A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 704 Forced by the Times

"Destroyed by a true immortal?"

Tian Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

She immediately realized that this was the God-Emperor of the past era, and he did not know the changes in the future!

He personally cut off the possibility of true immortals invading the Red Heaven Realm!

Indeed, in the past, the human race was sure to win. Even if the demons defeated all the imperial forces and the immortal clan forces, they would eventually be wiped out by the coming true immortals. No matter how strong the demon forces were, they would never be born.

There is a reason why Her Majesty Meng Ji and Her Majesty the First Demon, possessing unique and powerful power, are still sitting back and watching hundreds of thousands of years of human history.

These beings who stand at the top of the world will not do things that have no chance of winning. There is no passion or excitement among them, only success rate and possibility.

But today's times are different. When a true immortal comes to Hongtian, his power will be reduced sharply, and his level will be the same as that of the emperor.

The Queen of Gods can be invincible and block everything...

The Demon King can do the same!

But soon, Tian Xiaoxiao frowned again. Since a genius like the God Emperor wanted to change the rules, wouldn't he have thought of this?

"Don't expect a battle with the human race. There are thousands of demons and demons, but there is only one human race, and the total resources of the world are limited. Today, the human race occupies 10% of the world? Or less? Even if it is less, the demons have no chance of winning. The power of concentration is far greater than the power of dispersion.”

"There is no way for the true spirits to join forces to fight against the human race, and it is impossible to respect a certain person... If this is the case, why not respect the human race? At least, there will be equal treatment on the surface, a peaceful living space, and Taoist tools The rules must be followed.”

"Such advantages are enough to completely divide the True Spirit races. I don't think you have the possibility to fight against the human race."

Shui Changdong spoke again, his eyes looking into the distant future, trying to disintegrate Tian Xiaoxiao's belief.

If he is a member of the demon clan, he will naturally not give up the fight. It is not for the sake of race, but for human character and philosophy.

After many lifetimes of accumulation, he has completely liberated his nature.

It is human nature to be greedy for life and afraid of death, and it is also human nature to sacrifice one's life for righteousness. He is enjoying it now.

Whether he is creating a prosperous age with his own hands or becoming the founder, it is a great undertaking worth doing for him.

Tian Xiaoxiao shook her head and looked up at the sky, as if she was looking at all the people who were paying attention to this battle from a distance. She said: "No one can stop this. You have ended the infancy of mankind with your own hands. In this case, then You deserve to suffer the consequences.”

"Asshole! This monster dares to speak to the God Emperor like this! It is indeed a beast! It is indeed a natural disaster. I shouldn't have expected it!"

"It's ridiculous, this is a live broadcast for the entire Red Heaven Realm, and such a fox is allowed to face a great sage! And look what she is saying, she wants to openly betray the Immortal Dynasty!?"

"Kill her! She must be sentenced to death, otherwise where is the dignity of the human race? Isn't the majesty of the Immortal Dynasty a disgrace?"

Countless people were filled with righteous indignation and could hardly suppress their emotions.

Most of them are ordinary people who don't know much about the relationship between true spirits and the human race, so the anger they want to vent and disrespecting the God Emperor alone is enough to make them angry enough to kill Tian Xiaoxiao countless times, even if this person is a human race. Same, not to mention a "beast".

Tian Xiaoxiao's invincible beauty can't save the fact that he is a demon. In the hearts of most ordinary people, he has been sentenced to death.

As for her conversation with the God Emperor, many Hongtian human monks had completely different opinions from ordinary people. It's not that they have any kindness towards the true spirit, it's just that they saw something out of a horror movie.

"Fa Ming, if I understand correctly, Tian Xiaoxiao means..."

Chi Hua, director of Zixue, fell into silence halfway through his words.

"It looks like it is. The True Spirit Clan is about to take action. Although this day has been expected, but so early, the intensity may be beyond imagination."

Shui Faming's eyes also flashed with a hint of gloom.

As the directors of Zixue, they hold huge power and stand at the top of the Red Sky Realm. Their perspective is naturally far beyond that of just ten students.

The True Spirit Races have been coveting the throne of the Lord of the Red Sky for more than a day or two. The human race has always occupied less than 10% of the Red Sky Realm area. Even in the current era when the Immortal Dynasty was established and the God Emperor and God Queen were in power, More than 20%, and this only counts the land. There is actually a huge space for the reproduction of all races of demons.

