Undercover of the Holy Sword Sect

Gu Xiangfei immediately came to the strangling formation, raised his hand and put away the rings of the monks who had been torn into pieces, including the ring of suzerain Zuo Kanqing, but nowNo time to look it up.

Now there are only hundreds of thousands of disciples of earth immortals and celestial immortals left in Kamikaze Valley, and the rest of the high-level disciples were bombarded by the destructive aura, or were torn into pieces by the strangling array. Gu Xiangfei didn’t want to kill these low-level disciples, they joined the gods Fenggu has not been around for a long time, and there is no sense of belonging to the sect yet, and he will not avenge Kamikaze.

Seeing the pale faces of these low-level disciples, their mentality has already collapsed. Even if they survived, they still have shadow obsessions in their hearts, and they will not do much in the future.

Gu Xiangfei decided to let these low-level disciples survive, so he opened the Zongmen’s trap and kill array, and said loudly, “Now Ruan Letian has no God of Wind Valley, you run for your lives!”

The disciples of Kamikaze Valley saw that the trapping and killing array was opened, boom! All of them rushed out of Kamikaze Valley at once, and some smart disciples immediately took off their clothes as disciples of Kamikaze Valley and became a casual cultivator, so as not to be seen and killed by the enemies of Kamikaze Valley.

Following suit, these low-level disciples soon took off their Kamikaze Valley costumes and fled in all directions.

Gu Xiangfei came to the heart of the trapping formation in Kamikaze Valley, raised his hand and put away the formation heart, this trapping formation, boom! It dispersed with a sound.

When I came to the Great Destruction Technique, I raised my hand to scatter the destructive aura, and Kamikaze Valley returned to its former days, but the previously destroyed mountain peaks and some caves could not be restored.

After Gu Xiangfei saw the destruction of Shenfeng Valley, his obsession with Wei Feng’s revenge was wiped out in his heart. There was a crackling sound in his body, and his cultivation base rose rapidly, breaking through to the middle stage of Luo Xian.

After stabilizing his cultivation, Gu Xiangfei sacrificed the spaceship and galloped towards the direction of the Holy Sword Sect. While driving the spaceship on the way, he took out the fairy crystal to continue to stabilize his cultivation.

Five days later, I went back to my own cave in the Holy Saber Peak, entered the Star Bead, and saw that Yan Yixue was still practicing, and was about to be promoted to Xuanxian. What Gu Xiangfei did in Shenfeng Valley during this time, Yan Yixue She has been practicing, and she didn’t know that Kamikaze Valley had been destroyed by him, and Gu Xiangfei didn’t disturb her cultivation when she went in and out of the star beads.

Wei Tianyun brought the suzerain’s peak masters to Shenfeng Valley, Lei Yitian contacted Tan Weilin, and introduced Tan Weilin’s undercover situation to the suzerain of the Holy Sword Sect and these peak masters.

Tan Weilin met the ceremony with everyone, and said, “After the rectification of Shenfenggu, the sect is very prosperous now. I didn’t expect that someone would suddenly arrange a nine-level trapping formation, and then arrange a void strangling formation, as well as a supernatural power of destruction.” It was raging in the Kamikaze Valley, when I came out, almost all the high-level people in the Kamikaze Valley were dead, I don’t know what’s going on now, I’ll take everyone there to have a look!”

Wei Tianyun glanced at Lei Yitian, Lei Yitian nodded, understood what the suzerain meant, and signaled that Tan Weilin must be fine, so under Tan Weilin’s leadership, everyone followed to the gate of Shenfeng Valley.

“Hey! The trap here has been lifted? When I came out, I was still trapping and killing those deacons and stewards.” Tan Weilin saw that the gate of Shenfeng Valley was open, and the inside was in a mess. The spiritual sense can check the sect at will. everything.

After Wei Tianyun and the others scanned with their divine sense, they didn’t find a single disciple or monk, so they immediately entered the Divine Wind Valley Sect.

