A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 701 The Twelve Earthly Branches Cave Heaven Method, the Easter Egg of the Sixth Level Celest

Hongtian's eyes were a little empty, as if he was connected to something.

The bloodline of the world god...

Unlike true immortals, the world gods born in the Red Sky Realm all become gods in the flesh, and the secret of their power lies in their bodies. Their descendants will inherit quite astonishing power.

The World God of Killing is an example. As a World God born in the Red Sky Realm, he is similar to a true immortal, with only one very prominent rule.

This kind of rule allows the God of Killing to continue to grow stronger. His body has a weight comparable to that of a big world. It is just a tentacle. There are no absolute rules, so Shui Changdong, who holds the Sword of Tomorrow, has to fight for ten years before he is finally wiped out.

As a Taoist weapon, Tomorrow Sword has the true name of two-point cutting power, and can increase the power of rules according to the proportion of humans standing on one's side.

Facing a monster-like life form like the World God, the judgment will directly reach the full value, causing maximum damage.

At the same time, Tiangan Dongtian has also continued to grow with the Hongtian Immortal Method in the past ten years, reaching a new height compared to ten years ago.

There is no doubt that the body of the World God itself can be called the supreme power. The physical strength can actually resist two rule-level powers. The descendants born from this kind of body, even if they only have a little bit of characteristics, are not as good as those under the true immortals. In other words, that is also an unimaginably powerful enemy.

What's more, in reality, a being like the World God will give birth to descendants, and the scale will be much larger than its own tentacles. They will at least have the power of rules and regulations as soon as they are born. By analogy, they will probably be like the future Dao Lord and Caixia True Immortal.

Will Tian Xiaoxiao exist like this?

"Obviously not..."

Hong Tian had vaguely seen a glimpse of the future. Tian Xiaoxiao's bloodline was not born with it, but was given by someone, with just a little power of the world god.

Behind the True Spirit Clan, there should be a being from the God Clan who has accumulated countless foundations and is finally born.

Where will the Red Sky World go next?


The phantom of the Heavenly Tribulation Divine Fox roared, and the lightning of Tribulation Qi tore through the void, and it forcefully confronted the Heavenly Stem Cave that enveloped the battlefield.

The Divine Fox is the result of being infected by the bloodline of the World God, and has obtained a trace of power from the source. The essence of this power is comparable to the power of the cave. Therefore, it can fight against the Heavenly Stem and the Cave Heaven in a short period of time, split the void into two, and fight against the gods. .

But Shui Changdong was only taking preliminary action, and his strength was not obvious. The power of the Heavenly Tribulation Divine Fox made him respond, and he finally took action with all his strength.

"The Ten Heavenly Stems! Suppress everything!"

The power of the entire cave universe was mobilized and intertwined to form an invincible force of destruction. Rays of light lit up, and the originally dark space was filled with light. That was the epoch-making power from the origin of the universe, which was gathering and erupting at this moment!

In just an instant, the phantom of the Heavenly Tribulation Fox suddenly dimmed and quickly collapsed.

"As expected of the God Emperor, my power is far inferior. Even if it is fully activated, I am afraid I will not be an opponent. I can only use human methods..."

One after another, furry pink tails appeared on Tian Xiaoxiao's back. Every time one appeared, her aura increased by a new level.

When all nine tails appeared, Tian Xiaoxiao's aura stepped directly into the throne, or to be more precise.

Show the king!

Her nine tails came together to wrap her up, and each tail gushed out a kind of power. She sat cross-legged in the void, and her palms formed a seal, and a tenth kind of power emerged. Then the Heavenly Tribulation Divine Fox prostrated, and for a moment the world seemed to be suppressed. Collapsed and gathered into Tian Xiaoxiao's body, turning into the eleventh kind of power.

"The Ten Heavenly Stems and Ten Methods will create the world!"

Shui Changdong noticed that the power was gathering and erupting, and he took action coldly. More and more powerful forces emerged, destroying Tian Xiaoxiao.

With the power of the Tiangan Cave, King Xian can also compete. Tian Xiaoxiao is the nine-tailed sky fox who reincarnated into a human and was endowed with the blood of the world god.

She had been practicing for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, and her power belonged to King Xian, but it was actually buried deep in her body and was in a sealed state.

She is just like Yue Xin and Ming Weiyang, her power is borrowed.

It's just that this power originally belonged to her and she could use it freely, just like a normal king.

