After figuring out why these monks were here, since he couldn’t go out, Gu Xiangfei calmed down and waited for Yan Yixue to arrive.

There are a lot fewer monks in the main hall, probably recruited by the Cleaving Knife Sect. After all, waiting here is not a long-term solution. Some monks waited too long, and they didn’t insist on it when they first came. They followed casually. As long as one sect leaves, the monks here will leave sooner or later.

There are fewer monks, and there are more fairy spirits. Gu Xiangfei can absorb more occasionally, and no one will doubt it. Originally, the fairy spirit here is not stable, and it is normal for it to be more and less. After another five days, he suddenly Feeling that the fairy aura is very strong, he immediately runs his exercises with all his strength to absorb the fairy aura.

“The Ascension Pond has been opened, and a cultivator who has transcended the tribulation and ascended has come.” The same hollow voice came from the top of the hall.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, guessing that Yan Yixue had ascended through the tribulation, he hurriedly opened his eyes and looked towards the Feisheng Pool.

The fairy aura in Feisheng Pond was shrouded in clouds and mist, and it was close to atomization. Gu Xiangfei really wanted to jump in and practice in it. He guessed that the cultivation speed would be very fast.

Suddenly he understood why the fairy aura was so strong. It turned out that after the Ascension Pond was opened, some fairy aura would overflow, so the fairy aura he absorbed would be more intense.

Calculating the time I spent in Feisheng Pond, I guess it will take a few days for Yan Yixue to come out, so let’s practice while the fairy aura is strong!

Gu Xiangfei was immersed in his cultivation. The monks in the hall probably knew that after the Feisheng Pond was opened, there was a lot of immortal aura. Although many monks did not have the skills of the fairy world, they could absorb a little bit. There were many monks with this idea, so everyone was Practice hard.

“Crack!” There was a soft sound in his body, and Gu Xiangfei broke through to the second floor of the Earth Immortal. The fairy aura in the hall suddenly gathered around him, and then dispersed. The monks in the hall felt that the fairy aura was suddenly interrupted. Check it out, I feel that the fairy spirit is back, and no one cares about this short interruption.

Gu Xiangfei was taken aback. He was afraid of being suspected, so he pretended, “Yeah!”, and continued to use the exercises to slowly stabilize his cultivation.

“Boom!” A figure was thrown out from the Feisheng Pool, which caused some monks to laugh. Gu Xiangfei remembered that when he was thrown out, it also attracted a burst of laughter. It is estimated that all the monks here have been thrown out before, and they all Having been laughed at, now it’s the other person’s turn, and of course he won’t let go of the opportunity to laugh at others.

“Hmm! It’s not Yan Yixue?” Gu Xiangfei didn’t laugh at it because he always thought that Yan Yixue was in the Feisheng Pond, but now he saw that the monk who was thrown out was a middle-aged monk.

Gu Xiangfei was a little disappointed, but he wasn’t discouraged. He couldn’t get out anyway, so let’s wait here while practicing! Others can’t stay here for a long time without the skills of the fairy world, but he doesn’t have this worry. Maybe he can go out by himself after cultivating to a fairy.

With this plan in mind, Gu Xiangfei didn’t rush to go out. He stopped when the fairy energy was low. He felt that the fairy energy was stronger, so he hurriedly practiced for a while, absorbed the rich fairy energy, and left some for other monks. They have not felt the strong fairy spirit.

This is mainly because he has the skills of the fairy world, and other monks don’t have any skills. Sometimes it feels normal to not be able to absorb the fairy spirit.

Days passed day by day, Gu Xiangfei waited for more than half a year, but before Yan Yixue ascended, his cultivation had advanced to the fourth floor of the Earth Immortal. During this period, several monks ascended, and the strong immortal spirit was captured by him. Absorbed a lot.

“The Holy Sword Sect has come to recruit disciples. This time, they are all disciples from the outer sect, and there are no disciples who are handymen.” A monk shouted loudly in the hall.

The monks in the main hall stood up and walked outside with a bang. Finally, some sects did not accept handyman disciples. These monks shouted excitedly. The fellow Taoists who met here rushed to join the holy Dao Zong.

After Gu Xiangfei heard the name of the Holy Sword Sect, he felt that the Holy Sword Sect was very familiar. He suddenly remembered that the ring he got was left by Wei Feng of the Holy Sword Sect. Seeing whether Yan Yixue had ascended, he took out Wei Feng’s ring. Most of the ring was left by Wei Feng. He checked the ring, and found that there were many other things besides the regular exercise jade slip.

Walking outside the main hall, he saw a large square in front of the entire main hall, which was protected by a defensive formation. He couldn’t see it from far away. There was a formation blocking the consciousness, and people outside couldn’t see the inside either. Case.

In the square, there were a few monks wearing blue clothes, with a knife tattooed on their cuffs, and the three small golden characters of the Holy Sword Sect on the left chest. They were evaluating the monks who wanted to join the Holy Sword Sect.

Gu Xiangfei stood at the back of the team, followed the monks in front, and after the assessment, he decided whether to join the Holy Sword Sect.

The assessment is very simple, according to the spiritual root test to recruit outer disciples or inner disciples.

There were hundreds of monks, and it was Gu Xiangfei’s turn in less than an hour. Next to the monks of the Holy Sword Sect, there was a disk for testing spiritual roots. If you put your hand in the middle of the disk, the spiritual roots of the monks would be displayed.

Gu Xiangfei stretched out his hand to press the middle of the formation disk according to the test method of the previous monks, “hum!” The formation disk started to rotate, Gu Xiangfei felt that the formation disk was absorbing his own immortal essence, and hurriedly controlled the immortal essence, a cyan beam of light rose into the sky, It is eight feet high.

“Extreme Thunder Lingen!” Whether it was the deacon of the Holy Sword Sect who tested the spirit root, or the monks who had already tested the spirit root, they all shouted.

Gu Xiangfei doesn’t know what kind of spiritual root he is, it’s because he controls half of the immortalsYuanli, otherwise his beam of light could reach a height of twelve feet.

“What’s your name? Which continent did you ascend from? How long is your lifespan?” A series of questions from the cultivator who tested the spiritual root, and several deacons of the Holy Sword Sect, made Gu Xiangfei not know which one to answer first.

“My name is Gu Xiangfei, who ascended from Puli Continent, and has a lifespan of fifty-two.” Gu Xiangfei had no choice but to answer one question at a time.

“Shouyuan fifty-two?” A deacon of the Holy Sword Sect suddenly reached out and grabbed Gu Xiangfei’s arm. Gu Xiangfei couldn’t dodge it even if he wanted to dodge. Little bee, the deacon suddenly let go of his arm.

“It’s really good! Haha!” The deacon laughed excitedly. This time, he recruited a top-notch Lei Lingen disciple with a lifespan of fifty-two years for the sect, and he must be rewarded a lot.

It was only then that Gu Xiangfei realized that he was testing his bone age. You can test it, and you even made a surprise attack, which almost made the little bee suck your soul. Don’t blame me when the time comes.

“Gu Xiangfei, right? Please stand over here first, and we’ll go back to the sect after the test is over.” The deacon was very polite, pulling him to stand next to several monks of the Holy Sword Sect, faintly intending to protect him .

The next test is very fast, and the spiritual roots of the monks who can cross the tribulation and ascend are basically not bad, like those five-element miscellaneous spiritual roots, don’t even think about ascending in a lifetime, no matter how hard you practice, even if you die from exhaustion, it is also a delusion. Strong perseverance, breaking through layers of barriers and finally attaining enlightenment, is all nonsense to attract people’s attention.

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