Attacking the Celestial Realm

“I’m going to pick up the mission. Give me your identity jade tokens.” Fifth brother Zheng Kaiyue took the jade tokens handed over by everyone, turned around and came to the mission window.

Gu Xiangfei came here for the first time, and his brothers told him that he followed suit. Moreover, there were many missions released in the mission hall, and he couldn’t figure out for a while, where all these missions needed to be completed.

“Let’s go! I accepted the task of looking for the purple spinosa, and I happened to be looking for it in the foggy mountain forest that we were going to pass.” Zheng Kaiyue, the fifth brother, distributed the jade cards to everyone.

Purple Cymbidium is a third-level fairy grass, the main medicine for refining Kunluodan, which is the elixir for golden immortals to break through the small realm. There are many golden immortal monks in the Holy Sword Sect, accounting for almost a quarter of the entire sect One, so the dosage is very large.

Six people left the mission hall, and left the sect in the spaceship of the fifth senior brother. When leaving the sect, Gu Xiangfei felt that he was swept away by the formation. He secretly admired the power of the Holy Sword Sect. Leave a record in the photo of the formation so that the sect can check the whereabouts of the disciples.

The fairyland is divided into thirty-three heavens, eleven lower heavens, eleven middle heavens, and eleven upper heavens. The holy knife sect heaven where Gu Xiangfei is located belongs to the middle heavens and Huangyatians, but he ascended It’s in the Lower Tianyu, Yuwantian.

The distance from the lower sky domain to the middle sky domain is relatively short, and it usually takes a few months. Huangyatian, where the Holy Sword Sect is located, and Yuwantian, where the Feisheng Hall is located, are in a straight line, and the flying time on the road is short, so the Holy Saber Sect went to Yuwantian’s Feisheng Hall to recruit disciples.

Generally, sects in the Middle Heaven Realm seldom go to the Lower Heaven Realm to recruit disciples, and they recruit disciples directly in the Middle Heaven Realm. The reason why the Holy Sword Sect goes to the Lower Heaven Realm to recruit disciples is because they feel that the monks who have just ascended have not been in contact with them. In other fairy worlds, there are not so many thoughts, and such monks are relatively loyal to the sect.

The disciples recruited in Zhongtianyu, almost all of these monks came to Zhongtianyu from Xiatianyu. Some monks could not get along in Xiatianyu, or killed a disciple of a certain sect in Xiatianyu , who fled to Zhongtianyu, their identities are more complicated and suspicious, and they have a dispensable attitude towards the sect.If he is not good, he may be sentenced to the sect immediately and join other sects. Recruiting such disciples will bring disaster to the sect.

The Holy Sword Sect has had such a tragic experience, so the sect stipulates that the recruitment of disciples is almost always in the Ascension Hall of the Lower Tianyu. Occasionally, one or two disciples from the Zhongtianyu join the sect, and the investigation is very strict. The fourth senior sister is Those who joined the sect in Zhongtianyu were only accepted as disciples by the suzerain after being investigated for several years.

Fifth senior brother Zheng Kaiyue’s spaceship is far behind the Zongmen’s large spaceship. According to third senior brother Che Yong’an, it will take about a month to arrive at the Yinkun Ascension Hall, which is the Ascension Hall of female cultivators.

Gu Xiangfei decided to practice in the room of the spaceship, and strive to break through the realm of immortals as soon as possible. Anyway, he doesn’t know the way. The spaceship has five brothers and sisters who take turns to control it, and he doesn’t need him. He greeted them and entered the room. Jing arranged a warning formation to prevent someone from coming in suddenly, and then dodged into the star beads. He rarely entered the star beads when he came to the fairyland, mainly because he was afraid that his secret would be discovered.

He didn’t know if the time of Star Beads in the Immortal Realm and the Realm of Cultivation was the same, if it was still 1:30, then his cultivation speed would be very fast.

First, he set up a spirit-gathering array with fairy crystals according to the formation method in the cultivation world, and then sat cross-legged on the futon. Afraid that the spirit-gathering array would be useless, he held two more fairy crystals in his hand, and used regular exercises to absorb the fairy energy.

The spirit-gathering formation remained the same, except that it was replaced by spirit stones and fairy crystals. As soon as he performed the exercise, he quickly felt the celestial energy coming from the bee pupae. The speed of absorbing the fairy spirit energy was also fast, and soon the rich fairy spirit energy wrapped him up, penetrated into his body one after another, and was refined by him into his own immortal essence, and his cultivation base also began to improve.

