoid mental pollution.

Along the way, Yun Ye's concept of the multiverse became clearer and clearer.

In this universe, he is always shrouded in the malice of the world itself. All matter is rejecting him as a foreign object.

If it were not for the protection of the power of the cave to cover up the malice, I am afraid that all life would attack him at all costs, even those dead things would do the same, sudden earthquakes, big cracks, meteorites falling from the sky, various explosions, etc.

This is the instinctive reaction of the universe to external matter. The clearer the world's will is, the stronger this rejection is.

"This is a plane, which happens to be the most powerful type of world will. It often has a clear era protagonist and a fateful future. If a weak outsider arrives in a plane-type world, he will either be crushed and swallowed directly, or be assimilated and forget himself."

Yun Ye could see a light in his eyes, which was at its peak, shining on the other side of the ocean.

This is the light of destiny. He can see that in the area where this light is located, the matter, space, and time of the entire plane world are tilting.

Metaphorically speaking, the outside of this light pillar already looks like a funnel, and the possibilities of the entire plane are converging. To a certain extent, the plane type world is also the best to solve, because the story all takes place at one point. Solving this point, the world The foundation will crumble.

Although I don't know why "Plane" is so personally heroic, as an intruder, this is a good thing and can save a lot of time.

After about half a day, Yun Ye finally arrived in the area, and a battleship appeared in his eyes.

The beam of light came from somewhere on this battleship.


Yun Ye saw the hull of the ship as if it were nothing, and passed directly through it, reaching the inner cabin and coming to a white-haired boy.

He stretched out his hand and passed through the white-haired boy.

His degree of illusion is quite high and his sense of existence is extremely low. He cannot attract anyone's attention. It is impossible to touch objects or talk to people. It requires the use of divine magic at the level of the world to break through.

He did not force a breakthrough, but stood aside silently, waiting for the situation to develop.

Luck protagonists often encounter a lot of events. They may not die, but there will be setbacks. The young man in front of him is not the protagonist of the Invincible style. He will soon face the first great change in his life. He can just take action when the time comes. .

"Improved distortion reaction!"

"The hull is eroded!"

"Get out of the interference range immediately!"

Continuous announcements sounded, and through the conversations between these people, Yun Ye quickly understood the language of the other world, even if he did not read minds.

Through a few words of conversation, he probably understood.

There are two unique points in this world, namely magic and twisted objects.

Magic is easy to explain. It is the extraordinary system of this world. It is just different from conventional incantation magic. The magic here has been modernized and has completely abandoned things like spells. It relies purely on magic formulas to activate it. The efficiency is hundreds of times higher than in the past. times.

At the same time, with the assistance of modern magical weapons, whether it is lethality, scale or other things, it is completely unimaginable.

According to modern magical science research, they believe that as long as humans today reach the S-level level, they will be equivalent to the god kings in ancient myths and legends, which is enough to create a god system that has been passed down for thousands of years and that even modern humans can worship. .

The A-level national magician is obviously the main god in ancient mythology, or a first-level god, who holds power and controls a party.

However, magic does not have the effect of immortality, so even if those powerful magicians in ancient times claimed to be gods, they would eventually die.

So a generation of god-kings, a second generation of god-kings, and so on appeared, and they were just powerful people...

After the magic is said, then comes the twisting thing.

This is something that existed in ancient times, but has never been as frequent as it is in modern times. It is a natural disaster with unimaginable power.

Modern magicians still need mental power as the source of magic, but these twisted objects have no such mechanism at all. They all ignore the laws of nature. Their abilities will not decay or become stronger. They are only transmitted according to the rules and must be performed by magicians. Only seals can contain it.

Many secret treasures in ancient times were related to twisted objects, such as the Holy Grail and the Philosopher's Stone, but these things were so terrifying that in the end their owners sealed them all without exception and waited for time to erase them.

As for those without seals, they are basically dead...

"Can a magician seal twisted objects?"

"Can time destroy the distortion?"

Yun Ye had already seen the so-called twisted object, and he suddenly became confused.

Although its essence is extremely weak and unknown, this thing is undoubtedly authority and a certain rule of the existence of the world itself...

Why should such a weak magician seal the rules?

Moreover, can it be completely wiped out?

This is simply impossible.

Even if authority is infinitely divided and divided again, it still has the nature of immortality. Only the same authority can destroy it, but it is only shattered, not completely destroyed. When time comes, it will be naturally conceived.

The magic of these magicians is not something like the light of the soul or the god of nature. It can be copied. It is a kind of technology that has no possibility of suppressing power at all. Both the essence and quantity are far from the ability to suppress and suppress people. Eliminate levels of authority.

