Spiritual Consciousness Attack Method

The elder of the Golden Sword Sect is named Li Ningde. He is one of the four immortal kings of the Golden Sword Sect in the early stage of the Immortal King. it is good.

Li Ningde put away the spaceship. Seeing that his nephew was pale and depressed, he didn’t check his injuries carefully. He was very angry and asked, “Where is the person who hurt you? Which sect is it from?”

“In the hall of Feisheng, he should be a casual cultivator. I just asked him a word, and his breath exposed and hurt me. I feel like a monk in the Luoxian realm.” The deacon of the Golden Sword Sect saw his reliance coming, Immediately excitedly pointed to the Feisheng Hall, and told Li Ningde where the monk was.

“Fighting is not allowed in the Ascension Hall! Otherwise, you will be killed by the Immortal Emperor. There is a soul attack left by the Immortal Emperor in the Ascension Hall. Anyone who fights in the Ascension Hall will be killed by the Immortal Emperor. You have to find a way to attract If he comes out, go to the main hall to lure him out, and say we have to apologize.” Li Ningde muttered a few words to himself, pointing to his nephew, and asked him to lure him out of the Ascension Hall.

The deacon didn’t dare to go, and was afraid that his uncle would scold him as a coward, so he walked tremblingly while thinking about how to talk to the monk, and finally came to the entrance of the Feisheng Hall, and looked inside, like a bastard stretching out his neck, stretching out his neck. Out of the elders.

“Grandson, what are you looking at?” Gu Xiangfei saw that the deacon who was knocked into the air unexpectedly came to the Feisheng Hall to peek around, and couldn’t help asking, but what he asked was a bit irritating.

“I…I want to apologize to you. Please forgive me for my recklessness just now.” The deacon of the Golden Sword Sect stuttered at the beginning, but he became more and more fluent later on, with a very sincere attitude.

“Forget it, let’s go! I accept your apology.” Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, indicating that he could leave, and turned his head away from looking at him.

The deacon saw that this was not good! How can I deal with you if you don’t come out? Turning his eyes, he came up with an idea, “Senior! Our sect elders want to make friends with you. As the saying goes, there are many friends and many paths. Let’s get to know each other. If you need help in the future, just talk.”

“Hmm! Your sect elders are here? Want to make friends with me? Did I go out and plan to kill me? Tell me!” Gu Xiangfei felt that something was wrong the more he heard it, the deacon actually called the sect elders over, look Coming to this guy is a vengeance! He should have been killed then.

“No… Nothing, you think too much, it’s not like this.”The deacon hurriedly waved his hand, indicating that it was not what Gu Xiangfei said.

Gu Xiangfei swept over with his spiritual sense, and saw an additional monk wearing the costume of the Golden Sword Sect. The monk sensed that his spiritual sense swept over him, and immediately counterattacked with his spiritual sense, trying to suppress Gu Xiangfei’s spiritual sense and give him A sharp blow.

Although Li Ningde is in the realm of the Immortal King, his spiritual consciousness is not as strong as Gu Xiangfei’s, and his sea of ​​consciousness is not as vast as Gu Xiangfei’s. He wanted to confront Gu Xiangfei’s spiritual consciousness and hurt him, but he didn’t expect his own spiritual consciousness to blow over him. Like a stone sinking into the sea, it disappeared without a trace.

Gu Xiangfei was bombarded by Li Ningde’s consciousness. Although he was not injured, the sea of ​​consciousness was churning for a while. He was a little uncomfortable. He was furious, and suddenly had an idea in his mind. Consciousness attack, when confronting the enemy, suddenly attack the opponent’s sea of ​​consciousness, and it is guaranteed to destroy the opponent’s sea of ​​consciousness in one fell swoop. Even the immortal emperor can’t bear such an attack and becomes a useless person, so let him be slaughtered.