In essence, she only has the Dharma Realm. If she uses King Xian's power for a long time, she will fall into a state of self-destruction, and the challenge of the Heavenly Road will naturally fail.

"I will not lose. Only by defeating you can I have the possibility of becoming an immortal. No matter what..."

"I will win both!"

With some determination, Tian Xiaoxiao decided to reincarnate into the human race tens of thousands of years ago to strive for a glimmer of possibility in the era when the world god came.

Even if Shui Changdong appeared and wiped out all enemies, she would not be able to compete with such a character. She could only disappear and wait for the opportunity.

Now that the death of the God Queen is imminent, the struggle to become an immortal will only last for a thousand years at most. If she is not born now, when will she be born?

"The Twelve Earthly Branches - the creation of heaven and earth!"

The last power comes from Tian Xiaoxiao's soul. Her soul also has some demonic characteristics. She has fox ears that are very cute.

However, the power contained in this soul cannot be underestimated. From the level of King Xian to a mortal, he has accumulated quite astonishing knowledge.

Every improvement in Tian Xiaoxiao's realm will allow the King of Xian's heritage to flow back, making the human body in this current life far more powerful than normal cultivation.

She was on the road to heaven, completing the creation of heaven and earth. Suddenly, a beam of light came from the sky, like a clock turning, constantly branching, moving clockwise from twelve o'clock.


The difference between the two caves is extremely huge, and their forces conflict. Earth, wind, water, and fire all appear together, reshaping the junction.

The Earthly Branch Cave is still being developed. As a projection, Shui Changdong has all the combat experience and awareness. He knows very well that he still has a chance to suppress it, so he uses the Ten Heavenly Stems to destroy the Earthly Branch Cave with targeted power.

"The Great Destruction!"

The Tiangan universe is shrinking, returning to the singularity, and everything in its path is annihilated. This is the most powerful killing move of the cave in the form of the universe. The method of dying together, once started, cannot be stopped, and will directly lead to the collapse of the cave!

"It's the ultimate killing move, great destruction! Hahaha, so what if Tian Xiaoxiao masters the Earthly Branches Cave Heaven Technique? There is no time at all!"

"The key reason why the God Emperor is invincible is the combination of the Dongtian method and the Hongtian Immortal method. This means that the God Emperor can recover energy equal to the limit share of Tiangan Dongtian at all times. This characteristic allows the God Emperor to practice Tiangan Dongtian to be able to do everything. The attainment of Taoism in this year also gave the God Emperor the power to be invincible even when he first opened up the world!"

"Every second and every moment, the God Emperor can use the maximum power of Dongtian without worrying about the exhaustion of power! This is unimaginable for any Lord of Dongtian. Even if Dongtian can extract the void to restore power, how can it be compared with the real power? Comparable to immortality?"

"If you want to defeat the God Emperor, you must surpass the endurance limit of the Tiangan Cave Heaven in one breath and destroy the entire Cave Heaven, otherwise it will recover endlessly! This characteristic has already been demonstrated by Ming Weiyang, who also holds the Hongtian Immortal Technique. It is simply It’s unreasonable, even if Tian Xiaoxiao tries to open up the cave, he will definitely fail!”

Many people don't want Tian Xiaoxiao to win. If they are not from my race, their hearts must be different. How can we let the True Spirit Race get the greatest gift from Tianlu? !

You must know that Tianlu has sealed the God of Slaughter. Starting from the sixth level, all the proud geniuses defeated will have physical existence and can receive gifts of the power of killing. Defeating an existence of the level of the God Emperor is no joke. The improvement obtained is 100% enough to fight across multiple realms!

If this kind of power were obtained by a true spirit, and this true spirit could open up the world, wouldn't it be possible to give birth to a different kind of emperor?

"In the past, I didn't understand why the power of the Rule of Killing appeared in Tianlu only starting from the sixth level. But when the God Emperor appears at the sixth level, no matter how stupid I am, I can understand the reason!"

"The Killing World God was thrown by the God Emperor to the Heavenly Road to seal it. When the Queen Mother adjusted the rules of the Heavenly Road, she should have regarded the sixth-level Heavenly Road where the God Emperor is located as a dividing line, or it is easier to understand. This is An Easter egg set by the True Immortal Queen Mother for us descendants to discover. "

"This should be the inheritance of the human race, and it should be started by the human race themselves. A mere true spirit has tarnished the inheritance of our race..."

"Damn it!"

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