There are only five or six kinds of mushrooms in this cave, Chu Yunhao has tried them one by one, and after taking them, his body feels no discomfort, Chu Yunhao can't help but be overjoyed, these are all edible. Chu Yunhao ate the poisonous Jiaozhu, and the master said that he was already invulnerable, as for whether it was invulnerable, it was difficult to say, but if he was poisoned, he would still have a little physical reaction. He had been bitten by the highly poisonous wing-necked red-crowned snake in the sinkhole, that kind of snake is a well-known poisonous thing, it can bite people to death just after it breaks out of its shell, and the wing-necked red-crowned snake that bit Chu Yunhao that day weighed more than ten catties, and the snake's saliva flowed, and the plants and trees were poisoned to death, but Chu Yunhao was bitten by this poison, and it was only a slight feeling of dizziness and it was fine.

After confirming that these mushrooms were not poisonous, Chu Yunhao took out the gauze bag that had been prepared a long time ago, picked a part of each mushroom, and picked a large bag full of it, seeing that it really couldn't be contained, he checked it with his hand, it was about more than a hundred catties, and then he happily carried the mushrooms back.

After going back, in order to verify the safety, Chu Yunhao cooked a little bit of each mushroom, and he still had to find someone to try it. He has taken poisonous Jiaozhu himself, and his physique is special, and he has tried to eat it but it is not poisonous, but ordinary people have a different physique from him, and he is not sure if ordinary people will be fine if they eat it.

Ah, it's so fragrant, it's so fragrant, this mushroom soup is so fragrant, uncle, this soup has been boiling for a while, can you eat it?

Xiaoyu, this thing can't be eaten indiscriminately, in this way, I'll give you a soup bowl bottom first, you drink it first, if it's okay after drinking, then you can eat it as you like.

Uncle, Xiaoyu her, she has been vomiting during this time, but I'm afraid she's pregnant.

Ah, Xiaoyu, you're pregnant, hahaha... , then you didn't say it earlier, then you can't try it, Xiaofang, you come and drink this soup.

Yes, Uncle.

Ah, Uncle, this soup is so delicious, I want to drink some more.

Don't worry, I'll talk about it later, it's poisonous or not, it will take a little time to see it.

I'm fine, uncle, can I eat it now?

Don't worry, it's only been a long time, and it's not enough to make a cup of tea, so wait.

It's been half an hour, and I don't think there's a problem at all, so I can eat it now.

Okay, then you can eat, this cauldron is all yours. As for Xiaoyu, you still can't eat it, you have to look at Xiaofang now, if something is wrong, you have to come and tell me immediately, I will take this mushroom back to the house first, and if Xiaofang is okay tomorrow, I will take it out for everyone to eat.

Seeing that Xiaofang's demeanor was normal, it really didn't look like she was poisoned, and after Chu Yunhao confessed that she could only eat alone, he returned to his house with the mushrooms on his shoulder. He knew that some poisonous mushrooms had a slow onset of toxicity, but they could make life worse than death, such as the Amanita phalloides mushroom, so Chu Yunhao still didn't dare to take it lightly, and stayed until tomorrow, if Xiaofang was still fine, then everyone could eat it.

The next day, after Chu Yunhao saw that Xiao Fang really had nothing to do, he took out the mushrooms and made mushroom stewed Jiao meat for everyone, and made a whole mushroom feast. is still Xiaorou, under Chu Yunhao's blood therapy Dafa, everyone is sitting around the stewpot, and everyone is feasting.

Xianggong, where did you pick the mushrooms, now the snow is covering the mountains, and everywhere is frozen, don't you go up to the cliff to pick, my appetite is actually good, don't listen to Xiaohui's nonsense.

It's okay, I picked it from the underground river, there are still a lot of mushrooms in it, you can eat as much as you want, and I'll get it if you don't have it.

Uncle, the weather is so cold, how icy this water is! We can eat once in a while, you don't have to dive over all the time, what if you get cold.

Yes, junior brother, we just have something to eat here, don't go into the water all the time, this water can be cold.

Don't worry, the husband knows it in his heart, in fact, in this winter, the underground dark river water is not cold, the inside is warmer than the outside, it's you, several of them have no clothes to keep out the cold, you just stay in the house if you have nothing to do, and light more fires.