It’s just that he doesn’t have a way to attack with consciousness, so he can only explore slowly by himself, and suddenly thinks of the corrosive sea of ​​consciousness of the little bee, which can also be integrated into attack with consciousness.

He has a relatively detailed understanding of the corrosive regular aura, and immediately mobilized the corrosive regular aura and integrated it into his spiritual consciousness. Soon a corrosive aura appeared in his spiritual consciousness, and he used the sea of ​​consciousness to condense into an arrow of spiritual consciousness, aiming at the monk outside. Boomed past.

Li Ningde didn’t hurt Gu Xiangfei with his spiritual consciousness. Seeing that his nephew hadn’t lured Gu Xiangfei out, he was thinking about entering the Ascension Hall when he suddenly felt pain in his sea of ​​consciousness, and then a corrosive breath began to destroy his consciousness. Sea, he didn’t know how to use any method to resist it, he screamed in pain, and fainted on the ground, the corrosive breath in the sea of ​​consciousness quickly corroded his sea of ​​consciousness, and then corroded his entire consciousness. Hai, completely turned into a foolish monk.

Seeing that Elder Li was fine, several deacons of the Golden Knife Sect suddenly yelled, then collapsed on the ground, foaming at the mouth, and hurriedly helped him up, only to find that Elder Li himself was unconscious, and the smell from his mouth had With a corrosive breath, he was so frightened that he hastily put him down, and those who stayed far away were afraid of being infected by this corrosive breath.

Seeing that Gu Xiangfei was not fooled, the deacon of the Golden Sword Sect was trying to find a way to get him out when he heard his uncle yell and ran over in a hurry. He saw his uncle lying on the ground and the other deacons were far away. As if he was avoiding the plague god, he didn’t bother to question them, he immediately picked up his uncle, checked him, and felt a corrosive breath coming towards him, scaring him to throw away his uncle, but he had already inhaled a trace of the corrosive breath , this corrosive breath quickly entered his sea of ​​consciousness and began to corrode his sea of ​​consciousness. He yelled out in pain, put his head in his hands, and hit the surrounding trees indiscriminately. After a few breaths, “Plop!” Passed out.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect that the divine consciousness attack technique he found out was so domineering, and he was overjoyed. He immediately used the exercises to familiarize himself with this divine consciousness attack technique, constantly revised and perfected it, and transformed his divine consciousness into various shapes, the divine consciousness knife, The spiritual thorns, the spiritual arrows, and transformed into a spiritual shield to resist the attacks of the monks.

In the Ascension Hall, he was constantly familiar with the method of attacking with the divine sense. Several deacons of the Golden Knife Sect outside saw that Elder Li, his uncle, and his nephew were both unconscious, and hurriedly sent a message to the sect to report the situation here in the Ascension Hall. .

The master of the Golden Knife Sect was shocked when he received the summons from the deacon. He immediately summoned the other two elders of the sect and explained how Li Ningde had become a useless person.

“Since Elder Li has become useless, it is useless for us to go. Maybe we will be implicated, and his nephew will be implicated. I think it is better to abandon them! This Elder Li is too careless.” An elder of the Golden Knife Sect heard that Li Ningde had become a cripple, and he was overjoyed. You are usually arrogant and domineering, but this time you hit the iron plate, and you will be finished in one fell swoop.

“I’m afraid that if that young monk holds grudges and wants to come to our Golden Knife Sect, how can we resist this corrosive atmosphere? Isn’t this Elder Li bringing disaster to the sect?” Another elder is very dissatisfied with Li Ningde, you didn’t understand the situation Just shoot randomly, now that my uncle and nephew are finished, and I want to make the Zongmen follow suit, if I don’t pay attention, I may destroy the Zongmen!

“Then what should we do? No, let those deacons come back quickly and open the sect’s defensive formation. As long as we don’t go out, the young monk won’t be able to get in. I think he will leave soon.” I was also frightened by the words of the two elders, can’t I beat it or hide it? Just close the door and not go out!

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