Wandering in the Void

After Gu Xiangfei was blasted into the crack of the void, he immediately knew it was not good, and hurriedly sacrificed the fairy armor to protect it first. He felt a pain in his consciousness. He knew that this was the consequence of using the Great Destruction Technique continuously.

With his current cultivation base of the Immortal Emperor, he can’t use the Great Destruction Technique continuously, but after he was blasted into the void crack, he was afraid that the demon emperor would continue to bombard Ping Yuesheng and them, so he forcibly used the Great Destruction Technique in desperation , blasted and killed the demon emperor, and his spiritual consciousness was seriously depleted, and he was a bit reluctant to sacrifice the fairy armor.

Just as he was about to take out the Soul Resurrection Pill from the ring, a blade of the void cut off his left arm. He was so frightened that he quickly grabbed the arm and connected it, so as not to be chopped into pieces by the blade of the void. It will be back to normal soon.

Another void blade light appeared, scaring him even more frantically to run the Qianyuan body training formula, resisting the void blade light while forging his body, and he had no time to take out the pill to recover, “Boom!” His head was hit by a void meteorite On the ground, I felt pain in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the remaining bit of consciousness was also diffused by the impact of the void meteorite.

His consciousness was seriously depleted, and he was constantly bombarded by void meteorites and blade lights. His Qianyuan body training formula was running to the extreme, kakaka! There was a continuous burst of explosions in the body, and the exercise technique finally broke through to the divine realm.

A void blade as big as a door panel bombarded him, and the fairy armor was shattered, but his body was not damaged at all.

“Boom!” Another void meteorite hit him, and the meteorite was shattered. There were only some red marks on his body. After a few breaths, he returned to normal.

I don’t know how long it has passed in the void, thanks to his breakthrough in body training, otherwise he would have fallen, the surroundings were so dark that there was no light at all, and occasionally only saw the sparks from the impact of meteorites in the distance, It went out in an instant.

There is not a trace of fairy energy in the void, and he does not dare to perform regular exercises now. Countless void blades and meteorites will bombard him at any time. He wanders here with the void floating indefinitely, and is hit by meteorites from time to time. It hit him again, his whole body was dizzy from the impact, and his consciousness was in great pain. He only had one belief, to keep running the Qianyuan Exercise to keep his body intact.

It may be a year, or it may be two years. Just when Gu Xiangfei was about to pass out, a ray of light appeared in front of him, and this light was obviously a crack in the void, which was slowly closing. Gu Xiangfei immediately jumped out of the crack in the void, and he The void crack behind it also healed instantly.

“Boom! Crack!” With a sound, Gu Xiangfei felt pain in his legs and passed out immediately.

Tianxiong Continent, this continent is more than a hundred times larger than Gu Xiangfei’s hometown, Tianwu Continent, and here is also respected by martial arts. A team of hundreds of beast carts are driving on the road. These beast carts are driven by three elephant beasts. Pulling carts, these elephant beasts are gentle and docile, powerful, extremely fast, and have long endurance. Many caravans use elephant beasts to pull carts.

The leader of the caravan was a Martial Emperor-level martial arts master named Li Nianzu. He was the leader of the caravan’s bodyguards. He kept clearing the way in front of the caravan, and he easily dismissed the robbers on the road.

“Boss Li! There is a dead man ahead.” Those who walked with himHe is also the bodyguard of the caravan, and he is called Dong Shuangxi, whose cultivation base is in the Wuzun realm.

“Go over and have a look.” The two of them did not ride an elephant beast, but a galloping moon horse. This kind of horse is fast and has good stamina. The only disadvantage is that it is weak and suitable for use as a mount.

“I’m still angry, my leg is broken, and there are not many wounds on my body. It may be that I jumped from a high place and broke my leg when I was escaping. I put it on the beast cart first, and went to the city ahead to treat his wounds. It’s fate to meet you.” Li Nianzu ordered several bodyguards to carry him to the beast cart and continue on his way.

I don’t know how long it took, Gu Xiangfei opened his eyes, and there was a huge pain in the sea of ​​consciousness, which almost made him faint again. He struggled to sit up, but failed several times. He felt himself lying on a moving car, He understood that he was rescued.

Now that his sea of ​​consciousness is dry, his consciousness cannot be used, he can’t take out the elixir in the ring, he can’t communicate with the star beads, so he quickly felt the aura here, and was shocked, there is no aura here, so he quickly performed the regular exercises, Wanting to assimilate the aura of rules here, as soon as the rules are activated, the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly hurts, and he passes out again.

“Boss Li, it’s okay to leave this person to the hospital! Why do I feel that this person is very mysterious, and there is nothing else on his body that can prove his identity, and his clothes are also tattered, but his skin is very good. The woman is still delicate and smooth.” Dong Shuangxi and the others sent the injured person to the medical clinic in the city, left a few silver coins, and then hurried on the road, but he had some doubts in his heart, so he couldn’t help but tell Li Nianzu.

“It’s probably the young master of some family. He took his servants out to play, and all his belongings were with the servants. After encountering the robbers, he ran away in a panic, jumped from a high place and broke his legs.” Li Nianzu made up his mind. Let’s take a look at this person’s background and tell Dong Shuangxi according to his own ideas.

When Gu Xiangfei woke up again, he found himself lying on the bed. His broken leg had been splinted and immobilized. An eleven or twelve-year-old boy with delicate features was wearing coarse clothes and was reading a medical book with a very serious expression. Be serious.

