A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 726 The Lord of the Past and Future

"Qing Liusheng was so unfaithful that the Supreme Being was forced to appear in this world!"

"The Queen dares to indulge this kind of talent!!!"

Tian Xiaoxiao was extremely shocked.

The sky and the earth were dark, and someone held it in his hand. His aura was sublimating to the level of the emperor. The words shouted by the incarnation of the divine phoenix were by no means empty words.

Mastering the divine law of the future, once the inner universe is opened, Qing Liusheng will be able to use the divine law of the future to escape into the future and watch the God Queen die!

How dare the Queen of Gods!

Or does she think that without her determination, these supreme beings would never be born?

In fact it is!

Many supreme beings did not intend to take action at all. They believed that this was a ploy. As long as they did not show up, the Queen of Gods was destined to die.

Can a being with such potential be suppressed by mastering the Heavenly Stem and Cave Heaven?


The divine magic in the future is too strong, and it is very likely that Qing Liusheng will directly escape to the future, personally destroy the immortal dynasty, and ascend the throne to become an immortal!

"Human! Stop it!!"

The divine phoenix broke through the dark black hole and came from the netherworld. When it spread its wings, it flew across the nine continents. The netherworld flames that stretched across the sky attracted countless divine thunders.

But he didn't care at all, he only saw Qing Liusheng who enveloped the world, used the world's destiny to reach the ultimate sublimation, and opened up the legendary impossible universe!

Who would have thought!

Qing Liusheng actually had the courage to open up the inner universe. This is the union of God and body, the true path to perfection!

Regardless of whether he might succeed or not, they would stop him!




Qing Liusheng at this moment is a treasure. Whoever can get it will be the winner of the next era!

“Free time travel!”

Two Lords of Time stand on both sides of time, one in the past and one in the future. They have no physical body and are not affected by all laws.

They launched attacks from both sides, cutting off Yun Ye's future and cutting off Yun Ye's past.

There is no past or future in the multiverse, only the present.

But their method can delve into time to the extreme and achieve similar effects. It only depends on whether the target can resist and suppress their own past and future.

Time flies, and one swim brings us to the past half a year ago. The owner of the past is actually a dreamy little fish.

However, as a supreme being, it did not show any weakness in its attack, directly razing the entire Zixue High School and wiping out the newly-enrolled Qing Liusheng.

"Beheading the body, even if there is cave heaven suppression, can still cut off most of the foundation, which will inevitably lead to the failure of opening up the inner universe!"

It has a calm and cold mind and takes action without hesitation. It must be quick!

In order for the power of time to work, it must first construct a complete time and space.

In the past, Qing Liusheng was indeed very weak in time and space, but Shui Wuge existed, and if he was slow, he would be hindered!

But it's a pity that Shui Wuge appeared right after he attacked and killed him, seeming to have been waiting for him.

The Tianmian Taoist Artifact comes into play, the chain of order seals the whole place, and the Heavenly Stem Cave is also appearing. The two supreme powers are pressing down to suppress it.

"Stay. In this time and space, the other supreme beings don't know your purpose yet, so it's impossible for them to take action."

Shui Wuge smiled lightly and took action, launching the supreme formation.

The sky thundered continuously, and the cosmic scene emerged.

The power of the Three Pure Divine Thunder and the Heavenly Stems!

"New Heaven Sacred Scripture!"

Deep in Tianqian Cave, in the Central Academy auditorium, books were turned, and supreme power emerged. Sacred weapons from all over the place were revived and gathered their power.

It's just that some holy weapons need to suppress special areas and cannot be used easily. Shui Wuge only summoned four of them in the end!

"Eternal Life Sword!"

At the gate of Changsheng University, one of the five schools in Tengzhou, a gorgeous divine sword was inserted into the ground. Behind it were the statues of the God Queen and the God Emperor. Their expressions seemed to be talking and laughing. They pointed at the sword and seemed to be expecting. Someone pulled it out.