With such amazing resources, even if they are dispersed among all races, there will always be some invincible demons. Especially demons have a long lifespan and can accumulate a large number of invincibles.

Although the human race has been improving the red sky's spiritual energy for millions of years, due to the competition between monsters and various races for the spiritual energy, it is the monsters who ultimately benefit.

Because of this, during the era when the Queen of Gods was in power, the spiritual energy of the entire world was being devoured by the Lord of the Cave Heaven, taking it with it to the multiverse. However, all the harvest from the multiverse was injected into the Heavenly Stem Cave Heaven instead of the Red Heaven Realm, leading to the arrival of the Age of End of the Dharma.

This did affect the human race, but it also directly cut off the demon's hope of accumulating strength.

You must know that the demon is not just an emperor. There are too many super forbidden areas in the Red Sky Realm, and each forbidden area may hide the invincible supreme being.

These existences need to consume a lot of spiritual energy even if they are sleeping. Once the spiritual energy is not enough, they will either be forced to wake up and fight into the Tiangan Cave, or wait for destruction... It goes without saying that most demon emperors will not sit still and wait for death, and must join the human race. war.

That's why.

The battle between Tian Xiaoxiao and the God Emperor was closely followed by too many beings. Even the major forbidden areas in the Red Sky Realm cast their gazes through time and space.

Morning Continent is a continent that is always in the morning time. The world is filled with ambiguous power, so the practice system is also very different.

Most other continents practice the spiritual law system, and the divine law and physical law are only auxiliary. However, Chenzhou is different. Almost no one practices spiritual law and physical law. They are completely dedicated to the divine law. They have very high attainments in the field of divine law. They have left a legacy from ancient times to the present. A large number of ruins and forbidden areas were discovered, and many things cannot be deciphered to this day.

Among them, there is the Ninety-nine Heavens, one of the super forbidden areas of Hongtian.

The Ninety-ninth Heavenly Forbidden Land is located at the extreme west point of Chenzhou. It is filled with golden glow, with countless imperial golden lotuses floating around, and murderous intent everywhere.

I don’t know who left the Imperial Golden Lotus, nor whether it was nurtured by heaven and earth. People in Chenzhou just know that even if Venerable Dacheng touches the golden lotus, it will be directly interpreted and turned into a part of the ninety-nine heavenly forbidden areas.

It is said that each golden lotus is a world, so it can easily make the venerable give up his life and the Taoist solution will perish. This power is too incomprehensible. It is said that it cannot be broken except by the Supreme Emperor, so it is called the Emperor Golden Lotus.

In fact, in the known records, there is no conflict between the Emperor and the Ninety-Ninth Heavenly Forbidden Land, so there is no record of the Emperor breaking in to test.

Even if an emperor broke in, it was probably done secretly, so no traces or records were left.

It was not until the present day that the Lord of the Immortal Dynasty Cave Heaven came forward, and the details of the Ninety-nine Heavens were revealed, and it was no longer a blank.

The ninety-nine heavens are left behind by the ancient demon gods. They are the remnants of a half-step god. This remnant has transformed into the real ninety-nine heavens. Every day is comparable to a red sky dimension, although it is weaker than The three-day dimension that keeps getting stronger, but is similar to the dimension controlled by Meng Ji.

A total of ninety-nine heavens have been constructed into the red sky super forbidden area. Even the emperor with the strong power of the demon god can hardly break into it, let alone destroy it.

And this forbidden land has existed for more than a million years, far longer than the history of the human race, and naturally has given birth to quite terrifying existences.

These terrifying demons have been sleeping deep in the forbidden land, absorbing power unconsciously, constantly replenishing themselves, and waiting for the opportunity to be born.

Ten thousand years ago, the Divine Emperor's enlightenment awakened many ancient beings, including the ancient demon emperor in the deepest part of the ninety-nine heavens.

They have not yet been completed and will not be born, but they do not continue to sleep, but remain awake and observe all the major events happening in the red sky.

Tian Xiaoxiao met the God Emperor, and these ancient beings were also attracted.

Thousands of years ago, when they discovered that the rules had been revised again, they were surprised that another enlightened person appeared in the human race, and they were quite surprised by the courage of the God Emperor.

Now that they can see the God-Emperor in his youth and get a glimpse of his thoughts back then, they will naturally not be stingy with their attention.

They also wanted to see what kind of person it was that interrupted their slumber and forced them to come out of the world.

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