: The Puppet of the Knife Slayer Sect

Among the nine major sects, the Slaughtering Sword Sect is domineering except for the Palace of Divine Power. After the Palace of Divine Might was destroyed by Gu Xiangfei, the Slaughtering Sword Sect has a vague place to replace the Hall of Divine Power. It’s just that Mo Fenggu has obtained a lot of resources in the Hall of Divine Power. For a while, he was on par with the Slaughtering Sword Sect, which made the Slaughtering Sword Sect very depressed.

This time the big battle in Puli Continent gave the Slaughtering Sect an opportunity. In this big battle, the Slaughtering Sect can be said to have gained both fame and fortune. Among the nine major sects, it has already surpassed the former Shenwei Palace, ranking first among the nine major sects.

The Alchemy Formation Alliance has already found out the details of the Slaughter Sect. This time, the biggest wish of dealing with the Slaughter Sect is to destroy the few cultivators in their sect, so that the Slaughter Sect will never recover. Opportunities to inspire the mainland.

Two days after the spaceship flew, it came to theThe resident sect of the Sword Sect, because Elder Su personally ordered this time to destroy the cultivators of the Slaughter Sect during the tribulation period, so Gu Xiangfei and several formation kings got off the spaceship and replaced the Sect Protector of the Slaughter Sect with Trapped killing array, and then arranged a strangling array.

The cultivators guarding the sect of the Slaughter Sword Sect were all killed before they could react. The King of the Slaughter Sect had already arranged a trapping formation at the gate of the Slaughter Sword Sect, and he called Gu Xiangfei to arrange a serial strangulation formation.

After everything was arranged, the cultivators of the Alchemy Formation Alliance sacrificed their spiritual weapons and stood outside the Slaughtering Sect, waiting for the cultivators of the Slaughtering Sect to come out.

Li Guantai, the suzerain of the Slaying Knife Sect, is a monk in the Transcending Tribulation Period. This time, there was a big battle in the Puli Continent. They quickly intervened and robbed many resources of the sect along the way. However, they didn’t kill many people. As long as the monk who handed over the ring One was not killed, and of course those who did not hand over the ring were killed.

When Li Yantai set off, he gave an order to rob resources as much as possible and avoid killing people. The elders and deacons of the sect also acted according to his instructions. He did not do anything too extreme, and executed his orders perfectly.

Li Yantai was afraid that the tree would attract wind and be wiped out like the Hall of Divine Might, so he was still very careful, but in his view, his caution was very careful, and in the eyes of other sects, it was a big-picture snatching of resources.

“Sect Master, something is wrong. Our sect is surrounded by a group of monks. They even set up a formation to trap us. Elder Jin and Deacon Lin have been strangled by the formation.” A disciple of the sect ran into the sect In the main hall of the sect, he even forgot to salute, and hurriedly told him what happened outside the sect.

Li Yan stood up immediately, and ordered while walking out, “Call the disciples and elders and deacons of the sect immediately, and prepare for the battle!”

“Boom…” A bell rang, and the disciples and elders and deacons of the Slaughter Sect quickly gathered in the square of the sect. Fifty or sixty thousand monks gathered together, discussing without knowing what happened. Ask the monks next to you.

“Someone set up a trapped killing formation at the gate of the sect. Now we are trapped, and the sect’s protective formation has also been converted into a trapped killing formation by them. Now our only way out is to get out.” Li Yantai appeared In the sky above the square, looking at the many disciples and elders and deacons on the ground, he told them all about the situation of the sect.

“Boom…” The disciples of the Killing Sword Sect were in an uproar, and the elders and deacons also looked at each other, hoping that someone could come up with an idea and escape this catastrophe. Unlike those disciples, they all followed their families , can escape or escape as much as possible.

“Listen to my order now! The masters of the peaks lead the disciples of the peaks to rush out of the sects. Those who can rush out will be the deputy sect masters. Those who are afraid will be killed! The law enforcement team listened to the order and found those who fled without permission! Let’s go!” Li Yantai With an order, the peak masters of each peak rushed towards the gate of the sect with their disciples.

Li Yantai’s idea was very good. He asked these people to attack the big formation, took the opportunity to find the weakness of the big formation, and then broke through the big formation and killed them in the open space outside. Brother, killing these hundreds of monks is not as easy as picking something out of a pocket.

But he didn’t expect that this big formation was a serial strangling formation arranged by Gu Xiangfei. The more people there were, the more ferocious the strangling formation would be.

The disciples of the Slaughtering Sword Sect didn’t rush out at all. They knew that there was a trapped killing formation outside, so naturally they wouldn’t go to die in vain. The first peak master who rushed out took out two puppets and put them on spiritual weapon armor , and then urged the puppet to enter the big formation.

The two puppets rushed into the strangulation formation wielding maces, and the formation was instantly activated. Countless space wind blades blasted towards the puppets, cutting the puppets indiscriminately in all directions. The sound of gold and iron crossing sounded, and the two puppets were cut by the space wind blade with deep cuts everywhere. The spiritual weapon armor persisted for less than half a stick of incense, and then, “Wow!” It shattered and fell to the ground. Putting on the armor of the spirit weapon, the puppet was quickly bombarded by the space wind blade, and collapsed on the ground before the puppet rushed out of the big formation.

“Whoever still has puppets, put a few more in and give them a few more layers of armor.” The peak master who was the first to rush out shouted at the disciples around him.

All the disciples took out their puppets one after another, and put on the armor they usually used on them. After everything was ready, they waited for the Peak Master to order the puppets to enter the formation.

There are eight peaks in the Slaughtering Sword Sect, and each peak has a peak owner. The first one to rush out is the Artifact Refining Peak. The specialty of the peak owner Chizhouhe is refining puppets.

After seeing that his disciples were all ready, he looked at the more than a thousand puppets. The peak master Chizhouhe was overjoyed. With so many puppets, how can your big formation trap and kill them?

“Listen to my order now. After these puppets enter the formation, quickly urge them to rush to the formation. Once they break through the formation, we will follow up and attack now!” Following Chizhouhe’s order, more than a thousand puppets rushed to the formation. Into the strangulation array.

Gu Xiangfei did not expect that there were so many puppets in the Knife Slaying Sect. Although these puppets were a little slow in their movements, these bloodless and thoughtless guys rushed out of the big formation directly under the control of the monks.

“Take spirit stones to protect the foundation of the formation, let the formation continue to operate, and lure these puppets away. The monks behind are about to come out, everyone is ready!” Gu Xiangfei saw the hundreds of puppets rushing out, and immediately gave a few puppets to the formation kings. ordered.

More than half of the more than a thousand puppets were lost, and the remaining hundreds of puppets all had deep knife marks on their bodies, brandishing all kinds of spiritual weapons, and randomly attacking the cultivators of the Alchemy Formation Alliance.

Several formation kings put spirit stones at the base of the formation, and the large formation was destroyedHumming, keep running.

Peak Master Chi Zhouhe saw the puppets rushing out of the formation, and hurriedly ordered his disciples to rush into the formation to direct the puppets to attack the incoming enemy, because they were too far away to control the puppets, and they had to be as close as possible to the puppets.

This group of monks had just entered the big formation, but they did not expect that the big formation had already been activated. Countless space wind blades were like a net of heaven and earth, wrapping these monks, one layer of blade light followed the next layer of blade light, and the entire big formation was densely packed with spaces The wind blade bombarded these monks.

“Not good! Get out quickly.” The peak master Chi Zhouhe saw countless space wind blades bombarding him like a violent storm, and immediately ordered to retreat.

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