Inner Sect Disciple

After picking medicinal materials for three days in a row, Gu Xiangfei and the second uncle didn’t go. One was that Gu Xiangfei was about to start school, and the other was that the second uncle felt that enough was enough, and one should not be too greedy.

The second uncle did some calculations. These old medicines he collected were estimated to sell for tens of thousands of gold coins. After the calculation, even he was taken aback. This guy is a bit too much.

Xiaoyu was going to school, and Gu Xiangfei wanted to take him to sign up. Originally, his father was going, but Gu Xiangfei volunteered to take him there, and he knew all the teachers in the college.

Father also knew that he only left the college last year. The teachers and dean of the college will definitely not forget him.

The old lady looked at his short trousers and said, “Go to the city and buy two sets of clothes! It seems that the Chinese New Year food is good, and I have grown taller again.”

“That’s right! I still have training clothes to wear, let’s put on those clothes first!” Gu Xiangfei turned and went to the bedroom after speaking.

Put on the training uniform with the logo of Fucheng Academy. This training uniform is just right. Originally, the training uniform issued by the academy had to be modified to wear it. He just happened to build a foundation and his body grew taller, so he can wear it without modification .

The old woman looked at her son wearing the training uniform issued by Fucheng College, and looked very handsome, “Bring the college’s badge to the city without paying the fee, and the copper coins saved are almost enough for Xiaoyu to eat.”

Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help admiring his old lady’s careful planning, and he couldn’t forget this cheapness.

The two brothers went out, and the second uncle’s family came to see him off. Everyone gave Gu Xiangyu a few words, and Jiaojiao took him and gave him some candies.

“It’s okay, second brother, I will go to the academy next year, and you have to cover me then.” Xiao Hai encouraged him a few words.

“Don’t worry! I will definitely cover you.” Xiaoyu had a firm expression on his face.

Under the watchful eyes of the whole family, the two brothers walked towards the entrance of the village.

Now the snow has melted a lot, only the back of the mountain still has snow.

Gu Xiangfei grabbed Xiaoyu’s clothes, carried him to start the Wind Control Technique, and ran quickly.

Xiaoyu was caught and flew up suddenly. He was terrified and screamed loudly.

“What’s it called? It’s too slow to walk so fast!” Gu Xiangfei reprimanded him while running.

Xiaoyu felt that this was fast, so he stopped screaming. Looking at the road ahead, he didn’t step on any water, and flew over with a whimper. My brother is so powerful now. I will definitely do the same to my brother in the future.

Xiaoyu made up his mind, but Gu Xiangfei didn’t know that he not only used the Wind Control Technique, but sometimes used his true energy to fly a certain distance.

It took less than a bag of cigarettes to reach the city gate of Zhoucheng.

Gu Xiangfei took out a copper coin and wanted to pay the fee to enter the city. The guard saw that he had to pay the fee and said, “You don’t have to pay the fee.”

“I know, this is to pay for my brother, he is going to study in the academy.” Gu Xiangfei explained.

“Since you are going to the academy to study, you don’t need to pay the fee, let’s go in!” the guard said very understandingly.

“Oh…thank you so much.” Gu Xiangfei thanked him and led Xiaoyu into the city gate.

Xiaoyu followed his second uncle to the city near their home. This is the first time he has come to Zhoucheng. Seeing that this place is much more prosperous than his home city, he couldn’t help but look around.

When they came to the gate of the college, the guard saw him with another child, so he knew that he was here to send the child to school, and he didn’t stop him.

“Brother, do you go to school here? It’s too big!” Xiaoyu couldn’t help asking when he saw such a big college.

“I have studied here for three years, and now I have gone to Fucheng College. It is several times better than here. You have to study hard and try to get into Fucheng College.” Gu Xiangfei said Gu Xiangyu, the younger brother of Gu Xiangfei’s education.

“Yes! I will definitely.” Xiaoyu nodded and said seriously.

When I came to the registration point, I registered for Xiaoyu, and the college gave him a badge, some books and so on.

“Hey! Gu Xiangfei, why did you come to the academy?” Teacher Ma’s voice.

“Ms. Ma, this is my younger brother Gu Xiangyu. I sent him to study in the academy. I just signed up and said I wanted to find you. I met you here.” When Gu Xiangfei saw Teacher Ma, he happily told him The matter of younger brother Gu Xiangyu going to school.

“This is your brother? Good! Not bad! You have all graduated, and I just want to take care of the new students, so let him follow me!” Teacher Ma said while looking at Gu Xiangyu.

“Thank you, Teacher Ma, it’s best to follow you, and I feel more at ease.” Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed when he heard Teacher Ma’s words.

After bidding farewell to Teacher Ma, Gu Xiangfei took his younger brother to the dormitory, arranged for his berth, and told him some things about the college, Xiaoyu kept them all in mind.

Gu Xiangfei checked the time and took him to the cafeteria for dinner.

Xiaoyu was very excited when he saw so many people eating here. There are many times more people than in the village!

He has liked places with many people since he was a child, and he gets excited when there are many people, which is typical of people going crazy.

After ordering two meals, the chefs in the cafeteria also knew him, so they didn’t ask him for a meal ticket, but packed a lot of meat instead.

