Imprint of the Soul

Gu Xiangfei came to the main hall of the suzerain, and the suzerain Wei Tianyun saw him leave the customs, looked at him with a smile and said, “We found a secret realm in Zhongtianyu, which requires monks below the immortal king to enter. Fortunately, you No breakthrough, or you’d be in.”

“Oh! Then I’ll suppress my cultivation again, and go to the secret realm to break through, so there will be no problem!” Gu Xiangfei likes to go to the secret realm to find resources. Some ancient and rare treasures are almost all from the secret realm. can only be obtained here.

“This secret realm has eleven cultivators from Zhongtianyu to enter, and a maximum of 3,000 people can enter. After discussing with the eleven major sects of Tianyu, we decided to give each sect 200 places, and the rest The winner of the big competition will get the 800 places.”

“After all, in addition to our eleven great sects, there are also some casual cultivators and sect monks from the Lower Tianyu who also want to enter. The big competition starts from them. If the sects of the Zhongtianyu want to get a place again, they must participate. You can only get the quota if you compete.” Wei Tianyun gave Gu Xiangfei a detailed introduction to the situation of entering the secret realm, Wei Tianyun naturally wanted Gu Xiangfei to enter the secret realm, and with Gu Xiangfei’s ability, there would definitely be no danger.

“Then can we also compete for some places? Let ZongThe monks of the door go in more. “Gu Xiangfei’s meaning is obvious, he wants to compete for the quota and give the monks of the sect more opportunities to enter the secret realm.

“This sect has no restrictions. If any peak can win the quota, the sect will come forward to buy the quota, and they will definitely not suffer.” Hearing what Gu Xiangfei said, Wei Tianyun knew that he wanted to compete for the quota. However, he also knows that Gu Xiangfei has no shortage of resources, and he will talk about it when he wins the spot.

“When will the big competition start? When can I enter the secret realm?” Gu Xiangfei was worried that after a long time, he would not be able to suppress the immortal energy in his body. If he broke through to the Immortal Queen, it would be useless to say anything.

“At the end of this year, after the big competition is over, the restriction of the secret realm has entered a weak period, which is just right for entering. The big competition will start in two months. You can go and have a look at that time, and you can learn something even if you don’t go on stage. experience.”

Wei Tianyun’s care for Gu Xiangfei has been heard and seen by the deacons in the hall, which is a bit too partial, but they also know Gu Xiangfei’s ability, the greater the contribution to the sect, the more they will get the care of the sect, whether it is Everyone is the same.

Gu Xiangfei returned to Yuedao Peak and looked at the disciples in his peak. Although they were all working hard to cultivate, they generally did not have a high level of cultivation. Most of them were between Jinxian and Xuanxian. There are many disciples of Daofeng, and there are many fairy kings.

This is mainly because Wei Feng was gone back then, these disciples are like motherless children, no one to control and no one to teach, and there are few cultivation resources, so the realm cannot be improved, even though he is the peak master of Yuedao Peak now, There are a lot of training resources, but after all, the time is too short, and it is not yet time for the disciples to explode. It is estimated that in a hundred years, the strength of the Moon Knife Peak will definitely increase, and it will become the second highest mountain of the Holy Knife Sect after the Holy Knife Peak.

There are still two months left, and he decided to go to the Ascension Hall again. It has been more than a year since the last time he went to the Ascension Hall, so it is time to take a look.

As soon as he sacrificed the spaceship, Jiaojiao came out of the cave. Seeing Gu Xiangfei, she asked quickly, “Brother, where are you going? Take me with you! I want to relax, I’m almost suffocated from practicing all day.”

Gu Xiangfei loves this younger sister very much. He has liked her since he was a child, and he can basically satisfy her requirements.

“Okay, come up! I’ll go to the Ascension Hall to see if anyone from home has ascended?”

Jiaojiao happily jumped up and landed on the spaceship, “I’ll go and have a look too. I miss my aunt and my mother. I heard from my father that they will be able to ascend in about a year, so I just went to have a look.”

Gu Xiangfei smiled, fondled Jiaojiao’s little head, activated the spaceship, and soon left the Holy Sword School.

