A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 755: Reversing the times, the Emperor becomes a god!

"So that's it!"

Yun Ye understood it completely. He had certainly explored where his soul came from. Was it from another universe?

Does the Earth really exist?

What exactly is the Book of Reincarnation?

In fact, he already knew the answer. He was a piece of information obtained by the Red Heaven Realm, which was indeed from another universe.

This information from another world caused the Red Heaven Realm to evolve, which was not an evolution of the Red Heaven Realm.

The world originally composed entirely of spiritual energy was transformed into a semi-material and semi-spiritual world.

Various physical laws also changed from pure spiritual phenomena to deeper natural phenomena. The laws of the Earth and the laws of the Red Heaven coexist.

The Book of Reincarnation is so heaven-defying because of the change in the laws, a ray of possibility that overflowed from the world and the endless echoes.

He has always had a terrifyingly high luck. In just seven lives, he almost achieved the great feat of changing the world. This is the reason.

He carries the wishes condensed from countless regrets of all mankind, and comes with the great trend arranged by the sages of many times, with an unstoppable momentum.

As the saying goes, heroes are made by the times.

Zhu Yuanzhang appeared in a peaceful and prosperous era, which was completely different from being born in a disaster-stricken era. Moreover, he was not an extremely capable person. Even if he held the Book of Reincarnation, it took him seven lifetimes. It was the help of many True Immortals and the efforts of countless people.

This is the general trend and the will of the people. It is not his own achievement!

At this moment, he has stood at the dividing line of opening up the future.

In a thought, light and darkness reversed!

"The world should evolve, just like people should grow up. This is a trend that no one can stop, whether it is human or immortal!"

"Therefore, people do not need to seek eternity, just seek the present and the future, and have no regrets!"

"We have waited for a long time and want to seize all possible opportunities, but possibilities are scattered all over the world, and no one can have an overview."

"We can only do what we can, and then... leave it to fate!"

The True Spirit has said everything he wants to say.

He believes that people can do their best to open up the future. Whether they succeed or fail, they should accept it calmly. It is noble enough to do everything!

"Trust is the biggest weakness of life. All of this could be a conspiracy. It's us, it's the world that's pushing this. Countless sacrifices are just to let someone transcend."

"The divine law can't connect people's hearts either. Otherwise, the human race shouldn't have repeated the same mistakes countless times in millions of years without learning any lessons."

"All the choices are in your hands. We can only create this possibility. After all, time is running out and there is no next chance."

The Taoist body of the Emperor of the Bright Sky spoke frankly, and he showed the essence of his own power.

The divine law and soul are pure black, and the flesh and body law are pure white. He has practiced to become an emperor, and in fact, there is no color difference. If you have to say, he should be pure white during the emperor's period, without any external force.

But now this pure white is being stained black, which is the result of the road deviation. After countless times of deducing the future and controlling the general trend, the time for him to be reversed has been greatly advanced.

Let alone whether he can seize the opportunity for the next great change in the world, just how many years he needs to wait is a question.

From Hongtian to Yunye's birth, there was a gap of one million years. Even if he sealed the future magic and never used it, it had already deviated to half the ruling way and half the kingly way. At this stage, he must have used the future magic without caring about the cost because of the deviation, and finally completely deviated to the ruling way.

Qingtian's million years were only half distorted by the kingly way, but with Tongmingqiong, a million years would be a complete reversal of the road.

"Your choice will determine the future."

So far.

All that Zhenling and Tongmingqiong needed to explain was completed. The two true immortal emperors disappeared without a trace, and with them came a huge change in the world.

Yunye's eyes were filled with laws, and the whole world began to turn.

"The foundation of the Immortal Dynasty Cave Heaven Law comes from the Extreme Spiritual Law. This is a universal law. Even if you leave the Red Heaven Realm, it is still applicable. It is information from another universe, but it has added the characteristics of the power of the Red Heaven Realm to transform it into a "universe" that can continue to grow and has non-conserved mass."

"We cannot prohibit the power of the creation of the world from taking effect in the outer heaven, but we can temporarily pull the laws of the Red Heaven Realm back to hundreds of thousands of years ago. All the cave heaven masters who practice the Extreme Spiritual Cave Heaven Law will be suppressed by the Red Heaven Realm and lose most of their power when they descend on the Red Heaven Realm."

"And you, as a singularity in the process of becoming an emperor, will not be affected and will become a node that maintains the two time and space. If you succeed, the world will move in the right direction. If you fail, the world will degenerate to hundreds of thousands of years ago, a world without the Extreme Spiritual Law."

Unlike the silent natural evolution of the world, forcibly degenerating to hundreds of thousands of years is a major project, and the power required is extraordinary.