“$&@v.” Seeing that he woke up, the boy said something he couldn’t understand. Seeing Gu Xiangfei’s bewildered look, he thought he was injured and speechless, so he picked up a bowl of black concoction and took The soup spoon was fed into Gu Xiangfei’s mouth, Gu Xiangfei opened his mouth and drank the medicine. He didn’t need to take medicine for his trauma, he just wanted to find a trace of spiritual energy from these soups and medicines. After taking a sip of the medicine juice, he didn’t feel a trace of spiritual energy.

The boy fed the medicine juice with a spoon again, and he stopped drinking it. Things without aura are useless to him, “$$&_;@&&” The boy saw that he stopped drinking the medicine juice, and said a few more words , and then pointed to his broken leg, as if saying that this is medicine for a broken leg.

Gu Xiangfei shook his head, meaning he stopped drinking. As soon as he shook his head, he felt great pain from the sea of ​​consciousness again, and immediately passed out again.

Seeing that he had passed out again, the boy ran out quickly and found a white-haired old man. The old man grabbed his wrist and felt his pulse was strong and vigorous, as if his brain had been hit hard. After looking over his head, there was no scar on the outside, so he concluded that the brain was injured inside, so he turned and left to dispense medicine.

When Gu Xiangfei woke up again, he felt that someone was prying his mouth and pouring medicine into it. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the boy was feeding him the medicine, “$$$&&[email protected]” The boy saw that he woke up and said In a word, it means to heal your illness.

Feeling the boy’s kindness, Gu Xiangfei showed a smile and took a sip of the medicine obediently. He didn’t feel the aura in the medicine juice, but seeing the boy’s persistence, he insisted on finishing the medicine juice.

In the next few days, the boy gave him medicine every day, and then he took medical books to study, and talked with him from time to time. Gu Xiangfei couldn’t understand the language here, and only smiled occasionally to respond to the boy’s words. Learn the boy’s language slowly.

A month later, his broken leg healed a lot, and he also learned a little bit of language. At least he could communicate with the young man. He knew that the young man’s name was Chu Feng, this was Tie Lan City, and the medical clinic was called Hui Chun Tang Chu Feng didn’t know about the others, maybe because he was too young, and occasionally the old man would come over to check him up.

Chu Feng brought him a pair of crutches. Gu Xiangfei went out for the first time with the crutches, and found himself in a courtyard. The place was very clean and he could not feel the noise of the city at all.

Chu Feng brought Gu Xiangfei a chair, told him to sit down, and then went to the front clinic to help.

During this time, Gu Xiangfei felt that the sea of ​​consciousness didn’t hurt so much, maybe he could bear the huge pain and didn’t pass out again.

Without spiritual consciousness, he cannot open the ring, cannot take out the Resurrection Pill and Xinghai Pill, and his sea of ​​consciousness cannot be restored. Now he is in urgent need of spiritual energy, and the regular exercises are working. If he cannot absorb the spiritual energy, he cannot assimilate the spirit energy here. regular breath.

Gu Xiangfei sat on the chair, thinking that Ping Yuesheng would definitely bring the disciples of the Holy Sword Sect back to the sect, and he would definitely tell his uncle Wei Tianyun that he was blasted into the crack of the void, and his uncle would definitely tell Xiaoxue that he She and Yan Yixue have practiced the same heart formula, and Yan Yixue knows that he is not dead, so she will tell her uncle, but she will definitely be worried about his whereabouts.

When he thought of this, he felt a little anxious, and tried to find a trace of aura, but after a few cycles, he was disappointed again. It seemed that the regular exercise was useless. After leaving the aura, he was not as powerful as a warrior .

It suddenly occurred to me that this regular exercise is an epoch-making exercise, and it is impossible to cultivate only by relying on spiritual energy. Since there is no spiritual energy, it is also a rule. Why not follow the rules here?Cultivating according to the rules here, I was on the edge of my head, and I was looking for spiritual energy, but I didn’t expect to practice according to the rules here.

Thinking of this, he immediately operated the regular exercises, and the regular aura here quickly entered his body, turned into one of his many rules, and began to operate according to his exercises.

Chu Feng had been busy in the medical center for a long time, and felt hungry, only then remembered that Gu Xiangfei was still in the yard, and hurriedly brought food to the backyard. Don’t eat it, Chu Feng thinks that he is not used to the food in the hospital, and bought him a roast chicken with his little savings, but Gu Xiangfei still didn’t eat it, Chu Feng was so angry that he didn’t care about him, he loved it Don’t eat it, I’ll eat it if you don’t eat it, this roast chicken is a delicacy that I can only eat once during the festival.

When he came to the backyard, he saw that Gu Xiangfei was sitting cross-legged on a chair with his eyes closed, practicing with his five hearts turned to the sky. The aura exuding from his body was like that of an emperor.

Gu Xiangfei’s regular skills started to work. After the rules of heaven and earth here entered his body, he found that the regular breath here contained a kind of vitality, which was suitable for practicing martial arts, just like the vitality of his hometown, Tianwu Continent, which was just more powerful than Tianwu. Dalu’s vitality is a hundred times purer, without any other regular aura, so it’s no wonder he can’t absorb aura.

Run this vitality, break through one by one acupuncture points, and quickly enter the first level of Qi refining, then the second level of Qi refining, and after the third level of Qi refining, there is a pain in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then feel a burst of vitality entering the sea of ​​consciousness, as if it is dry after a long drought There is a trace of water flow in the land, although this water flow is very small, but at least it has nourished the land here, and a trace of spiritual consciousness has also been produced.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and grabbed a bunch of fairy crystals, then took out two bottles of elixir, swallowed the Soul Resurrection Pill and Xinghai Pill in one gulp, operated the regular kung fu to absorb the fairy aura, and the broken leg immediately returned to its original state. , Jindan Yuanying… After crossing the tribulation period, I felt the suppression of the rules of heaven and earth.

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