Killing the Fox Monster Beast

Gu Xiangfei’s spiritual consciousness scanned and found that there were five places with monster energy fluctuations. He judged that there were five monsters in the Transcending Tribulation Period, and released the little bees from the star beads.

After the little bee sucked up the egg, it didn’t grow in size, but its aura became stronger. Gu Xiangfei still doesn’t know how powerful the little bee is, so getting it out is to let it devour a few more monsters. The primordial spirit of the beast came to advance.

“Attention everyone, we’re here.” Just as Li Jingtian finished speaking, five huge waves of spatial aura blasted towards the spaceship.

Li Jingtian raised his hand to move the launch ship, and the three alchemy kings retreated immediately. They can’t deal with monsters in the tribulation period, so they should protect their own safety first.

Gu Xiangfei’s big sword soared hundreds of feet, rolling up countless waves of swords, and blasting at a monster with a fox head and a human body.

Old Hu’s original intention was to catch the alchemy king. Seeing the three alchemy kings backing away, and another alchemy king actually offering a spiritual weapon, a big saber, he was so happy that he caught this alchemy king.

He didn’t expect that this alchemy king turned out to be a cultivator in the tribulation period, and the hundred-foot-long sword wave came in an instant, and Lao Hu was shocked. There was such a powerful alchemy king who was fooled. This is not the alchemy king, he just has some spiritual power The breath of the medicine deliberately confuses them monsters.

Lao Hu hastily waved the short stick in his hand, and it turned into a piece of light, resisting the waves of sabers, “Boom! Pfft…” Lao Hu was blown away by the knife wave, and several deep bone wounds were cut on his body by the knife wave.

“Aw…” Lao Hu howled in pain, revealing his body, a five-tailed demon fox with pure white fur, covered with blood, holding a short stick tightly in its paws, swinging its five tails, turning into a piece of stick light and bombarding Gu Xiangfei .

“It turned out to be a fox. No matter how cunning you are, you can’t escape the hunter’s grasp.” Gu Xiangfei hunted with his second uncle, and also hunted foxes. He knows the fox’s cunning habits. up.

The Eight Swords of the Holy Hand, from the first Tianmu Saber to the fifth Yuyi Saber, are continuously displayed. There are waves of swords in a radius of thousands of feet, and waves rise again and again, enveloping Lao Hu’s monster body, constantly cutting.

“Pfft…” Two sounds of meat cutting sounded, and Lao Hu’s two tails were cut off, and dozens of wounds were added to his body. Fortunately, Lao Hu’s short stick protected his vitals, otherwise he would have been cut into pieces. Fragmented.

Old Hu endured the great pain, and kept swinging his remaining three tails, trying to escape from the scene by using space escape.

The little bee on Gu Xiangfei’s head saw the distance between the two, before the space explosion caused by the confrontation between the real yuan and the demon yuan disappeared, whoosh! It flew to Lao Hu’s head, opened his mouth and sucked, and Lao Hu’s primordial spirit was sucked out and swallowed by it.

“Fucking mud horse! Still have this ability?” Gu Xiangfei imitated his son and cursed. He didn’t expect that the little bee could suck out the soul of the monster. What kind of magical power is this? Too strong.

Raising his hand, he put away the fox’s corpse. These furs can be refined into armor, adding a few top-grade spiritual weapons to the family’s defense.

“Boom…” The space exploded, and the real yuan and the demon yuan collided with each other, causing ripples. The space was distorted by the bombardment, and several void cracks appeared. It felt like this space was about to collapse.

Gu Xiangfei shot out a real yuan shield to block some of the bombardment fragments, and the spiritual weapon long knife in his hand, under the urging of the real yuan, the light of the knife skyrocketed, and he dodged behind a monster with a horse head and a human body. A fierce sword light and murderous aura bombarded the past.

“Boom!” Numerous sword lights bombarded the old horse’s back. The old horse was confronting a cultivator in the tribulation period. He never thought that Gu Xiangfei would sneak attack him. The fragments were swallowed by the little bee as soon as Yuanshen escaped.

Two of the five monsters were killed within a few breaths, and even the most cunning old Hu was killed. The rest of the old cows saw that something was wrong, and they would definitely be killed if they continued to fight. The three monsters Gather all the monsters in the body, turn around immediately after a blow, use their own escape methods, and escape in an instant.

“Boom…” The space was blasted, and the true essence of the eight monks in the Transcending Tribulation period and the demon essence of the three monsters exploded together. This space collapsed instantly, and countless void wind blades cut randomly regardless of whether it was the enemy or us.

The three monsters fled with wounds all over their bodies. The blood of the monsters fell on the ground drop by drop, and the people had disappeared.

After Li Jingtian and a few cultivators in the Transcendence Tribulation Stage blocked the bombardment of the void wind blade, they watched the collapsed void in front of them slowly recovering.

“These monsters are really powerful. If we fight alone, we really can’t do anything to them alone. Fortunately, King Guzhen killed two of them first, otherwise it would be difficult for us to kill them.” The monk during the tribulation period is Tan Gongwei from Mofeng Valley. Gu Xiangfei attacked the old horse, which made him very grateful. Otherwise, he might be injured in the battle with the old horse. They all nodded in agreement.

“Now there are only three monsters left, and the territory of monsters is no longer a threat to us. The most important thing right now is to go to Luoma City and see what’s going on there?” Li Jingtian raised his hand to prevent others from saying anything. In other words, everyone knows the combat power of the ninth-level monsters, and it’s the same thing, so don’t waste time, go to Luoma City as soon as possible!

Li Jingtian sacrificed the spaceship, called everyone to go up, and galloped in the direction of Luoma City.

Two days later, the spaceship landed. Twelve people got off the spaceship. Looking at the Luoma City surrounded by black poisonous fog in the distance, they all felt terrified. With so much poisonous fog, it is estimated that the monks in the city are in danger.

Several alchemy kings glanced at each other, and one of the seventh-rank alchemy kings came to the edge of the poisonous mist, took a small mouthful of poisonous air, and a layer of black mist immediately appeared on his face, and hurriedly took out a detoxification pill. Dan swallowed, and after a few weeks of exercise, his complexion returned to normal.

“It’s so poisonous. I can’t get rid of it. Let’s observe it first!” The seventh-rank alchemy king shook his head helplessly. He felt that the eighth-rank alchemy king couldn’t do anything about it. Is there any other way for Dan Wang, otherwise this time he can only return without success.

After the eighth-rank alchemy king tried the poison in the past, as the seventh-rank alchemy king had guessed, he couldn’t get rid of the poison. Everyone’s eyes were on Gu Xiangfei.

“I’ll go and have a look.” Seeing everyone’s gazes on him, Gu Xiangfei knew that everyone had pinned their hopes on him, so he didn’t refuse, and walked to the edge of the poisonous fog in a few steps.

Poison also has rules. As long as you find the regular breath of poison, you can refine the detoxification pill and solve the poisonous fog blockade in Luoma City.

Gu Xiangfei’s regular kung fu is running, inhaling a trace of poisonous mist, slowly looking for the poisonous rules from the poisonous mist, stripping out the poisonous mist breath one by one, and the regular kung fu is running crazily, one by one, one by one, with the The rules and techniques continued to speed up, and he began to assimilate the poisonous rules aura, becoming his own rules.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, noThinking of coming to the rescue of Luoma City, he could actually get the poison rules. For others, this is a deadly poisonous fog. For him, it is just one more rule. In the future, he will have the confidence to defend himself against the poisonous things. The harvest this time was too powerful, and Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help being very excited.

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