A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 743 People’s choices, countless heroes!

What Qingtian did was undoubtedly extremely vicious.

When there is absolutely no other choice, people can only resist and roar, but what if they have a way out?

After all, Qingtian is a true immortal and treats mortals like dust.

It was just a promise to let a hundred people go, and the possibility of breaking it was too low.

Compared to facing the inevitable death of a true immortal, this is undoubtedly a feasible way to survive.

So, what are the choices of many monks in the parallel world?

In deathly silence.

All monks and citizens ask themselves, should they sacrifice their lives for righteousness and die generously, or should they give up their bottom line as human beings and raise a butcher's knife against their fellow humans?

Living a prosperous life, without any labor and still having the support of the immortal dynasty, you can survive without worrying about anyone, and you have hardly experienced any hardships...

This is the background of most citizens and the foundation of their souls.

Will a comfortable environment make them afraid of death and have no will?

In theory, it is.

But if they were thrown into ancient society and became slaves without human rights, it would only take one day for them to commit suicide.

Just like Yun Ye once, after experiencing comfort, it is difficult to accept suffering, so that death becomes a better choice.

In today's era, facing the threat of true immortals, almost all ordinary people have come to a conclusion.

"It's really easier to die!"

"But don't worry, before I die, I will curse your blue sky, no! Curse all you immortals! I will wait for you in hell! The future must belong to the human race, and the future must belong to the immortal dynasty!!!"

"True immortals, all suffering comes from immortals. Without you, why would the Queen of Gods need to self-destruct and die with the demons?"

"Chess pieces... Haha, without the God Queen, we are not even qualified to be born into this world. We are born to be slaves and maids!"

"Old dog Qingtian, come and kill me!!!"

The roar gradually echoed, resounding through the sky, shaking the nine heavens, and infecting everything in sight.

Qingtian is an immortal, so it is naturally impossible for him to hear wrongly, or not to hear these roars.

He looked at the parallel world quietly, but he did not get angry and destroy this world.

Things are still developing.

Without strength, wisdom and ineffectiveness, ordinary people have no choice. They cannot fight to fight for the bloody one hundred places.

But there are monks in every parallel world, and they are the potential winners of this screening. The final result depends on the monks.

How could the majestic Qingtian Lord care about the roars of ordinary people? What he wanted to see were the great monks and the rulers who showed their true colors.

Tomorrow said, human nature cannot be changed!


In the King's Heavenly Palace, all the great lords are standing in line, their expressions full of solemnity and evil spirits.

Right now.


"Just have a glass of wine and hit the road. Who has never died since ancient times? Even Her Majesty the God Queen can sacrifice her life for the Immortal Dynasty, why can't I?"

"Today I'm going to call him a bloody bitch, what a rubbish immortal, the ancient emperor's evaluation is good, how could the emperor's mother teach such a beast!"

The wine glass fell to the ground and broke into pieces. Its owner stood up freely, but it was the famous Liangxin Venerable. He laughed, and his whole body burst into brilliance.

This was the ultimate sublimation, sacrificing everything. Facing the true immortal, he did not show the possibility of a second strike.

"That's right! Fuck the immortal, fuck the ruling way. I am indeed afraid of death, but I am even more afraid of living like a dead person. If I really have to sacrifice all my bottom lines just to survive, then I will look down on myself!"

"Her Majesty the Queen of Gods has created such a prosperous world for us to shape our backbones and for eternal prosperity in the world. How can a mere fake fairy want me to kneel down?"

"Climb for me!"

Some heroes spoke out and laughed, their auras soaring into the sky, and too many monks faced the sky.

As for the betrayer?

Don't worry about it,

So why not?

If you want to betray, go and fight, show your ugliness, and fight for the one hundred spots!

In this mortal state, for those of them who are unwilling to bow their heads, this moment of glory is enough!

"Suffer death, Qingtian!"

So many heroes roared and faced Qingtian. In response to this, Qingtian's face finally darkened. Such momentum had already proved the faith of the Immortal Dynasty.

The Tao of Tomorrow is not a ruling Tao that exists for personal wealth, life and death. No matter how you look for reasons why they would rather die, it doesn't matter how you stigmatize this will - but the final result is enough. Shake people's hearts and prove everything!


All the rebels were annihilated, and the entire parallel world became empty in an instant. Seeing this scene, the monks who wanted to fight for their lives couldn't help but stop.

In this scene before them, everything seems to have lost its meaning. What is the point of their living?

Everything familiar with family, relatives and friends will disappear after this choice.

Walking alone, with evil?

"Blue sky!!!"

Even though Yun Ye had seen this future many times, he still couldn't accept it. His power suppressed it and blasted away Xuantian's world-creating power.

However, the Xuantian dimension is coming. This was the cave sky opened by Xuantian, which became the first day after being sacrificed.

Xuantian's secret of becoming an immortal was reflected in the first day. In order to quickly become an immortal, he directly sacrificed the cave to become a part of the world. Therefore, he completed the rewriting of the rules in an instant, and even Qingtian, who had revised the rules many times, had no time. If you stop it, you will be promoted to immortality.

In many eras since then, true immortals have arranged for the Lord of the Cave to sacrifice to the Cave to fulfill their wishes and modify the rules.

When the red sky took shape on the third day, Xuantian finally realized that something was wrong, gave up the home field advantage, and completely banned the Dongtian method.

The Cave Heaven Method requires the coordination of corresponding physiques. Without the Cave Heaven Method, it would be difficult to give birth to the corresponding physique. Even if the Cave Heaven Method was obtained later, the possibility of opening it up would be infinitely close to zero. This measure ended the Cave Heaven Era and left countless millions of people dead. There is no longer a master of the cave in the human race.

However, the possibility still exists in the Red Sky Realm. The birth of Caixia is one of them, causing the Nine Lives Immortal Clan to sacrifice the Taoism, and the second is to prompt the birth of the future Taoist Lord.

And, the arrival of Yun Ye is the third one!

"The five elements flow and create the world!"

"The yin and yang of heaven and earth, the beginning of chaos!"

The two great forces that created the world emerged and fiercely confronted each other. Xuantian was gradually awakening his own cave. Although it was very difficult, relying on his endless power, he could barely resist Yun Ye.

"For a master like the God Queen, this power is not worth mentioning, but it is enough to deal with you."

Xuantian said this.

His imperial body was burning fiercely and was in a state of self-destruction all the time. It was just that the true immortal body ignored the conservation of energy and continued to send power to repair it.


Qingtian also took action.

The Blue Sky Dimension made a sacrifice for him, allowing him to control part of the Blue Sky Dimension's power. Although it is far inferior to Xuantian, it is still extremely powerful. It is not a problem to suppress the Imperial Dao. Under the accumulation of infinite energy, it is quite a threat. .

Because I changed the outline and removed the eighth life, it was a bit difficult for me to write. I scratched my head and wrote so slowly.

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