Ascending Thunder Tribulation

“Forget it, let’s go! Don’t embarrass them.” Seeing that Li Jingtian was about to get angry, Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help persuading him. After all, these alchemy kings are all members of the Alchemy Formation Alliance, and they made too much noise. It doesn’t make sense to be stiff.

“Let’s go! Don’t care about them.” Li Jingtian took out the spaceship with a fierce momentum, greeted Gu Xiangfei to board the spaceship, and galloped towards the Burning Demon City. He had already thought of a way to deal with the alchemy kings .

Three days later, Gu Xiangfei returned to Feixue Peak and saw that Gu Yunjie and the others had already returned, and their cultivation had also improved a lot.

After the incident in Luoma City came to an end, Gu Xiangfei lived in seclusion, and the Puli Continent is now operating normally. As for the three alchemy kings, Gu Xiangfei didn’t bother to ask.

Time flies, and it’s been another three years. In order to wait for Yan Yixue, Gu Xiangfei has hardly practiced. In the past three years, he has used some of the regular aura he got to feel the extreme through regular exercises, and he has reached the peak in the realm of comprehension.

“Husband, I feel the breath of attraction.” Yan Yixue pushed open the door of the secret room with an excited expression on her face, and hurriedly told Gu Xiangfei the news regardless of what Gu Xiangfei was doing.

Gu Xiangfei was stunned for a moment, Yan Yixue felt the guiding aura, which meant that she would cross the catastrophe and ascend to the fairyland soon, and she hadn’t felt the welcoming aura yet, it seems that Yan Yixue entered the fairyland earlier than him.

“How long will it take to ascend?” Gu Xiangfei calmed down and asked calmly.

“Three months! If I suppress it again, I think I can last for half a year. Husband, you should practice quickly!” Yan Yixue is now in a hurry. She is afraid that she will go to the fairyland by herself, and she doesn’t know what to do? Without Gu Xiangfei to accompany her, she would have no confidence.

“Okay, I will enter the star beads to practice, and strive to break through to the late stage of the catastrophe as soon as possible, and ascend to the fairyland together.” Gu Xiangfei was also a little anxious. He was also worried that Yan Yixue would have a difficult life as a female cultivator after she arrived in the fairyland.

After a month outside, three years have passed inside the star bead. Gu Xiangfei came out of the star bead. He is now on the ninth floor of the tribulation period. The star bead hides the rules of heaven, and he cannot sense the breath of reception.

As soon as I came out of the star beads, I felt the guiding breath. There will be a welcoming breath falling within three months, and I need to prepare in advance for the ascension through the tribulation.

Gu Xiangfei counted the time, Yan Yixue and he would enter the fairyland almost in no particular order, took out the message talisman, and sent a message to Bei Hanyi and Li Jingtian, telling them that he was about to cross the tribulation and ascend to the fairyland.

Not long after, Bei Hanyi and Li Jingtian Lianyin came, and when they arrived at Feixue Peak, they congratulated Gu Xiangfei.

“Congratulations! Congratulations! Brother Gu is going to cross the catastrophe and ascend to the Immortal Realm. I hope that after Brother Gu arrives in the Immortal Realm, he will also join our Pill Array Alliance. There is also our alliance in the Immortal Realm, but in the Immortal RealmHis name is Danhui, and Brother Gu will have to bother to find out exactly which Tianyu he is in. “Bei Hanyi told Gu Xiangfei everything he learned about the Immortal Realm. These things are all legends. After all, the monks who went to the Immortal Realm did not return to the Cultivation Realm, and they were just guessing.

“That’s just right, I will definitely find Danhui when I go to the fairy world, but Feixuefeng will ask you two to take it back after my family members have ascended!” Gu Xiangfei also sent them a message for Feixuefeng’s affairs, after all After he leaves, Feixue Peak may be taken back. He has done a lot of things for the Pill Array Alliance, and he has contributed the most. It is also to let his family members live in Feixue Peak to practice, so he made this request.

