The supernatural power of large cutting technique

Hearing from Gu Xiangfei, Wei Tianyun said that two sects had already been destroyed, and there was another Excalibur sect who had compensated a lot of supplies. He was overjoyed. He didn’t care who would destroy these sects, as long as he could return with a big victory. Victorious.

More than 20 other peak masters looked at these twelve shameless peak masters, wishing to strangle them to death, they agreed to act together and share resources, but they didn’t expect them to eat alone, and they didn’t even notify them, it was simply too shameless Well, they have no objection to Gu Xiangfei, knowing that these people will use seniority to suppress Gu Xiangfei, he has to listen to them, how many resources do these two and a half sects have! no! Let them take out these resources and divide them equally.

In the hall of the suzerain of the holy knife sect, more than twenty peak masters and twelve peak masters quarreled loudly, mainly because of resources, one side wanted it, and the other didn’t want to give it. The serious place is now as if it is in Fangshi.

Wei Tianyun looked at this group of peak masters making a fuss, just wanted to get more resources, then looked at Gu Xiangfei, who was looking at these tens of thousands of old men with a smile on his face, arguing like children noisy.

“Okay, Senior Brother Lei, you hand over two-thirds of the resources you get to the sect, and the rest is your hard work.” Wei Tianyun saw that they had been arguing for a long time without any results, so he directly opened his mouth to give them the money. The captured resources were allocated.

Lei Yitian and the others are not arguing to ask for more resources. Now that the suzerain has spoken, they can only obey and takeHand out a bunch of rings to the suzerain. As for whether they will get two-thirds of the resources, that is their own decision.

The rest of the more than 20 peak masters also want some resources, and now the suzerain has allocated them, and they have nothing to say, although they know that Lei Yitian will definitely not give out two-thirds of the resources, but he has not contributed , I can get some resources after a few quarrels, I am naturally overjoyed in my heart, as expected, the crying child has milk to eat.

Gu Xiangfei now has the rings of two suzerains and some rings of two sect elders, so he doesn’t care at all about how to allocate resources. Lei Yitian and the others just have more fairy veins than him, and there must be no other resources. He is much.

Wei Tianyun was also shocked when he saw the contents of these rings. There were 165 fairy veins, all kinds of fairy grasses, fairy fruits, jade slips of exercises, high-level ores, attack fairy weapons, defense Immortal Artifacts, Flying Immortal Artifacts, more than one hundred jade boxes, high-grade fairy crystals, and middle-grade fairy crystals are all piled up like a mountain. This is still two-thirds of the seizures. In fact, half of them are not bad. It really is a golden belt for murder and arson. These resources can greatly enhance the overall strength of the Holy Sword Sect.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t care how Wei Tianyun distributed it. Anyway, he gave him a lot of high-grade fairy grass and fairy fruit, as well as a lot of high-grade ore, and the jade box was also divided into 30. Although I don’t know what it is, But it must not be an ordinary thing, otherwise it would not be packed in a jade box.

The masters of the thirty-five peaks all left the suzerain hall happily. Lei Yitian secretly gave Gu Xiangfei a ring. The two smiled at each other tacitly, and then returned to their respective peaks.

Gu Xiangfei returned to Yuedao Peak, greeted Li Jingtian and Luo Tian, ​​and went directly to the training room behind the main hall of the peak.

Seeing him back, Yan Yixue hugged him excitedly, “Husband, the children are all arranged, I asked Xiaojie to re-translate the Great Destruction Technique, and modified a lot of fonts, please take a look.” !”

“Don’t worry, let’s get down to business first.” Gu Xiangfei picked up Yan Yixue and came to the bedroom. After a long drought and rain, they didn’t see each other for a day. Like three autumns, the two of them spent three days in love before returning to normal life.

Yan Yixue lay in Gu Xiangfei’s arms with a charming and contented smile, just like when the two were together for the first time, a little shy and a little excited.

After being tired for a long time, the two got up and got dressed. Gu Xiangfei took out the ring seized in this operation, erased the restrictions on the ring, and began to organize the items he got.

Compared with his income in Shenfeng Valley, the harvest this time is very different. There are more than 600 million pieces of high-grade fairy crystals, and there are only tens of millions of middle-grade fairy crystals. It can be seen that these suzerains and elders are right Immortal crystals are of little use.

There are thirty-seven fairy veins, of which there are thirteen high-grade fairy veins, and twenty-four middle-grade fairy veins. There are mountains of fairy grass and high-grade ore in various feelings. Think about it, these are two sects. The door’s accumulation of savings over the years.

After sorting out these items, Gu Xiangfei took out both the jade slips and the jade box, and checked each of the jade slips first. Basically, they were the jade slips inherited from the two sects and were collected by both sect masters. in the ring.

Gu Xiangfei is not interested in these exercises. His regular exercises are many times stronger than these exercises. Naturally, he will not practice these exercises. However, these jade slips can be handed over to Master Wei Tianyun. Will go and arrange it.

Yan Yixue was overjoyed when she saw this huge pile of items. She now has a small world with a very large area. Gu Xiangfei gave her almost all these items, and Yan Yixue was busy cleaning up these fairy crystals. Tool, fairy fruit.

Gu Xiangfei opened the jade box and began to examine, “Void Flame Essence! A good thing for flame advancement, Emperor Luolianzhi, one of the main medicines for refining Emperor Luodan, Xingyao Qingsha, the main material for refining the ultimate flying fairy weapon, This is the ninth-level fairy pill, which can be used by little bees, and this is a piece of ten thousand-year ice essence, which can be used by Xiaoxue to practice ice-type supernatural powers, this is…”

As Gu Xiangfei continued to open the jade boxes to check, all of these jade boxes were top-notch treasures and materials in the fairy world. There were four ores for the flame upgrade, seven ores for refining the best attacking immortal weapon, and seven ores for refining Emperor Luodan. There are nineteen plants of the ninth-level fairy grass.

Why is this jade box so heavy? Gu Xiangfei opened the jade box, and there was a book inside. The font on the cover was still the font on the earth, with four large characters. (Large cutting technique) Gu Xiangfei still knew it, but the book seemed to have been flipped through. After reading it many times, it seems that the original owner is learning the graphics on it.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, this is another supernatural power! Why are the supernatural powers in the fairy world all written on the earth? Is it true that as the son said, these are the characters in the myths and legends on the earth, possessing top-level supernatural powers? Just why are they all lost? Why is there no fairyland font? Gu Xiangfei can’t figure it out, it seems that he has time to find the breaking talisman and go to the earth to see, how many secrets does this mysterious planet have? Why are they all associated with the fairy world?

Now thinking about those are useless, at least the boundary-breaking talisman is hard to find, let my son first translate the big cutting technique into the words of the fairy world, and then practice this supernatural power, the supernatural power of the great destruction technique, but he has seen it, it really destroys everything He hasn’t used the Great Thunder Technique yet, but it’s definitely not worse than the Great Destruction Technique. This Great Cut Technique should be even more powerful.

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