A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 713 I am Qingtian Daozi, born to be unparalleled and invincible!

The power of the cave that has just entered the profound realm is only equal to the status of the emperor, and cannot completely crush the invincible existence at this level.

As an unparalleled and invincible person who was born with authority, even if it was only in the Xuan realm, Ni Xinzhao could fully control the power of authority.

In line with the Seven Colorful Rays of Light Taoism that she had practiced to the peak, the Earthly Branches Cave Heaven that focused on the explosion of power was also inferior and was actually suppressed.

However, Tian Xiaoxiao was very calm and did not think that she would lose. She activated the Earthly Branches and Cave Heaven to continuously draw out the power of the void to replenish herself. Pillars of light fell down, blocking Caixia's actions, forcing her to consume more power.

Behind her, the beam of light beats and moves with time.

Every minute and every second, Tian Xiaoxiao's power is skyrocketing!

"If you can't defeat me, I will get stronger and stronger!"

Tian Xiaoxiao's momentum is soaring and her eyes are sharp. She understands the true meaning of the human royal way more and more. How can we create the future if we don't move forward courageously?

How to become the strongest?

"Come on, the Water Emperor who disappeared into history!"

Tian Xiaoxiao's long hair was flying, and her murderous and fighting intent was boiling. She looked less like a goddess and more like a ferocious beast, revealing its ferocious claws.

Both parties demonstrated the pinnacle of combat skills and spiritual control, using every ounce of power to the extreme!

On the battlefield, the light just kept flickering, and then disappeared, and all the power no longer spilled out.

Gradually, Tian Xiaoxiao began to enter a highly focused close combat.

Because of her meticulous concentration and non-destructive characteristics, her power at this level is difficult to be attenuated by distance. Her power to create the world also has the sure-hit effect of crushing the mysterious realm. There is almost no possibility of evasion. Generally speaking, there is no need for close combat.

But Caixia's Taoism is too special, and the speed is very weird. All attacks will be isolated when they come close, as if there is an insurmountable spatial distance. She must use the strongest means to suppress this power, otherwise even if the Earthly Branch Cave Heaven grows to be invincible, That's just trying to make ends meet, and it can't be called challenging the ancient genius at all!

She condensed the power of the cave into armor and kept it within a few meters of her body at all times. She distorted Ni Xinshuo's Taoism and was able to compete on the same stage in the field of close combat!

"Boom boom boom!"

The battle was extremely long-lasting, and the two fought for several hours with the strongest power in the world. During this period, Tian Xiaoxiao launched several killing blows, but unfortunately, Caixia Taoism had absolute speed and was able to avoid it.

After trying many times, she finally understood that this was a kind of power that surpassed the power of the Lord and could not be cracked even by the Earthly Branches and Cave Heaven.

If she wants to resolve the battle quickly and launch the final blow with the twelve-second cave, then she must be the one who loses!

The strength of the two sides is very close. One has Dongtian to draw out the void, and the other has Xuantian to reserve vast power.

Their foundation makes it difficult for them to use up their strongest power even if they wantonly use it. Even after Ni Xinzhao showed her disadvantage, with the heaven-defying power of Caixia Taoism, Tian Xiaoxiao could not suppress it in a short time, and she needed to completely use up her power. exhausted.

In this process, the other three trialists all finished the challenge of the ninth level, moved to the tenth level, and then...returned miserably.

After just one encounter, he was instantly killed by the future Tao Lord.

This result surprised almost no one.

The future Tao Lord is a being who possesses the ultimate divine law. So far, no one has been able to live for more than a second after seeing the future Tao Lord, and he will die in an instant.

Even if a king like Tian Xiaoxiao is reincarnated, they do not believe that they can challenge the future Tao Lord, they are just worried about the possibility.

The stalemate between Tian Xiaoxiao and Ni Xinzhao finally ended, but she looked very embarrassed. One of her eyes had been damaged due to excessive use of the power of the divine blood, and every part of her body was eroded by the divine blood to the point of being scrapped. But in the end, she won. .

Ni Xin Zhao was one step behind, unable to compare with Dong Tian's endurance, and was drained of power. Under Dong Tian's suppression, it turned into a white smoke and dissipated.

The entire Hongtian world fell into silence because of this. Although I don't know if Tian Xiaoxiao can defeat the two immortals, he can probably be crowned the invincible.

Among the geniuses of mankind today, who can compete with Tian Xiaoxiao?

No one can give an answer.

They could only watch and watch Tian Xiaoxiao's body rebuild in Tianlu and return to its peak state.

Defeat Nixinzhao.

The reward from Tianlu arrived as expected.

There was a colorful glow covering Tian Xiaoxiao, and she seemed to be bathing in a hot spring, feeling warm, comfortable and tired...

When it fell again, her pupils had completely turned into pure black, but there was a circle of pink light surrounding them, making her pupils very beautiful and strange.

