"It is indeed very bad. You may not know that the Eurasian Alliance itself has three S-class magicians, and the rumored Snow Palace Holy Land actually has an S-class magician."

The gray-haired old official paused and took a deep breath. He seemed to be marveling at what he was about to say. He continued, "Although this magician claims to be neutral, in fact everyone knows that there is no such thing as neutrality in the world. , she is naturally inclined, and not surprisingly, is towards the Eurasian Alliance.”

"After all, the Eurasian continent is the hometown of this magician. It is impossible not to have feelings. If a war really breaks out, this magician will definitely assist the Eurasian Alliance in protecting the country, and this will undoubtedly free up the magicians of the alliance to fight with There is no difference if four S-class magicians join the battle."

"Coupled with the newly born S-class magician, there are already five S-class magicians in the Eurasian and European countries! You must know that the total number of S-class magicians in the world is only ten, and the Eurasian and European countries actually have Already half occupied, we only have three people!”

"That..." The female host's expression had begun to stiffen, and she keenly felt that something was very wrong. Is this something that can be said in an interview?

She couldn't help but want to interrupt, but as soon as she said a word, the person in charge of the headset interrupted directly: "Let him continue to speak, don't stop him."

"Half of S-class magicians, what does this mean?"

The female host is good at what she does.

She couldn't get involved in such a big event, so she was just a salaried person, and just being a mascot was enough.

"It's very simple, it means they have a way to contain our three S-class magicians, but we can only be beaten passively, without any room to fight back."

"Once the Eurasian Alliance wants to start a war, our situation will be very pessimistic. We may have a huge disadvantage and countless casualties in a short period of time. This situation is too terrible. Our country must make arrangements in advance and be vigilant!"

The gray-haired old official said it very seriously, but he couldn't bear to look directly at it.

It would be great if S-class magicians could do a one-to-one conversion. The real situation is much bleaker than this, such as that of the King of Space.

Once a war breaks out, who can restrain the King of Space?

And this kind of character is completely above the country.

Some foreign-restricted magicians were born during the war and barely have a sense of the country. However, most of the new generation of S-class magicians are really indifferent to the country. It's not that they don't care at all, but it's not necessary. .

No matter where they are, they will receive the highest level of treatment. It makes no difference to them which country they are. As long as the current world order is maintained, they will naturally stand at the top.

In this case, working for a national concept, risking the destruction of the world and destroying the existing order?

Impossible, no matter which country-restricted magician it is, it is impossible for them to agree. They are not stupid enough to dig their own graves. It is better for everyone to maintain the status quo.

(I really can’t read a single word of this manuscript.)

The old official sighed, but he still had to continue reading, and he had to act like an expert to convince most people.

Only in this way will those elites who know the inside story keep their mouths shut.

Starting from the official media, the trend has changed.

The conflict between the Eastern and Western Alliances began to intensify, but most people were ignorant and did not sense that the storm was coming.

After all, wars often occur in various places, so this change is not surprising, and it is not big news such as nuclear bombs bombing the divine capital.

But the elites who truly stood at the top of the world realized that something was wrong and began to step up the expansion of the shelter.

They have always been preparing, striving to survive the destruction of mankind.

They are either the top rich or have a lot of power and do not place their hopes on others at all.

This peaceful order seems to be maintained forever, but what if?

The S-class magician is not a nuclear button. There are others who can control it, and World War III can start at any time.

Once such an "unforeseen event" occurs, all their wealth and accumulation will be wiped out. Anyway, there is no point in keeping such a huge wealth with their worth. It is better to use it and spend it on various back-ends.

Even if a world war does break out by then, there will be a shelter buried thousands of meters below, which will be enough to support them until they die.

This is the choice of some people.

There are also some people who choose to intervene personally to prevent the outbreak of world war.

The elites of various countries are aware of the problem, and it is natural that the leaders of each country are unaware of it. After this change occurred, the top leaders of the Eurasian Alliance began to frequently visit the American allies, hoping to negotiate, understand what happened, and try to prevent large-scale wars. break out.

If it is confirmed that the other party is 100% ready to start a war, you can also obtain information and take action first.

However, this change is so obvious that most senior leaders of the Eurasian Alliance do not agree with it.

If you really want to start a war, direct action is the best choice. Various changes will make people aware of your intentions and cause huge losses.

As the conflict intensifies this time, there is a high probability that some people want to make war profits, so the news is disclosed in advance to prevent them from making a fuss.

Both camps are too huge. Both sides are speculating on each other, and no one can come up with the correct answer. But at least the middle and high-level leaders of both sides believe that a large-scale war is unlikely to break out, and it is just another small conflict.

In addition to the two foreign-restricted magicians controlled by the allies, as well as a large number of core senior officials.

Let’s not talk about the rulers for now.

Two of the three S-class magicians living in America have been controlled at this time. They know very well that a world war is really about to break out.

Lin Kai of the Sun, he is called this because his magic can simulate nuclear fusion and is far more powerful than a nuclear bomb.

He can destroy a city at will, use up his magic power, and even make a state disappear. This is a terrifying and destructive power that no one can stop or limit.

The Soul Horn, Dantalin, is even more terrifying. It can emit a sound that can cause the soul to deteriorate. It ignores all defenses and is useless even if it pierces the eardrum. It will directly cause the soul to deteriorate, and the body will also irreversibly turn into a monster. Causing countless destruction.

Normally, the scope of this magic interference is only the size of a city, but the scary thing about this magic is that it can be spread through things like the Internet. The real scope of interference is all areas where there is a network around the world...

That is to say, the last king of space, Shenlong, has disappeared. Otherwise, this one would also be controlled, and the result would be even more terrifying. Destroying human beings at any time is no joke.

The Alliance also possesses this level of power. In contrast, Noah, who can restrain all attacks, actually has no destructive power. Not only can he not be able to devour living bodies, he must also be judged as destructive when devouring matter and energy. threaten.

This is obviously not a power born to rule the world, but to suppress this world that may be destroyed at any time, and to give S-class magicians the greatest shock, so that they understand that if they do not kill Noah, they will not be able to destroy all mankind even if they do not kill Noah. Really stand at the top.

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