Seventh Level Immortal Formation King

This destructive aura continuously hits the wall where the consciousness is condensed. Every time it hits, one layer of the wall is destroyed. Gu Xiangfei keeps replenishing the thickness of the wall. The sea must have been destroyed by this destructive aura long ago.

The regular kungfu is running crazily, constantly searching for the regular breath of the destructive breath, biting a piece of green soft stone, swallowing it whole, taking advantage of the cool breath to resist the destructive breath, and thickening the wall a few feet, After feeling safe, he continued to search for the rules of this destructive aura.

First, he found a trace, used his skills to assimilate it, and then assimilated another trace. Every time he assimilated a trace, he felt that the destructive aura weakened a little, and the destructive aura hitting the wall decreased by one point.

A trace of assimilation turned into a strand of assimilation. As the aura of destruction rules in assimilation increased, Gu Xiangfei also felt more and more relaxed, until finally the aura of destruction was completely assimilated.

Gu Xiangfei checked the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness, and found that there was no such destructive aura anymore, he fell to the ground in a relaxed mood, and fell into a coma.

The destructive aura in his sea of ​​consciousness has now merged into his sea of ​​consciousness, and the previously destroyed sea of ​​consciousness quickly replenished, becoming a new big sea of ​​consciousness, filled with this destructive force in his entire sea of ​​consciousness Regular breath, Gu Xiangfei didn’t know that his sea of ​​consciousness was changing quietly in his sleep.

When Gu Xiangfei woke up, he felt refreshed. He looked at the sea of ​​consciousness, and felt that there was an aura of destruction in his sea of ​​consciousness, and the sea of ​​consciousness was bigger than before. It used to be like a starry sky of a small galaxy, but now it seems to be more Half, the size of a small galaxy and a half.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect such a horrible thing to happen. Looking back on when he was attacked by the aura of destruction, he was really close to death. Fortunately, he had a green soft stone to block the aura of destruction. Otherwise, even if he didn’t die this time, he would have a serious illness , Not a few decades can not recover.

Take a cleansing bath and wash your body. When resisting the aura of destruction, you were so frightened that you were sweating. Now that you are all right, you only think of taking a bath.

After getting out of the star beads, I looked at the thick fog in the Wushan Forest in the distance. No wonder I couldn’t see any fairy beasts here, so I was afraid of this destructive aura.

Gu Xiangfei assimilated the rules of this destructive aura and became one of his many rules. Now this destructive aura has no effect on him. Since there is no threat, the fairy grass and fairy ore in the Wushan Forest are still alive. Isn’t it all mine?

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, and immediately entered the Wushan Forest to look for fairy grass and fairy ore.

The seventh-level Jialan flower, the seventh-level pagoda leaf, the seventh-level dragon tendon bamboo… The fairy grass that Gu Xiangfei found was all piece by piece, and the high-level fairy ore was easy to pick up.

A month later, Gu Xiangfei came to the core area of ​​Wushan Forest. There was a thatched hut, and there was a pond in front of the hut. There were dozens of lotus flowers in the pond.

After letting go of his consciousness and scanning, he found that there was a formation blocking his consciousness, and it was a seventh-level defensive formation. Gu Xiangfei came outside the formation and sat cross-legged on the ground, Observing this defensive formation with spiritual consciousness, preparing to crack this defensive formation, enter the hut to see what is inside, it seems that the lotus in the pond is not ordinary, but you have to break through the formation to enter.

He is now a first-level immortal formation master. If he wants to break through the seventh-level defensive formation, besides bombarding the formation, he must find a way to find the nodes of the formation, and then use the formation flag to open a hole to enter the formation.

He hadn’t thought about bombarding the big formation, and he wasn’t that powerful. Now there is a seventh-level defensive formation here, and it’s clean here. He just took this opportunity to learn the formation of the fairy world.

Regular kung fu is running, looking for the regular aura of the big formation, and then assimilating this regular aura, finding the nodes of the big formation, entering the formation flag and entering the big formation, this is his fastest way.

Now that he wants to learn the fairy formation, he has to start from the place where the formation flags are arranged, first find the regular atmosphere of the formation flags, and then try to dig out the formation flags to deduce them. Only after learning these formation patterns can one refine formation flags and arrange a large formation. These are all learned in the realm of comprehension.

He has integrated into the regular atmosphere of the fairy world. He first found the position of one array flag, then found the position of the second array flag, and the third array flag…

After finding all one hundred and eight formation flags, this seven-level defensive formation also took shape in his mind. After understanding the arrangement method of the formation, he dug out an auxiliary formation flag first, and he took the rest of the formation flags out. He didn’t dare to move, for fear of triggering a large formation, he was wrapped in and strangled.

The array pattern of this array flag is very complicated. Gu Xiangfei spent a full month deducing it in the star beads before he understood the use of this array flag. According to the refining method of this array flag, he also refined it. A formation flag, and then out of the star beads, into the original position of the formation flag.

After seeing that the formation flag was correct, he dug out the second formation flag and entered the Star Bead to deduce it. Fortunately, no one is guarding the formation here, so that he can learn like this. I was trapped by a large formation of people.

As he continued to dig out the formation flags and replace them with the formation flags he refined, his formation level also advanced rapidly, level two, level three…

After six years in the star bead and two months outside, Gu Xiangfei came out of the star bead. He has regular skills, the foundation of the previous formation, and the map of the void formation pattern. He has advanced to the seventh-level immortal formation king , The void formation pattern has also been promoted to depict the fifth-level formation pattern, and his cultivation base has also been raised to the perfection of the ninth level of the Golden Immortal. This is because he has no time to practice and only cares about deducing the formation. Now he only needs an opportunity to break through to the Xuanxian realm.

Take out the formation flag and drive into the ground, the seven-level defensive formation, click! With a soft sound, a gap opened, and Gu Xiangfei stepped into the big formation, and the big formation outside, click! With a sound, they closed again.

Phew… Such a strong fairy spirit energy. As soon as Gu Xiangfei took a breath of fairy spirit energy, he felt that he was about to cross the catastrophe. The sky was densely covered with dark clouds, which instantly appeared above his head.

“Boom…” Nine arm-thick cyan thunderbolts landed on him, and he had no time to react when the thunderstorm came.

Crossing the tribulation this time was the most hasty one. He didn’t make any preparations at all. Now that the arc of thunder tribulation has fallen, let’s go through the tribulation!

Booming… The second wave of nine cyan thunder tribulation arcs fell, and Gu Xiangfei used the Qianyuan Exercise to attack the barrier of Xuanxian.

The first time I hit the barrier, I broke through a few cracks. The fairy aura here in the hut is too strong. There must be a fairy vein underneath, otherwise there would be such a strong fairy aura. Gu Xiangfei used the aura he obtained before Based on his experience, he guessed whether the fairy veins here are middle-grade or top-grade?

“Boom…” The third wave of nine cyan thunderstorms fell, click! There was a soft sound in the body, and a huge breath emanated from Gu Xiangfei’s body. The thatched hut didn’t even blow a single thatch, but the lotus in the pond kept shaking, but there was no breakage.

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