Arrangement in the Lost Horse City

“Husband, you are back.” Before Gu Xiangfei entered the yard, he heard Yan Yixue speak.

“Hmm! Breakthrough again?” Gu Xiangfei felt that Yan Yixue’s aura was exposed, and she ran out just after breaking through and stabilizing her cultivation.

This woman can practice fast enough! If she doesn’t practice for a while, she will definitely catch up and even surpass him.

“That’s right, your cultivation is almost catching up to mine now, and we probably won’t be much different when you ascend.” Gu Xiangfei looked at Yan Yixue, a little surprised by her cultivation speed.

“I’m afraid that after you ascend, I will miss you alone, so I will work hard to catch up with you as soon as possible.” Yan Yixue revealed her true feelings, and looked at Gu Xiangfei affectionately, with tenderness in her eyes.

Gu Xiangfei gently pulled her into his arms and hugged her. This woman has been following him since the small town, and she has already regarded him as her reliance in her heart, and it is even more so now that she is about to ascend.

“Fool, even after I ascend to the fairy world, I have to create a world like I did in the cultivation world. After you all ascend, you will have a place to live, right? Don’t think so much, just cultivate with peace of mind, otherwise you will be overwhelmed when you pass the catastrophe of ascension.” I have demons.” Gu Xiangfei put his arms around his wife to comfort her.

“Actually, I also want to go to the fairyland with you. I can’t let you bear it all by yourself, or you will be too tired.” Yan Yixue hugged Gu Xiangfei back, she didn’t want him to keep working so hard, she wanted to share the burden for him A little bit, do your part, even if it is a tiny bit.

The two stood on the top of the mountain like this, embracing each other, listening to each other’s heartbeats quietly. At this moment, they didn’t think about anything, they just felt that this feeling was comfortable, and their state of mind was steadily improving.

A month later, Li Jingtian sent him another communication talisman, and this time he directly explained the reason.

It turned out that two formation kings came to Luoma City after accepting the task, and found that the terrain here was too close to the area of ​​monsters, and they brought two guards, and they were attacked by monsters as soon as they arrived outside Luoma City. One guard was killed and the other injured, and they ran back in a hurry in fright.

Later, those who were not afraid of death and were greedy for money went to several waves of monks, but all of them came back unsuccessfully. Either they were attacked by monsters, or they were attacked by monsters when they set up the big formation. Maybe the monsters also knew that once the big formation in Luoma City was completed, yes They are a disaster, so the monsters are preventing the formation of large formations.

Seeing that no one dared to come, the comprehension family in Luoma City increased their rewards, one top-grade spiritual energy vein, and one hundred nine-level spiritual herbs.

Li Jingtian wanted to go after hearing such a generous reward, and asked Gu Xiangfei if he wanted to go with him?

It’s true that people die for money and birds die for food, Gu Xiangfei secretly sighed, since Li Jingtian invited him to go with him, he couldn’t refuse, so he had to go with him!

The little bee in the star bead has been awake for a long time. In the past few years, it has eaten well and slept well in the star bead, and its aura is strong. It doesn’t want to go out anymore. The bee was released in advance, and its fighting power is very powerful. Although it is so small now, it can corrode the primordial spirit fast enough. It is estimated that monks in the tribulation period would not dare to fight it.

The little bee let out a dissatisfied voice, “Chi!” It flew over his head and lay there motionless.

Li Jingtian was already waiting for him on the teleportation formation. They were going to the city closest to Luoma City, the Burning Demon City. According to legend, when the monsters attacked the city, thunder and fire fell from the sky in this city, burning hundreds of millions of monsters. Now the monsters dare not approach this city.

After a few breaths, the two of them appeared on the teleportation formation in Burning Demon City. After leaving the teleportation formation, a scorching breath rushed straight to their foreheads, as if they were roasting on fire. There was no trace of the fire, nor did the trees and flowers wither.

Gu Xiangfei was secretly amazed, followed Li Jingtian out of Burning Demon City, stepped on the spaceship and headed for Luoma City.

It takes about three days to fly to Luoma City from here.The more traces of monsters there were as we walked forward, fortunately, both of them were cultivators in the Transcending Tribulation Period, so they were on guard all the way, and they were not attacked by monsters.

Luoma City is not very big, it is equivalent to a medium-sized city in Puli Continent. The surrounding walls are built with thick boulders. There are scratches of monsters and blackened blood on the boulders. I don’t know if it is the blood of monks or The blood of monsters.

There were no guards at the gate of the city. It was estimated that there was no large formation for protection. It was useless to send guards, so they simply canceled the guards. The two entered the city and saw some monks hanging out here. No one was operating the shops in the city, only some Sanxiu is setting up a street stall, if monsters come, put them away and run away.

Gu Xiangfei scanned his consciousness and found that the monks here are all cultivating in the Nascent Soul Stage, and occasionally there are a few monks in the Transformation Stage and Void Refining Stage. These monks feel that they are swept away by other people’s consciousness, and they are a little angry. The monks still looked at them, eager to try and want to fight, but Gu Xiangfei’s aura of crossing the catastrophe was revealed, and the monks all bowed their heads in fright, and the timid ones trembled.

The two of them came to the central square of the city, where the City Lord’s Mansion was built, and there were two guards at the gate, both of whom were at the Golden Core stage.

“Go and report, and say that the formation king is here to set up a large formation.” Li Jingtian gave orders to the guards, as if in his own pill formation alliance, with full momentum.

The two guards immediately bowed to them and said, “Our elders said that you can go in directly when the senior king of the formation is here. You don’t need to report. Please come in, two seniors.”

The two entered the city lord’s mansion and came to a hall. Several people in the hall were discussing matters. Seeing them coming in, someone immediately stood up and asked, “But senior Zhenwang is here. I’m going to the Xiangdong Pavilion. It’s Xiang’s parents. old.”

“It turned out to be Elder Xiang. This is Li Jingtian. This is my friend Gu Xiangfei.” After Li Jingtian introduced himself, he introduced Gu Xiangfei.

“So it’s Leader Li, but this is the King of Gu Zhen, the three kings of the Pill Artifact Array?” Xiang Dongting had heard of Li Jingtian’s position, as well as Gu Xiangfei, and immediately invited them to sit up.

“You don’t need to sit down, let’s set up the formation as soon as possible! First set up the defensive formation, and then arrange the strangulation formation, so that even if the monster attacks, it can resist for a while.” On the way Li Jingtian came, he had already discussed with Gu Xiangfei How to arrange the array, how can I have time to sit and drink tea now.

“Okay, President Li, please, King Gu Zhen!” Xiang Dongting is also a cheerful person, knowing that he will be less threatened if he finishes it one day earlier. I don’t know when the monster will come!

The few monks in the hall are all members of the Xiang family. They are also looking forward to having a large defensive formation as soon as possible so that they can sleep peacefully. When they saw Li Jingtian and Gu Xiangfei go out, they all rushed out to take care of them.

Gu Xiangfei took out the formation flag and flew into mid-air, and began to drive the formation flag into the ground continuously. Li Jingtian was below, and according to the position Gu Xiangfei said, he also continued to drive into the formation flag, from the east of Luoma City to the west. , when the last formation flag was driven into the ground, a monk suddenly shouted, “The monster is coming, run!”

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