A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 709 The Pearl of Human History

"It's worth it! It's worth it! Haha, no, they should have lost a lot of money!"

He Shiguang was having fun there.

Not to mention the wonderful battle between the God and the Emperor, he really didn't expect that this incident would alarm the God Queen.

Being able to meet this great being with his own eyes, he felt that returning to the Red Sky Realm this time was worth it anyway, and those who didn't come would have suffered a great loss!

"Adjustment is over!"

Tian Xiaoxiao's projection appeared again, she was enveloped in all kinds of brilliance and ribbons, and her power was sublimating to the maximum.

For this reason, the opponent of the seventh-level Tianlu has not appeared for a long time, and it is constantly changing. It seems that it is not something that can be completed in a short time.

Tianlu Xuying waited for Tian Xiaoxiao to fully master her power before he could complete his evaluation of her and call out the corresponding historical figures.

During this period, everyone has the energy to pay attention to others.

The most surprising thing before was probably Shui Chonghuang, who met the chiefs of the Tomorrow Society many times. However, these chiefs were just pioneers, their significance was astonishing, and their strength was actually far inferior to that of the contemporary geniuses. Only Ming Weiyang almost managed to survive with the help of the power of freedom. Defeat Shui Chonghuang.

By the sixth level of Heavenly Road, apart from Tian Xiaoxiao, the most eye-catching one has become Yu Hua Xi Que.

She fought against the Infinite True Immortal in her youth and won. Before, everyone ignored her because they paid too much attention to the God Emperor. Now they are replaying it.

The fighting process was very hearty and hearty. It was a battle between two geniuses. Although Wuliang was far inferior in talent, he still had many opportunities of that era and showed his style even if he lost.

Then, the glorious past belonging to the immeasurable true immortal emerged!

He was born in an era when two immortals were fighting in the outer world and had no time to take into account the divine laws of the human race.

During this period, the Red Heaven Realm collapsed into many continents, about seven in total, due to the battle between the two true immortals. The environment in each continent was extremely harsh. Even demons could not survive, let alone humans. As a result, humans were almost exterminated and lost their lives. All inheritance.

Among the seven continents, only one is special. It was stranded by the fragments of time, forming a unique environment and forever stopped in the morning light.

This continent is the morning continent among the nine contemporary continents!

A small part of Chenzhou's environment has been preserved, and from this day on, it was enveloped by a powerful spiritual dimension, and the border sea storm could not blow into Chenzhou.

This kind of environment is not the only one that allows humans to survive, but it is the most suitable for their development.

There are spiritual bodies walking everywhere throughout Chenzhou. After death, they will turn into souls and continue to teach future generations. The human race can multiply and grow and develop civilization again.

This special environment allowed the development of divine magic to be extremely rapid. Powerful monks established the Kingdom of the Morning World and opened up an area that could barely be considered a pure land.

After only ten thousand years, Measurement was born. His talent was not strong at first, and he did not even reach the sixth level. However, as he practiced, his talent continued to improve, and there were various opportunities for him to change his destiny against the will of heaven.

Tianlu only intercepted his stage of the Mysterious Realm and cannot represent his talent level when he achieved the Imperial Way.

When Weimei was born, the country was threatened by demons and was in danger. As a child who was born precocious, Weimei worked hard to practice and move forward towards the highest goal of becoming a human king and protecting mankind.

But it is a pity that in the process, Wen Wei suffered repeated setbacks, both related to his talent and man-made disasters, which gradually made him feel discouraged.

The entire human race has been developing for thousands of years, which is too long. All kinds of darkness are intertwined. The human king also uses Taoist tools to formulate various rules that are beneficial to his own rule and constantly suppresses the bottom. He is naturally one of them and cannot be reused. .

So, after a few years, Wei Wei's concept changed, he began to learn various methods, and gave up the bottom line just to move forward. In the end, he began to grow rapidly!

During an exploration of the ruins, he obtained a large number of natural and earthly treasures, which further enhanced his talent.

After hundreds of years of hard training, he entered the realm of "Nine Transformations of the Dharma Realm" and could be called a great monk of the human race. He directly entered the upper middle class of the Moron Kingdom at that time.

