A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 734 The Queen of Gods falls, and the road to becoming an emperor begins again!

The sky is dark and cloudy...

For all newcomers who are expected to make progress, the Tiangan Cave covering three days is too overbearing.

If you want to practice in the Red Heaven Realm, everything will belong to Tiangan Cave Heaven, and there is no possibility of becoming an emperor.

Although due to the death of the God Emperor, the fourth day of becoming emperor that covered the Red Heaven Realm has been dispersed, but with the Tiangan Cave Heaven that completely covered the three days and turned the three days into his own property, there is no possibility of becoming an emperor in the world.

Only when you bear the destiny of the entire human race can you make a wish. In the era when the two emperors exist, the final winner must be decided.

In an era without an emperor, at least it would be like Shui Wuge, who would rule the Red Heaven Realm, with power covering three days, and become the de facto emperor of destiny gathering.

Shui Wuge has been thinking about how to eliminate the negative influence of Tiangan Universe, and finally came to the conclusion of completely annihilating Tiangan Cave Sky.

As long as the control power is strong enough, all the power of Tiangan Cave can be gathered together, collided and annihilated, and then the three days will be wiped out!

Everything is annihilated, it seems that there is no trace of anything anymore.

On the side, Qing Kong, who was shivering all over, couldn't say a word. She was standing on the edge of the big explosion. One step away, there was nothingness!

"They're all dead..."

The invincible member of the Qing tribe was timid and took a step back. Naturally, he was not afraid because of his strength.

But the Queen of Gods!

Why did the Queen of Gods trust Qing Liusheng so much that she directly handed over the future of the Red Heaven Realm to their Qing clan?

Who is Qing Liusheng?

"Yeah, they're all dead."

Yun Ye sighed, but he still couldn't stop Shui Wuge.

He had experienced this scene many times, but in the real time and space, he still felt lucky and couldn't help but speak out to stop it, hoping that Shui Wuge would survive.

But seeing Wu Ge being so determined, he couldn't say a word. He could only watch Shui Wu Ge show his final glory.

On the earth, all visions ceased, and only the afterglow glowed.

There are no hymns and no visions of the Fall.

But everyone could see when they looked up that the starry sky covering the sky had disappeared unconsciously.

"Queen of Gods!"

Countless people's hearts palpitated, feeling the sudden sting, and with disbelief, they murmured the title they cared about so much.


The three days of self collapse, on the red sky world, whether it is a venerable, a real person, or a powerful person, the three days of self that they control evaporate together with the annihilation of Tiangan Cave, the realm begins to plummet, and the rule of Tianshou comes immediately.

"It's a great destruction! Her Majesty the Divine Queen has completely consumed the power of Tiangan Cave, and all contact with Xuantian, Qingtian and Hongtian has been lost!"

Zhanmeng stretched out his hand and found that he was ambiguous and was being obliterated by Tianshou's rules.

He has served as a priest for thousands of years. Now that his realm has fallen to the realm of law, he will naturally die. The rules of Tianshou will not care about his achievements to mankind.

"Your Majesty...has fallen."

Rou Zhao thought she had a firm mind, but she couldn't help crying.

What a cruel fact this is!

Although she has lost the power of authority given by Tiangan Cave, she has not lost the control power she has practiced for many years. The same is true for her physique. The body that has been sublimated into the body of order did not disappear because of the collapse of Tiangan Cave. The Queen of Gods cut off their connection with The connection between heaven, stem and cave gives them complete power.

Because of this power, Rou Zhao clearly saw that the three-dimensional dimension was completely empty, and all the power shrank to one point and disappeared without a trace.

"In order to no longer affect Hongtian... The God Emperor once calculated that it would take tens of thousands of years to eliminate the influence after the death of the owner of Tiangan Cave Sky."

"Therefore, he forged the nine weapons of the Holy Path, and used the nine pinnacle weapons to suppress the tens of thousands of years without the emperor's existence, and to avoid the interference of the true immortal."