It is not even related to power. The condition that needs to be achieved is "the consensus of all the creatures in the Red Heaven"!

"Everyone, give us a hand!"

"The immortals have occupied the front for too long. All the efforts of the past, present and future are manifested at this moment. Success or failure depends on this one move!"

The thoughts of the two true immortals spread across the red sky.

Countless creatures were shocked.

The past and the future are manifesting!

They are experiencing the efforts of the future Taoist Lord and the Spiritual Law True Immortal in the past and the future, and personally witnessing them overcome despair one after another!

"So that's it, are we also going to join the human Daoqi system?"

Tian Xiaoxiao, who was assisting the Immortal Dynasty to appease many true spirit races, raised his head with a look of surprise.

The danger facing the Red Sky Realm now is too terrifying. As a representative of the True Spirits and Ten Thousand Clans, she lobbied all the demons. Although the time was short, most of the demons immediately joined the Immortal Dynasty, willing to obey the order of the Immortal Dynasty and contribute to the Immortal War. force……

There is no other reason. Under such power, all things are too powerless. They can only pray that the Qing Emperor and the future Tao Lord will indeed look towards the red sky and all the spirits!

Yun Ye is fighting, and the same is true within the Hongtian Realm. After delaying time until now, the conditions for the Hongtian Consensus have already been reached, and all the power has gathered into the Imperial Path Fruition Position and turned into the ultimate authority to control the Hongtian.

"The power is emerging. Now it is no longer the human race's Tianmian Taoist weapon, but the real Red Sky Taoist tool."

Tomorrow said to Yun Ye with a smile.

Since the beginning of the Hongtian Era, human beings have possessed Tianmian Dao tools, which can make wishes, obtain absolute rules, or modify the rules of the world.

This is not a power that only belongs to human beings. In theory, all races of demons can also be re-engraved. Emperor Jue once did something similar, setting up a large formation in the red sky, downgrading the racial bloodline, expanding the number of ethnic groups, and then intending to re-engrave it. The instrument makes a wish to become an immortal.

But it is a pity that since the birth of the first true immortal, the road ahead has been blocked.

The path that the human race has traveled is not even allowed for our own descendants to walk on, let alone the aliens?

Jue Huang naturally failed.

And this situation is consistent when converted into Yun Ye.

Is Qing Liusheng completely invincible?

Make continuous wishes?

Totally impossible!

If they are defeated, the true immortals will completely destroy the Hongtian world and let Hongtian's story end!

Next, they just spend unlimited time looking for a chance to transcend in the multi-dimensional era. It is indeed difficult, but at least they don't have to be suppressed by the invincible immortal!

"Help me, tomorrow!"


Yun Ye raised the Sword of Tomorrow, which gathered the prayers of all the creatures in the Red Heaven Realm, and inserted the sword into the void, tearing apart countless laws.

The fragments of time are passing by, and the power left by the spiritual immortal covers the red sky.

"Boom boom boom!"

The world suddenly changed and began to return to the era of pure spiritual energy structures. The bodies of the many God Lords who descended sank, as if they were suppressed by countless worlds.

what happened?


Before they could react, all their bodies exploded, and the clouds and nights swallowed everything. The Emperor's Realm was at a singularity, but it confused the past and the future. They condensed and covered the entire Red Sky Realm. On his left was the material era, and on his right was the material era. On the side is the spiritual energy era, and Hongtian has been completely mastered.

And this is just becoming an emperor, just the first step!

"I make a wish that the Emperor God will destroy the clan..."

"Awakening the absolute rules of the cave!"


The nearly decayed old man suddenly opened his eyes.

Covered by endless fairy light, in the extremely frightened gazes of many true immortals, the God of Despair opened his eyes, and the Xuantian Dao Canon appeared in his hand: "Old man, I have been waiting for a long time."

"Xuan Tian became a Taoist and exchanged the cave heaven for the immortal position. Today, the old man will follow the example of the third day and offer the Dacheng Tiangan Cave Heaven in exchange for the Five Elements Cave Heaven awakening rules."

In the void, two large heavenly stems floated in the sky. Their energy spanned endless distances and connected to the red sky. In an instant, they burned into nothingness and merged into the red sky.

The red sky changed dramatically, and the fourth and fifth days were born.

At the same time, at a certain point, an Emperor Dao Five Elements Cave Heaven and the God of Despair covered the fairy light at the same time, which was the power of the Tianmian Dao Artifact.

An unprecedented upgrade has begun!

Its speed was so fast that there was no room to stop it. Even the recent Immortal Immeasurable tried to kill the Lord of Despair, but in the end, he was hindered by the absolute rules of the Red Sky Realm and failed to kill the Lord of Despair in the first time.

