A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 711: Fight against the modern invincible monks and sweep them away!

The entire Red Sky Realm is witnessing the birth of an unprecedented myth.

The pink-haired girl defeated all the geniuses in the past.

She is on her way to the top!

She was surrounded by all kinds of brilliance, and vaguely seemed to be surrounded by destiny. She defeated the Nine Lives True Immortal, received the gift of killing power, and obtained her own destiny!

She is stronger!

The reincarnation of King Xian had a very high start, but there were countless people in human history who were stronger than her. But as she gained massive killing power, she gradually surpassed them all.

Opponents that shouldn't have appeared in the first place began to appear as she became stronger.

"Eighth level Heavenly Road, cultivation level of 'Dharma Realm', talent of 'Dragon and Phoenix', the trial begins!"

"New Heaven Era, Monks of the God Queen Era, 'Hymn of Success'!"

Cheng Zangge was a somewhat cheerful man with a faint smile. As he walked toward the dawn of time, his spiritual magic was unfolding. The earth cracked open, revealing red magma. The terrifying heat evaporated all the spiritual energy, creating a landscape like hell.

"What? Monks from our era are actually starting to appear!"

"It's a hymn, ranked 50th on the God List!"

"One of the strongest monks in the Immortal Dynasty!"

Countless people's pupils shrank.

They couldn't imagine that after the killing rules were added, Tian Xiaoxiao had already reached this point?

He has actually begun to challenge the strongest monk in modern times! ! !

This is no joke!

The strength of modern monks will expand to unprecedented levels from the beginning of the Dharma Realm, just like Tian Xiaoxiao will gain the power of killing from the trial of the Heavenly Road, wouldn't other modern monks not?

of course!

Moreover, they will start from the first transformation of the Dharma Realm, continue to climb the heavenly road, continue to invade the universe, and gain huge killing power and resources!

The expansion of power during this period is unprecedented in the entire history of mankind, so it is almost impossible for students of Zixue University to meet modern monks when facing the trials of the Heavenly Road!

Everyone turned their attention to the other geniuses participating in the trial.

A blond boy walked out in front of Long Linglong. His aura was as vast as the sun, but he was not a modern monk.

"The monk at the end of the Physical Era, "Red Sun"!"

"The ultimate physical method, gathering infinite power, making all things come into being with a single thought, a born saint, a god after birth, a person born with a heavenly heart!"

Long Linglong's eighth-level Tianlu opponent was a saint born at the peak of the Physical Era. He was born with the power to gather the vitality of the world.

As he grew up, he had the power to tear apart troubled times before he was ten years old. At the age of twenty, he suppressed the country with his fists and was worshiped by the king as the great sage who came to the world for three days.

In the end, he achieved the reputation of Sun Emperor, and his extremely Yang immortal body was considered invincible.

"The Sun Emperor in his youth was the source of the legendary fire spirit root, but it was only in the ancient times and there was no real Extreme Yang Immortal Body!"

Long Linglong saw through Chiyang's background at a glance, and she took action fearlessly.

After restoring her cultivation in the Dharma Realm, her power reached its peak. As butterflies flew, the dreamy scene sealed space and time simultaneously.

The unimaginably huge divine power surged past like a torrent!

There was no way to avoid the red sun, so he had to punch with all his strength, unleashing the ultimate peak combat power of the physical arts. There was a strange phenomenon of the sun rising into the sky, the god star came to the world, and the sun fell with one punch. This is what can be done in the legal realm boxing The power of suppressing the country is not inferior to the modern physical method.

"Too weak."

It's a pity that Long Linglong crushed her mercilessly. This physical method was just a common method in the Immortal Dynasty, but she stood at the top of the top.

The monks of the Immortal Dynasty are unparalleled in both their talents and skills, both ancient and modern. The eighth level is just the beginning, and the ninth level is the real challenge.

The Extreme Yang Immortal Physique can be said to have the best physique in the world. If it exists, it will be at least a ninth-level talent. However, the Sun Emperor's physique and talent are only at the eighth level. With both skills and talent lagging behind, it is impossible to be her opponent.

"It's a pity that it's not the real Ji Yang Immortal Physique! But it is also true that the real Ji Yang Immortal Physique may have to surpass me and can only be encountered at the ninth level!"

Long Linglong had a thought.

The era of the Sun Emperor was before the Spiritual Immortal.

In later generations, the roots of the Five Elements Spirits were sublimated into immortal bodies due to the spiritual methods, true immortals and enlightenment, but this had not happened in his time.

