Hexiang Village is a big village, and among the surrounding villages, Hexiang Village has the largest flat land, the most fertile land, and the most people. If you develop based on Anjiazhai, I am afraid that in the future, we will also have to draw in the river to the village, once we draw in for development, it will definitely not work to rely only on ferries, and it will be convenient to build a stone arch bridge at that time, Chu Yunhao thought so.

Walking into the courtyard, there was a faint sound of crying, listening to a woman crying in the house, Chu Yunhao was surprised, Li Ling'er had already opened the door and walked in.

Mom, what's wrong with Xiaoyun. Li Ling'er said hurriedly.

In the room, a little girl of two or three years old was lying on the bed, covered with a quilt, her face was crimson, and a woman in a coarse linen shirt sat on a chair next to her and cried.

Xiaoyun is sick, and I don't have the money to take her to see Langzhong, so I borrowed money from her second uncle, and her second uncle didn't care. The woman cried helplessly.

What should I do now, in charge, please think of a way, please save Xiaoyun. Li Ling'er grabbed Chu Yunhao's hand and cried and begged.

Don't panic, let me see first. Chu Yunhao walked over and touched the little girl's forehead, it was very hot and she had a high fever.

In this world, it is easy to kill people with a cold and fever, whether it is an adult or a child, children are weak and are more likely to die.

Ling'er, you go get a towel and bring a basin of cold water.

Auntie, you go and boil half a pot of hot water, I'll be useful later.

Looking at the two six gods and masterless women, Chu Yunhao had no choice but to command.

This is my uncle, I'm really slacking, please save Xiaoyun. The woman wiped away her tears at this time, this girl called this offspring in charge, that must be the newlywed aunt.

The woman was a little embarrassed, but said apologetically, and then went to the stove to boil water.

Boss, can this work? Seeing Chu Yunhao wet the towel and put it on the little sister's forehead, Li Ling'er was a little unconvinced, they were all covered and sweated when they were sick, but they had never seen a wet towel applied to their foreheads.

Chu Yunhao nodded, he couldn't explain this to her now, so he could only explain: Wait a minute, if this wet towel is not cold, you can wet it again.

Chu Yunhao hurriedly walked out of the house as he spoke, picked up a hoe from the corner of the wall and walked to the back mountain, the herbs in this winter could not be found, first dig a bamboo whip to fry the water to relieve it, and then think of other ways.

After digging the bamboo whip and washing it back, and telling her mother-in-law to fry it for a quarter of an hour, Chu Yunhao finally breathed a sigh of relief, whether the little girl can survive it depends on her own creation.


bamboo whip water was quickly fried, and without waiting for it to cool down, the woman was in a hurry to blow it cold one by one and feed it to the little girl.

was feeding the medicine room, and suddenly a rough female voice scolded from the courtyard: Deng, your daughter is a bad star, you are also a broom star, whoever you marry will be killed, which man marries you, it can be regarded as eight lifetimes of blood mold, you are a broom star, why don't you die, now you little short-lived ghost is about to be killed by you, but if you die, give me a far death, don't die in my Wang family, I....

When the woman was scolding, the door suddenly opened, and an offspring came out and gave her two slaps, which made her eyes glow, and she was stunned for a while.

Is it tolerable or unbearable, Chu Yunhao has really never seen such a vicious and scolding woman, although he never beats a woman, but today he really can't help it, the little girl on the bed is so pitiful, I don't know if it's too bad to be sick like this, this woman is still making trouble at this time, and she is viciously cursing people to death, it's too disturbing, I don't beat you, I'm not angry.

It's so daring, you dare to beat my wife, you kid is looking for death, right? A big man walked into the courtyard angrily, and hit Chu Yunhao in the chest with his fist.

Ah, you kid dare to beat me, I'll fight with you. The woman who was stunned by the two slaps also reacted at this time, and slammed into Chu Yunhao with her head down viciously.

Chu Yunhao kicked the woman over, grabbed the hand that the big man had hit, and slapped him to the ground with a flick. Looking at the two people who were knocked over on the ground and crying for their father and mother, Chu Yunhao pointed at them with an angry face: My mother-in-law and sister-in-law will be picked up today, and I will never go to this door again, if you dare to scold a word today, I will throw you two husbands and wives into the dung pit to feed.

At this time, there were already a lot of villagers outside the courtyard who were watching the excitement, maybe the character of the couple was really bad, everyone just watched quietly, and there was no one to help, and he was playing tricks here from other villages

Okay, boy, you wait for me, I know you, aren't you the son of the old man who beats Tiechu, I remember you. The two couples howled a few times, and when they saw that the surrounding villagers were not helping, they put down their cruel words and walked away.

