Chu Yunhao followed the sound, dozens of steps away, counting from his left on the third boat, several Raojiang girls stood together, and the girl standing in front of her with the tallest figure waving to him on her toes was Qimeng. Seeing that the dream kept waving to him and signaling him to go over, Chu Yunhao had no choice but to get off the boat and walk towards the dream boat. When they arrived at the Dream Boat, all the Raojiang girls were laughing when they looked at Chu Yunhao.

Little brother, thank you for your jade pendant

Little brother, thank you for your

Little brother, thank you for the gold bracelet

Little brother, thank you....

Seeing that these Raojiang girls were thanking him one by one, and Chi Meng was watching with a smile on the side, Chu Yunhao had no choice but to blush and hurriedly say no thanks. Seeing Chu Yunhao's embarrassed face, she covered her mouth and chuckled, and pulled Chu Yunhao to walk into the cabin, where there was a large table of sumptuous meals, and the tables, chairs, bowls and chopsticks were all set. Chimeng pulled Chu Yunhao to sit on the stool, and went to get a bowl of rice in person, and the girls in Raojiang played wine again, and a big bowl of wine was poured in front of everyone, Chu Yunhao's rice was served by Chimeng himself, and Chu Yunhao's wine was also brought by Chimeng himself, and at this point, Chu Yunhao had no choice but to eat with them.

It's just that the taste of this wine, how can it taste exactly the same as the tiger bone wine I drank yesterday, Chu Yunhao was suspicious in his heart, but when he saw that the girls in Raojiang were all drinking, the girls in this family were not afraid, he couldn't be frightened as a big man, drink, afraid of him a hammer, this meal, listening to the Yingyan language of the Raojiang girls, speaking their hometown dialect, Chu Yunhao couldn't understand most of them, but they all treated him as a guest and greeted him with a smile, but he could feel this, what embarrassed Chu Yunhao was that Chimeng sandwiched chopsticks and chopsticks for him, what chicken legs, braised elbows, goose gizzards, bacon, all the delicious ones were picked up in his bowl, and he couldn't eat them without picking up the vegetables himself。 For this meal, I drank two large bowls of tiger bone wine, ate two large bowls of rice, and had no less than two large bowls of dishes.

After eating, Chimeng called hot water to wash Chu Yunhao's hands and face, and then pestered Chu Yunhao to teach her to fish, the two were tired of an hour, caught a few small fish and released them, maybe it was the effect of drinking, Chu Yunhao only felt that his blood was surging, his cheeks were hot, and he was extremely uncomfortable, Chu Yunhao wanted to go back to his boat to rest, but as soon as he told Chi Meng, Chi Meng was unhappy with his mouth flat, looking at Chi Meng's pitiful appearance, Chu Yunhao did not leave. Suddenly, the dream smiled, saying that there was a cooling antipyretic medicine in her room, and took Chu Yunhao to her boudoir. Chi Meng searched in the room, and sure enough, he found a dark green pill and brought him out, and called water for him to eat, as soon as he ate this pill, Chu Yunhao only felt that his qi and blood were surging even more, and his cheeks were even hotter.

Nightmare, you also drank wine, why are you okay?Chu Yunhao sat on the bed and asked at Nightmare.

We drank a soothing blood and qi wine, so naturally we were fine. Nightmare said.

Then what kind of wine am I drinking, is it different from what you drink?" Chu Yunhao asked again.

Brother Chu, you are drinking the tiger bone wine that I made with my own hands, it must be different, you are a big man and man, how can you drink our women's wine. Nightmare said, rolling her eyes.

I see, Chu Yunhao gritted his teeth and looked at the nightmare viciously, he said that if he played tricks on him again, he would let her know that it was powerful. Brother Chu, what are you doing. Nightmare exclaimed

What's the matter, the game of eagle catching chickens, what, you are the wind and I am the game of sand, what are you doing, how many ways to write the game in Kunlun, what are you doing.

This afternoon, it was obviously not very windy, but the boat of the Nightmare had been shaking when it stopped there, and it had not calmed down much.

Afterwards, looking at the white sheets and red plum dyeing paintings, Chu Yunhao was very surprised, such a sultry little girl, it turned out to be still... , Chu Yunhao couldn't help but feel very sorry.

In the evening, the meal is brought into the room by the nightmare, and after dinner, I am bored, or continue the game of you are the wind and I am the sand. There was nothing to say all night, and the next day, the boat of the dream was the first to go, she said that she wanted to go back to send medicine to his mother, this, Chu Yunhao naturally couldn't refuse, the parting was painful, the two of them were miserable and miserable, crying so much, the dream told Chu Yunhao, before November, they must go to the holy mountain of Wumeng Mountain in Raojiang to propose marriage, the prince of Ning Wang wanted the dream to steal his plan of fire and thunder, and the dream naturally told him, this, hehe... , Zao Wou-Ki, Zao Wou-ki, you shouldn't have thought that the dream is already my Chu Yunhao's woman, and she still wants to steal my fire and thunder method and dream.

