Report, enemy attack, enemy attack, a thief has come in. Everyone in Feiyun Castle was taught a lesson by Steward Xiao, and everyone's surprise had just stopped, but they didn't think about the spies who had just been sent out to inquire about the news, and at this time, the horses galloped back, and said what the enemy attacked and attacked, which drove everyone's tense atmosphere again.

Enemy attack, enemy attack, close the door, close the door, this spy galloped back, and ran along the way through the mountain gate set up on the blade peak, and called someone to close the door.

I'm really knocking on the door, who are these people!

Shouldn't it be to attend the wedding, we are here to be a husband and a wife, who would dare to attack?

It's said that it's an enemy attack, what are your grandmothers still thinking, don't you see that they all have bows and crossbows in their hands?

Hehe, today the eldest prince sent out half of the people below him early in the morning, and told me that he was going to greet some distinguished guests, are these distinguished guests, hehe... , Slow, slow, those two turned out to be the master and the little sister, he, she, how did they come here. In Feiyun Castle, in front of a high window, a middle-aged man in his forties and fifties with thick eyebrows, a Chinese character face, thick hair and flowing hair, looked at a very majestic and masculine forty-fifty-year-old Xu middle-aged man, at first he was gloating at all this, but soon, his face changed drastically, how ugly and difficult it was to look.

He just heard the spies shouting that the enemy was attacking, so he hurriedly walked to the window to watch, and sure enough, he saw a team of people and horses quickly turned out of the mountain road, and when he saw this team of people and horses appearing, he knew that the people and horses sent out by the eldest prince must be cold, which made him quite happy, but now, as this team of people approached, when he saw the two figures that made him both familiar and frightened again, his heart couldn't help but be nervous, just like a child who had done something wrong, afraid to see his elders.

Chu Yunhao shot three spies who came to explore the way in a row just now, but he slipped away without thinking about it, it is estimated that this one was glanced at from a distance, and he slipped away when he felt that something was not good. Chu Yunhao took everyone and didn't stop until the blade peak, no way, this blade peak is about a hundred or ten zhang long, the widest part looks a few zhang wide, but the narrowest part is supported by a wooden frame on both sides, with a wooden board guardrail, it is estimated that only two horses can walk side by side, however, these are not important, the important thing is that there are two gates in the short distance of more than 100 zhang on this blade peak, and there are many soldiers on the gatehouse, with bows and arrows, all aiming at them with a ruthless face。

Well, there are quite a lot of people. Seeing that in the Feiyun Fort opposite, there was a crowded look, and he estimated and counted it, there were about two or three hundred people, Chu Yunhao smiled, in the face of absolute weapon suppression, these people, that is not a thing, however, the purpose of this time is mainly to save people, not to eliminate them, if you want to eliminate them, it is simple, block the way out of this blade peak, and order the veterans on the mountain peaks next to them to use trebuchets to throw bamboo tube mines, just bombard his sister, the veterans on the mountain peaks next to him have played out the flags, he has already seen it, just wait for him to give the order。

Hehe... , it seems that they have to surrender. Chu Yunhao smiled evilly, hooked his fingers back, a veteran, carrying a half-person tall, golden and shiny horn stepped forward, this is Chu Yunhao's new horn for himself, and it is also the standard configuration of his army in the future, today, he is finally going to be like a Hong Kong movie, to be a lively Sir, and to fulfill his dream of being a police officer in his previous life.

Chu Yunhao grabbed the horn, it was quite heavy, about forty or fifty catties, and it was also a loss to the veteran to carry it, Chu Yunhao pointed the horn at his mouth, cleared his throat, and shouted in his loudest voice: Listen, the people inside, you have been surrounded, now give you two choices, one is to put down your arms and surrender, and the other is to send out the bright moon double sword and the predecessors of the Zhu Zi period, now give you a pillar of incense time to reply, if not, after a pillar of incense, break the cottage, and the jade will be burned.