"And the God Queen, who knew all this, simply gave up on becoming an emperor, lest she become a dark cloud covering the red sky again after her death! Now she has eliminated the influence of Tiangan Cave Heaven in the three days, and completely opened up the road to the great road!"

"God Queen, God Queen, since you exist, why should this world worry about injustice?"

Many venerables sighed.

Countless white energy fell, and the final power of the magnificent Tiangan Cave was revealed.

Shui Wuge arranged everything, and the fragments of Tiangan Cave Sky launched the art of time at the cost of disintegration, completely restoring the monks' selves for three days.

All the monks were shrouded in white energy, and their bodies and consciousness were shrouded in the art of time. They forcibly replenished themselves for three days, and all their powers were restored.

All these phenomena tell people on the earth one thing.

The Queen of Gods has fallen!

Tiangandongtian has become a thing of the past!

Looking at the calm sky, Tian Xiaoxiao couldn't help but open his eyes, looking through three days to the outside world: "Is everything over?"

The outer world turned into a dead zone!

Although the power of Tiangan Cave's destruction has been completely offset, the terrifying destructive power has also formed a permanent "scar". The outer world has been turned into a super forbidden land, with the Red Sky World as the center and outwards, all the destroyed irregular chaos, only the emperor You can survive by stepping into it.

Tian Xiaoxiao just glanced at it, her eyes cracked, divine blood flowed, and she had to close her pupils.

Her power of killing rules has been taken away by Yun Ye, her body has fallen back to the human level, and she can no longer see the amazing sight of Waiyu.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The heartbeat suddenly resounded through the red sky, and the aura of violence and murderous intent was felt by all the monks along with the heartbeat. This was purely perceived by the heartbeat sound. It can be seen how furious the source of the heartbeat sound was!


With a long cry, the golden phoenix seemed to break the egg of time and was born from the void. He was scarred, with bone-deep wounds everywhere, and there was almost no possibility of recovery. These were the wounds left by the conflict between positive and negative. It possesses the power of rules that surpasses Shenfeng himself.

All things are unified!

Every scar is extracting his origin, leading him towards the unification of chaos. For Qing Liusheng, this is the source of power, but for Shen Feng, who only cultivates Phoenix Fire, this is the curse of death, unable to Escape, even if you survive, you will only be lingering!

"The Lord of Time..."

The divine phoenix looked at its golden feathers, which looked very much like the ancient ancestral phoenix, and seemed to have experienced a sublimation.

But he knew that this was only a temporary illusion, but the result of the infusion of all the power of the Lord of Time.

In the end, they are all certain to die, and it is impossible to escape unless the Supreme self-destructs.

But who Supreme is willing to do this?

There really is.

After all, the race of the Lord of Time is rational. He knows that Shenfeng and the Thousand Giant Pythons will never sacrifice themselves for others. If he doesn't do something, everything will be buried and there will be no hope, so he simply blows himself up and only fights with Shenfeng. An agreement was made to resurrect him in the future.

No matter whether you can comply with it or not, it is at least better than waiting to die, but there is nothing to be unwilling to do.

"Well, what will happen next..."

On the ninety-nineth level, the mysterious time fish fell headlong and fell into a boundless sleep.

Its true form is dead, but its power still remains. The Queen of Gods is indeed powerful. Within the scope of the Great Destruction's interference, everyone in the past and future has been killed.

However, the great destruction started from the edge of the Red Sky Realm and ended outside the Nine Continents. The past and future within the Nine Continents were not affected.

Its true body dies, its power drops to freezing point, and the aura of the Ninety-nine Heavens gradually disappears due to the Age of Ending Law. It will most likely sleep forever, but it is also possible that a real spiritual aura will appear in later generations, which will fill it with power again and revive it.

It still has a slim chance.

In fact, I don’t like tragedies either. The dark world that was promised was simply pushed aside by the protagonist. It was so simple that it was like selling a sheep’s head to a dog’s head…

And in the end, it was a cliché happy ending. I just accept that good people get rewarded. It’s really hard to describe the tragedy!

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