Jiaojiao has been cultivating since she came to the Immortal Realm. She usually wanders around in the Holy Sword Sect and plays outside the sect. She had been on a spaceship when returning to the sect after ascension, but when she first came to the fairyland that time, she felt uneasy, so she was in the mood to enjoy the scenery along the way.

Jiaojiao watched intently, and Gu Xiangfei didn’t bother him. He just flew the spaceship, but he was thinking about participating in the big competition to win the spot.

“Brother, be careful!” Gu Xiangfei was startled suddenly, and quickly adjusted his direction to meet the spaceship coming from the opposite side, passing by less than one meter away. The monk on the spaceship on the opposite side cursed after the spaceship passed by, “Damn it, you’re blind!” La!”

Gu Xiangfei paused suddenly, stopped the spaceship, and floated in the air. When the opposite spaceship saw Gu Xiangfei’s spaceship stop, it also stopped and turned the spaceship, and rushed towards Gu Xiangfei’s spaceship.

“Jiaojiao, stay away, don’t hurt you, I’m going to kill someone today.” After speaking, Gu Xiangfei stepped away from the spaceship and rushed towards the flying spaceship. Cut open by his divine sense knife, he landed directly on the opponent’s spaceship, raised his hand and punched the monk who scolded him.

There was a cracking sound from the opposite spaceship, and the cultivators on the spaceship knew the restrictions on the spaceship, and they were forcibly torn apart. They were shocked in their hearts, how powerful their consciousness is to tear off the seven-level restriction on the spaceship, and then Seeing the cultivator on that spaceship jump onto his spaceship, this guy must be too courageous! Dare to enter other people’s spaceship casually, isn’t it afraid of an ambush?

Seeing the huge fist hit his head, the cultivator raised his hand and raised his shield, “Boom!” The shield was shattered by a punch, and a fist mark was struck on the cultivator’s chest, click! The bones were shattered, and the monk opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood with internal organ fragments. His body was knocked into the air, breaking the restraint of the spaceship, and fell to the ground.

“What a powerful physique!” The cultivator swallowed a elixir in mid-air, cast the Wind Control Technique, and fell to the ground.

Gu Xiangfei saw that his punch did not kill the cultivator, but seriously injured him. He sacrificed the immortal long knife, the holy hand eight-sword sky curtain knife, and the light of the knife soared hundreds of feet, turning into a curtain of swords, and bombarded the monk. In the past, the space was split by the knife curtain, causing ripples, “Stop! I am from the Flying Wing Sect…”

When the monk saw Gu Xiangfei’s knife screen, he knew that he couldn’t beat this monk, so he hurriedly opened his mouth and yelled.

“Boom…” The cultivator was blasted by the knife curtain and turned into a piece of slag. The soul was strangled to death by the knife curtain as soon as he flew out.

“This is the end of you scolding me, um! And this thing, it seems that this Flying Wing Sect is not simple! There is even a soul imprint to follow.” After Gu Xiangfei finished talking to himself, he raised his hand to sacrifice Xinghe. The imprint of the Taoist soul was turned into nothingness, rolled up the monk’s ring, jumped onto the spaceship, let Jiaojiao drive the spaceship, he entered the room and broke the ring to see what the Flying Wing Sect was.What is the origin, there is still a soul imprint following him, if he hadn’t had a strong spiritual sense, he would have been targeted.

The powerful sects in the fairy world will leave their soul imprints on the sect disciples to follow the method. If the disciples are killed outside, this imprint of the souls will instantly possess the body of the murderer, which is equivalent to telling the sect that he killed me. Let Zongmen quickly find an enemy to avenge him.

Gu Xiangfei practiced regular skills, and his spiritual consciousness has a regular atmosphere. This place of battle has been assimilated by his regular skills. Any rules that do not belong to this place will be discovered. Although this soul imprint is mysterious, it also has rules. Gu Xiangfei discovered him as soon as he appeared, and now he has destroyed the other party’s soul imprint tracking method, avoiding the trouble of being targeted by others.

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