The long hair that was originally a mixture of pink and black has completely turned into pitch black. The pure color makes people feel chilled just by looking at it.

At some point, black feathers burning with flames appeared on both sides of Tian Xiaoxiao's bun, and there was a faint lingering black energy behind it, forming black tails.

in reality……

No warning.

The void was directly crushed, and large tracts of void appeared with Tian Xiaoxiao as the center, seeming to swallow up the entire world.

But none of the monks present were surprised and watched the void spread motionlessly.

Of course they are not stupid.

At this moment, the current God Queen is present to watch this trial!

Even if I search all over the world, there will be no safer place than here. The collapse of the void, what does it matter?

"A space without aura is too fragile."

"Get back to normal."

Shui Wuge shook his head slightly, and as soon as he said this, time went back, all influences disappeared, and the endurance of the space was directly raised to its peak.

She didn't use any power, she just spoke, so she became the absolute center of the entire Red Sky Realm.

Every word, every action, every thought, can come true!

"Your Majesty, Tian Xiaoxiao is going to challenge the tenth level of Heavenly Road. What do we need to do..."

Chairman Chi Hua looked complicated and hesitated to speak.

He was a venerable person who could express his emotions and anger, and his expressions were naturally deliberately displayed for the Queen to see.

Shui Wuge glanced at him and said calmly: "What do you want to do? Isn't it just to keep reading and see the results, that's all?"

"Yes!" Chi Hua was speechless, saying that he was firmly on the side of the Queen.

Their conversation was not hidden from everyone.

The entire school auditorium was filled with bitterness.

Yes, Tian Xiaoxiao didn't violate Tian Tiao, it was just a normal challenge. What do they want to do?

Want to use the Tianmian Taoist artifact as a decoration?

"Who will Tian Xiaoxiao challenge? True Immortal Caixia, or the future Taoist Lord?"

"Although there are only two people in the tenth level of Heavenly Road, almost none of them have seen the true immortal Caixia. The only one is now among the top three in the list of gods. He is almost the strongest person in the immortal dynasty in this era...perhaps Caixia The true immortal is stronger than the future Tao Lord!"

"No matter who it is, there is no chance of winning. The power of killing cannot cross this gap!"

"However, even if you just meet the two immortals, it is still a success, and you will still get a lot of luck! If you can fight one or two, it will be an honor even if you lose!"

Many people spoke with trembling voices, unwilling to accept this possibility.

No matter what the people of the Immortal Dynasty think.

Tian Xiaoxiao finally walked towards the tenth level of heaven. Carrying unrivaled power, her mood was extremely calm, and she walked towards the final battlefield step by step.

I saw the white mist rolling, pieced together into words, and showing sounds, which were different from the past nine levels, as if someone was singing and praising.

"The tenth level of Heavenly Road, cultivate to the 'same realm'!"

"The talent is 'invincible'!"

"The final trial!"


"New Heaven Era, Monk of the God Queen Era!!!"

A monk from the age of the Queen of Gods?

Everyone, including the Supreme Being in the restricted area, was stunned, and a voice emerged in their hearts at the same time!

How can this be? !

However, Tianlu didn't care about everyone's opinions. It seemed to be passionate and shouted out the name that kept echoing in time and space!

"New Heaven Era, Monk of the God Queen Era!!!"

"'Qing Liusheng'!"


Tian Xiaoxiao suddenly raised her head and looked towards the sky, as if she was staring into the eyes of the beautiful queen sitting high in the stands. The chill in her heart reached from head to toe.

She understands everything!

In the white mist, under the gaze of everyone, an indifferent young man in green robe walked out. He had green hair and blue eyes, and a stunning appearance. He was surrounded by earth, wind, water and fire. The heaven and earth were opening up and reorganizing, and all the supreme majesty surrendered at his feet.

As soon as he raised his head, his blue eyes reflected the whole world, attracting one eye after another, as if these blue eyes contained all the beauty in the world.

Countless people were astonished and turned their gazes stiffly to the young man who looked exactly like him sitting in the audience.

Qing Liusheng?

"President, he has the same name and surname as you, and looks the same?"

Gong Haili said dryly.

"It does look a bit like it. Do I have a brother?"

Yun Yesha has some serious memories.

Gong Haili rolled her eyes, stood up and shouted: "Everyone, come and see the gods!"

This is true, isn’t the tenth level a god?

The boy from Tianlu spoke.


The world collapsed, and the earth, wind, water and fire were refining!

"I am Qingtian Daozi, born unparalleled and invincible..."

The story I thought of at the beginning of The Seventh Life is finally finished, the capital crime of the new coronavirus!

My previous summary at the end of the sixth life is that a name that no one knows is meaningless.

In this life, I feel that writing this chapter is enough. Anyway, I am happy, haha.

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