In the Kamikaze Valley, there are not many places that have been turned into nothingness by the aura of destruction. Most of them are gathered here at the gate of the sect. Wei Tianyun felt a trace of aura of destruction as soon as he entered the Kamikaze Valley, and said in surprise, “It really is a great destruction. Aura of magic.” But this destructive aura is too weak to cause any harm to him.

Everyone continued to look into the Valley of the Gods of Wind. Tan Weilin was at the front. He saw the mountain peaks of Zuo Kanqing, the suzerain who used to be so beautiful, now it was broken into pieces and a mess. A few deep grooves appeared, and it was obvious that the fairy veins here had been sucked out.

The peak masters of the Holy Sword Sect searched for things that Gu Xiangfei didn’t want while walking, but they also got a lot of rewards. The main reason was that Gu Xiangfei didn’t search thoroughly, and there were a lot of things he didn’t like. They were the first to arrive at the Valley of the Divine Wind, led by Tan Weilin, and they searched the Valley of the Divine Wind for three full days before returning to the Holy Sword Sect with a full load.

Yan Yixue, who had reached the Great Perfection of the Golden Immortal, opened her eyes and was about to go out to cross the catastrophe. Suddenly, she saw a mountain of spiritual artifacts, jade slips, jade boxes, a hundred fairy veins and a pile of ore inside the star beads. Yan Yixue was shocked by a large fairy herb garden and a fairy orchard in the distance. When did my husband get back so many cultivation resources? I didn’t realize it.

Gu Xiangfei felt that Yan Yixue touched the restriction inside the star bead, opened the star bead to let her out, and saw that her cultivation was already at the Golden Immortal Dzogchen, and she was about to cross the tribulation and break through to the Xuanxian.

“Husband, why are there so many things in the star beads? Where did you get them?” Yan Yixue asked as soon as the star beads came out.

“I’ll go to the Ascension Hall to see if any family members have ascended, and I met in the Ascension Hall…” Gu Xiangfei told Yan Yixue in detail how to destroy Shenfenggu, and suddenly remembered that Ma Yunfei might have escaped, this The guy is a diehard of Kamikaze Valley, he should have been killed at that time, otherwise it might be a hidden danger in the future.

After listening to Gu Xiangfei’s narration, Yan Yixue was extremely shocked. She was a little surprised when she heard other monks say that Gu Xiangfei destroyed the Divine Might Palace in the cultivation world. Although the story is a bit bizarre, it is also very dangerous. If there is a slight mistake in the course of action, he will be beheaded by the monks of Kamikaze Valley. My husband is too courageous.

“Xiaoxue, I know a good place to cross the catastrophe. You can train your body and break through. Come with me.” Seeing that Yan Yixue was about to break through, Gu Xiangfei remembered the time when he broke through Luo XianIn the Thunderstorm Valley, although he was almost killed by Lei Jie Hu and Lei Hu, but the harvest was also great, and he could choose a safe place for Yan Yixue to cross the catastrophe.

The two left the cave, Gu Xiangfei sacrificed the spaceship, brought Yan Yixue to Thunderstorm Valley, and landed the spaceship at the entrance of the valley, Gu Xiangfei took Yan Yixue into Thunderstorm Valley.

The first thing that caught Yan Yixue’s eyes were lightning arcs as thick as chopsticks. These lightning arcs hit the ground, splashing wisps of blue smoke and floating in the air.

Gu Xiangfei strode past here, and some thunder arcs hit him, but his clothes were torn, and there was not even a trace of trace left on his skin.

Yan Yixue ran the Qianyuan Body Training Art and followed him. The thunder arc hit Yan Yixue, tore her clothes, and the fairy armor inside fell out, shining continuously.

“Xiaoxue, let’s go through the tribulation here!” Gu Xiangfei stopped at a place where the arc of lightning was as thick as a baby’s arm. He felt that if he crossed the tribulation here, even if it caused many arcs of lightning, it would not harm Yan Yixue, and Yan Yixue It can not only break through body refining, but also break through the realm of Xuanxian.

After Gu Xiangfei saw Yan Yixue coming, he took out the fairy crystals and set up a spirit-gathering array, let her go through the tribulation here, and train her body by the way, and then retreated by herself, leaving the Thunderstorm Valley.

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