Seeing that they were all thinly dressed, Chu Yunhao felt distressed, when they came here, it was still the weather in early September, and they were all wearing only two single clothes, and there was no coat to protect them from the cold. Later, four pieces of clothes were made of Jiao Bark, the bark of the velvet tree was removed, and three clothes were made after processing, but this could only take care of some people in need, such as the master, the pregnant Xiao Rou, and they gave priority to two Jiao Fur Clothes. The others, decided by drawing lots, Chu Yunhao and Senior Sister were lucky to draw Jiao Fur Clothes, and three pieces of clothes, all of which were taken away by Xiao Rou Sisters, Xiao Yu and Xiao Fang did not have one, and both of them are now wearing grass cloaks to keep out the cold! Now that Xiao Yu is pregnant, Chu Yunhao decided that his Jiao Fur Clothes should be given to Xiao Yu, and he can only practice with grass every day in the future.

Ho, ha, ho, ha, in the snow, Chu Yunhao was wearing a dark scale armor and was practicing hammer spear. After Chu Yunhao gave Xiaoyu the leather coat, he put on Xiaoyu's grass cloak to practice marksmanship, but this move was laughed at by the senior sister, saying that he had no clothes to wear, so why not wear the leather armor hanging in the house. Chu Yunhao's thought is really true, hey, it's all inherent thinking that kills people, this turtle skin armor has been hanging in the house since it was made, and he never thought of wearing it to keep out the cold, because he has always subconsciously felt that this thing is to go into battle to kill the enemy.

Not to mention, the leather armor is very warm, warmer than Jiao's leather clothes, Chu Yunhao is very satisfied.

Hey, there's rabbits. Seeing a gray rabbit quickly passing through the snow, Chu Yunhao suddenly became interested, put down the hammer gun, and ran after the rabbit. The gray rabbit is extremely fast when running, and Chu Yunhao's body is not slow. After a few days of snow, the weather turned colder, and it froze for a few days, and now the thin layer of snow was frozen, and Chu Yunhao's body was fluctuating, except for leaving a shallow line of footprints on the snow, his body did not sink into the snow. This is the result of practicing the Tao Xuan Sutra, and after having a certain amount of internal strength, the body is as light as a swallow. In the past martial arts novels, the so-called realm of stepping on snow without a trace, this Chu Yunhao couldn't do it, but he was as light as a swallow when he ran, but he did it. Treading snow without a trace, ignoring the gravitational pull of the planet, isn't this, Chu Yunhao didn't believe it. The current Chu Yunhao, volleying five or six meters high, a run-up jumping five or six meters high, this can be done easily, if you have a focus point in your hands, climbing and walking on the wall is not a problem, he doesn't know if these are light skills in martial arts novels, but in short, he is very powerful now.

The rabbit ran into the woods, Chu Yunhao followed and swept in, seeing that the rabbit was about to burrow into the hole, Chu Yunhao was in a hurry, and casually pulled a piece of bark and hit it.

Creak... The rabbit was hit, squeaked, fell to the ground, struggled twice, kicked his legs, and died. Chu Yunhao happily stepped forward to pick up the rabbit, ah, this is, this is a fern. Chu Yunhao shook off the snow that had withered and looked like a fern, and couldn't help but smile. If this is really a fern, then this large area in front of him, but there is a problem, this tree is full of this kind of plant, when Chu Yunhao and the others came into this sinkhole, he was just outside to take a look, and heard Xiaoyu Xiaofang say that he didn't find anything to eat, so he didn't go in to check carefully.

However, I usually don't see anyone digging fern roots in Dajin to make fern powder! It is estimated that they don't know that this thing can be eaten, if it weren't for Chu Yunhao chasing rabbits in today and seeing it, then it will be useless to wait until next spring, when these ferns sprout and grow new, and the starch stored in the root system is exhausted. Now, however, these fern roots are at their fattest. Chu Yunhao immediately pulled out two ferns, only to see that the root system was broken, and there was milky white juice flowing out, and when he tasted it, it was very sweet and greasy, this is starch, it seems that the root system is really fat, and it does have a head.

Immediately, Chu Yunhao brought the rabbit back and summoned everyone to come over and dig the fern roots.

Senior brother, can you really eat this thing, you didn't lie to me.

Xianggong, this juice is really fragrant when you lick it, but how can you eat this thing when you get it back, wash it and chew it to eat, then you can prick your mouth!

Yes, uncle, how to eat this thing, isn't this everywhere in the mountains of our hometown, but I haven't heard of this thing being edible!

Yun Hao, it's true that you can eat kudzu root yellow essence and the like, but this thing is full of fluffy whips, and it is not as strong as kudzu root yellow essence, are you sure this thing can really be eaten. Actually, I also saw a few wheat plants here, and I kept all the seeds, and next year you will open a plot of land and plant it, and you will not eat it first, but keep it all as seeds, and in the next year, you will probably be able to harvest a lot of grain if you plant it again.

