A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 732 The essence of absolute rules, the essence of the world!

"It's just the right time!"

Yun Ye raised his head and howled. The rules of the Qingtian Dao Canon blessed his body. He finally completed the accumulation of the physical level at this moment.

His body seemed to turn into a black hole, swallowing all matter and energy, and his strength soared rapidly.

Qingtian used the Tianmao Dao instrument many times to increase his authority, gradually making his own title worthy of the name, and the Qingtian Dao Canon also added authority many times.

As a stripping of the possibility of true immortals, the Qingtian Dao Canon has the power of four rules: "devouring", "fusion", "immortality" and "body of the limit".

The Dao method can be promoted to the realm of half-step absolute rules when it is cultivated to perfection, but from ancient times to the present, almost no one has done it. The difficulty is too terrifying.

The Dao Canon itself is different. As long as the cultivator holds the Dao Canon, he can immediately use the "half-step absolute rule".

With the addition of the four major rules, Yun Ye's Qingtian Dao method is directly perfected, surrounded by the seventy-two layers of Qingtian, and he has the confidence to sublimate in one breath.

He no longer concealed anything. The Infinite Dao Canon and the Nine Lives Dao Canon emerged at the same time, blessing his body, and a breath reaching the limit of the world was born.

Yin and Yang mixed, the world was born, Yun Ye's blood and flesh were crushed in the Yin and Yang Four Symbols, and transformed into the human body universe with a mysterious method.

Every cell has countless mysterious textures hidden deep inside, which can easily destroy a big star after being pulled, and after countless cells are arranged and the power is intertwined, a well-ordered big universe is quietly born, operating under the control of the vast consciousness, and all kinds of Yin and Yang chaotic forces emerge.

Yun Ye can feel that once he has created the world, his body has nothing to do with matter, and he has directly reached the stage of the conceptual holy body.

At this stage, he seems to be standing next to Shui Wuge, showing the infinite divine body, but in fact, it is different from what the naked eye sees, he is falling!

The conceptual body no longer belongs to the material world, but is a projection of a higher dimension. Although Yun Ye is standing outside the Red Heaven Realm, his "personality" or "body" is falling. The result of his huge power is that he is too heavy to stay in the Red Heaven Realm.

He fell into the deeper dimension, broke through the Red Heaven Barrier all the way, and arrived at the void, and then his body began to extract power eagerly.

All caves have this process, but the masters of the caves have never experienced it. They can directly borrow the power of the caves to fight after the creation of the world, but they can't fall into the void with the caves and experience what it feels like to extract the power of the void.

And the body opened up the inner universe and became the Yin-Yang Four Elements Cave Heaven itself. Yun Ye can be said to have completely comprehended the void and the power of opening the sky.

Completely different from the past, he obtained something similar to world authority, which is something that the master of the cave has not involved.

As the inner universe itself, he has some perception of this.

For example, modifying the rules, creating rule items, and causing illogical effects... This is something that the multiverse often encounters, but the entire Red Heaven Realm has been studying for three thousand years, from the multiverse era to the present, and it is still impossible to achieve it. "The Lord of the Cave Heaven in the past only created a world based on his feelings. Any adjustment may cause the world to collapse, so no one will force it to change." "As the universe itself, I have all the details in my hands. I know what problems will arise if I modify them..." Yun Ye has a sense of thorough understanding. Things that he had never mastered in the past made him vaguely aware of the essence of absolute rules. For example, the distortions of the "distorted world" are things that violate logic and rules. There are often wells that never dry up and biscuits that can be split infinitely. These things sound absurd. The matter of a world is limited. Where do these substances that violate logic and the law of conservation of mass come from? Why can they be born infinitely? Of course, it is based on the rules! The composition of a world actually focuses on the "essence of rules". Matter is just a string of data, which can be more or less and does not affect anything. Just like a computer game can use a modifier to change resources at will, the "essence of rules" is the underlying code of the game, and the external manifestations such as "matter" are just the resource numbers that can be modified at will in the game. As long as you master the essence of rules, it is easy to lock blood and unlimited resources and even reset the world timeline.

The appearance of distorted objects in the "distorted world" without any order and reason is a problem with the "essence of rules", which is a vicious bug. If it cannot be solved, the loopholes in the universe will become larger and larger, and eventually lead to destruction.

"Every world has its own absolute rules. To obtain absolute rules, you must eliminate all bugs and get the most perfect form so that no external force can interfere... The evolution of the world, countless years of evolution, constant restart and destruction, everything is to give birth to absolute rules."

"Compared to the almost impossible birth of a perfect world god, a single absolute rule is much simpler, such as a singularity. Perfection is hard to find, so the loopholes are gathered to create absolute distortion and destruction."

Yun Ye finally understood the way to become an immortal and a god.

The immortals and gods of the Red Heaven Realm are all taking shortcuts, and only a single path of perfection is needed to be eternal.

This kind of perfection can be replicated by using the Tianmao Daoqi to become an immortal, but it requires endless accumulation to complete it by oneself to become a god.

If you want to increase the number of seats for true immortals, you must increase the "rule essence". Tiangan Dongtian swallowed up a large amount of the universe, and it can indeed increase the number of seats.

However, it takes time!

Hongtianjie must transform the swallowed rule essence into the part it needs!

Yun Ye opened his eyes, and countless futures and destinies emerged.

The Complete Future Taoism has the power to see through the future of true immortals, while the Nine Lives Taoism has the power of cause and effect to restrain the power of demigods!

When he started this plan, he had already walked through the future for thousands of years, and his soul was full of traces of time.

This is the best path he has found!

If we do not deal with the three resurrected Demon Supremes here, the ensuing disasters will cause more sacrifices and destabilize the entire Immortal Dynasty!

"The one who blocked me turned out to be the Infinite Dao Code! One person holds three Dao Codes, cultivating the five great dharma of Dongtian, Qingtian, Jiuming, Future, and Wuliang. This is the son of destiny born in the human race. He came to stop us. Even more terrifying than the Queen of Gods!”

"Queen God, the great destruction has begun at this time, and all the enemies have fallen into the trap, but you still continue to let Qing Liusheng Dao!"

The Lord of Time spoke quietly, and the body of the little fish shrouded the ambiguous time, sometimes turning into a sky-peng with wings spread, sometimes turning into an invincible shadow.

The threat from Qing Liusheng was too great.

Except that the Thousand Giant Pythons came to devour Qing Liusheng, he and Shenfeng were purely here to kill Qing Liusheng to avoid suppressing them again.

There was a battle with the God Queen, but the God Queen blocked Qing Liusheng and did not allow them to kill the target.


Shui Wuge stared at him without saying a word, just letting Qing Liusheng continue to become a Taoist. Neither Shen Feng nor the Lord of Time could understand.

Knowing that nonsense is useless, the Lord of Time once again activated the power of time, traveled across time, and shot one after another to kill Shui Wuge's true form.

But Asuka's Heart Bell has been sublimated, and the chains of order are densely packed, entangling and obliterating the Lord of Time, making it difficult for his power to work. On the contrary, his power is rapidly losing every minute and every second, and millions of years of accumulation are evaporating.

The Lord of Time looked ugly.

Time is not an active attack technique and cannot form the power of the infinite Taoist scriptures. Now that we have encountered a nemesis, even self-protection has become a problem!

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