Fossils Corroding Spiritual Consciousness

Gu Xiangfei stood in front of this booth and felt it. The source of this breath was found to be coming from a black fossil.

I don’t know what material this jet-black fossil is made of. It’s neither wood nor ore. I checked it with my spiritual sense and found nothing.

“What’s the price of this stone?” Gu Xiangfei picked up the fossil, feeling a little warm, and the corrosive atmosphere became stronger.

“Ten thousand spirit stones.” The vendor saw a monk asking him about the stone that he had placed for a long time, and he didn’t know what it was.

“Here’s your spirit stone.” Gu Xiangfei didn’t bother to bargain, he left the spirit stone and turned around. He felt that this aura wanted to break through the seal of this fossil. If this aura rushed out, the entire market would probably be corroded.

“Fellow Daoist, wait! I’m talking about 10,000 top-grade spirit stones, and you only have 10,000 top-grade spirit stones here, which is far from enough!” Seeing that Gu Xiangfei paid for the spirit stones so happily, the stall owner felt that the sale was a loss , and quickly corrected that it was the best spirit stone.

“Oh! That’s good! I don’t want it anymore, you just wait to die!” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he picked up his spirit stone, dropped the fossil, and turned around to take out a sound transmission note to send a few words to Li Jingtian.

“Well!” The monk didn’t expect Gu Xiangfei to say no, so he didn’t want to, and he didn’t intend to bargain with him at all, and the way he looked at him was like looking at a dead person.

The monk picked up the fossil, looked at it and found nothing unusual, scanned it with his spiritual sense, and suddenly his spiritual sense was corroded, and the corrosive breath entered his sea of ​​consciousness along his spiritual sense, and the whole The sea of ​​consciousness was instantly nirvana, and he screamed in pain, let go of the fossil in his hand, hugged his head with both hands, and kept beating his own head.

The monk’s loud cry attracted the attention of many monks. Many people saw the fossil falling from the vendor’s hands.

“Boom! Crash!” With a sound, the fossil fell to the ground and broke into several pieces, and a gray breath flowed out from the shattered fossil.

“Ah… my divine sense…” Suddenly a monk yelled, Plop! With a sound, he fell to the ground with his head in his hands.

Immediately afterwards, several monks yelled and fell to the ground. Without exception, they covered their heads with their hands, and the pain was unbearable.

“Everyone, get out of here quickly. The things this monk is carrying can corrode the spiritual sense, so don’t use the spiritual sense to check.” Gu Xiangfei jumped into the air and saw the corrosive aura gathering around the fallen fossil. Spread out, and let everyone leave here in a hurry.

Many monks and nearby vendors immediately packed up their things and evacuated the area. Everyone looked at the few monks lying on the ground from a distance, and no one dared to check with their spiritual sense.

The person in charge of Fang City came here with a law enforcement team. After asking about what happened, the formation master immediately came to seal this place, and sent a voice transmission to the person in charge of the headquarters of the Pill Array Alliance, waiting for them Send someone to fix it.

Li Jingtian came to Fangshi soon after receiving a message from Gu Xiangfei. Since Gu Xiangfei had informed him in advance that he could not use his spiritual sense to check, he had no choice but to rush here in Fangshi.

The person in charge of Fangshi saw the deputy leader coming in person, and immediately came to Li Jingtian and reported to him what happened in Fangshi.

Li Jingtian nodded after listening, and didn’t talk to the person in charge, but turned to Gu Xiangfei and said, “King Gu Zhen, how do you think about this matter?”

The reason Li Jingtian approached Gu Xiangfei was that since Gu Xiangfei knew that he had discovered this corrosive aura, Gu Xiangfei should be able to deal with this corrosive aura.

“Let everyone leave here first! Take these monks away, and don’t worry about this vendor. Since he wants to die, let him be satisfied!” Gu Xiangfei decided the fate of this vendor as soon as he opened his mouth. Death, birds die for food, and those who seek death cannot stop them.

Li Jingtian immediately ordered the members of Fang City’s law enforcement team to leave this area with a few monks whose spiritual consciousness had been corrupted. When the surrounding monks heard Gu Xiangfei’s words, they all left here in a hurry, without Li Jingtian saying anything.

Gu Xiangfei took out the formation flag, arranged another isolation formation in the sealing formation, and then used the communication bee to release it from the star bead.

As soon as the little bee came out, it seemed to feel the corrosive breath, and excitedly opened its mouth to inhale. The corrosive breath condensed into a white line and entered the mouth of the little bee.

After the corrosive breath was absorbed, the little bee let out a cry of surprise, and threw itself on top of the shattered fossil, click! Click! After a few breaths, the fossil was eaten by the little bee.

The little bee burped and flew to Gu Xiangfei’s head,Lie down and pass out.

Gu Xiangfei checked with his spiritual sense, and found that the corrosive breath had been completely absorbed by the little bees. He put away the little bees and withdrew the formation flag, and by the way, also removed the large sealing formation arranged by Fangshi Formation Master.

“Okay, this place can be used normally, but I want to take this monk away and ask him something.” After Gu Xiangfei withdrew from the formation, he saw Li Jingtian waiting for him, so he had to tell Li Jingtian that there was nothing wrong here Yes, you can set up a stall as usual.

“We should take him away for interrogation. Was it intentional, or was someone instigated?” Li Jingtian also wanted to find out, why should he give an explanation to the monks!

Gu Xiangfei grabbed the vendor and said, “Let’s go! Go to the law enforcement team for interrogation.”

Originally, Gu Xiangfei wanted to secretly interrogate himself, where did he find this corrosive fossil, but now Li Jingtian also wanted to ask, so he had to go to the law enforcement team.

The person in charge of Fang City saw Gu Xiangfei and Li Jingtian entering the hall together, and quickly took them to a room.

“Tell me! Where did you get that corrosive fossil? Who instigated you to bring it to Fangshi?” Gu Xiangfei put down the vendor in his hand, looked at his idiot look, probably couldn’t ask anything .

“Ah! Oh…ah**oh…” The vendor didn’t know what it was saying, and Gu Xiangfei and Li Jingtian couldn’t figure out what it was even if they tried to guess.

“Forget it! This person has been crippled. This kind of cultivator whose spiritual consciousness has been corroded is a mistake to live. Let him reincarnate!” Li Jingtian raised his hand and turned the vendor into ashes with a fireball. .

With a move, Gu Xiangfei picked up his ring, erased the restrictions on it, and poured out all the items in the ring. There were thousands of spirit stones, some low-level demon pills, a few low-level ores, and several jade bottles. Some common pills, and a few jade slips.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t look at other things, picked up the jade slips and looked at them, one was a jade slip of martial arts, one was a jade slip of a map, it seemed to be the map of that secret realm, Gu Xiangfei saw a small red dot in the jade slip of the map, maybe That’s where the fossil was obtained. Shenshen Huadao wiped off the red dot, made a few random incisions, and then dropped the jade slip.

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