Master, this thing is really edible, it's delicious, you can always watch from the sidelines, and see how the apprentice makes you delicious.

On the same day, the big guys went out together, and immediately came back with more than 100 catties of fern roots. The big guys were digging fern roots, all of them were digging with great interest, and they could have dug more, but Chu Yunhao saw that everyone was digging with knives or prying with wooden sticks, and he felt that it was too troublesome, so he thought that it would be better to make some stone pickaxes and other tools for everyone to dig again, at that time, it was easy to use and easy to use, and sharpening the knife was not a mistake for woodcutters.

After taking the fern roots back, Chu Yunhao first instructed everyone to wash the fern roots, and then put the fern roots into a natural groove on the big white stone by the waterhole, and asked everyone to mash these fern roots with stones, pour water into it, and knead out the juice of the smashed fern roots, and filter out the residue. The next thing is to wait for the juice to be clear, and then scoop off the top water, and the precipitated white pulp is fern starch, which can be used to eat.

Everyone listened to what Chu Yunhao said and did it, but they didn't believe it very much, until everyone went to see it early the next morning, and when the water in the stone trough was clear, revealing a thick layer of white pulp underneath, everyone had a little bit of belief. When scooping off the water on it, Chu Yunhao took the white pulp and made a fragrant fern paste for everyone, and everyone was so delicious that they even bit their tongues, and then they were completely convinced.

Seeing is believing, everyone has already eaten such delicious things, so needless to say, everyone will rush to dig up fern roots and make fern powder. Chu Yunhao also didn't worry about this matter except for making a few stone pickaxes for everyone at the beginning, and devoted all his body and mind to the practice of hammering guns.

Winter goes to spring, the ice and snow melt, in this sinkhole valley, the grass and trees are pumped everywhere, green and green, some unknown trees in the valley also bloom some unknown flowers, birds and magpies chirp, resounding throughout the valley, everywhere is a scene full of vitality.

By the waterhole in the valley, two girls stood aside, staring at the waterhole nervously, suddenly, I saw a person suddenly surfaced, this person had thick eyebrows and tiger eyes, plump as jade, handsome and extraordinary, the muscles on the body were distinct, but the skin was as white and greasy as jade, this person was holding a big white fish in his hand, smiling and smiling and swimming to the shore. When the girls on the edge of the waterhole saw this person, they all smiled, infinitely infatuated with tenderness.

Wow, it's a big one, this fish weighs at least ten pounds, my uncle is amazing, such a big fish has been caught.

Yes, Xianggong is so powerful, this Jiao meat is finished, and the sisters are thinking that they will not only be vegetarian in the future, but now Xianggong has caught fish for everyone to eat, it seems that the sisters have taken oral again.

Okay, let's make fish stew and fern paste tonight, Xiaofang Xiaohui, come and get it, you take this fish to clean up first, I'll wash my hands and wash my body.

Snake meat and Jiao meat were eaten a month ago, these days, in order to get meat, Chu Yunhao has killed all the pheasants and hares in the valley, and even the birds that came in from outside are not spared, as long as he looks at the two or two meats, he will definitely not be able to escape Chu Yunhao's flying stone magic skills. This incident also made Chu Yunhao discover another of his natural skills, he is not only accurate in archery, he is accurate in shooting stones and birds, quite like Xiao Li's flying knife.

However, Chu Yunhao has not done this thing of catching fish, if it weren't for the fact that Xiaorou had already given birth a few days ago, there was no milk to milk the child, and the hungry little girl was crying, Chu Yunhao thought of the fact that the mother could eat fish to promote milk, so he went to catch the fish, to be honest, Chu Yunhao really didn't want to touch the white fish in the pool.

In fact, these white fish are very easy to catch, as long as there is a pair of eyes like him that can see in the dark, these white fish do not move much in the underground dark river pool, and they are accurate. The reason why Chu Yunhao didn't want to catch it was without him, the people he had killed in it before were all thrown into the dark river pool, and these people didn't know whether they were sucked away by the whirlpool or eaten by the fish in the pool, anyway, Chu Yunhao was a little estranged in his heart.

However, no matter how far apart it is, it can't escape the law of true fragrance, since Chu Yunhao caught a fish yesterday and came up for everyone to eat, the smooth and delicate taste is so gluttonous, Chu Yunhao can't stop anymore, whatever, chickens eat insects, people eat chickens, pigs eat water, people eat pigs, fish are the same, no matter what it eats, I just eat fish.

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