But reality is reality, magicians can indeed seal the distortion, and Yun Ye can only admit his one-sidedness in the face of reality.

In this case, he needs to observe carefully, know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be in danger.

"Start sealing!"

Time progresses.

The five people dispersed and walked out. The golden runes spread and enveloped the house, and the seal was completed.

Yun Ye's sight continued to penetrate, observing the changes in the twisted objects.

He found that the magician's seals were not the key. The key was that these seals seemed to have become a coordinate, causing the entire plane to spontaneously tilt its power. Just as it rejected him as a foreign object, the world was also rejecting "distorted objects".

As a result, the effect of the distortion began to decrease, and was eventually completely neutralized.

The unknown nature of the distortion is also being crushed by the power of the plane, and it will eventually disappear, but it will still return in some form many years later.

"I see. Is magic just an inducement for the world to notice anomalies and initiate a cleanup process? It seems that the reason why humans in this world were born is that the will of the world needs a sufficiently intelligent self-examination method."

Yun Ye followed Noah and Gunter and headed towards the Yaguang.

Unlike the two of them, he could see at a glance that Yaguang had been shrouded in light and shadow magic. In fact, he was being bombarded by lightning all the time. Most of the pressure from this magic was given to the Yaguang battleship.

The target of country-restricted magic is the country, not the individual, and it can easily destroy a battleship.

In just a few seconds, Yaguang sank, but in order to let Günter, a national magician, waste more power, they did not cancel the light and shadow magic. It was not until Günter was about to board the ship that thunder struck and shattered it. camouflage.


The lightning evaporated a large area of ​​water, and explosions occurred one after another. Even Günter was covered in bruises and was completely unable to resist.

Gunter vomited a mouthful of blood and looked at Noah with fierce eyes. He had never suffered such a big loss before and was completely beaten passively.

However, there is still hope. His two teammates are not ordinary people. After hiding, they can find the right opportunity to launch a fatal blow.

The fact that they can escape from the thunderous attack is enough to show their high quality.


Three magicians emerged from the mist. One on the left and right was carrying a corpse. Gunter's pupils shrank...

It turned out to be Julia and Pang Fan!

Among the two, Pang Fan was penetrated through the chest, with a hole the size of a basketball. He died miserably, with disbelief in his eyes.

The same was true for Julia. She probably died from a fiery meteor. Her body was crushed and carbonized on a large scale. However, she could not see her expression. She was probably extremely shocked. As ace magicians and they were roaming the battlefield, they probably never thought about it. He would die so miserably.

"Günter, don't think too much. Are you relying on your body to resist my thunder and lightning? That's not funny at all. My thunder is called heavenly thunder. It doesn't mean natural thunder, but God's thunder. I can It penetrates everything and draws out energy that destroys everything. No matter can defend against my lightning, it’s so funny that he actually thinks that strengthening magic can work..."

Shiloh said lightly.

"The ace puppet master does have some skills, but this is our home court. The ubiquitous electromagnetic waves will not give her any chance to control us. Thinking about her helpless expression when walking in front of her, Zhen Zhen, it is really happy. ah!"

Abu was a little crazy. He suddenly revealed his murderous eyes and stared at Günter. "It's your turn next, Günter!"

There is no need to say much about the war between countries and the hatred between countries.

The two major camps in this world, the Eurasian Alliance and the American Allies, have been formed since World War I. Wars are constant, frictions are constant, and local wars break out all the time. This is why S-class magicians are restricted from participating in the war.

Having S-class magicians will be an overwhelming advantage. As the war situation expands, it can even permanently change the landscape, even leveling a country and destroying the entire world's environment.

Originally, Günter could not understand this kind of intimidation. After all, he had never seen a magician attack the country's restricted level.

But today, he understood this deeply with the lives of his teammates and himself. With this overwhelming strength, he really had no room to struggle.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, it seems that's the end of it."

Günter fired suddenly.

Then, with a bullet between his eyebrows, he lay down on his back, and his body without magic support fell directly into the sea.

"Stupid. Human beings' neural activities are controlled by electric current. After fighting for so long, you still think that your body is yours? It seems that you don't understand why the magic power of the three of us has risen to the level restricted by the country."

Padilla sneered.

"After today, everyone will understand."

Shiloh said, looking to the side.

"Ahhhh! Save me! You can do anything you want me to do, help me!!!"

Noah also fell into the water. His fear was completely aroused and he kept struggling. After understanding the meaning of death, he did not want to die.

The three of them stared at him for a while, but did not act immediately. They were also thinking about what this thing was...

"Contract reached."

Then, they saw Noah being pulled out of the water as if someone had pulled him, and he knelt down on the water.


No magic power fluctuation?

What happened and who was there?

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