Chu Yunhao shouted several times in a row, and after he got over, he threw the horn to the veterans around him who were eager to try. As a result, in Feiyun Castle, it was attacked by the sonic waves of the veterans for a while. Although there are also people in Feiyun Castle who scolded back, however, one with the help of a copper horn, and the other purely by artificial roar, it is needless to say who is stronger and who is weak in this momentum.

Listen, you are surrounded, you are surrounded....

Listen, you are surrounded, you are surrounded....

If not, after a pillar of incense, break the cottage, the jade will be burned, and the jade will be burned....

If not, after a pillar of incense, break the cottage, the jade will be burned, and the jade will be burned....

Shoot me arrows, shoot, shoot them. Listening to the echoing and screaming voice, a young man with gloomy eyes finally couldn't help but roar in Feiyun Castle.

Yes, the Great Prince. Someone next to him answered, trotting away.

Soon, the bows and arrows of the first mountain gate, as well as the bed crossbow placed in Feiyun Castle, all launched an attack, and for a while, the arrows flew one after another, rushing towards Chu Yunhao and them.

Shielding. Chu Yunhao gave an order, and the veterans who had been prepared immediately took out wooden shields and put them in front of them.

Oops, I'm x.

Chu Yunhao had a spear in his hand, and the gun was like electricity, and he knocked out two bed crossbow arrows as long as a javelin in a row, which flew more than a hundred zhang away, and he felt that the charging power of his arrow shaft was not small, and then looked at the person next to him, there was a bed crossbow arrow that went straight into the veteran's shield array, not only shot the shield, but also inserted a veteran's arm, this bed crossbow, the power is really not small. As for the arrow shot at the first mountain gate, it was more than a hundred and fifty paces away from him, and it was basically not threatening.

Retreat, retreat. Chu Yunhao shouted, asking everyone to retreat a few dozen steps, and then asked everyone to shield and defend with a fish scale shield formation. In this way, although the bed crossbow can still cause a certain impact on the shield array, it is basically impenetrable and cannot hurt the people inside.

Chu Yunhao's face was gloomy, and he asked someone to wave a flag on the opposite hill next to him, and he didn't show insult to him, and he also asked you to eat a few shots from me.

Ha ha... , Gongzi Chu finally gave the order, now it's our turn to shoot, brothers, get to work, a base ammunition, five rounds, prepare, aim, put.

Hey, on the other side of the mountain, that's something.

Run, fool, it's not poison, it's a secret weapon, what better can it be.

Boom, boom.... Seeing the mountains shaking in the interior of Feiyun Castle, crying dad and calling mother, and thick smoke rising, Chu Yunhao also nodded with satisfaction, dare to yin Lao Tzu, see if I can't kill you.

Counting the results of the battle, report, five rounds of ammunition, one shot in the open space, one shot on the wall of the stone castle, two shots went straight into the crowd, one shot hit the opposite bed crossbow position, estimated the number of kills and wounded more than 20 people, the bed crossbow destroyed two, and the castle wall collapsed slightly.

Yes, Liu Er, Li Bing, Zhang Li, Ji Jiaxian, Wang Qi, Zhang Shun, also did a good job, but then we have to grasp the angle and tension better.

Yes, Team Zhang.

Ha ha... , thank you Team Zhang.

At this moment, in Feiyun Castle, for a while, chickens and dogs jumped, crying dad and calling mother, so it was not noisy. On the first floor of the stone castle, in a certain hall, several people gathered together, everyone looked at each other, and their hearts were palpitating, and from each other's expressions, they saw each other's faces panicked.

The eldest prince, what do you say about this, or let those people go first, and then let's think about it in the long run.

Elder Zuo, I have already sent one away, how can I hand over people, they all say that Elder Zuo's miraculous skills are world-famous, but there is a good way to retreat from the enemy!

The eldest prince, the power of thunder in this day, how can manpower block it, you have also seen it, the one in it is really blurred with flesh and blood, and even more severed limbs and arms, this thing will die when it touches, what can I do.

Cousin, aren't you proficient in the art of a thousand illusions, otherwise, you pretend to be Madame Bai first, and then take the opportunity to escape by yourself after going out with these thieves, if my cousin helps me get through today's difficulties, my cousin will be grateful afterwards.

