The Secret Realm of Escape

After flying away for five days, Gu Xiangfei came to the exit of the secret realm. After seeing the sky outside, he was overjoyed that he could finally come out. As for whether others can come out, it is up to fate!

“Boom!” Gu Xiangfei broke through the fog barrier and came outside the secret realm.

The elders of the various sects outside the secret realm sat cross-legged on the ground and waited for the disciples of their respective sects to come out. When they saw a figure flying out and landing on the ground, an elder of the sect immediately came to inquire.

“Hey! He’s a disciple of the Holy Sword Sect.” The elder shouted out when he saw Gu Xiangfei’s costume.

“Nephew Gu, how is it going inside? Did you get anything?” The elders of the Holy Sword Sect immediately came over to ask.

“Everyone leave here quickly. This secret realm is someone else’s magic weapon. I don’t know when it was taken away. I have already notified the disciples inside. They will come out soon. Some disobedient disciples are not me. I can take care of things.” Gu Xiangfei told everyone about this secret realm, and then took the four elders of the Holy Sword Sect away, so as not to be affected.

The elders of other sects were shocked. If this secret realm is someone else’s magic weapon, then the disciples inside will be in danger, and they must be let out quickly. Just when everyone was worried, the disciples were thrown out from the exit of the secret realm one by one. Most of these disciples are disciples of the Holy Sword Sect, there are also some disciples of other sects, and there are some casual cultivators. The reason why these casual cultivators can survive until now is that they are very cautious, and run away immediately when there is a disturbance.

The elders of the Holy Sword Sect sent voice transmissions to the disciples of the sect, telling them to gather here and wait for other disciples to come.

On the way of running, Liang Pingan met his sect’s disciples, and asked them to follow him to the exit of the secret realm. The reason why Liang Pingan followed him was mainly because Gu Xiangfei blasted him away, and he was so powerful. He ran away, so why would he stay here.

On the way, I met Mo Yanlong. The two were good friends. Without saying a word, I dragged him and ran towards the exit of the secret realm. While running, I explained to him how he was blown away. Mo Yanlong listened to his explanation, He was also a little surprised, he didn’t know that there was such a tyrannical monk Luo Xian in Zhongtianyu.

Two days later, no disciples from the sect came out from the exit of the secret realm. The number of disciples from the Holy Sword Sect was the most, and only two people did not come out. The second one was Lonely Valley. Almost all of them came out with them, but there were still more than a dozen disciples who did not come out. Maybe they didn’t hear the shout, or maybe they didn’t come out on purpose. There were not so many other sects. There were not so many disciples in other sects. Less than a quarter.

These sect elders were so anxious that they couldn’t help shouting loudly at the exit of the secret realm,

The disciples who were near the exit heard their shouts, and they didn’t know what happened, so they all ran out to inquire. The elders of these sects saw that this method was good, and they all gathered at the exit of the secret realm and used their spiritual consciousness to transmit sound to the disciples in the secret realm Let them come out quickly.

Some disciples came out after hearing the shouting, and the disciples who didn’t hear had to resign themselves to their fate.

On the fifth day, when these sect elders were still shouting, a hole suddenly opened in the void, and that secret realm boomed! A loud noise rose from the ground and flew into the void, and then the cracks in the void slowly closed, and several distorted ripples appeared in the space, and then returned to normal.

Those sect elders who shouted were sent flying hundreds of feet away, and all of them were injured. Some of them were seriously injured, and they simply lay down on the ground and swallowed pills to recover.

“Nephew Gu, thanks to you this time, otherwise my Holy Sword Sect would suffer a huge loss, how can I explain to the suzerain when I go back!” Several elders of the Holy Saber Sect gasped, congratulating themselves, and the disciples of other sects were even more grateful Gu Xiangfei cupped his fists and saluted, thanking him for saving his life.

Although the elders of other sects suffered huge losses, they all came to thank the Holy Saber Sect. No one reminded themselves that none of these disciples of the sect would come back. Now after their shouts, more than half of the disciples of most sects have returned Losses are reduced a lot.

The elders of the Holy Sword Sect showed their faces this time. Faced with the gratitude of many sect elders, they readily accepted it. At the same time, they deeply apologized for the losses of the major sects and failed to rescue them all.

The elders of Lonely Valley brought Liang Ping’an and Mo Yanlong to the Holy Sword Sect to express their gratitude.Liang Ping’an came out of the secret realm, and told the elders of the sect about his experiences and conjectures, why he brought his disciples out.

Of course, the elders of the Zongmen saw that Gu Xiangfei was the first to come out, and immediately knew that it was Gu Xiangfei who blasted away the first genius disciple of the Zongmen. While coming to thank the Holy Sword Sect, he also thanked Gu Xiangfei for not killing the genius of the Zongmen, otherwise The loss in Lonely Valley was huge this time.

Liang Ping’an clasped his fists to Gu Xiangfei and saluted, “Thank you, brother, for saving your life. I didn’t know what to do but wanted to stop you, damn it.”

Gu Xiangfei bowed back and said, “At that time, I was also trying to save people, and I almost hurt my brother in a hurry. I’m really sorry.”

Gu Xiangfei and Liang Ping’an chatted, and found that although Liang Ping’an was a bit conceited, he did things aboveboard, and if he made a mistake, he was wrong, and he didn’t find any reason.

Liang Ping’an discovered that Gu Xiangfei valued family affection very much, and valued his sect very much. He was a loving and righteous person. The two of them made friends sincerely, exchanged communication beads, and welcomed each other to visit their sect.

The elders of Lonely Valley originally intended to make friends with the Holy Sword Sect. Through this incident, the elders of both sides are very happy, and they are willing to have many friends, which are better than many enemies. The two sides talked very happily and decided to go back and tell their respective suzerains , the two sects became friendly and cooperative sects.

Seeing that the matter here was over, the elders of the Zongmen sacrificed the immortal spaceship, took the disciples of the Zongmen with them, and inspired the spaceship to gallop in the direction of the Zongmen.

This time, one disciple of the Holy Sword Sect lost one person. There were originally two people. Later, a disciple heard the shout and came out. Entering the secret realm means falling. This time the loss can be minimized, thanks to Gu Xiangfei who brought them in advance. Come out, otherwise these sect disciples will come to the core area of ​​the secret realm and find so many resources, they will definitely fight with other sect disciples to rob these resources, and their fall is inevitable.

After flying for ten days on the road, Gu Xiangfei didn’t go to sort out what he got, but listened to the disciples from other peaks to exchange experiences on the spaceship.

These disciples often go out to practice and have a lot of experience. Gu Xiangfei didn’t speak a word. He listened to their narration of various experiences and learned a lot from them.

“Master Gu, may I ask how the Rain Grass used to refine Peilin Pill can be purified to more than 85%? When we arrived at Shangpin, our peak master asked me to go to Moon Knife Peak to look for peak master Gu. I went several times and the peak master Gu was not there. I happened to meet him today and wanted to ask for advice.” The disciple of Pill Peak respected Gu Xiang flew a salute.

The disciples were discussing about experience and training, but this disciple from the Pill Peak suddenly asked for advice on how to purify Linyu Grass. Everyone knows that Pei Lin Pill is a sixth-grade healing elixir. This disciple from the Pill Peak actually asked The master of Yuedao Peak asks for advice. Could it be that the master of Yuedao Peak is still able to make alchemy?

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