But he doesn't plan to stop there.

After ten thousand years of re-interpretation, the human race's divine law system has reached the level of annihilation, but the practice method is too rough and the growth is too slow.

He can't wait!

Although the human race in this era does not have the shadow of the longevity rule, it does not have the advantage of long lifespan compared to many races.

The human race is too fragile. If you don't practice, the limit is to live a hundred years. If you practice, the lifespan will be limited. Unlike many demons who are born with a lifespan of ten thousand years, and even some races with special talents can live forever forever. They have enough time. There is no need to rush when accumulating strength, but humans cannot.

Practicing divine magic will not significantly increase your lifespan, and imitating demons will not work. You must open up a new path!

After measuring this, I began to think about new paths.

Everyone in the world knows that he succeeded, opened up a new way of divine law, and used it to prove it and become an immortal. From then on, he was high and immortal, and even the rules of longevity could not affect it.

It's just that everyone wants to know the details. Even if the immeasurable true immortal has appeared and has been recorded in books, they are willing to read it again.

The most important thing is the sense of participation. This can be called the annual drama, and it is much more interesting than singing and dancing at any party.

Even if I rewatch it countless times, I still never get tired of it. It's too epic, too involving, and it's the story of the rise of the human race in the red sky.

in the screen.

After weighing and summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of the divine method, he believed that it was much more difficult to improve the soul than the body, and it was too difficult to rely solely on oneself.

The human race's mortal realm, spiritual realm, and legal realm have laid a good foundation for humans to chase the magical monsters.

However, the subsequent realm is completely imitating the demon, which only forcibly increases the total amount of spiritual thoughts, forcing the physical body to adapt, and finally the quantitative change becomes a qualitative change.

This is indeed feasible, but it is not suitable for human beings. At most, if the country is destroyed, it will be unable to continue. This is because the resources of the entire Chenshi Human Kingdom are used by one person to give birth to a country-destroying monk. You can imagine how wasteful this practice method is. resource.

Using spiritual thoughts to force the body to adapt is impossible to sustain without the assistance of massive resources. A large amount of resources have been used to improve the body. Only a strong enough body can withstand divine thoughts, and what humans are least good at is physical methods. Without Corresponding methods and resources.

Chenzhou is a continent of divine magic, filled with spiritual particles everywhere. Many great medicines are divine medicines, while physical medicines are too rare.

"We must find a new path so that humans can obtain invincible spiritual thoughts without improving their bodies!"

Young measure whispers.

He is five hundred years old. In modern times, this is the death date for monks in the legal realm, but in the era of measurement, his life has just begun, and there is still a lot of time!

And his words also shocked all the monks watching the replay: "It turns out that the monk who created the Xuanjing method is the Immeasurable True Immortal!"

The Mysterious Realm method seems to require the cooperation of the Xuantian dimension in the contemporary era, but the essence of this method is to open up an energy space in a different dimension, and use the characteristics of the different dimension to ignore space and time to store a large amount of energy and ignore the shackles of the body.

Even if there is no Xuantian, monks can still find other dimensions, which can be said to be countless, and it does not affect anything. Therefore, the method of this realm should be "infinite method" to be precise.

"The method created by the immeasurable true immortal has directly laid the foundation for the practice system of countless years in the future!"

"To this day, we still practice immeasurable Dharma!"

"His achievements are unimaginable. It's a pity. Why not let this past become eternity?"

Every emperor is the pinnacle of the era, creating amazing methods, and every true immortal is groundbreaking, influencing one era after another. In their stories, how brilliant and spirited they are , can be called a pearl in human history.

Many people regret that if they do not become immortals, they should be great saints for all generations.

Finish replaying the story of Wuliang Zhenxian.

Tian Xiaoxiao finally gathered all her strength, and her opponent was finalized. Her figure was hazy, and she walked out of the white mist with magnificent momentum.

"Seventh level Heavenly Path, cultivation level of 'Spiritual Realm', talent of 'Peerless', the trial begins."

"Monk at the end of the Divine Law Era, "God's Fate"!"

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