Battle for the quota

“Where am I? Hey! Feifei, why are you here? Aren’t you Feisheng?” The old lady opened her eyes and saw Gu Xiangfei, and asked him in surprise.

“Mother, you have ascended to the Immortal Realm. We are all in the Immortal Realm now. Daddy and Xiaoyu are waiting for you outside. Let’s go out!” Gu Xiangfei was happy to see that his old lady’s soul had been restored, and now she has recovered. He took his old lady out of the star beads and came to the hall outside.

When the family members in the hall saw the old lady coming out, they all knew that she had recovered, so they rushed over to say hello to her.

After a lot of excitement, his father, Gu Fengchi, took his old lady to rest. He had just recovered, so he took a nap and rested first.

Gu Xiangfei stood outside the main hall of the Holy Knife Peak. Among the more than 20,000 disciples of the Moon Knife Peak, he was the only one in the Luo Immortal Realm, and there were dozens of them in the Ultimate Immortal Realm. But if you want to enter the secret realm, you are looking for death.

All the major sects in Zhongtianyu will definitely send elite disciples this time, and other peaks of the Holy Sword Sect will also send elite disciples. After entering the secret realm, it is best to be together. Once dispersed, it will all be based on individual strength. So Gu Xiangfei didn’t let the disciples of Moon Knife Peak participate.

Thirty-five peak masters all greeted Gu Xiangfei, hoping that he would take care of the disciples in his peak in the secret realm. They have all seen Gu Xiangfei’s strength, and monks in the realm of fairy kings may not be able to do it. he.

Gu Xiangfei also greeted them, promising to take care of the sect’s disciples within his ability, after all, everyone belongs to the same sect.

Four elders, twelve peak masters, and more than two hundred disciples from each peak took a large spaceship, left the Holy Sword Sect, and headed straight to the location of Dabi, which is also the location of the secret realm, Yuandong Tiantianyu.

It takes ten days to fly from Huangyatian to Yuandongtian. The disciples from various peaks on the spaceship were selected to enter the secret realm. All of them were excited and excited. They gathered together in small groups to discuss matters after entering the secret realm.

As the peak master, Gu Xiangfei naturally wouldn’t be with them, and besides, he didn’t know these disciples, so he went directly into the peak master’s room on the spaceship, organized his things, various attacking weapons, armor, The elixirs and array flags are all placed in his ring so that he can take them at any time.

Now he has three supernatural powers, a self-created divine sense attacking supernatural power, and the Holy Sword Sect’s Holy Hand Eight Swords. He is a bit disdainful. He wants to find a top-level sword attacking supernatural power, so he searched all the holy sword sect’s kung fu pavilions. , I am not very satisfied with those Dao of the Sword skills.

Ten days later, the spaceship landed on a huge square. At first glance, this square was built temporarily. There are some caves standing here. There are hundreds of thousands of monks in this square. There are seven high platforms, and on the one in the middle, there are dozens of monks sitting, all of them reveal their aura, and they are all monks of Xianjun.

The four elders of the Holy Sword Sect flew to see the high platform, greeted the monks on the high platform, and then sat down separately. There is no distinction between the strength of the sect, and those who come early will be seated first. The host is Yuandong Tianxuan Tianzong A deputy suzerain sat on the main seat, greeted the elders of the peak masters of various sects in Zhongtianyu, and invited them to sit down, with a very humble and courteous attitude.

This time Yuandongtian discovered the secret realm. As the number one sect of Yuandongtian, the Xuantian Sect couldn’t tell. They wanted to monopolize the secret realm, but they didn’t expect the other ten heavenly domain suzerains to join forces to prevent their sect door intoOnce you enter the secret realm, you will destroy Xuantianzong. If you want to eat alone, how can there be such a good thing.

The Xuantian Sect was forced to be helpless. No matter how powerful the Xuantian Sect was, they did not dare to start a war with the sects of the ten heavens. Ten places made Xuantianzong very helpless, and he had to greet them with a smile.

There are four elders in each sect, and there are forty-four elders in eleven Tianyu. In addition, Xuantianzong has one more deputy suzerain, which is forty-five people. Although Xuantianzong’s deputy suzerain Ye Qiulin is sitting , but they are not happy at all, all the sects here, they can’t afford to offend, they are smiling on the surface, but they are cursing the monks of these sects in their hearts.

“All the major sects of our Zhongtianyu have arrived. Now we have elected 22 temporary law enforcement elders to guard the fighting platform, so that the competition for places this time will be fair. I hope that the selected Taoists will abide by the rules of the fighting platform. Rule, don’t chill the hearts of many monks.” Ye Qiulin, the deputy lord of the Xuantian Sect, stood up and saluted all the elders.

“Sure, I think that as a law enforcement elder, you should make an oath to prevent anyone from doing favoritism and cheating.” An elder of the sect sitting here opened his mouth, blocking those monks who wanted to be law enforcement elders for the benefit of their own sect.

“I agree, I agree, I…” Eleven elders of the sect agreed with this regulation, and it was passed immediately. Ye Qiulin was extremely depressed. As the host, I can only propose, not make decisions, which is simply too deceitful .

Twenty-two elders of the sect were quickly selected, and after making an oath, they entered the six martial art platforms, each of which had four elders, and there were still two missing. This time, everyone gave this opportunity to Xuantianzong. It made Ye Qiulin curse again and again, what’s the use of this fucking elder law enforcement who made an oath, no one dares to make fun of his own way, unless the way of life in this life ends here.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t care about these things. The battle between the monks on the fighting stage made him very boring. Is this fucking fighting? You punch me, I block, I kick you, you get out of the way, when will the winner be determined?

The four elders who maintained order glanced at each other. One of the elders raised his hand and slapped the two monks into the air, and shouted, “Go away! If you continue to fight like this, you won’t be able to get a single spot.”

With this lesson learned from the fighting stage, the other cultivators in the fighting stage began to use their own strength to fight for the spot. From time to time, monks were bombarded and killed in the six fighting stages. Unless they took the initiative to admit defeat, it would be a battle of life and death.

The victor left his name on the high platform in the middle, waiting for the next round of competition.

“Scattered cultivators, Ji Wutang, is there any fellow Taoist who will give you some advice?” A monk in sackcloth with disheveled hair flew to the fighting platform, and after reporting his name, he sacrificed a pair of tiger-head hooks in his hand and stood In the middle of the fighting platform.

“I’ll meet you.” A figure flew to the fighting platform and said, “Solitary cultivators will ask for enlightenment.” After speaking, he sacrificed the long knife in his hand, and the light of the knife soared hundreds of feet, turning into waves of swords, blasting at Ji No hall.

“Good time.” The tiger-head hook in Ji Wutang’s hand also turned into a hook net, facing the knife wave, “Boom!”, the space exploded, and several small gaps were opened in the void, and the fighting platform was protected by a large array , shook a few times and then stabilized.

Both of them were in the realm of Luo Xian, and they were inseparable for a while. The space was constantly distorted and cracked, presenting irregular void cracks, which set off wave after wave of ripples, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

Unless one party’s immortal energy is exhausted, or there are other trump cards in such a fight, it will be difficult to tell the winner.

Gu Xiangfei was watching the monks on the martial arts platform below. As long as he paid attention to the monks, he would immediately run the regular exercises, assimilate their regular aura, find their weaknesses, and gain a lot in a short time.

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