Drinking sweet glutinous rice wine, eating delicacies and side dishes on the table, looking at a few beautiful ladies around him, all with unique style, listening to the laughter and drinking all around. The festive and peaceful atmosphere, well, is intoxicating. Coming to this world, with a beautiful wife, with his own business, with the support of the villagers, and a lot of money, he feels that his life is very complete, he is not a careerist, he has no lofty ideals, he does not want to change the world, as long as the bandits in Anqing County are cleared, the business will not be disturbed from now on, the safety of the villagers is guaranteed, everyone no longer has to worry about life, he can sit back and enjoy life. Well, every day spring flowers and autumn moons, every day to sleep until the sun rises, every day to wander blindly, yes, this kind of life is life.

Halfway through the tooth banquet, when the atmosphere was at its strongest, the village chief came over, and he asked Chu Yunhao to tell everyone a few words. What are you talking about, Chu Yunhao was stunned for a long time, and finally gave this arduous task to the village chief. In fact, he is not a person who likes to be in the limelight, everything he is doing now seems to be forced by the situation, although the final result is satisfactory to him, but this is really not his intention.

A few days later, the villagers met again at the threshing floor, this time for wages.

It has been a month since the demolition, and it is also the day of payroll, and the villagers are lining up at the threshing floor and going forward to go through the formalities one by one. Every time the villagers come forward, Su Xiaoxiao finds the name and puts a tick on it, and the female assistants next to her will find the corresponding salary note, and the villagers can get their wages from the bookkeeper next to them with this salary note.

The villagers smiled at Su Xiaoxiao, all of them greeted each other with a flattering smile, and there was no longer any ominous view of the past, Chu Yunhao wanted this effect, didn't the big guys look down on her before, well, she will pay you a big meal ticket in the future, I Chu Yunhao is not here, she will be the biggest.

Of course, there is another meaning to support Su Xiaoxiao, Su Xiaoxiao was originally from Baishi Village next door, and now the two villages are basically together, and there is a father and brother behind him, Su Xiaoxiao has the most foundation here, Chu Yunhao wants to cultivate her prestige, and in the future, he will be outside the main house, and Su Xiaoxiao will be in the main house, so that it will be harmonious.

Du Erniang is back, this time, she not only brought back the auspicious information of the bandits, but also brought back eighteen people, eighteen slender girls, all wearing black tights, although all of them are masked with black cloth, but the beautiful figure is fully revealed, it seems that this is the Fengwu organization personnel she recruited from outside.

It turned out that the meeting of the bandits' eighteenth rabble was really not a joke, and they were all gathered in a place called Tianzhu Mountain, with about 800 people.

Tianzhu Mountain, as the name suggests, is like a pillar of heaven standing there, you can imagine how steep it is, this kind of place where a man is close to ten thousand people, it is difficult to lay down it, Chu Yunhao fell into contemplation, he can attack far, except for the bed crossbow, it is a trebuchet. The bed crossbow is still effective in attacking the city gate, but it is useless to attack the mountain. Trebuchet, this one can be studied.

With a plan in his heart, Chu Yunhao began to study the trebuchet, as a top mechanical engineer in Chu Yunhao's previous life, to build a trebuchet, it was a breeze, the drawings were drawn that night, and the next day they began to let the craftsmen make according to the drawings, in less than two days, a small power trebuchet was built, after debugging, it was about possible to beat five or six pounds of stone to four hundred steps away, and the power was not bad.

Zhao Mingyue looked at the trebuchet, three circles on the left and three circles on the right, look at the bumper, his face was incredible, just such a small thing, he could throw stones so far, how did he do it. Although this power is not comparable to the large trebuchet used on the battlefield, but those are all behemoths, how can they be compared to such a small and exquisite one in front of them.

What is this thing called, this trebuchet is so powerful, is it the credit of this thing? Zhao Mingyue pointed to the copper spring component on the trebuchet and said.

This is called a spring, and it is a charging member, and this gadget can hit so far, all because of this. Chu Yunhao said with a smile. This Zhao Mingyue is quite discerning. Compared to the trebuchet of this era, which relied on a simple thing to throw stones with a counterweight at one end, he was much smaller and more sophisticated.

The trebuchet has been built, and the next thing is to train the villagers how to operate, the trebuchet with the spring component charging force, which can control the strength, how far and how high it is, can be controlled by experience. More than 10 trebuchets were built for the villagers to train, and finally there was a target shooting competition, the accuracy of the shot, the accuracy is already very exaggerated, if the trebuchet is not a stone, or a fire and thunder, hehe, enough for the bandits to bear. In the end, Chu Yunhao awarded them the honorary title of sharpshooter and rewarded them with silver coins.

