Gu Yunhao Soars

More than two months later, six years had passed in the Star Bead. Gu Xiangfei stood up and looked at all kinds of high-grade and top-grade fairy artifacts piled up around him. He continued to deduce the way of artifacts for six years, refining while deducing, and finally Refining the best fairy weapon, his cultivation base has also been raised to the seventh level of Luoxian.

Seeing Yan Yixue in the distance is still practicing, Yan Yixue’s cultivation has been raised to the ninth level of Xuanxian in six years, and it is estimated that in one or two years, it will be time to break through the tribulation and break through to the fairyland, Gu Xiangfei didn’t bother her, put it away These high-grade and top-grade fairy artifacts raised their legs and produced star beads.

Yuedao Peak is now full of fairy aura, and almost every day there are disciples who break through the realm to cross the catastrophe. These disciples didn’t have many fairy crystals before, and they couldn’t buy pills, so they could only bury their heads in hard work. Now they have so much fairy aura. It is also normal to break through the realm.

After Gu Xiangfei swept over with his divine sense, almost all the disciples of Yuedao Peak were cultivating. Except for a few disciples guarding the mountain, almost no one could be seen outside.

Sacrificially sacrificed the top-grade fairy weapon spaceship, and headed for the Ascension Hall. It used to take more than 20 days to go to the Ascension Hall. Now that he has the top-grade spaceship, he arrived at the Ascension Hall in less than eight days.

After putting away the spaceship, I entered the Ascension Hall, and saw that there were more than a hundred monks ascending inside. It can be seen that there are many continents in the cultivation world. After scanning the spiritual sense, I did not see my family members ascending, so I decided to go to the Ascension Hall of Female Cultivators. Look, he now has the best fairy weapon spaceship, and it won’t take much time.

As soon as he turned around and was about to leave the Feisheng Hall, he heard a voice, “The Feisheng Pool is open.Yes, a monk has ascended to the fairyland. ”

When Gu Xiangfei heard this voice, he decided to stop to see who had ascended. He found a place to sit cross-legged on the futon, and when the monk was thrown out three days later, he could see what he looked like.

Two days later, someone suddenly shouted, “Holy Sword Sect is recruiting outer sect disciples, and those who are willing to join should line up outside.”

“Hengtian Palace is recruiting handyman disciples, and those who are willing to join should wait in line outside.”

Two sects came to recruit disciples one after another, and the monks in the Feisheng Hall immediately stood up and walked outside the Feisheng Hall.

Gu Xiangfei was taken aback, the Holy Sword Sect came to recruit disciples again, it seems that after the return of the disciples of Moon Knife Peak, each peak needs to recruit disciples, but there are only more than 100 monks here, which is not enough for the Holy Sword Sect to recruit disciples , it is estimated that during this period of time, the Holy Sword Sect should often come to the Feisheng Hall to recruit disciples.

When many monks walked out of the hall, they saw Gu Xiangfei sitting cross-legged on the futon, not intending to join the sect at all, so they couldn’t help but glance at him, but it was strange, and no one came to ask him about it.

More than a hundred monks went out soon, and he was the only one left in the Feisheng Hall. Gu Xiangfei knew that these monks would leave soon. After all, there are sects that recruit outer disciples, and what everyone is waiting for is the outer disciples. It is estimated that Hengtian Palace cannot recruit handyman disciples, and whoever has the quota of outer disciples will be handyman disciples, unless the brain is sick, and I like to seek abuse.

Sure enough, as he expected, Hengtian Palace did not recruit any handyman disciples, and the deacons of the Holy Sword Sect returned with a full load. The deacons of Hengtian Palace came to the Feisheng Hall in person, and seeing that Gu Xiangfei was alone, he was not interested in talking to him, so he turned and left.

“Boom!” A figure was thrown out, but Gu Xiangfei didn’t laugh. He didn’t think it was funny. It was the first time he came to the fairy world, and he would encounter this kind of situation. Only those who are unbalanced would laugh at others.