Chu Yunhao returned to his boat with red eyes, and ordered the boat crew to set off for the boat, this time, everyone saw that he was not in the right state, and they didn't dare to say anything, even the jokes were put away, even Zhong Qingqing didn't dare to look for his own bad luck, from Yunmengze out of the pass, into the Yangtze River, down the river, steady and fast.

In the evening of that day, the ship docked in a riverside town to rest, and Chu Yunhao decided to stay in this town tonight. When he got to the dock, there were a large group of children around asking for money, and among the children, there were several people with mutilated limbs, except for their different appearances, the degree of mutilation of their limbs was the same as what he saw in the last Linjiang town a few days ago, Chu Yunhao was very surprised, and he didn't know how these mutilated children became like this.

Chu Yunhao looked at these children, and felt very uncomfortable, so he hurriedly asked Xiaoyu's guards to distribute copper plates to them, and the children took the copper plates, and immediately scattered in a swarm, and went to beg for others. Chu Yunhao shook his head, left the dock with a heavy heart, and followed the crowd towards the streets of the town.

In the corner of the wharf, under a big willow tree, a young man with sloppy clothes and messy hair was holding a little child called a flower, and kept looking at Chu Yunhao and his party until Chu Yunhao and they walked away, and the young man suddenly asked the child in his arms: Little third son, is this the big brother who was with the old man with the big wine gourd and gave you money that day?

Yes, it's him, this brother is generous, he doesn't kill us at all, and he gave each of us ten copper plates. The kid named Xiao Sanzi said.

The next day, the grandfather of the big wine gourd, he really didn't go with this brother, did he?" the young man asked again.

Yes, I think they were going to go together, but Grandpa Dajiu Gourd seemed to have something to do and walked away, and didn't get on the boat with this brother. The kid named Xiao Sanzi said.

Okay, you go back to the inn room by yourself, you say you're hungry, ask the store to make noodles and bring them to the room for you to eat, you can go to bed when you're full, and my brother is going to do something now. The young man put down the little third son and said.

Brother, don't you go back together, I'm afraid that the store will murder me. Xiao Sanzi looked at him as only five or six years old, so he said timidly.

Don't be afraid, my brother has given money, if he dares to murder you, I will murder him when I turn around. The young man touched the head of the little third son and said encouragingly.

Okay, then I'll go, brother, you have to come back early. Xiao Sanzi was still a little scared when he looked at it, but he still left obediently.

The young man nodded and agreed, walked around in this town, stopped at the gate of a temple street, the young man whistled, and after a while, a tall monk came out of the temple street, the young man caught the monk, the two made a look, and after walking away together, the young man said to the monk: Senior Brother Kutuo, that gang of thieves is still there, there is no nonsense, have you been found by them?

The thieves are still there, but I can't get in, otherwise I can see what Uncle Shi's situation is now, and see if the thieves have harmed his old man. Senior Brother Kutuo said.

I saw a group of people at the dock today, a son-in-law, followed by four female dependents, and I heard the little third son say that that person was the person who went to that town with his uncle a few days ago. The young man said.

Uncle Shi also left a day earlier than us at that time, we went all the way down, and listened to the Ghost Foot Seven Zhi say, this person who walked with him should be the person who was relieved by Uncle Shi that day, this person seems to be the city lord of the newly built Anjia Walled City, what is the name of Chu Yunhao Chu Gongzi?

This son looks extraordinary, it should be the same Chu Yunhao Chu Gongzi, since he has such a relationship with his uncle, should we approach Chu Gongzi and help him, after all, the thief is powerful, and the masters and uncles have not yet rushed over, only the two of us, this strength is a bit thin. The young man said.

It's a pity that I didn't see the master when I returned to Junshan that day, and the master traveled far away, but I have already released the carrier pigeon, if nothing else, Uncle Yinyue Shuangjian received the letter and will definitely find it along the way. Senior Brother Kutuo said.

I hope so, but for now, we still have to rescue the master as soon as possible, you also know who these thieves are, the more time the uncle stays in their hands, then one more day of danger, let's go and get close to such a young man, and then make plans. The young man said.

Okay, so let's do it. Senior Brother Kutuo nodded, and then the two of them went to the streets of the town together.

Yuelai Restaurant is the largest restaurant in the town, and it is also the best inn in the town, Chu Yunhao and they chose this one, Chu Yunhao and they were chatting and eating, when a sloppy young man and a tall bitter gourd-faced monk walked in at the door of the inn. The sloppy young man looked around the store for a while, and then walked straight to Chu Yunhao's table.