“Don’t worry about that, we are both here, and we will definitely take it back when there is no one in Feixue Peak, we assure you.” Bei Hanyi agreed without hesitation, and besides, there is his niece Bei Qingshuang here.

“Thank you to the two lords, then I will please you two.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he saluted them to express his gratitude, and the two returned the salute, allowing him to ascend with peace of mind.

The three of them drank spiritual tea for a while, Bei Hanyi and Li Jingtian shared some news from the fairy world before they left and made an appointment to watch the ceremony when he passed the tribulation and ascended.

The fact that Gu Xiangfei and Yan Yixue were going to ascend to the fairyland was soon known by the family members. The old lady reluctantly pulled them and gave them many instructions. Happy event, so everyone is very excited.

Gu Yunjie and Gu Yunhao are also very happy about their parents’ ascension. After all, cultivation is for the purpose of ascension, otherwise why bother to cultivate! They also secretly made up their minds to strive for an early reunion with their parents.

Gu Xiangfei engraved his cultivation mind on the jade slips and passed them on to them so that they would avoid detours in the future. The whole family will benefit a lot. She was very happy about the affairs of the fairy world, she asked Yan Yixue to go to the fairy world to practice hard, and strive to reach the peak level in the fairy world as soon as possible, so that they can find them when they go to the fairy world.

The cultivation bases of the family members are also considered to be senior monks. Except for Yan Yixue’s master who practiced late, everyone else is in the Mahayana and Conjoint Dao stages, and even the two nieces and nephews have reached the Foundation Establishment stage.

According to Gu Xiangfei’s idea, he decided to let Yan Yixue continue to suppress the spirit of receiving and guiding, and let Gu Xiangfei go to the fairyland first, so that he can take care of Yan Yixue after he ascended to the fairyland.

Everything has been running normally for more than two months. Gu Xiangfei felt that his thunder disaster was coming, so he hurriedly sent a message to Bei Hanyi and Li Jingtian.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, almost covering the entire Feixue Peak under thunder calamity. Gu Xiangfei stepped out to the open space.

“Boom…” Nine bucket-thick black lightning arcs fell, and Bei Hanyi and Li Jingtian, who were watching the ceremony next to them, were startled. This thunder is going to kill those who crossed the catastrophe! It seems that the Ascension Thunder Tribulation is also very dangerous.

Gu Xiangfei’s body training technique was running, and he easily resisted the nine extermination thunder tribulations. The gap in the body during the tribulation period was hit by his true essence, and several cracks appeared. Gu Xiangfei smiled lightly, and it is estimated that he will break through the gap soon. Meet the requirements of Ascension to the Immortal Realm.

“Boom…” Another nine bucket-thick black thunder arcs fell, and Gu Xiangfei used the huge breath of the thunder arcs to break through the barrier of crossing the tribulation period. A sharp breath suddenly came from him, which was already far away from him Far away, Bei Hanyi, Li Jingtian and their family members hastily cast out their shields to block the huge wave of aura.

“Boom…” Nine black thunder arcs fell again, and Gu Xiangfei took the opportunity to temper his body, and the Qianyuan Exercise was running crazily.

“Boom…” This time, the nine thunder arcs have turned blue, and they descended with an aura that is stronger than aura. Gu Xiangfei absorbed the breath of the blue thunder arcs, and felt that the true essence in his body had changed. Could it be that Is it Xianyuanli?

A colorful passageway suddenly appeared in the sky, and a strong fairy aura came from it. Even taking a breath, one could feel one’s cultivation level rising.

“Everyone! I’m leaving the fairyland and see you! Xiaoxue, I’ll wait for you.” Gu Xiangfei wanted to say a few more words of farewell, but suddenly a suction force came out from that colorful passageway, and Gu Xiangfei felt himself imprisoned by that suction force Inhale into the channel at once.

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