Arriving in Fucheng

There are still five days until the graduation assessment. Originally, Gu Xiangfei had to study for one more month before graduating, but after seeing his grades, Teacher Ma persuaded him to take the assessment with the students.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t want to waste time here either. The main reason was that the college’s aura was insufficient. If the aura was strong, he would definitely not agree to the assessment.

The letter he wrote to his father, and the reply letter from his father said that if he could go to Fucheng to study, try to go to Fucheng as much as possible, his old mother hoped that he would become famous, and did not want him to go home and guard her. I understood my old lady’s intentions between the lines, and decided to go to Fucheng to study.

Five days passed quickly. The assessment started this morning, and the first class went first. The instruments used in this assessment were all brought from Fucheng, and all the things from the college were not used. This shows how strict the assessment is, and it is difficult to find a relationship. No one dared to agree, so he had to participate in the assessment based on his own strength.

The assessment of the first class is over soon. Six people in one class have passed the first stage assessment, and the rest are unqualified. Those students who failed are not discouraged. There are soldiers waiting for them. a way out.

After the second class… the third class… the eighth class, only four people passed the assessment.

“Let’s invite the students of Class Nine to come on stage.” The deputy principal shouted from the platform.

Xiang Dong is the class monitor, of course he was the first to take the assessment. Seeing Xiang Dong’s nervous look, Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help but shook his head, how could such a quality be successful.

Sure enough, Xiangdong’s performance was abnormal and he failed the assessment. Seeing his dejected look, Gu Xiangfei didn’t want to talk to him anymore. He wanted to comfort him at first, but he couldn’t bear the blow and didn’t bother to talk to him. up.

The few students in front of Gu Xiangfei saw that Xiang Dong failed to pass, and their confidence was gone. They almost all performed abnormally.In this way, the more abnormal the performance of the later students, only one student passed the assessment.

Gu Xiangfei knew this student. He was usually very low-key and worked hard in cultivation. He could meet him almost every morning and evening. Although the two were classmates, they didn’t communicate much. They could be regarded as acquaintances.

It’s time for Gu Xiangfei to take the assessment. He is now in the middle stage of the eighth level of Qi refining. This time, he still used three-point force to punch on the boulder. The number on the boulder kept changing, and finally stopped at the number 943.

“The examination is passed, next one!” The examiner said expressionlessly.

Teacher Ma saw Gu Xiangfei pass from below, and he was as happy as a child. He has seen Gu Xiangfei’s performance in the past three years, and knows that children who can endure hardships will be rewarded.

After the first stage assessment, Gu Xiangfei came to the place where the second stage assessment was conducted. This time, the internal strength and realm were assessed together, unlike the second and third assessments conducted by the academy. time to go relationship.

There were a lot fewer people in the second stage of the assessment. When Gu Xiangfei arrived, there was no one in front of him participating in the assessment. He handed over the list of passing the first stage of assessment to the chief examiner.

After the chief examiner saw the list, he asked him to go up for the assessment. Gu Xiangfei easily passed the second stage of the assessment, and his internal strength and realm had reached the realm of a general.

The chief examiner was also very happy to see his realm, and personally gave him the badge of Fucheng Academy. Generally, he passed the examination when he reached the middle stage of martial arts. This student has actually reached the realm of a general. He must be a good seed in the future.

Gu Xiangfei left the assessment site. Teacher Ma was waiting for him at the door. When he saw the prefecture badge on his chest, he hugged him happily, and said repeatedly, “I knew you could do it…”

“Thank you, Teacher Ma, for your cultivation over the past few years. Without Teacher Ma’s teaching, I would not be where I am today.” Gu Xiangfei expressed his sincere gratitude to Teacher Ma.

“It should be, this is what I should do. I have face if you pass the assessment. When I talk about it in the future, I also have the capital to brag. My disciple is studying in Fucheng, so I have face.” Teacher Ma said excitedly.

The assessment was completed in two days. The chief examiner of Fucheng gathered the students who passed the assessment. Gu Xiangfei took a look and there were about 200 people who passed the assessment.

Out of 5,000 people, only 200 people passed the assessment. The chances are really very small.

“Students, congratulations on passing the examination in Fucheng, but don’t be too happy. There will be a more difficult examination in Fucheng one year later. I hope everyone can continue to work hard and strive to pass the examination in the capital city as soon as possible. This is your last chance. The goal.” The examiner said blankly.

The students below were suddenly silent, and some were thinking, let’s talk about it next year’s assessment time! Some are thinking that Fucheng should study harder and strive to pass the exam in the capital as soon as possible, and some are thinking that the girls in Fucheng are said to be very beautiful.

“Okay, students, everyone, go back and say goodbye to other students, and gather at the square tomorrow morning to go to Fucheng.” The examiner looked at the students below who were shocked by his words, and couldn’t help but secretly laughed.

This group of boys, let me give you a big blow first, so that you can still be complacent, and I won’t be able to cure you if I don’t believe it.

Back in the dormitory, the three classmates were not there. I guess I was embarrassed to see him. I usually have no relationship with him. Sometimes I would laugh at him when I saw him struggling. Now that he has passed the exam in Fucheng, it will be a big blow to them. , where there is face to see him.

