Unconvinced alchemist

“What are you thinking? A compassionate expression.” Li Jingtian was in a daze after seeing Gu Xiangfei approaching, greeted him, and asked him casually.

“Nothing? It’s just that seeing so many monks, I think of the number of resources that will be consumed every day.” Gu Xiangfei also expressed his thoughts casually.

“I haven’t counted these things, and I can’t count them, but they will definitely not be few. Thanks to our Puli Continent’s rich resources and large territory, we can support so many monks, otherwise a war for resources will break out.”

Li Jingtian paused and continued, “However, as more and more monks grow up, this battle will happen sooner or later. After all, there are very few monks ascending now, and the resources needed by a monk in the tribulation period can be equivalent to half a sect.” , There are no more than three cultivators in each of the nine major sects, and no more can afford to support them. Therefore, a great war will definitely happen. You must be prepared, collect more resources now, and the resources will be scarce during the great war. If you want to collect it, no one will sell it.” Li Jingtian’s words reminded Gu Xiangfei that he is only in the Mahayana period, and in the future when he reaches the tribulation period, he will definitely need more and more resources. Ascension will also require a lot of resources.

“You are right, it seems that I have to prepare in advance, otherwise I will really want to cry.” Gu Xiangfei is very grateful for Li Jingtian’s words to him, and admires Li Jingtian’s meticulous observation. People stand at different heights and have different insights. He has never thought about these things. It was only when he saw so many monks today that he felt it. Li Jingtian has already prepared for it. He has already regarded Li Jingtian as his best friend.

Three days later, Bei Hanyi stood on the platform built in the middle of the square, and said in a loud voice, “Fellow daoists, today is the annual assessment competition of our Alchemy Formation Alliance, and we have invited the suzerains of the nine major sects to watch. The six alchemy kings of our alchemy formation alliance, the formation king and the device king, are the chief examiners, and now we will start the alchemy assessment.”

The alchemists who participated in the assessment below came to the examination room one after another. The monks watching the excitement around them were blocked by the formation, revealing an open space in the middle, leaving only an entrance. go in.

These alchemists stood up in order, with a distance of five meters between each of them, and the ground slowly rose.Rows of long tables were set up, and the alchemist walked behind the long tables, sacrificed the alchemy furnace, and made preparations before alchemy.

“Now, please engrave the pills you need to refine on the jade slips, put them on the teleportation array on the table, and start refining pills.” Bei Hanyi didn’t speak this time, but a pill king who often participated in the assessment stood up, The Pill King originally wanted Gu Xiangfei to say this, but Gu Xiangfei didn’t understand these procedures, so he declined his invitation.

There were more than 10,000 alchemists who participated in the assessment. After describing the pills to be refined, they sent the jade slips to the platform. Gu Xiangfei and the others were responsible for checking the jade slips and evaluating whether the alchemists could be promoted based on their alchemy success rate.

Ten thousand people alchemy competition, the scene is very spectacular, every alchemist sacrifices the alchemy furnace, there are those with different fires, and those with their own real fire. Dare to speak, for fear of disturbing their alchemy.

Gu Xiangfei looked at the alchemy steps of these alchemists, some of them were straightforward and neat, and some of them were redundant, prolonging the time of alchemy and causing the potency of the elixir to evaporate too much, he nodded or shook his head from time to time.

The alchemist who finished refining the elixir put his own elixir on the teleportation array on the long table and sent it to Gu Xiangfei’s platform. They checked the fineness and success rate of the elixir based on the jade slips provided by the alchemist to judge the elixir. Whether the alchemist can advance.

An hour later, the results of the selection appeared on the display screen of the platform.

The alchemists who got promoted danced happily, the losers looked depressed, and the alchemists who kept their original status clenched their fists and fought for the promotion next year.

“I don’t accept it! There is something wrong with your comments. There are flaws in it. Some people used improper means to prevent me from advancing.” An alchemist suddenly yelled.

When the onlookers heard what he said, the crowd immediately went into commotion, and the faces of the suzerains of the nine major sects also changed. If this was really what the alchemist said, it would be a big scandal for the Alchemy Formation Alliance. Inescapable responsibility.

“What are you dissatisfied with? Speak out loudly, and I will give you a chance to defend yourself. Our Dan Qizhen Alliance has always maintained fairness and justice. As long as you can tell the reason, we will check it in detail. It is what you said, our Dan Qi Qizhen Alliance will give you an explanation.” Bei Hanyi stood up and made a solemn promise to the alchemist.

“The elixirs I refine are the same as his. Why can’t I advance if he can advance, and the elixirs I refine are all high-grade elixirs, and he also has a middle-grade elixir.” The alchemist pointed out. Looking at an alchemist not far from him, they are all refining Yulin Pills, and his elixirs are all top-grade. That alchemist also has a middle-grade elixir, but why did that alchemist advance to the sixth-grade? , and he is still a fifth grade, so he thinks that someone here used improper means to directly shout out the result of dissatisfaction with the referee.

Gu Xiangfei stood up at this time and said, “As for why he can advance, you can’t, I will tell you the reason now, because the potion you refined has lost more than half of its potency, which is worse than ordinary pills, that is to say Your elixir is only good-looking, and it has no effect of Yulin elixir, if you don’t believe it, you can taste it.”

Gu Xiangfei’s words were heard by all the cultivators in the square, and seeing the blushing face of the alchemist, everyone immediately understood what happened. This is trying to get away with it! Don’t even think about it, how many senior alchemy kings are there in the headquarters of the Alchemy Formation Alliance, can you be fooled by this?

“Tu Cheng! It turns out that your elixir is like this. I told you how to take it and it has no effect. So you are a liar, accompany me with the spirit grass!” A monk may have taken the elixir of this alchemist, and now hearing what Gu Xiangfei said, Only then did I realize that it turned out to be a fake product, but it looks good but doesn’t work.

“I…I…” The alchemist didn’t know how to answer the monk’s words. He stuttered two words and couldn’t speak anymore. He turned around and wanted to leave the square.

“The alchemist who framed my alchemy formation alliance, does he still want to leave after failing to get away with it?” Just as Bei Hanyi finished speaking, a cultivator next to him stretched out a big hand of real essence, “Boom!” A slap slaps him into blood mist , raised his hand and rolled up his ring and threw it to the monk who asked him to make alchemy.

“Okay!” All the monks shouted in unison, this kind of alchemist should kill him, otherwise I don’t know how many monks will be deceived, and besides, the alchemy king who framed the alliance of the alchemy array, doesn’t he think his life is long? ?

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