The Gratitude of the Monks

“Putong! Puff!…” The four craftsmen all knelt down on the ground and paid respects to Gu Xiangfei. This was tantamount to teaching them the art of crafting, which was equivalent to a master teaching his disciples.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and waved it, and the four refiners couldn’t help but stand upright, and they admired Gu Xiangfei even more. Not only did they refine weapons and alchemy, but their cultivation base was even more unfathomable. They hold up.

“It doesn’t have to be like this. I can’t bear to see you continue to make mistakes. After you go back, you should clarify the properties of the ore and try to avoid the loss of properties. I hope you can all advance when you come to the assessment next year.” Gu Xiangfei taught them a few more words, let them go.

“Thank you, Senior Gudan King!” Not only the four refiners thanked him, but also the monks in the entire square expressed their gratitude to him in unison. I wonder if there is any monk who can tell everyone about his inheritance impartially. ?

Bei Hanyi stood up with a smile on his face, and said in a loud voice, “The array mages are invited to enter the venue for the assessment, and the examiners please come to the platform.”

A few white-haired elders clasped their fists at Gu Xiangfei, made an appointment to communicate with each other, and left the platform. After Gu Xiangfei got up and saw them off, he sat down again and waited for the formation masters to enter the venue for assessment.

Lian Qinglan was shocked when she saw Gu Xiangfei sitting there again, drinking tea from a teacup. Is this Gu Dan King still a formation king? How is this possible? How can a person have so much time to study these three skills? And they are all ninth-rank alchemy kings, ninth-rank device kings, and ninth-rank array kings!

It is very difficult for other monks to master a skill in their lifetime. How did King Gu Dan learn it? Could this be the so-called genius who can learn everything quickly?

Gu Xiangfei beat her to pieces today. How could this person have such a talent? You are proficient in these skills, how can you let others live?

She couldn’t help but asked Zheng Ganglei, the valley owner of the Mofeng Valley next to him, “Guanzhu Zheng, why is this Gudan king so powerful? Is he still a formation king?”

“Hehe! King Gu Zhen is not only a formation king, but also a ninth-level formation king. Haven’t you heard that Gu Zhenwang blocked the Shenwei Palace by himself and forced Li Tianhen, the owner of the Shenwei Palace, to explode himself.” Zheng Ganglei was very impressed with Gu Xiangfei. One of the most grateful people is that it wasn’t Gu Xiangfei who blocked the sect of the Shenwei Palace at the beginning. It is estimated that their Mofenggu was wiped out by the Shenwei Palace long ago.

“Ah! I’m so ignorant! I don’t even know about such a big thing. It seems that I’m going to become a fool after practicing all the year round.” Lian Qinglan laughed at herself. The previous arrangements, in the Immortal Realm, still have the continuation of Luo Qingzong. The other elders and deacons dare not disobey the old suzerain’s arrangement, and let Lian Qinglan, who has been in seclusion for many years, be the suzerain.

“Hehe! I’ll get used to it when I come out to participate in some sect exchange meetings in the future. Even the suzerain can exchange communication beads with everyone, so it’s easy to contact if there is anything?” Zheng Ganglei also wants to make friends with this Luoqing sect. There is also a Luoqing sect in the fairy world. After ascending to the fairy world, he can be regarded as an acquaintance, which is better than black eyes!

At this time, the formation masters entered the square to participate in the assessment. These formation masters were much smaller than the weapon refiners, and there were probably more than a thousand monks.

The assessment of formation masters is that each formation master arranges a formation. How many levels of formations can be arranged is the level of formation masters. This is much simpler than alchemy refining, but this is also the most difficult, because the layout of formations requires Formation masters continue to deduce, and sometimes they can’t understand a formation in their entire life, so there are very few formation masters in Puli Continent, and even fewer formation kings, and the ninth-level formation kings are even rarer.

Several array kings who came to the platform saw Gu Xiangfei sitting there, and all came to say hello to him. Gu Xiangfei had dealt with them when he was sealing the space crack channel, and now he is also very happy to see them coming up. After all, this They are also acquaintances!

The long table on the square slowly fell back to its original position, which was as flat as the ground. After Li Jingtian gave an order, the formation masters began to quickly arrange formations. Law began to take shape slowly.

Two hours later, Li Jingtian yelled stop! Almost all the formation masters stopped, and some formation masters who were slow to arrange formations held formation flags in their hands, at a loss.

“The time for this assessment to set up the formation is two hours. Now the time is up. If you haven’t completed the formation, please leave. The assessment fails.” Li Jingtian stood up again and told the mages the stipulated time.

The assessment formation is so overbearing. The formation masters will never know the assessment time, so when the call started, all the formation masters were speeding up the formation formation, afraid that the examiner would suddenly stop it.

There are not many formation masters who failed the assessment, only a dozen or so who were too slow to complete the formation arrangement, and there are also formation masters who participated in the assessment for the first time. I don’t know this rule. According to the usual speed of formation formation, the speed is of course slower , but the next time you take part in the assessment, you should not make such a mistake.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t know there was such a rule, and was taken aback by Li Jingtian’s sudden call to stop, thinking why did he call stop now? It wasn’t until Li Jingtian told the whole story that he realized that there was such a rule in the assessment of formation masters.

Gu Xiangfei used his spiritual sense to check the arranged formations, and found no special examples. Basically, these formations were arranged by the formation masters.The formations are very neat, and there are no major faults to be found, but there are a few minor faults that do not hinder the operation of the formations. Gu Xiangfei didn’t bring them up, so he let them advance.

After the assessment of the array mages is completed, the next step is to assess the array king, alchemy king and Qi king. This time there are only two examiners, one is the leader Bei Hanyi, and the other is Gu Xiangfei, and Gu Xiangfei will also participate in the Qi king’s competition. The assessment, because he is only an eighth-rank weapon king, and he has to participate in the ninth-rank tool king’s assessment.

The assessment of alchemy kings is very simple. Although there are many alchemy kings in the Puli Continent, there are only two of them, and the ninth-rank alchemy kings do not participate in the assessment, only the seventh-rank and eighth-rank alchemy kings participate in the assessment.

Following Bei Hanyi’s order, the alchemy kings began to refine the pills, which were basically high-grade pills.

Almost every alchemy king has a different fire, and the level of the flame is not low, but it is still a lot worse than Gu Xiangfei’s Xinghe. His Xinghe has reached the peak in the cultivation world, and if he wants to advance, he can only go to the fairy world to find the promotion fire attribute ore.

Gu Xiangfei took a look at the alchemy process of these alchemy kings, and found that they were almost in order, without any mistakes. Thinking about it, they were all promoted to alchemy kings, how could they still make low-level mistakes.

After a stick of incense, bursts of alchemy came, and these alchemy kings began to pull alchemy and received it in a jade bottle.

Looking at the pills they refined, Bei Hanyi saw that only two seventh-rank alchemy kings had advanced to eighth-rank alchemy kings, and none of the eighth-rank alchemy kings had advanced to ninth-rank alchemy kings. Dissatisfied, these people actually participated in the assessment with the mentality of not seeking merit, but seeking no fault.

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