After everything was ready, on this day, Chu Yunhao took 200 people from the Township Warrior Regiment to use a mule and horse team to hump the catapult parts, as well as various other materials, and marched towards Tianzhu Mountain. Accompanying him, in addition to Du Erniang and her Feng Wu Eighteen Jiao, there are also Zhao Mingyue and her ten female guards, this Zhao Mingyue has always been his follower, anyway, wherever Chu Yunhao goes, she has to go, people are guests here, and Chu Yunhao has no way to get rid of it.

There are three peaks in Tianzhu Mountain, the middle one grows from the mountainside, rises from the ground, is almost vertical, and the peak that is as high as dozens of zhang is Tianzhu Peak, which is also the origin of Tianzhu Mountain. I don't know how these bandits got up and built a stockade on Tianzhu Peak, which looks like they can't fight at all.


three peaks of Tianzhu Mountain are all very close to each other, and they are all very steep, but the Tianzhu Peak in the middle is the most imposing. The west peak and the middle Tianzhu peak are the closest, only twenty or thirty zhang away, and the bandits actually built a rattan bridge between the two peaks. The bandits' stockades are scattered on these two peaks.

The bandits choose the mountain, it is not as steep as possible, it also depends on the location, it is not convenient to see the official road and waterway, and the surrounding area is rich or not, after all, they are doing the business of robbing houses and houses, blocking roads and robbing. Tianzhu Mountain is far away from the official road, the surrounding villages are sparsely populated, and they are not rich.

There shouldn't have been so many bandits here before, right?Chu Yunhao asked Du Erniang beside him.

In the past, there were forty or fifty people here, all of whom were nearby hunters who could not afford to pay taxes, and they were forced by the government to fall into a hurry, and they usually did not harm the villagers except for robbing local rich families or passing through rich villages. Du Erniang said.

However, half a year ago, a group of strongmen came from nowhere, and after the original hunters were merged, they continued to recruit other small groups of bandits to come in, until you exterminated Erlang Mountain, so that everyone in Anqing County was in danger, and the bandits within a radius of 100 miles gathered here. Du Erniang continued.

This Tianzhu Peak in the middle, how did they go up. Chu Yunhao looked left and right, but he didn't see anything on the way, so he couldn't help asking.

Du Erniang smiled mysteriously, pointed to a path in the mountain and said: The entrance of this Tianzhu Peak is behind a big rock on the mountainside, and the inside of this Tianzhu Peak is empty, and there is a way to go up to the top of the mountain.

Chu Yunhao listened to this, and was speechless, there are such a place of magic and ingenuity, it is really breathtaking, the bandits are not afraid of people attacking in this kind of place, at least the general means are indeed helpless against them.

Now that the situation is almost understood, the next step is to make a plan for the attack. A peak on the east side of Tianzhu Mountain, and Tianzhu Peak in the middle, the peaks of the two peaks are seventy or eighty zhang away, this distance, the bow and arrow are no longer out of reach, but the trebuchet that Chu Yunhao drummed up can be easily done, Chu Yunhao arranged for fifty Xiangyong, let them take five catapults to go up, and then assemble them at the peak, after everything is ready, directly bombard his sister's, and a general attack will be launched under the mountain here.

This peak in the west, there is no better way, but to attack, Chu Yunhao handed over the rest of the people to the eldest brother and the iron master to lead the team, there are trebuchets to throw fire mines, there are bamboo barrels and water guns to shoot fire oil, there are big shields to protect, and the villagers are all wearing helmets and armor, holding spears, and waist knives. What Chu Yunhao should have done, he has done it very well, in this era, this configuration is already a dimensionality reduction strike. Next, we can only look at their bravery.

Chu Yunhao did not participate in the main attack, but still took the personal guards, Du Erniang, Zhao Mingyue, and they touched the vicinity of the entrance of the boulder and ambushed them on both sides. When Du Erniang asked Chu Yunhao why he didn't attack directly from the entrance of the cave, Chu Yunhao shook his head, there are too many bandits in the mountains, and there is a shortage of one in the siege, so that they can have an escape exit, so as not to make the bandits stubbornly resist, otherwise the villagers will suffer heavy casualties.

Boom boom... As soon as the east peak launched an attack, the west peak side, the villagers who had already touched the gate of the cottage also shouted and launched the main attack. Chu Yunhao was lying on his back on the grass, his mouth was idle, and he looked at Zhao Mingyue beside him from time to time, as long as this guy was fighting and killing, he was more excited than anyone else, and he kept staring ahead.

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