Cleaning up the pill peak

Sima Hengtian was startled, and quickly put away the pressure of his own breath. He recovered his foundation and broke through a small realm. In a comfortable mood, he forgot to restrain his exposed breath. Hearing Wei Tianyun’s words, he hurriedly restrained his own breath stand up.

“It’s all my fault, it’s all my fault, I almost hurt my savior, damn it, damn it.” Sima Hengtian apologized to Gu Xiangfei repeatedly.

Gu Xiangfei hurriedly moved away, and said, “Uncle Master can restore his foundation. Under the great joy, it is inevitable that he will be excited. This is normal. Thanks to the uncle who is protecting him by the side, uncle doesn’t need to worry about it. He can help uncle restore his foundation. Uncle’s fate is also what a nephew should do.”

“Okay, okay! Brother Wei has you two good disciples, and he can smile at Jiuquan. I won’t say thank you. If you need fairy grass in the future, just come to Pill Peak to find me. This jade card is for you. When Yaofeng sees this jade token, he can exercise his rights as a peak master.” After speaking, Sima Hengtian took out a jade token and handed it to Gu Xiangfei, with a firm look in his eyes, he could not accept it.

Gu Xiangfei looked at the suzerain Wei Tianyun, meaning can I accept this jade token?

“Since Junior Brother Sima gave it to you, just keep it! In the future, if you need fairy grass, you can go to the Pill Peak to find it. They have a lot of fairy grass gardens there, and you will definitely use it in the future. If Junior Brother Sima retreats, isn’t it You still have to wait for him to go out? You can use any fairy grass with this jade token.” Wei Tianyun explained to Gu Xiangfei with a smile, and motioned him to put it away.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed. With this jade token, the pill peak would be the same as his own. He could just go and get any fairy grass he wanted, and he didn’t need to spend a piece of fairy crystal.

“Thank you uncle for giving me the card. I happen to have some pills here. I wanted to send them to my uncle. Now that my uncle is here, I don’t have to give them away.” Gu Xiangfei took out two jade bottles and handed them to the suzerain Wei Tianyun and Sima Hengtian.

“Special Pure Lotus Pill!” The two of them opened the jade bottle and poured out a pill with a halo effect. Sima Hengtian is an alchemist, and he knew what kind of pill it was, so he couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“Junior Brother, what is this Jinglian Pill for?” No wonder Wei Tianyun asked him, this Jinglian Pill has disappeared in the fairy world for tens of thousands of years, many alchemists or alchemists may not know Jinglian Pill, Sima Heng Tian still saw it in an ancient book.

“Jinglian Pill is a elixir that eliminates erysipelas. After taking Jinglian Pill, the monk’s physique will be transformed into a clean body, and it will no longer be affected by erysipelas. This is even more precious than the ninth-grade elixir! It can be said to be the rarest Pills.” Sima Hengtian told Wei Tianyun in detail the records he had read.

When Wei Tianyun heard that the effect of the Purifying Lotus Pill was so heaven-defying, he laughed happily. This nephew is several times stronger than his disciple. If it wasn’t Wei Feng’s disciple, he would have wanted to accept Gu Xiangfei as his true disciple. Disciple.

“Nephew Gu, after discussing with Junior Brother Sima, we decided not to let you participate in the alchemy contest, lest other sects discover your heaven-defying alchemy and harm you. Don’t feel pressured to participate in the next Alchemy Competition after your cultivation has improved.” Wei Tianyun painstakingly explained to Gu Xiangfei why he was not allowed to participate in the Alchemy Competition.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t take the idea of ​​participating in the alchemy competition to heart at all. With his current alchemy, he is one of the best in the upper heavens. Although there are some rewards, he doesn’t know what they are? Is it useful to him? If he is not allowed to participate in the Alchemy Dao Competition now, he can practice better and improve his cultivation base. It is best to learn the Great Destruction Technique. When the time comes to destroy the God of Wind Valley with one palm, it will be regarded as a substitute. Wei Feng avenged himself and ended his cause and effect.

“Yes, Master, don’t worry, I’m actually not interested in participating in the alchemy competition. I just want to improve my cultivation, and other things are not important.” Thinking of this, Gu Xiangfei told Wei Tianyun his thoughts, and let him He is relieved.

“Okay! Zongmen will provide you with a lot of resources to help you break through to the Immortal King Realm as soon as possible. This ring is for you. There are some cultivation resources in it. If you need anything else, just come to me. As long as the Zongmen has it, I will give it to you.” You.” Wei Tianyun was also very happy when he saw that Gu Xiangfei was not going to participate in the alchemy competition, and he took out a ring and handed it to him. Give it to him, how to use it is his business.

After Wei Tianyun and Sima Hengtian left, Gu Xiangfei scanned the contents of the ring with his spiritual sense. There were 50 million high-grade fairy crystals, various high-grade fairy grasses, thousands of fairy fruits, and high-grade ores were piled up like Same as the hill.

Gu Xiangfei is overjoyed. It seems that the sect is sincerely cultivating them. Although he has fairy crystals and fairy veins, the more these resources, the better. There are still so many immortals.Spirit grass, fairy fruit, and high-grade ore are provided for him to improve the refining level.

“Husband, I have translated them all. I don’t know some local characters. I even read and guessed the marks and marked several pronunciations. You should try to practice first. If you feel wrong, stop quickly. Don’t practice wrong. Wait for Xiaojie to ascend and let him translate.” Yan Yixue handed him the translated scroll, and solemnly told him that when he encountered difficulties during his cultivation, his eyes showed deep concern.

“Okay, daughter-in-law, I don’t want to practice now, I just want you.” Gu Xiangfei took the scroll and threw it into the ring, hugged Yan Yixue, and came to the bedroom…

Three days later, Yan Yixue came out of the bedroom with a charming face. Although she was the mother of two children, she still showed shyness from time to time. People have researched and experimented many times, and every time they experience it, they have different feelings.

When they came to the practice room, Gu Xiangfei asked Yan Yixue to practice inside the star bead, while he was outside, and the two of them took turns to enter the star bead to practice.

Sima Hengtian, the master of Pill Peak, returned to Pill Peak, summoned his deacons and stewards to the main hall of the peak master, and all the alchemists from Pill Peak also came to the main hall of the peak.

Deacon Huang doesn’t know why the Peak Master summoned them all of a sudden? After guessing, I remembered that I might be going to participate in the Alchemy Dao Competition, and this time I must let myself lead the team to participate, I didn’t expect that the peak will kill a group of people today.

When everyone came to the main hall of the peak master, they saw the peak master Sima Hengtian sitting in the middle seat with no expression on his face. After saluting, they lined up on both sides.

“Is everyone here?” Sima Hengtian looked at the deacons, stewards and alchemists standing below. He rarely summoned his men to the main hall. There are hundreds of alchemists in the pill peak, so I don’t know if everyone will come It’s all over.

“Huang Guizhong, tell me about your embezzlement of fairy grass to fill your own pocket, and I will give you a chance to reincarnate, otherwise you will just wait for your soul to fly away!” Sima Hengtian’s first words shocked everyone in the hall Faint, the peak master finally found out, and now he is not given a chance to defend, and he is directly asked to explain, everyone has seen the peak master’s methods.

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