A month later, Gu Xiangfei broke through the eighth floor of the Earth Immortal and entered the ninth floor of the Earth Immortal. After stabilizing his cultivation, he checked the movement of the spaceship outside with his spiritual sense, and found that it was the fifth brother Zheng Kaiyue who was controlling the spaceship. I guess they all went to practice.

Continue to practice! Only when the cultivation base is improved, can he create a world in the fairy world, and in the future, his family members will be able to protect them when they ascend.

Five months later, Gu Xiangfei decided to break through the gap between the celestial beings. He had 510 celestial crystals in his hand. During this period of time, he spent more than 100 celestial crystals, and there were more than 300 celestial crystals left. He estimated that he could break through to the celestial realm .

Dozens of quick fairy crystals were added to the spirit gathering formation, and the rest of the fairy crystals were placed by his side for emergencies.

After the kung fu started to work, the immortal energy enveloped him again. Gu Xiangfei felt that the immortal energy in his body had reached its peak, so he immediately mobilized this immortal energy to attack the barrier between heaven and immortals.

There is no thunder calamity from the earth immortal to the heavenly immortal, just like the Qi refining period suddenly to the foundation building period, Kaka! With a few crisp sounds, Gu Xiangfei felt the pain of the impact on the gap was unbearable, and several lines were cracked. It is estimated that it will take several impacts to break away. Looking at the remaining fairy crystals, he was disappointed all of a sudden. Some of the immortal crystals in his body had already been shattered, and the immortal crystals around him were also reduced to ashes. He had no more immortal crystals to use.

How can I break through this? He didn’t expect that so many fairy crystals would be needed for a breakthrough. At first he thought that more than 300 pieces of fairy crystals would be enough, but now he had a completely different idea. Get up, look at the remaining ten pieces of fairy crystals, there are still a few pieces of fairy crystals that don’t have much fairy energy, and he is reluctant to throw them away, put them into the ring together, open the door and go to the deck of the spaceship.

“Hey! Brother Gu is about to break through to the Earth Immortal, and the top grade Leilingen is really fast in cultivation.” The third senior brother Che Yongan is in control of the spaceship, and the fifth senior brother Zheng Kaiyue has already been replaced.

“Senior brother, how long have I been practicing?” Gu Xiangfei wanted to know the time inside the star bead. He knew the time inside the star bead, but he didn’t know how long it was outside.

“It’s been seven days, and each of us has controlled the spaceship for six days. It’s only been a day since I replaced the fifth junior brother. Your cultivation speed is very fast, but you must also pay attention to laying a good foundation. Don’t blindly seek speed, otherwise the realm will be higher in the future. The more difficult it is to improve.” The third senior brother Che Yongan, Gu Xiangfei feels like a big brother, taking care of him very much, much more stable than the second senior brother Ye Feng.

“Well! I see, thank you brother for reminding.” Gu Xiangfei thought about the time, and found that the star beads had not changed, and it was still the same time as in the cultivation world. It is still high, and it will naturally not affect its operation in the fairy world.

“What’s on your mind? Don’t worry about Junior Sister. Everyone has a chance. Maybe Junior Sister has joined other sects. It’s the same when you find her again after your cultivation has improved.” The third senior brother thought that Gu Xiangfei was thinking about Yan again. Yixue kept trying to enlighten him.

“That’s not true. I have prepared in my heart. Even if I can’t find me, I won’t be disappointed. I will just look for it slowly in the future. By the way, brother, can you lend me some fairy crystals? I want to hit the fairyland. My fairy crystals It’s all over.” Although Gu Xiangfei was unwilling to borrow the fairy crystal, in order to improve his cultivation as soon as possible, he didn’t care about his face, only when he was strong could he have capital, can he eat his face? Besides, it is borrowing and not not repaying.

“Oh! I happen to have fairy grass and fairy crystals that sell pills here. I originally wanted to give you the fairy grass, but I’m too busy doing tasks, forget about it, and give it to you now!” Third Senior Brother Che Yongan took out a storage bag and threw it to Gu Xiangfei.

Gu Xiangfei scanned it with his divine sense, and found that besides more than one thousand fairy grasses, there were two thousand pieces of fairy crystals. He was overjoyed.

“Thank you, senior brother. I will return these fairy crystals to you soon. I’m going to attack the gods.” Gu XiangfeiI bowed to the third senior brother, and hurried back into the room without waiting for him to say anything.

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