"Water Dragon Yin!"

In the center of the intersection of Zhezhou's earth veins, a crystal clear water dragon with fine scales, about the size of an adult, is entrenched in it, regulating the spiritual veins of a continent.

This is a sealed holy instrument that can be fused with people and give a continent the power of spiritual veins. Now that there are no foreign enemies, it has been nurtured for three thousand years. Even if it gradually moves towards the end of the Dharma era, its power has also increased.

"Goddess Qin!"

The beauty, shrouded in gauze and covered with flowers, walked out of Chenzhou holding a guqin.

The predecessor of the Goddess Qin was an ancient goddess of the Aegean. In order to help the contemporary emperor ascend to the top to clear away the darkness, she devoted her passionate soul to further sublimating the sacred artifact to the level of being close to the emperor. She is a rare weapon refiner. Everyone, you can create an invincible weapon without relying on the power of the emperor.

Later, when the emperor became enlightened, this weapon was sublimated into a divine weapon of heaven, and obtained the rules of the emperor's fourth heaven, thus reappearing his personality.

"Four Saints Killing Formation!"

The four holy weapons appeared in the air and suppressed the past master together, which was called a decisive blow.

"There is a problem. I have clearly cut off the past. The God Queen of the past can contact the "future", but how does the "future" overcome the interception and notify the past self?"

"Wait a minute... the future divine law! Qing Liusheng, you don't master the future divine law from the queen of outer heaven, but you know it from birth, and you are also expecting it at this moment?"

The Lord of the Past sensed a great crisis. If there was no future divine method that could see into the future of the True Immortal, how could Ping Qing Liusheng, a spiritual realm, be aware of his arrival and join forces with the Queen of Gods in advance to design a plan to kill it?

"Too late, Your Majesty."

Yun Ye stared at the sky without looking at him. The goddess in long skirt came behind him, her figure infinitely majestic, and her endless power suppressed everything.

The killing array begins!

Heaven and earth fall!

The master of the past's time and space technique is almost like the future Taoist master. Building the entire "past world" is a half-step absolute rule equivalent to the Taoist code.

It's just that this power has flaws. The Lord of the Past needs to be at the ninety-ninth level to activate it, so it's not perfect in the outside world.

As a result, some areas are not represented, making omissions noticeable.

So Yun Ye notified Shui Wuge to let the "Past God Queen" and "Future God Queen" resonate and share memories, and directly finalized the operation.

The song of water dance stimulates the heaven and earth, smoothes out all interference of time, and forms a fierce conflict with the master of the past. Big explosions continue to appear in the void.

The barriers of time and space have been shattered, revealing one dimension after another.

The Supreme Being and the Divine Queen will naturally not fall into it.

They continue to exert great power and penetrate everything. The power of both parties is resurrecting and rising, awakening the dormant blood.

Tiangan Dongtian also masters the method of time and can use a lot of power to interfere. The Lord of the past has no choice but to sublimate his power as much as possible, consuming the God Queen of this time and space, so that the "present" and "future" God Queens will also be weakened simultaneously.

The Lord of the Future also came from the future and arrived at the most critical point in Yun Ye's creation of the world.

It breaks through time and space one after another, eliminating possibilities.

But Yun Ye is not afraid at all in the future field.

Who can compare with the future Tao Lord?

The four-element cave sky was collapsing and melting into Yun Ye's body. At this moment, all the supreme power of the cave sky was borne by Yun Ye himself.

This is the weight of an entire world, and even the body of order cannot bear it. The only things that can bear it are often the void and stronger worlds.

Yun Ye's accumulation is not terrible. It has only been twenty years so far. It's just that his talent is one level higher than that of his contemporaries, and he has the strongest method that suits his path. He only needs to continue to devour the accumulation of top experts to quickly make himself catch up.

Walking again, it will be different after all.

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