A young monk quickly stood up and saw that Gu Xiangfei was the only one in the Ascension Hall. He walked up to Gu Xiangfei, clasped his fists and asked, “Please ask me, is this the Ascension Hall of Immortal Realm? My name is Beiyouli, and I come from Puli Continent .”

Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect that this young man named Beiyouli was actually ascended from Puli Continent, and his surname was Bei, so he immediately had a good impression of him.

“Who are you, Bei Hanyi?” Gu Xiangfei asked casually. He was deeply impressed by Bei Hanyi, so he asked Bei Hanyi.

“Fellow Daoist, do you know the family ancestor?” Bei Youli was taken aback. He didn’t expect there to be a monk who knew the great grandfather in the fairy world.

“Then Bei Qingshuang is your aunt? Your grandfather is Bei Hanfeng, right? I didn’t expect your aptitude to be so good that you even ascended to the fairy world.” Gu Xiangfei has never met Bei Youli, but Bei Hanfeng has several sons, so he guessed Beiyoli may be the grandson of Beichifeng.

“You… How did you know?” Bei Youli turned pale with shock, this fairy world is too awesome, he had checked his family thoroughly just after he ascended.

“My name is Gu Xiangfei, tell me how I know.” Seeing Bei Youli’s expression changed drastically, Gu Xiangfei knew that he was frightened and his guess was confirmed, so he told him his name, mainly because he wanted to ask Bei Youli Situation away from home.

“It turned out to be Uncle Gu. You scared me to death. I thought Immortal Realm would have found out about my family right after I ascended.” After hearing Gu Xiangfei’s introduction, Bei Youli was obviously relieved and relaxed a lot. Gu Xiangfei is a well-known figure in the Pill Array Alliance, and his aunt is also his brother’s wife, so he is still related to him.

“Tell me about the situation at home. I went to the Ascension Hall to see if any family members have ascended.” Gu Xiangfei casually pointed to the side and told him to sit down.

Bei Youli took out the futon and sat down, and said, “Uncle Shi’s family is very nice. I went to Feixue Peak to see it before I ascended. I guess Gu Yunjie is about to ascend in the next few days. He sensed the breath. It’s been a long time since I ascended, and my grandfather and the others are about to ascend, and the family members are basically monks in the tribulation stage now.”

“The Ascension Pond has been opened, and a monk has ascended to the Immortal Realm.” This familiar voice came from the hall again.

“Do you have a place to go? Follow me if you don’t have a place! Li Jingtian is also with me. I didn’t see your grandfather, but I guess he may have gone to Danhui.” Gu Xiangfei didn’t take care of Feishengchi, Ask Bei Youli directly.

“Okay! I’m following Uncle Gu, and President Li is also there. It’s really great.” Bei Youli was not a member of the Pill Array Alliance, so it doesn’t matter where he is. And they are all acquaintances, so happy.

“Okay! Let’s leave after this monk comes out. This ring is for you. The ring in the cultivation world can’t be used anymore. You should stabilize your cultivation first, and then you can choose exercises to practice after you get to the sect.” Gu Xiangfei pointed to Feisheng Pool, Handed Bei Youli a ring to let him practice for a few days, he wanted to see where this monk ascended?

Bei Youli took the ring and saw that there were hundreds of thousands of stones in it that were dozens of times thicker than spirit stones. Knowing that these were fairy crystals, he was overjoyed. Sure enough, it was different to have acquaintances.

Three days later, with a sound of “Boom!”, a figure was thrown out, “Father!” After the figure stood up, it saw Gu Xiangfei and yelled.

“Xiaohao? You ascended? Where’s your brother?” Gu Xiangfei was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect that it would be Gu Yunhao who ascended. According to what Bei Youli said, it should be Gu Yunjie ascending.

“My brother came after that, and my grandfather is about to ascend, and he also felt the breath of receiving.” While Gu Yunhao was speaking, the voice came again, “Feishengchi hitOpened, a monk has ascended to the fairy world. ”

After Gu Xiangfei heard this voice, he might as well wait here for another three days! In case I left and my family members ascended, it would be very troublesome if I couldn’t get in touch. After all, the fairyland is too big, and finding someone is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

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