With the power of the Extreme Yang Immortal Body, even if the current tenth level talent has been improved due to the new Celestial Dynasty, it is impossible to appear at the eighth level.

The freshmen of Zixue, excluding Yun Ye, except for Tian Xiaoxiao who is firmly at the ninth level, including Yu Hua Xique and herself, are only eighth level talents, close to the ninth level talent, and their talents are It has not been fully explored. It is necessary to step into diversity before it can be fully liberated.

In this case, their opponents can only be ancient monks, not modern monks with the same talent.

"Tian Xiaoxiao is an exception! She is here for this!"

"Defeat the strongest in history, and then..."

"Aim for the tenth level!"

The people of Hongtian are aware of this problem.

Tian Xiaoxiao begins to meet modern monks. This is an extremely bad sign, which means that she has begun to surpass the peak existence of the Immortal Dynasty!

"Yeah, yeah, I may not lose, right? If I win, won't she cry? All the gains must be returned intact?"

Cheng Change is a well-known Lord of the Cave Heaven in the Immortal Dynasty. His true realm is unprecedented, and he has initially come into contact with the most powerful spiritual method when he was in the Dharma Realm.

He conducted a live broadcast and was very cynical, which was in sharp contrast to the mystery of other cave masters.

"Then defeat her!"

"Use all your strength!"

"Praise to the Lord God!"

A large number of barrages passed by, and public opinion surged.

But Cheng Change stopped joking. He lowered his eyes slightly and said without a smile: "But it's a pity that even I don't have the possibility of defeating King Tianhu Xian! She is not a demon; I learned to integrate into the true spirit of human beings and mastered the most powerful method that I didn’t master back then.”

"The Cave Heaven Technique is the most powerful method in history. The Emperor and the Divine Emperor's Xuanjing Kaitian have suppressed everything. The Dharma Realm has created the world. Can it be said to be invincible?"

“Can be called invincible!!!”


Tianxiaoxiao destroyed everything and turned it into a hymn projection with one blow.

The next moment, the increasingly turbulent killing power merged into her body, and her power sublimated again, becoming more terrifying and shocking.

At this time, she has completely used the body of the Dharma Realm to exercise the power of her position, and has accumulated it to an exaggerated level!

"The ninth level of heavenly path, cultivate to the 'mysterious realm'!"

"The talent is 'unparalleled'!"

"The trial begins!"

"The monk at the end of the Spiritual Era, "Ni Xin Zhao"!"

"Water Emperor Ni Xinzhao! Born into the immortal clan Ni clan, he is a clan who is born to control the rainbow light. Ni Xinzhao was born with the power of the rainbow light, comparable to the venerable ones. When he was young, he was recognized as the master by the Taoist canon. His fighting power swept everything. In his achievements When he ascended the throne, he forcibly attained half of the Holy Path, controlled the law of water, and was able to open up the boundless water realm. With the joint efforts of many parties, he broke the emperor's blockade and became the second emperor!"

"The strongest in history is about to appear..."

Shui Wuge couldn't help but smile as he watched the beautiful girl covered in colorful rays of light walk out of the white mist.

Ni Xinzhuo is much more terrifying than the Kamimie clan. She was born a venerable person, and she was recognized as a master by the Dao Code at a young age. If the immortal clan had not allowed the creation of the world, the power she showed would never have stopped to compete with the emperor. But she was born like this. It is the existence of the Venerable, and now he has become Tian Xiaoxiao’s opponent!

Ni Xinzhao's strength in the Xuan Realm actually far surpassed that of the Shenmie clan and Shui Changdong, but he gradually failed to keep up during the subsequent growth process.

The huge rules of killing brought Tian Xiaoxiao to the pinnacle of the human race.

It can even be said that as long as Ni Xinzhao is defeated, she will definitely surpass the Kammie clan.

With the body of the Dharma Realm, he surpassed the Xuan Realm and defeated the Shen Mie Clan!

The future is limitless!

She will definitely be called the strongest in history. Among the geniuses known to Tianlu, perhaps only those two beings whose strength is unknown can be compared.

The future Taoist Lord, and the True Immortal Caixia.

These two are the last generation of immortals. Their talent and strength are the undisputed strongest in history regardless of any realm or stage!

How can this plot be called water? This is called foreshadowing.

After writing this, everyone should be able to understand what I am going to write. Aren’t you curious about how to come out with the sentence Qing Liusheng said in the introduction to the seventh volume?

It’s been building up for so long, the big one is coming, everyone.

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