Returning to the Holy Sword Peak

“Husband, you’re back? I miss you so much.” As soon as Gu Xiangfei opened the cave, Yan Yixue came out, hugged him, and whispered in his ear.

“Look who’s here?” Gu Xiangfei patted Yan Yixue on the back, and pulled her outside.

“Jiaojiao! Leader Li! Sister-in-law! Siblings!” The three greeted happily when they met, and Jiaojiao even squirmed in Yan Yixue’s arms. Some things she didn’t understand were taught by Yan Yixue. Now after seeing Yan Yixue, she is even more happy and excited.

“This is Lian Huixian. It is thanks to her help that I was able to find Jiaojiao. Let me get to know each other. I will go to my uncle to tell him about your situation and see how we can arrange it.” Gu Xiangfei introduced Lian Huixian to Yan Yixue , Let them rest in the cave, he turned and left the cave, and went to the Zongmen Hall to find Master Wei Tianyun.

In the main hall of the sect, Wei Tianyun was thinking that Gu Xiangfei had gone out to practice for more than four years, and he hadn’t come back yet. He wondered if he should ask his disciples to see where Gu Xiangfei went to practice? Is it safe now?

“Master, I’m back.” While Wei Tianyun was thinking, he felt spiritual fluctuations in the hall, and when he was about to check, he heard Gu Xiangfei calling him.

“Okay! It’s good to come back, um! The cultivation base has improved very quickly! You have reached the second floor of the Supreme Immortal. Have you taken any treasures from heaven and earth? Otherwise, how can you improve quickly?” Wei Tianyun swept over with his divine sense. Gu Xiangfei was taken aback, this kid’s cultivation has improved too fast! According to my guess, I couldn’t help asking him.

“Yes, I took a spiritual fruit, the color is snow white, I swallowed it after seeing it was delicious, and was chased and killed by a monsterFive days later, I escaped to birth, and met a small fairy marrow pool, where I practiced until now, and then I went to the Ascension Hall to bring back my sister and her companions, and the other is my good friend from the Cultivation Continent. Friends, they have all been brought to the sect. I don’t know how the uncle arranges them? “Gu Xiangfei heard what Wei Tianyun said about the treasures of heaven and earth, and started talking nonsense, anyway, they didn’t see it.

“What shape is that snow-white spirit fruit? You can just follow the arrangement and take them with you when you are about to leave! Let’s treat them as inner disciples first!” Wei Tianyun didn’t care about Gu Xiangfei’s words A few friends were interested in the spirit fruit instead.

“Why should I leave? Uncle Master doesn’t want me to live here anymore?” Gu Xiangfei asked with some doubts when he heard Wei Tianyun’s words.

“Hey! Your master has his own mountain, called Yuedao Peak, but he is gone, and no one lives on the main peak. I originally asked you to be the peak owner after your cultivation base has improved. Now that you asked, I’ll tell you in advance!” Wei Tianyun sighed, and told Gu Xiangfei of his plan.

“So that’s how it is! Then I’ll move there after I’ve been promoted to the Immortal King! I want to carry forward the Moon Knife Peak and let my master see it in the spirit of the sky. Our Moon Knife Peak will not let him down.” Gu Xiangfei said with a smile on his face. With a firm expression on his face, he looked at Wei Tianyun as if he was swearing.

“Okay! I’m waiting for you to make Moon Knife Peak great. I’m optimistic about you. Wei Feng must be very happy to have you as his disciple.” Wei Tianyun was so excited that he forgot to ask Gu Xiangfei about the spiritual fruit.

The two talked for a while in the main hall, and Wei Tianyun asked him some more about his experience. Gu Xiangfei didn’t leave until a deacon came to report on the affairs of the sect.

After leaving the main hall, Gu Xiangfei wanted to see the third senior brother Che Yong’an. He hadn’t seen him for so long. He really wanted to see the third senior brother. The main reason was that the third senior brother had helped him a lot. He is still more grateful to the third senior brother.

He rang the restraint of the third senior brother’s cave mansion, and after a few breaths, the restraint was opened. Third senior brother Che Yong’an saw that he had returned, and was very happy to let him enter the cave mansion.

“Your cultivation level has improved too fast in the past few years! You will catch up with me immediately, and you will surpass me in a short time.” After seeing his cultivation level, the third senior brother couldn’t help but exclaimed in surprise stand up.

“I was lucky. I took a spirit fruit. I didn’t expect the effect of the spirit fruit to be so powerful. When I was chased by monsters, I encountered a small fairy marrow pool, so my cultivation improved a little faster. Three Do you still have the elixir, senior brother? I have been able to refine the seventh-grade elixir with my alchemy in the past few years.” Gu Xiangfei told the lie he told his uncle Wei Tianyun to the third senior brother again, since They have all lied, so they simply tell the truth to the end. If they tell too many lies, even they themselves believe it, and the more they speak, the more agile they become.

“Seventh-rank elixir? You have advanced to the seventh-rank elixir king? I knew it would be like this. It’s really good, hahaha…” The third brother laughed excitedly and stood up, patting him on the shoulder.

“What are you laughing at, Third Senior Brother? So happy?” A female cultivator came in from the outside. She was tall and slender, with willow eyebrows and almond eyes, a small cherry mouth, and a slightly raised nose. She was a very beautiful female cultivator, just like a fairy.

“Oh! Sixth Junior Sister, this is Junior Brother Gu, Uncle Wei’s disciple, and Junior Sister Yan’s Taoist partner. He just came back, and you have never seen him before. Let’s get to know him now!” Third Senior Brother Che Yongan saw the female cultivator who came in, Introduce Gu Xiangfei and the others to each other.

“Hello Sixth Senior Sister, I’m Gu Xiangfei. I heard Fourth Senior Sister said that Sixth Senior Sister is a beautiful female fairy, but now she really looks like a fairy.” Gu Xiangfei stood up and watched Sixth Senior Sister flatter her. Every woman likes it Being praised by others, this Sixth Senior Sister is no exception.

“Hee hee, I’m not as beautiful as you said, Junior Sister Yan is really beautiful! My name is Lan Yue’e, just call me Sixth Senior Sister, what were you laughing at just now?” Sixth Senior Sister Lan Yue’e laughed It’s very good-looking, and he introduced himself with a smile, and then asked the third senior brother.

“Our Holy Sword Peak, no! My Holy Sword Sect also has a seventh-rank alchemy king, and this seventh-rank alchemy king is Junior Brother Gu, do you think we are happy?” The third senior brother introduced him excitedly to the sixth senior sister, and Gu Xiangfei became the seventh-rank alchemist. The matter of King Pindan.

“Ah! Really? Junior brother Gu is already a seventh-rank alchemy king? It’s amazing! It’s really good! Master will be happy if he finds out. I’ll tell the master and senior brother.” After listening to the third senior brother’s introduction, the sixth senior sister immediately Turned around and left the cave.

“Third senior brother, I’m looking for you. I brought a few people back from Feisheng hall. Please arrange where to live for them. I asked my uncle and he asked me to arrange it. You know I’m not familiar with this place. That’s why I came to ask the third senior brother.” Gu Xiangfei told the third senior brother his intention of coming, and asked him to help arrange it.

“Is that so! Let’s go! I’ll take you there, who are your friends?” Third Senior Brother asked him casually as he walked outside the cave.

“One is my sister, one female cultivator is my sister’s companion, and the other is my friend.” Gu Xiangfei told the third senior brother about the three of them, and he believed that the third senior brother would arrange them well.

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