Presumably, this should be Chu Yunhao Chu Gongzi, I was entrusted by Chu Gongzi's old man to bring a letter to Chu Gongzi. Chu Yunhao was sitting in a position facing the door, as soon as these two people walked in, Chu Yunhao saw it, but these two people were obviously coming towards him, this sloppy young man didn't look at his bad image, but he spoke very politely, and his bearing was calm, and he was also extraordinary. The sloppy young man clasped his fists and saluted, and after finishing speaking, he put a letter on the table in front of Chu Yunhao.

Dare to ask this brother, who is my trust, the old man, the two brothers looked very angry, but they couldn't recognize it. Chu Yunhao stood up, bowed back and said.

The letter has been brought, so I won't bother Chu Gongzi to eat, as for who the old man is Chu Gongzi, why don't Chu Gongzi read the letter, there is a letter here, Chu Gongzi can understand it. After the sloppy young man finished speaking, he walked away with the bitter gourd-faced monk, watching the two of them sit down at the empty table not far from them to order and eat, and from time to time they looked at Chu Yunhao and them, which was a bit waiting for Chu Yunhao to reply.

Chu Yunhao opened the letter and saw that it was written on the paper: Zhu Ziqi is in trouble. Just these five words, there is no other explanation. Chu Yunhao's face changed, and he looked at the sloppy young man, the young man nodded, and pointed to his mouth again, this is a signal to Chu Yunhao, they eat first, and then talk after eating.

The two of them each ordered a big bowl of noodles, and asked for more than a dozen big white steamed buns, and the meal was very simple, seeing that they had finished eating, Chu Yunhao's side was almost the same, so, at the invitation of Chu Yunhao, they went to the inn room, and when they arrived at the inn room, after everyone saw each other, these two people talked to Chu Yunhao about the reason for the matter, it turned out that these two people were the disciples of the five elders of Jiangnan, and the sloppy young man was called Su Qi'er, who was the apprentice of Jiangnan Shenqi Nangong Wang, and the tall monk with a bitter gourd face was the abbot of Hanfeng Temple in Junshan, the disciple of the Great Compassion Zen Master, and the Kutuo monk。 I heard that one of the five elders in the south of the Yangtze River, the Great Compassion Zen Master, lived in Junshan, but Chu Yunhao did not go to see him on this trip to Junshan, and he felt very sorry in his heart.

Listening to what Su Qi'er said, they followed Uncle Zhu Ziqi on a long trip this time, Zhu Ziqi set off and returned one day earlier than them, and then they also rested in the town where Chu Yunhao and Zhu Ziqi stayed, there, they saw the contact mark left by Zhu Ziqi, and then they followed the mark to find, and found the warning mark left by Zhu Ziqi, and when they followed the warning mark to find it, the clue was broken again. Fortunately, they asked for some important information from a beggar boy, this beggar boy not only saw Chu Yunhao and Zhu Ziqi coming to the town together, the next day Zhu Ziqi had something to say goodbye to Chu Yunhao, they did not walk together again, the beggar also saw it, and he also saw that in the middle of the night, Zhu Ziqi was tied up all over his body, and was escorted to the boat and went down the river. Su Qi'er saw that this beggar boy was clever, and they felt pity in their hearts, so they took it with them. With the information of the beggar boy, Su Qi'er and they traveled all the way to the boat, along all the waterways and market towns to find, and finally, at the dock of a small town near Yuezhou City, they really found Zhu Ziqi, at that time Zhu Ziqi was trapped on a boat, there were many people on the boat, and there were two eight-bag elders of the beggar gang, Su Qi'er and Kutuo knew that they were invincible and could not save people, so they did not act rashly, but just followed from afar. At nightfall yesterday, they followed the thieves to this market town, and they also found out where the thieves were holding Zhu Ziqi, which was in the City God's Temple on Temple Street in this town. Today, Su Qi'er has been walking around the dock with the little third son, mainly to see if anyone in the five elders in the south of the Yangtze River rushed to the rescue, but he didn't think about it, but he saw Chu Yunhao and his party go ashore, and learned from the water thief Ghost Foot Seven that Chu Yunhao and Zhu Ziqi had some acquaintance, so they dared to find Chu Yunhao to see if they could help them and rescue Zhu Ziqi together.

This, Chu Yunhao naturally agreed, at that time, he clashed with the water bandits, and Zhu Ziqi's feelings of relieving the siege were still vivid, with this reversal of cause and effect, how could Chu Yunhao not save it, at that moment, Chu Yunhao and Su Qi'er discussed it and determined the plan to save people.

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