Gu Xiangfei packed up his luggage, threw away a lot of unwearable clothes, cleaned up everything in the cabinet, and threw away some unnecessary things.

The three of them didn’t come back to rest that night, and Gu Xiangfei didn’t care. They weren’t of the same rank in the first place, so they just regarded them as passers-by in their own life, and when they met again, they were like strangers.

The next morning, Gu Xiangfei brought his luggage to the assembly point. He saw many students carrying their own luggage like him. Everyone carried one piece of luggage. It is estimated that the rest of the things were either given to close classmates or thrown away. .

It took about two hours from Zhenbeicheng to Fucheng by animal carriage. The examiner took them into the beast carriage. The dean, deputy dean and teachers of the college all came to see them off. Teacher Ma also came. Eight students passed the examination, and Teacher Ma kept smiling. He has so many students in the whole school class. What a great honor it is!

Gu Xiangfei smiled and waved goodbye to Teacher Ma, and Teacher Ma responded with a smile, and the rest of the students also bid farewell to the teacher and the dean.

After the examiner got on the beast car, the beast car slowly drove away from the academy. Gu Xiangfei looked at the place where he had stayed for three years, and felt a little bit reluctant. Thinking about his younger brother coming here to study next year, in a few years My cousin also came back here to study, my family and this college are really destined!

The speed of the beast car was getting faster and faster, the trees on both sides of the road kept falling backwards, and the distance from the college was getting farther and farther away. Finally, Gu Xiangfei could not be seen at all before turning back.

“Gu Xiangfei, you have changed a lot! I never thought that you would pass the examination, but Xiang Dong, the most promising squad leader, failed. Everything is so fickle!” Gu Xiangfei was talking to his classmate leave strong.

“There are so many things you can’t think of! There are many things that we can’t think of will happen in this world. Xiangdong is caused by abnormal performance, otherwise he will definitely pass. You are not bad! I usually see you working hard, our The sweat was not in vain, and the hard work finally paid off.”Gu Xiangfei lamented his sweaty life in the past three years.

“Yeah! Every time I come back and lie on the bed, I think I won’t go next time, but I get up early the next day and see that the students in the dormitory are sleeping soundly, so I hesitated before going out.” Leaving Qiang also sighed. Looking at his own past, his eyes were red.

The voices of the two people talking, the students next to them were also deeply touched, and they all joined in their conversation. Everyone expressed their emotions, and the more they talked, the more they talked, the more they talked, the more cordial they were, and in the end they were happy. It’s like a brother.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t show his true feelings like they did. Instead, he closed his eyes and practiced rationally. After saying a few words on the animal cart, he became like this. In the future, everyone would flee in all directions when encountering a crisis. Who cares what you say now.

Only friendships that have experienced life and death together can stand the test. These friendships are like dating girls, they fall apart when they get off the beast cart, and they are not reliable at all.

Two hours later, the animal cart arrived at Fucheng. On the gate of the city were written the three simple characters of Dingxi City.

The guards guarding the city gate saw the beast carts of Fucheng College hurriedly let them go. The beast carts entered the city without stopping. Fucheng is more prosperous and lively than Zhoucheng, and the streets are wider than Zhoucheng. Very luxurious atmosphere.

After crossing two streets, the animal cart entered the gate of Fucheng College. Fucheng College is much larger than Zhoucheng College. The buildings inside are several times more than Zhoucheng, and the exterior looks very novel.

After getting off the animal cart, the chief examiner led them to a building. There were already a dozen people waiting for them at the gate of the building.

“Hello, students! You’ve worked hard all the way. Now I’ll assign you classes. After class assignments, your teacher will arrange dormitories for you. Everyone will rest for two days and familiarize themselves with the college. Classes will start the day after tomorrow.” Among the dozen or so people An old man in the house smiled and finished talking.

“The students whose names were read below stand to my left, Li Dongsheng, Bai Liansen… Gu Xiangfei…” Gu Xiangfei came out of the crowd and stood beside the other students when he heard his name being read.

After Gu Xiangfei waited for the teacher to finish reading their names, he saw that there were 30 students in their class. Gu Xiangfei felt that these students were all at a very high level, none of them were below the middle stage of martial arts, and almost all of them were at the late stage of martial arts.

“My name is Xia Jue, and I’m your teacher. Our class is the first class. Come with me, everyone, to see your dormitory.” This teacher named Xia Jue is about fifty years old. Big, the earlobe is almost touching the neck, and I don’t know if it will be pressed when I sleep?

Thirty students came to a building following the summer quarter. This building looks like it hasn’t been repaired for a few years, and the appearance is relatively new. I don’t know what’s going on inside?

“The third to fifth floors are all the dormitories of our class one. You are the first to arrive. Each of you has a room, and the key is on the door. Let’s choose it!” Xia Duo said to the students with a smile.

“Thank you, Mr. Xia! You are so handsome, and you can have meat with Mr. Xia.” The thirty people were overjoyed when they heard Mr. Xia say that each of them would have a room. They thanked Mr. Xia first, and then they said everything.

Gu Xiangfei checked with his spiritual sense, and felt that the fifth floor was better, went in from the stairs and went directly to the fifth floor, walked to the door of Wuyiba’s room, saw the key in the lock, pulled out the key and entered the room .

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