No, Mei'er is already pregnant, how can you take such a risk, eldest prince, Mei'er is of the same blood as you, how can you treat her like this.

As a member of the Tiele royal family, how can I be greedy for life and fear death, in this time of crisis, I naturally want to help the eldest prince.

No, Mei'er, you can't go, so let's go, I'll go, who is the person in charge on the other side, I don't know yet, but my master and sister are all there, and I think that the person in charge must have a relationship with my master and sister, if I go, maybe I can talk about love.

Tee, don't you want to see your master, or I'll go.

Mei'er, needless to say, I will never let you and the child in your belly take risks.

Ha ha... , then there is Elder Lao Zuo, haha... , there is a brother-in-law of Lao to go on this trip.

Listen to the people inside, you have been surrounded, please lay down your weapons and surrender immediately, otherwise, the second wave of thunder attacks will start immediately, and then the jade will be burned, and the chickens and dogs will not be left...

Listen to the people inside, you have been surrounded, please lay down your weapons and surrender immediately, otherwise, the second wave of thunder attacks will start immediately, and then the jade will be burned, and the chickens and dogs will not be left...

The sound was high, loud, loud, loud, and with a direct echo. Looking at the many people on the other side covering their ears, Chu Yunhao looked at it with a smile, extremely satisfied.

Hey, someone came out with a white flag. I saw a person riding a horse, carrying a white flag with a gun, coming straight to his side, the person stationed at the two mountain gates was busy opening the gate to let him go, Chu Yunhao looked at this person, only to feel that he was tall, with thick eyebrows and tiger eyes, a national face, thick hair and elegant hair, very heroic. When this person came closer, he threw the javelin in his hand, and the javelin gun was firmly rooted in the hard mountain ground. Looking closely, it turned out that this person had inserted the round ash handle into a rock crevice, looking at the size of the rock crack and the stone where the gun was inserted, it was completely squeezed into it in an instant.

Chu Yunhao was admiring this person, when he showed a good hand, he saw that this person immediately turned over and dismounted beautifully, and after getting off the horse, this person took a few steps forward and stood still, hugged his fist at Chu Yunhao, Chu Yunhao nodded, this person smiled, and then walked to the side and knelt down respectfully.

Hey, it's crooked, the position of the fist salute just now with him is very correct, this, this kneeling, all crooked to grandma's house. Chu Yunhao was complaining sideways, but when he saw this person kneeling, he burst into tears and called out to the master very affectionately.

Master, Chu Yunhao's eyes rolled, and then he found that this guy was kneeling not by himself, but by his master Zhou Tong, this guy was kneeling in front of his master Zhou Tong's horse, and then looking at his master Zhou Tong, there were tears in the corners of his eyes at this time, I don't know whether it was sad or happy.

Ah, this person is Zuo Santong, one of the disciples of the master, Zuo Santong, for a while, Chu Yunhao understood everything, I said how did he tie nine cloth pockets the size of sachets on his belt, it turned out that this person was the person who was the beggar to help Bachu divide the rudder, the nine bag elder Zuo Santong.

I saw the master Zhou Tong coughing, slightly excited, trembling hands and feet, trembling to the front of the left three-way, the master first stretched out his dry hands and touched the face of the left three-way, called the three-way, and then, the master sat down cross-legged in front of the left three-way.

Master, I have not been strict in governing all these years, and the people below have done a lot of wrong things, Master, I am guilty, and my sins are heavy, so please punish me, old man. Zuo Santong cried bitterly, kowtowing while crying, banging sound, and a lot of blood soon appeared on his forehead.

Santong, it's not me who said you, you are chivalrous, this is good, but you have a good temperament, you usually don't like to take care of things, you also love to drink, love beauty, you almost made trouble under your senior brother's account back then, so many years, you are also a big person, why don't you learn a lesson, under your rule, how did such a thing happen, those children, I heard that it was miserable, they ruined their lives like this, hey, Santong, this matter is too hurtful, you can't escape the blame! Master Zhou Tong sighed and said.

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