After beating away the two couples, Chu Yunhao clapped his hands and walked into the house, looking at Li Ling'er standing at the door and looking at him with a look of adoration on his face, Chu Yunhao's heart was very happy, he was adored by his own woman, this is the most meaningful thing in life!

Orphans and widows, everywhere are bullied, especially Li Ling'er's mother, who remarried, although she gave birth to a child in this family, but the child is still young, the foundation is unstable, and she gave birth to a girl, I am afraid that this husband's relatives will be particularly despised, today the couple wants to drive out their mother and daughter, that is, they have the heart of seizing the family business and eating the family, although that ridiculous family business is a broken house, a few acres of thin fields, worthless in the eyes of Chu Yunhao, but in the eyes of some people, it is very serious, so heavy that the balance of desire completely swallows up the conscience.

The little girl's condition has improved a lot after drinking the bamboo root water, the flushing on her face has subsided, and her forehead is not so hot, but Chu Yunhao knows that this girl's burn has not completely subsided, and she has to find another way.

After today's incident, Chu Yunhao knew that Ling'er and her mother and sister could not live here, so they could only take them back to their own homes to settle down for the time being, and as for the future, we would talk about it then. Chu Yunhao told Li Ling'er about this idea, Li Ling'er discussed with her mother for a long time, her mother didn't agree at first, for fear of troublesome her daughter and son-in-law, but think about her life now, her youngest daughter is sick and has no one to rely on, and her husband's family can't tolerate her, so she finally reluctantly agreed, Ling'er Niang looked at Chu Yunhao, her eyes were full of gratitude, and relief.

Before leaving, Ling'er and her mother had packed a bunch of things in large bags, and wanted to pack and take away any hoes, shovels, pots and bowls, Chu Yunhao couldn't cry or laugh, so he hurriedly came out to stop her, telling her that she didn't need to bring anything else except a change of clothes.

In the afternoon, Chu Yunhao took Ling'er's wife and mother-in-law and sister-in-law home, and went to the family's treasured white ginseng and stalagmites to grind water for the little girl, and the little girl quickly had a fever, and she ran around with Xiaoxiao in good spirits that night.

It's just that it is bitter for Chu Yunhao to sleep at night, the room of the original owner's parents was given to Li Ling'er, her mother, sister, and family, the moss on Li Ling'er's body is estimated to be a skin disease, and taking a sulfur powder bath is a good way to treat skin diseases, from this point of view, he also has to give Li Ling'er a certain amount of private space, so he assigned the room to Li Ling'er's family.

The stilted building of Chu Yunhao's house is three-in, and there are no people living below, separated by iron shops, hall houses, and stove houses. Two sides of the upper three entrances are decorated, and the back of the middle entrance is also sealed with wooden boards, but the front is empty.

Chu Yunhao made a bunk of grass in the middle, pasted a quilt under it, and covered it with a quilt, which was also very warm and comfortable. It's just that when I think of last night's events, it's like a dream, you and I, now there is no wall outside, it's open and bright, it's really a water side across the sky, my heart is panicked, I am vast, and I am speechless and crying.

I slept until midnight, in a daze, and I only slept... , familiar taste, familiar... , Chu Yunhao woke up in shock and hugged each other excitedly

There is a saying that the water is full of water and does not sound, sometimes the beautiful scenery, the beautiful feeling, is always silent better than sound, everything is in the words.

Wake up in the morning, the falling flowers are independent, the clothes are sticky and fragrant, the flowers are not flowers, the fog is not foggy, the night comes, the dawn goes, very good.

In the next few days, Chu Yunhao tinkled the spinning wheel and loom at home, as the top mechanical engineer in his previous life, the theoretical things were all in his mind, but this hands-on ability still had to be improved step by step, the first spinning wheel, the efficiency did not reach the ideal goal, it was dismantled, the second spinning wheel, the efficiency was reached, but he felt that it could be optimized, whether to dismantle it or not, it was so tangled, it was better to dismantle, the home was too small, and there was no place to put it. The third spinning wheel, regardless of efficiency improvement, structural optimization, or difficulty of operation, Chu Yunhao's evaluation has reached a very ideal level, and he will do it according to this sample.