After eating the food in the cafeteria, Xiaoyu fell in love with it. It’s much better than at home. You can eat without having to work, and there are so many meat dishes, which is better than the food cooked by my mother.

“Brother! You go back! I like this place, it’s much better than home.” After Gu Xiangfei sent him to the dormitory, Xiaoyu urged him to go back, he wanted to find his classmates to play.

“Okay! If you have anything to do, go to Teacher Ma…” Gu Xiangfei instructed him a few words.

Taking some cured meats for Teacher Ma, I came to Teacher Ma’s dormitory, gave the things to Teacher Ma, and talked to Teacher Ma about the things in Fucheng, then said goodbye and left.

When I got home, I told my mother about Xiaoyu’s schooling. My mother was relieved when she heard that it was Teacher Ma who taught him.

During dinner at night, my father said, “I won’t go out this year. I will stay with your mother at home. Now that the family is rich and you two are grown up, be careful outside. I heard that there are risks when it snows. The squad attacked the beast cart.”

“Hmm! I know. I know the most about the attack on the beast car. At that time, it was the beast car that attacked us, but we killed them all. Later, there was an adventure team lying in ambush in the snow to attack us, but we all also attacked us.” Kill…” Gu Xiangfei smiled and told his father about the adventure team.

“So, you killed someone?” The old lady asked with a worried expression.

“Actually, killing people is easier than killing wild animals. I have killed at least fifteen people.” Gu Xiangfei said indifferently.

“Ah! Don’t kill people in the future. It’s too scary.” The old woman said worriedly.

“Hmph! A woman knows that he doesn’t kill people. If people want to kill them, they will kill them. Your father and I have also killed many people who should be killed. Since I am learning martial arts, I want to kill people. Give it to me.” Let me tell you how it feels to kill someone for the first time?” The father first scolded the old lady, and then asked him how he felt when he killed someone for the first time.

Gu Xiangfei told all the embarrassing things about how he killed people and vomited for the first time.

My father laughed loudly after hearing this, “This is a normal reaction. I get used to it after killing a few times. It was the same when I killed someone for the first time. There is a first time in everything.”

The old lady was terrified listening to it. The father and son actually discussed how to kill people, how to listen to it at the dinner table, and how awkward it was. Finally, the old lady ran into the yard and vomited.

“Father and mother, second uncle and second aunt, go back! I’ll be back after the holiday.” Gu Xiangfei said while waving.

Today he is going back to the academy.The family sent him to the door, and everyone asked him a few words.

After leaving the village entrance, Gu Xiangfei stepped on the flying sword and arrived at Jinhuang City after a few breaths.

Find a remote place to settle down, and stride towards the city.

Arriving at the post station, I got on a beast cart and made my way to Fucheng College.

“Hello, Teacher Xia.” When I met Teacher Xia in the academy, Gu Xiangfei said hello.

“Okay, okay! School starts tomorrow, and you came today just in time.” Teacher Xia smiled all over her face, and her big ears trembled a few times.

Gu Xiangfei went back to his dormitory, opened the window, performed a refreshing trick, and exchanged the dirty air in the room with the outside.

Take out the wolf fur made by my second uncle and spread it on the bed. This Qingyan wolf’s fur is really good, warm and moisture-proof.

The next morning, the practitioners came to the square.

The dean was the first to speak, “Today we want to praise many students, and all the students whose names have been read come to the stage.”

“Gu Xiangfei, Huanghua, Lianpian…” The dean read the names of thirty-four students in one breath. Gu Xiangfei and the others glanced at each other and understood what was going on.

“These students encountered robbers on their way to vacation. They not only killed the robbers, but also captured several robbers alive. After interrogation, a big conspiracy was involved. The college decided to reward them.” Tell the whole academy what happened.

Gu Xiangfei and the others didn’t expect that there were other things going on here. At that time, they handed over the captives of the adventure team to the commander of Zhoucheng and then left. No one knew what happened afterwards.

It was Guanshi Li who presided over the award ceremony. Guanshi personally put a gold medal of honor on everyone, and also gave a few words of encouragement. This was the first time Gu Xiangfei saw Guanshi Li, talking to them in such a pleasant manner.

After Li Guanshi finished wearing the medal, he gave each of them a new backpack.

After the award ceremony, the dean stood up again and said, “From today onwards, all thirty-four of you have been promoted to inner disciples. The badges of inner disciples are in the boxes of your backpacks. I hope the students below can learn from them.” , and strive to be promoted to an inner disciple as soon as possible, all right! Come here, the meeting is adjourned!”

Boom… The students below were in an uproar, this damn luck is too good! This has become an inner sect disciple, why can’t such a good thing happen to us?

The more than 30 of them also looked confused. Everyone looked at each other and smiled in unison.

Back in the dormitory, Gu Xiangfei took out all the things in the backpack. There were two sets of college student uniforms. The color of the clothes was black, and the black clothes represented the inner disciples of the college.

A black short knife with a black scabbard, two pairs of black boots, and a metal box with twenty gold coins and a white badge. White represents the sign of being an inner disciple.

There is also a part of the internal martial arts method of the Martial Dao Continent, which is the method that every disciple who enters the inner sect must learn.

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