"Become a god!??"

Wuliang Zhenxian couldn't understand that he didn't wish to become an immortal, but to wish to become a god? Even if the cave has obtained absolute rules and can protect people's eternal life, how can a world that awakens absolute rules allow outsiders to get involved?

Its perfection will be completed, which will inevitably lead to the Lord of the Cave Heaven being swallowed up, losing all reason, and becoming a part of the Absolute Cave Heaven!

Dongtian is a power that can grow infinitely. As long as it is accumulated and the secrets are broken, it is possible to become a god.

However, the price of becoming a god has never changed. People who cannot control such perfection will inevitably lose their minds!

"God Lord of Despair! Becoming a god is destined to lose your mind. What on earth do you want to do!!!"

The ominous premonition of the Nine Lives True Immortal became more and more intense.

He saw a lot of possible futures, but the future became less and less, and the future was being narrowed down to one point!

"Human consciousness is not an absolute rule. The evolution of the world to perfection will lead to the erosion of the Lord of the Cave. This is indeed inevitable..."

"However, there is no way to slow down this process. As long as there is a force of the same level to resist, the erosion will not be completed in an instant."

The body of the God Lord of Despair spreads the absolute rules. Once the absolute rules belonging to the cave are awakened, they spread immediately. The endless information is about to assimilate his consciousness. It just happens that his sea of ​​consciousness opens up an illusory world, and a dark singularity is entrenched in it. Erode and destroy the illusory world.

Similarly, the power of Dongtian's absolute rules is also hindered and cannot completely engulf the consciousness of the God of Despair.

His memory and consciousness are still being impacted, but compared to the absolute rule level, he can barely hold on to the downgraded demigod level.

That's enough!

"All you true immortals, come to hell with me!"

The old face of the Lord of Despair cannot fade away, but his spirit is still magnificent, showing the divine power that belongs to the emperor.


Xuantian roared angrily and noticed the heels of God Lord Despair, but it was too late. Tongming Qiong waved his bell staff and suddenly knocked him down to the Red Sky Realm. He was struggling, and the power of opening up the world exploded, but the five elements circulated, majestic The world suppressed him, and he could only scream in despair.

He had already lost the cave sky. Although the emperor was old, he had the absolute blessing of the cave sky when he struck. He was unstoppable and knocked Xuantian into the red sky with one blow.

In the Hongtian Realm, the Heavenly Road emerged and turned into a barrier. Hongtian's figure emerged, and countless chains wrapped around Xuantian, trying to drag him into the Heavenly Road.

When the main body arrives in the Red Sky Realm, the power of the Absolute Rules rapidly decreases, but in an instant it still possesses the power to destroy the entire Red Sky Realm.

Xuantian knew that he had completely fallen into a trap, and desperately released the power belonging to the true immortal to directly crush the Red Sky Realm!

Although the Red Sky Realm itself has absolute rules, there is no unified will of the world, and it is still unable to resist destruction.


Hong Tian shouted, she called out Yun Ye's real name, which was also the first time this name was known to the world.

She was unable to stop Xuantian at all. She was trapped in the Heavenly Road. Even if she wanted to forcefully come down, she couldn't do it. The only role of the Emperor's Body was to help Yun Ye increase his strength.

"Burn, inner universe!"

Yun Ye clenched his fist without hesitation, and a smile appeared on his lips. This line was his last resort, "I will win this time!"

"Xuan Tian!"

Yun Ye's figure burned, and he stabbed Xuantian suddenly with the Tomorrow Sword in his hand. He blocked the Dao Sword with his palm. Even the Red Sky Tomorrow Dao Sword couldn't even damage his fur. The fairy-level power was indeed reduced, but it was an interference with the outside world. Lowered, its existence remains eternal.

But he was pushed, and the endless force pushed him towards the sky. A roaring black cube was emerging, opening its "bloody mouth"!

"Stop it, bastard! Why are you sacrificing yourself for a group of mortals? Have you been brainwashed by the world? Only by transcending can people get rid of the shackles of the world. Wake up quickly!!!"

Xuantian was extremely frightened and roared. His palms were filled with the power of creating heaven and earth, and he wanted to stop retreating no matter what.

He finally understood that the future Dao Lord wanted to send him to heaven to be devoured by the killing god!

The immortals are immortal, but only their bodies are immortal. Their consciousness is just an impurity attached to the immortal immortal body. Once swallowed by the world god, it will be eroded just like the absolute cave of the Lord of the Cave!

What is the difference between the loss of consciousness and destruction? !

The detachment they pursue is the detachment of both body and consciousness. I am still me, transcending everything!

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