Next is the loom, Chu Yunhao smiled bitterly, he was too familiar with this. Because in his previous life, his greatest achievement was to manually restore the crown on the essence of textile machinery and technology in ancient Chinese civilization, the jacquard loom. In order to restore the jacquard loom that weaves the legendary national fortune brocade, he checked all the data and went to the museum to view the restored finished product, and finally succeeded in making it under his day and night pondering and modification, and successfully weaved a finished product: five stars out of the East, good for China. The entire manufacturing process is also one of his most played works on a certain platform.

But today he wants to build this, it doesn't have to be so complicated, it doesn't have to be made into a jacquard loom, just a monochrome loom, the first loom was made, and if you are not satisfied, you can replace the accessories and repair it, and then dismantle it, he can't afford to dismantle it, you must know that the wood that the original owner's father saved to beat the furniture has been almost finished by him.

The fourth brother-in-law came, and the fourth brother-in-law came to call Chu Yunhao to go into the mountains to hunt together, but he was stunned when he saw the two new strange machines in Chu Yunhao's house, he had never seen this kind of machine, but he could see that one of them was a spinning wheel and the other was a loom.

The efficiency of this spinning wheel is frighteningly high, at least five or six times the efficiency of the usual spinning wheel, just after a while, his brother-in-law and daughter-in-law manipulated the spinning wheel to spin a large ball of thread, the spinning wheel is almost every thing in this era, he is not unfamiliar, but this spinning wheel completely broke his cognition.

Looking at the loom again, the efficiency has been increased by four or five times, especially the woven cloth, which is strong and tight, smooth and smooth, and the quality is many times better than the cloth made by ordinary locomotives. Looking at this cloth, the fourth brother-in-law was surprised at first, surprised and then loved, after loving it was a contemplative face, and after contemplation, he was excited, in short, the fourth brother-in-law stared at this cloth for a long time, his face changed several times, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Little six, little six, brother-in-law, brother-in-law. The fourth brother-in-law shouted downstairs

Hey, hey, here, here. Chu Yunhao was practicing calligraphy upstairs, flowers were not flowers, fog was not fog, and the fourth brother-in-law came to disturb.

Xiaoliu, brother-in-law, can you sell this cloth to me, I will pay 20% more than usual, no, I will pay 50% more than usual. The fourth brother-in-law said excitedly.

Isn't it just a piece of cloth, if you want to take it, what money is not money, wait for the fourth brother-in-law to pick two good pieces, take them back and let my sister make two more good clothes. Chu Yunhao yawned and said indifferently.

I don't mean that, I mean you give me all your cloth, and I will give it all to me in the future, and I will buy it all. The fourth brother-in-law said anxiously.

What, you're going to sell cloth. Chu Yunhao looked incredulous.

Yes, I'm going to buy cloth. The fourth brother-in-law also has a straight face.

At this time, Chu Yunhao was in good spirits, and he stared at the fourth brother-in-law very seriously, as if he wanted to get to know the fourth brother-in-law again.

My cloth spinning tight, than the usual cloth with two more yarn, the quality of my cloth is other spinning wheels can not do, this is its biggest value bonus, if the fourth brother-in-law you really want to buy, if it is a buyout, at least add fifty percent of the price, if just from me to get the goods, then as long as the price of forty percent.

It seems that the fourth brother-in-law wants to change his career to be a businessman, so he can only use the conversation of a businessman, and he has already thrown out watermelons and sesame seeds, so it depends on whether the fourth brother-in-law picks up watermelons or sesame seeds. If he could, he would fulfill his fourth brother-in-law to become a giant and a rich man, after all, the fulfillment is mutual, the fulfillment of others, and sometimes the fulfillment of himself, he will have a lot of things, but this has to be done step by step and slowly released.

I want to buy out, the fourth brother-in-law thought twice and said firmly.

Chu Yunhao nodded, and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, these four brothers-in-law have the ability to become a giant and rich, and they are worth cultivating, but it depends on his real ability to do things.

Fourth brother-in-law, you only take a fancy to my cloth, not my spinning wheel and loom? Chu Yunhao said with a smile.

That's not good, it's your exclusive production, and you won't give it to it!

Hahahaha.... Chu Yunhao and the fourth brother-in-law looked at each other and smiled, and the topic did not continue.

The fourth brother-in-law returned to the village and rushed to the donkey cart, and called a helper, this helper Chu Yunhao knew, it was Chunsheng, the son of the village chief, who was a very shrewd and capable young man.

The fourth brother-in-law pulled all the finished cloth away, whether it was successful or not depends on his performance today, in fact, the fourth brother-in-law did not go to the county seat today, Chu Yunhao also decided to go today, since the fourth brother-in-law went today, he was naturally happy to be idle, if it was not successful, then he could only go in person tomorrow.

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